Using the link: Pick 2 animals and fill out the table: Name: Name: Species (Common Name) Use the internet to find the scientific name Gender Size Weight Age (Young, juvenile, sub adult or adult) Latest Ping Describe the track of the animal geographically Describe the track of the animal bathymetrically Are there seasonal correlations to the animal’s location? 1. Explain the seasonal correlations (or lack thereof) based on water temperature, density, movement, etc… for each of the individuals. 2. Explain how bathymetric data might impact our understanding of organism movement in the ocean. 3. What features discussed in class (Continental shelf, slope, rise, abyssal plain, trench, seamount, submarine canyon, or mid-ocean ridge) do these individuals visit in their travel? Which ocean are they in? 4. Find one organism that has appeared to visit each of the ocean floor features: a. Mid-Atlantic Ridge – b. Volcanic Island Chain (Hawaii) – c. Southeastern Pacific Seamount d. Australian Continental Shelf e. Eastern Caribbean Abyssal Plain –