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Offline School Pros and Cons 2021

Tittle : Offline School Pros and Cons 2021
Thesis : If the school reopens, it will cause a new cluster of Covid-19 spread, and if the school
continues to be done online, it will have a negative impact on student growth.
Introduction Paragraph
A. Government decision to reopen schools in 2021
• There are pros and cons among the community
Body Paragraph
A. Increase the risk of Covid-19 transmission
• The rate of transmission of coronavirus in Indonesia is still above 10%
• Implementation of health protocols can’t be realized correctly
B. Students find it difficult to understand learning remotely
• The teacher did not give an explanation of the learning materials
• Students can't concentrate fully
• Students can't ask directly
C. Disrupting students' mental health
• Boredom causes stress
• Students threatened with dropouts
• Inhibiting student growth
Conclusion Paragraph
A. School stays online
• Providing training to teachers
• Mental health support for students
• Strengthening family education
Offline School Pros and Cons in 2021
The decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture to allow face-to-face schools to
take place in 2021 raises pros and cons among the community. Some people agree that online
learning is not effective. This is because teachers cannot monitor students directly, so students
can be lazy and not serious in online learning. And some other communities disagree, because
the return of face-to-face schools will add to the cluster of Covid-19 spread. In addition, cases of
Covid-19 patients in Indonesia are still increasing.
Reopening schools in 2021 is unrealistic. This is because the rate of transmission of
coronavirus in Indonesia is still high, which is above 10%. As the World Health Organization
advises, WHO, easing can be done if the transmission rate is below 5%. Although students are
required to implement health protocols in the school environment, this can not be realized
correctly. Students who are still children tend to prefer to move freely and ignore health
protocols, thus increasing the risk of transmission.
But if the learning is still long distance back also has a negative impact. The average
student cannot understand a lesson in remote conditions. According to a survey by the Ministry
of Education and Culture, 87% of teacher activities are just giving questions and not utilizing
technology in this digital era. In fact, there are many applications that can be used to support this
distance learning. In addition, students cannot concentrate fully if studying at home. Students
also cannot ask the teacher directly about material that is not understood.
In addition to students not understanding learning, distance learning also has an impact
on the mental health of the students. Students who are constantly at home and do not interact
with the outside world, can cause boredom that can later make students become stressed quickly
at a young age. Then students can also be threatened with dropping out of school, because not all
who can afford to buy mobile phones or remote learning support tools as well as the existence of
inadequate internet network access in each area, which causes some students to have to travel
long distances to do school online. And for students who are still children, online learning will
hinder their growth. Children who should have the freedom to learn through their environment,
but must be locked up indoors because of this pandemic situation.
From the pros and cons that occur among the community, in my opinion online learning
is still to be done, considering the increasing cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia. However, this must
be done in conjunction with the training provided to teachers in doing online learning, so that
teachers can take advantage of online learning support applications and use creative ways to keep
students understanding the lessons even though learning is still done online. In addition, it is also
important to provide mental support to students. Families have a key role and responsibility in
providing good guidance in the learning process of children at home and maintaining children's
mental health, for example by doing positive mentoring when students learn online at home and
identifying various indicators of mental problems in children.