Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 ELAR Grade 07 Unit 05B Exemplar Lesson 01: Formulating Connections across All Genres This lesson is one approach to teaching the State Standards associated with this unit. Districts are encouraged to customize this lesson by supplementing with district-approved resources, materials, and activities to best meet the needs of learners. The duration for this lesson is only a recommendation, and districts may modify the time frame to meet students’ needs. To better understand how your district may be implementing CSCOPE lessons, please contact your child’s teacher. (For your convenience, please find linked the TEA Commissioner’s List of State Board of Education Approved Instructional Resources and Midcycle State Adopted Instructional Materials.) Lesson Organizer Lesson Synopsis Performance Indicators Students summarize, make inferences, and synthesize ideas in both literary and informational texts including theme and author’s purpose. In writing, students use the writing process to develop a piece of writing on a topic of personal interest. Students choose the appropriate genre for their audience and purpose. Students continue to build their knowledge of words by studying roots and affixes, context clues, analogies, and foreign words while using a dictionary as a resource for learning new words. Grade 07 ELAR Unit 05B PI 01 Read an excerpt from a novel or short fictional story and a piece of expository writing with a related topic. Identify the theme(s) in the literary work and the author’s purpose in the expository text. Complete a Venn diagram comparing the two texts including the theme(s) and author’s purpose. Provide textual evidence to support your understanding. Standard(s): 7.9A , 7.10D , 7.Fig19C , 7.Fig19D , 7.Fig19E , 7.Fig19F ELPS ELPS.c.1H , ELPS.c.4G , ELPS.c.4I , ELPS.c.4J , ELPS.c.4K , ELPS.c.5G Grade 07 ELAR Unit 05B PI 02 Choose a topic of personal interest and determine the message you want to convey. Select an appropriate genre (e.g., personal narrative, poem, imaginative story, essay, etc.) to convey your message. Develop a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing for an intended audience. Share your piece with others. Standard(s): 7.14A , 7.14B , 7.14C , 7.14D , 7.14E ELPS ELPS.c.1E , ELPS.c.2G , ELPS.c.3C , ELPS.c.3E , ELPS.c.5B , ELPS.c.5C , ELPS.c.5D , ELPS.c.5E , ELPS.c.5F , ELPS.c.5G Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 1 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Grade 07 ELAR Unit 05B PI 03 Write multiple response entries including thoughts, connections, and/or strategies that deepen understanding of literary and informational texts. Provide evidence from the text to support ideas. Standard(s): 7.17C , 7.Fig19A , 7.Fig19B , 7.Fig19C , 7.Fig19D , 7.Fig19E , 7.Fig19F ELPS ELPS.c.1E , ELPS.c.4D , ELPS.c.4F , ELPS.c.4G , ELPS.c.4I , ELPS.c.4J , ELPS.c.4K , ELPS.c.5F , ELPS.c.5G Grade 07 ELAR Unit 05B PI 04 Record multiple entries in a Vocabulary Notebook that demonstrate knowledge of new words, their meanings, and origins. Standard(s): 7.2A , 7.2B , 7.2C , 7.2D , 7.2E ELPS ELPS.c.1A , ELPS.c.1C , ELPS.c.1E , ELPS.c.1F , ELPS.c.1H , ELPS.c.4A , ELPS.c.5B , ELPS.c.5F , ELPS.c.5G Key Understandings Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. Authors use conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. Readers us strategies to support interpretation of text. Understanding new words and concepts enhances comprehension and oral and written communication. TEKS The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) listed below are the standards adopted by the State Board of Education, which are required by Texas law. Any standard that has a strike-through (e.g. sample phrase) indicates that portion of the standard is taught in a previous or subsequent unit. The TEKS are available on the Texas Education Agency website at 7.2 Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to: 7.2A Determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes. Readiness Standard 7.2B Use context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or ambiguous words. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 2 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Readiness Standard 7.2C Complete analogies that describe part to whole or whole to part. 7.2D Identify the meaning of foreign words commonly used in written English with emphasis on Latin and Greek words (e.g., habeus corpus, e pluribus unum, bona fide, nemesis). 7.6 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: 7.6A Explain the influence of the setting on plot development. Readiness Standard 7.6B Analyze the development of the plot through the internal and external responses of the characters, including their motivations and conflicts. Readiness Standard 7.9 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author's purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: 7.9A Explain the difference between the theme of a literary work and the author's purpose in an expository text. Supporting Standard 7.10 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: 7.10A Evaluate a summary of the original text for accuracy of the main ideas, supporting details, and overall meaning. Readiness Standard 7.10C Use different organizational patterns as guides for summarizing and forming an overview of different kinds of expository text. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 3 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Readiness Standard 7.10D Synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres, and support those findings with textual evidence. Readiness Standard 7.14 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to: 7.14A Plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea. 7.14B Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing. Readiness Standard 7.14C Revise drafts to ensure precise word choice and vivid images; consistent point of view; use of simple, compound, and complex sentences; internal and external coherence; and the use of effective transitions after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed. Readiness Standard 7.Fig19 Reading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to: 7.Fig19B Ask literal, interpretive, evaluative, and universal questions of text. 7.Fig19C Reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension (e.g., summarizing and synthesizing; making textual, personal, and world connections; creating sensory images). 7.Fig19D Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 4 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Readiness Standard (Fiction, Expository) Supporting Standard (Literary Nonfiction, Poetry, and Drama, Persuasive) 7.Fig19E Summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts. Readiness Standard (Fiction, Expository) Supporting Standard (Literary Nonfiction, Poetry, and Drama, Persuasive) 7.Fig19F Make connections between and across texts, including other media (e.g., film, play), and provide textual evidence. Readiness Standard Ongoing TEKS 7.1 Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to: 7.1A Adjust fluency when reading aloud grade-level text based on the reading purpose and the nature of the text. 7.2 Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to: 7.2E Use a dictionary, a glossary, or a thesaurus (printed or electronic) to determine the meanings, syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words. Readiness Standard 7.3 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: 7.3A Describe multiple themes in a work of fiction. Supporting Standard 7.6 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 5 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 support their understanding. Students are expected to: 7.6C Analyze different forms of point of view, including first-person, third-person omniscient, and third-person limited. Supporting Standard 7.10 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: 7.10B Distinguish factual claims from commonplace assertions and opinions. Supporting Standard 7.11 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Persuasive Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis. Students are expected to: 7.11A Analyze the structure of the central argument in contemporary policy speeches (e.g., argument by cause and effect, analogy, authority) and identify the different types of evidence used to support the argument. Supporting Standard 7.11B Identify such rhetorical fallacies as ad hominem, exaggeration, stereotyping, or categorical claims in persuasive texts. Supporting Standard 7.12 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts. Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to: 7.12A Follow multi-dimensional instructions from text to complete a task, solve a problem, or perform procedures. 7.12B Explain the function of the graphical components of a text. Supporting Standard 7.14 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to: Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 6 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 7.14D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Readiness Standard 7.14E Revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences. 7.15 Writing/Literary Texts. Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people, events, and ideas. Students are expected to: 7.15A Write an imaginative story that: 7.15A.i sustains reader interest. 7.15A.ii includes well-paced action and an engaging story line. 7.15A.iii creates a specific, believable setting through the use of sensory details. 7.15A.iv develops interesting characters. 7.15A.v uses a range of literary strategies and devices to enhance the style and tone. 7.15B Write a poem using: 7.15B.i poetic techniques (e.g., rhyme scheme, meter). 7.15B.ii figurative language (e.g., personification, idioms, hyperbole). 7.15B.iii graphic elements (e.g., word position). 7.16 Writing/Personal. Students write about their own experiences. Students are expected to: 7.16A Write a personal narrative that has a clearly defined focus and communicates the importance of or reasons for actions and/or consequences. Readiness Standard 7.17 Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write expository and procedural or workrelated texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to: 7.17A Write a multi-paragraph essay to convey information about a topic that: Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 7 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Readiness Standard 7.17A.i presents effective introductions and concluding paragraphs. Readiness Standard (Reporting Category 1 Composition) Supporting Standard (Reporting Category 2 Revision) 7.17A.ii contains a clearly stated purpose or controlling idea. Readiness Standard (Reporting Category 1 Composition) Supporting Standard (Reporting Category 2 Revision) 7.17A.iii is logically organized with appropriate facts and details and includes no extraneous information or inconsistencies. Readiness Standard (Reporting Category 1 Composition) Supporting Standard (Reporting Category 2 Revision) 7.17A.iv accurately synthesizes ideas from several sources. Readiness Standard (Reporting Category 1 Composition) Supporting Standard (Reporting Category 2 Revision) 7.17A.v uses a variety of sentence structures, rhetorical devices, and transitions to link paragraphs. Readiness Standard (Reporting Category 1 Composition) Supporting Standard (Reporting Category 2 Revision) 7.17B Write a letter that reflects an opinion, registers a complaint, or requests information in a business or friendly context. 7.17C Write responses to literary or expository texts that demonstrate the writing skills for multiparagraph essays and provide sustained evidence from the text using quotations when appropriate. 7.19 Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions. Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to: 7.19A Identify, use, and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking: Readiness Standard Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 8 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 7.19A.i verbs (perfect and progressive tenses) and participles. Supporting Standard 7.19A.ii appositive phrases. Supporting Standard 7.19A.iii adverbial and adjectival phrases and clauses. Supporting Standard 7.19A.iv conjunctive adverbs (e.g., consequently, furthermore, indeed). Supporting Standard 7.19A.v prepositions and prepositional phrases and their influence on subject-verb agreement. Supporting Standard relative pronouns (e.g., whose, that, which). Supporting Standard 7.19A.vii subordinating conjunctions (e.g., because, since). Supporting Standard 7.19A.viii transitions for sentence to sentence or paragraph to paragraph coherence. Supporting Standard 7.19B Write complex sentences and differentiate between main versus subordinate clauses. Supporting Standard 7.19C Use a variety of complete sentences (e.g., simple, compound, complex) that include properly placed modifiers, correctly identified antecedents, parallel structures, and consistent tenses. Readiness Standard 7.20 Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to: 7.20A Use conventions of capitalization. Readiness Standard Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 9 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 7.20B Recognize and use punctuation marks including: Readiness Standard 7.20B.i commas after introductory words, phrases, and clauses. Supporting Standard 7.20B.ii semicolons, colons, and hyphens. Supporting Standard 7.21 Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: 7.21A Spell correctly, including using various resources to determine and check correct spellings. Readiness Standard 7.26 Listening and Speaking/Listening. Students will use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to: 7.26A Listen to and interpret a speaker's purpose by explaining the content, evaluating the delivery of the presentation, and asking questions or making comments about the evidence that supports a speaker's claims. 7.26C Draw conclusions about the speaker's message by considering verbal communication (e.g., word choice, tone) and nonverbal cues (e.g., posture, gestures, facial expressions). 7.28 Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to: 7.28A Participate productively in discussions, plan agendas with clear goals and deadlines, set time limits for speakers, take notes, and vote on key issues. 7.Fig19 Reading/Comprehension Skills. Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to: 7.Fig19A Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 10 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Materials Vocabulary Notebook (1 per student) Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Reader’s Notebook (1) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Sticky note (3-5 per student) Note card (1 per 2-3 students) Dictionary (class set) Chart paper Grade-appropriate fictional short story (class set) Grade-appropriate expository text with similar ideas to the fictional short story (class set) Grade-appropriate literary text that corresponds with an informational text (class set) Grade-appropriate informational text that corresponds with a literary text (class set) 2 grade-appropriate excerpts from a novel or a short fictional stories that correspond with expository texts (class set) 2 grade-appropriate expository texts that correspond with excerpts or short fictional stories (class set) Collection of grade-appropriate texts for student selection Attachments All attachments associated with this lesson are referenced in the body of the lesson. Due to considerations for grading or student assessment, attachments that are connected with Performance Indicators or serve as answer keys are available in the district site and are not accessible on the public website. Handout: Story Map (1 per student, optional) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview (1) TeacherTeacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer (1) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer (1) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Alternative Plan (optional) Resources and References None identified Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 11 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Possible/Optional Literature Selections None identified Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 12 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 1 WORD STUDY TEKS 7.2B Key Understandings and Guiding Questions READING Ongoing TEKS 7.2E TEKS 7.Fig19C,D,E 7.6A,B Understanding new words and concepts enhances comprehension and oral and written communication. — What do effective readers do when they come across a word they do not know or understand? WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.1A 7.6C 7.17C Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? TEKS 7.14A Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? Vocabulary of Instruction Context clue Setting Exposition Rising action Climax/turning point Last Updated 05/03/2013 Ongoing TEKS Topic Message Genre Audience page 13 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 1 WORD STUDY READING WRITING Falling action Denouement/resolution Materials Vocabulary Notebook (1 per student) Sticky note (3-5 per student) Collection of gradeappropriate texts for student selection Chart paper (if applicable) Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Reader’s Notebook (1) Grade-appropriate fictional short story (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview (1) Handout: Story Map (1 per student, optional) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer (1) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare to display the Anchor 2. Select a grade-appropriate fictional Chart: Using Context Clues from short story with clear plot elements. Unit 05A, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson Be sure there is a class set of the 1 Word Study. text. This text will be used again in Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare to display several pieces of writing from the Teacher Writer’s Notebook. page 14 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 1 WORD STUDY READING 3. Prepare a collection of gradeappropriate texts for student selection. Students can also use their Independent Reading text or any text being used in Reading. WRITING Daily Lesson 2 Reading. Preview the text and determine two stopping points for discussion before the students finish reading with a partner. 3. Prepare to display the Handout: 4. Select a text from the collection to Story Map or create the same use for modeling. Preview the text story map on chart paper for and identify 2-3 words that may display. be unfamiliar to students and have enough context to determine 4. Duplicate the Handout: Story Map the meaning. for each student or prepare for students to create one in their 5. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Reader’s Notebooks. Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview. Prepare accordingly. 5. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer. Plan accordingly. Background Information Setting - the time and place in which a narrative occurs. Elements of setting may include the physical, psychological, cultural, or historical background against which the story takes place. Exposition - an introduction that provides necessary details about characters and setting; the main problem or conflict is introduced Rising action - the part of the story that develops the problem/conflict through a series of events that build interest and/or suspense; these events lead up to the Last Updated 05/03/2013 Audience - the intended target group for a message, regardless of the medium Genre - the type or class of a work, usually categorized by form, technique, or content page 15 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 1 WORD STUDY READING WRITING climax/turning point Climax/turning point - the highest point in the story where the problem/conflict reaches its peak; the turning point can be the event right before the climax, or can also be considered the climax Falling action - the event(s) after the climax/turning point leading to the resolution Denouement/Resolution - the conclusion to the story that reveals the solution to the problem/conflict; not all stories have clear resolutions Teacher Notes When gathering resources for Reading in this Unit, it is important to find resources that have similar ideas, as students will be comparing literary and informational texts with similar ideas. Consider similarities in theme, topic, author, literary techniques, etc. Last Updated 05/03/2013 Prepare to display several pieces of writing (finished and unfinished) from the Teacher Writer’s Notebook. page 16 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 1 WORD STUDY READING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 15 min. Content Objective: Students use context to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or ambiguous words. Mini Lesson 1. Ask: How do you determine the 1. Reading Appetizer: 3-5 min. meaning of a word you do not 2. Display the Handout: Story Map. know? Discuss responses. Review the different elements of 2. Review that although using a plot. dictionary is one option for figuring 3. Distribute the selected fictional out what an unknown word means, short story and the Handout: effective readers do not always Story Map to each student. use one. Sometimes, they use the clues in the text to figure out what 4. Read the fictional short story the word means. aloud to the first stopping point. Pause to complete the relevant 3. Display the Anchor Chart: Using parts of the displayed Handout: Context Clues. Review the Story Map. Students also take different types of context clues. notes on their Handout: Story 4. Display and introduce the text Map. selected for modeling. 5. Ask: What is the setting of the 5. Read the text aloud until the first story? How is the setting unfamiliar word. Think Aloud and affecting the development of model looking for clues to help the plot so far? Discuss figure out what the word means. responses. Suggested Duration: 40-50 min. Content Objective: Students analyze the development of plot including how the setting affects the development of plot. 6. Record any relevant clues on a sticky note and explain how the context helped to determine the Last Updated 05/03/2013 WRITING Suggested Duration: 25-30 min. Content Objective: Students generate ideas and plan their purpose, audience, and genre. 1. Review all the different genres that students have written including poems, imaginative stories, personal narratives, expository essays, persuasive essays, and letters. Display and review several pieces of writing from the Teacher Writer’s Notebook. 2. Explain that they will choose a topic of personal interest to develop into a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing in the genre best suited to convey their message. 3. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook, brainstorm a list of possible writing topics. 4. Think Aloud and choose one of the topics. Discuss the topic and the message that needs to be conveyed. Think Aloud about choosing a genre to convey the page 17 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 message to an intended audience. meaning of the word. Ask students what other types of clues they have used when reading to figure out the meaning of words. Record the inferred meaning on the sticky note. 5. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook, record the topic, the message, the selected genre, and the intended audience. 7. Continue this process with the other unfamiliar words. Learning Applications 1. Provide each student with 3-5 sticky notes. Instruct students to select a text from the collection or use their Independent Reading text. 2. Students read the text individually or with a partner. 3. When students come to an underlined word, they look for context clues to help them determine the meaning of the word. Students record the word, the clues, and an inferred definition on a sticky note. 1. Read the fictional short story aloud to the second stopping point. 2. Instruct students to complete the relevant parts of the Handout: Story Map with a partner. 3. As a class, discuss what was added to the Handout: Story Map. Also, discuss if the setting has changed and its influence on plot development. 4. With a partner, students finish reading the selected fictional short story and continue to complete the Handout: Story Map. 1. Students review the writing in their Writer’s Notebooks. 2. With a partner, students discuss possible topics of personal interest. Students select a topic and discuss the message they want to convey. 3. Students decide on a genre and an intended audience for their piece of writing. 4. In their Writer’s Notebooks, students record their topic, message, selected genre, and intended audience. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. Students share the words and clues they found. 1. As a class, discuss and analyze the development of plot in the selected fictional short story including the influence of setting on the development of the plot. Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. With the class or small group, students share their topic, the reason for choosing the topic, the message they want to convey, audience, and genre. page 18 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 19 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 2 READING TEKS 7.Fig19C,D,E 7.6B WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.Fig19A TEKS 7.14A Ongoing TEKS 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B Key Understandings and Guiding Questions Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? Vocabulary of Instruction Character Conflict Motivation Internal External Topic Message Genre Audience Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Materials Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 20 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 2 READING Grade-appropriate fictional short story from Daily Lesson 1 (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) WRITING Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer (1) Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare to use the selected fictional short story 2. Prepare to display various graphic organizers along with the completed Handout: Story Map for planning. from Daily Lesson 1 Reading. 3. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 3. Display Anchor Chart: Analyzing Characters in 05B Writing Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. Plot Development from Unit 04B, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 3 Reading. Background Information Conflict - in literature, the opposition of persons or forces that brings about dramatic action central to the plot of a story. Conflict may be internal, as a psychological conflict within a character, or external (e.g., man versus man, man versus nature, or man versus society). Internal response of a character - a response demonstrated through inner thoughts and feelings External responses of a character - a response demonstrated by the character through speech or action Possible character motivations for decisions, actions, and changes: Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 21 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 2 READING WRITING Intellectual motivation Emotional motivation Physical motivation Importance of status Possible examples of unique human qualities: Courage/fear Ambition/laziness Honesty/dishonesty Steps in analyzing characters in plot development: Identify the character’s unique human qualities Identify the character’s internal conflict and motivation Identify the character’s external conflict, motivation, and responses Determine its effect from the characters unique human qualities, motivations, and conflicts Explain characters’ influence (through motivation and conflict) on plot development Teacher Notes Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 22 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 2 READING WRITING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 45-50 min. Content Objective: Students analyze the development of plot through the internal and external responses of the characters, including their motivations and conflicts. Suggested Duration: 40-50 min. Content Objective: Students plan a first draft using an appropriate graphic organizer. Mini Lesson 1. Display the fictional short story and the completed Handout: Story Map from Daily Lesson 1 Reading. Review the plot elements. 1. Writing Appetizer: 5-10 min. 2. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook, review the topic, message, genre, and audience of the 2. Display the Anchor Chart: Analyzing Characters piece of writing being developed. in Plot Development. Review the steps in 3. Think Aloud about and develop the thesis analysis. statement or controlling idea. Record the thesis 3. Select one of the characters from the fictional statement or controlling idea in the Teacher short story. Choose an event on the Handout: Writer’s Notebook. Story Map. Think Aloud about the character’s 4. Ask: What type of organizational structure internal and external responses to the event fits this type of writing? Discuss including their motivations and conflicts. responses. 5. Display and discuss different types of graphic organizers for different genres and purposes. 6. Select an appropriate graphic organizer for the modeled writing and create it in the Teacher Writer’s Notebook. 7. Model completing the graphic organizer. Make sure the ideas support the thesis or controlling idea. Learning Applications 1. With a partner, students select another character from the fictional short story. Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Students review the topic, message, genre, and audience of the piece of writing they are page 23 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 2. Students choose 2-3 events on the Handout: Story Map. Students discuss and record the character’s internal and external responses to the event including their motivations and conflicts. developing. 2. Students determine and write their thesis statement or controlling idea in their Writer’s Notebooks. 3. Students select a graphic organizer that supports their genre. Students create the graphic organizer in their Writer’s Notebooks. 4. Students plan their ideas for the new writing piece. Students include ideas that support the thesis or controlling idea. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. As a class, discuss the other characters and their influence on plot development. Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. With a partner, students review each idea and make sure each one supports the thesis statement. page 24 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 3 WORD STUDY TEKS 7.2A Key Understandings and Guiding Questions READING Ongoing TEKS 7.2E TEKS Ongoing TEKS 7.Fig19B,C,D,E 7.10C Understanding new words and concepts enhances comprehension and oral and written communication. — How do you determine the meaning of a word you do not know? Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? WRITING TEKS 7.14A,B Ongoing TEKS 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Authors use the conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How do conventions of language impact communication? Vocabulary of Instruction Prefix Organizational pattern Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 25 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 3 WORD STUDY READING Suffix Summary Vocabulary Notebook ( 1 per student) Chart paper (if applicable) Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Grade-appropriate expository text with similar ideas to the fictional short story from Daily Lessons 1 and 2 Reading (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview (1) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer (1) WRITING Materials Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Select two prefixes and two suffixes to use for instruction and add them to the Word Wall. Identify the definitions for each prefix and suffix. 2. Choose a grade-appropriate expository text with similar ideas to the fictional short story from Daily Lessons 1 and 2 Reading. This text will be used in Daily Lessons 3 and 4 Reading. 3. Select an unfamiliar grade-level academic word that includes one of the prefixes and one of the suffixes. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 3. Prepare to display the Anchor Charts: Organizational Patterns and Graphic Organizers from Unit Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 26 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 3 WORD STUDY READING 4. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview. Prepare accordingly. Background Information WRITING 05A, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 5 Reading. 4. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. Organizational pattern - the pattern an author constructs as he organizes his or her ideas and provides supporting details Possible organizational patterns: Cause and effect Sequential order Description Order of importance Compare-and-contrast Logical order Classification schemes Proposition-and-support Problem-and-solution Summarize - to reduce large sections of text to their essential points and main ideas. Note: It is still important to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Teacher Notes Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 27 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 3 WORD STUDY READING WRITING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 15 min. Content Objective: Students use prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of grade-level academic words. Suggested Duration: 30-40 min. Content Objective: Students use organizational patterns to summarize and form an overview of expository texts. Suggested Duration: 30-40 min. Content Objective: Students develop a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing. Mini Lesson 1. Instruct students to turn to their Personal Word Walls in their Vocabulary Notebooks. The first page “Prefix” should mirror the “Prefix” column of the classroom Word Wall. The second page should be the same as the “Suffix” column of the classroom Word Wall. 1. Reading Appetizer: 3-5 min. 1. Display and review the graphic organizer that was modeled in the Teacher Writer’s Notebook from Daily Lesson 2 Writing. 2. Display the selected prefixes and suffixes. Define each prefix /suffix and add them to the Word Wall. Students record the prefixes and suffixes in their Vocabulary Notebooks. 2. Display Anchor Chart: Organizational Patterns. Review the different organizational patterns by providing a brief 2. Use the graphic organizer to description and/or text example for demonstrate writing the beginning each organizational pattern listed. of the modeled writing piece. Think Aloud about the features 3. Display the Anchor Chart: Graphic unique to the genre being Organizers. Review the purpose of modeled. Discuss how the ideas each organizer and match them are connected to the thesis or up with an appropriate controlling idea. organizational pattern. 4. Display the selected expository text. 5. Either read the text aloud or provide time for students to read the text independently or with a partner. 6. Ask: What type of information is presented in the text? What was the author’s purpose? Discuss responses. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 28 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 7. Ask: How did the author organize the information in the text? Which organizational pattern fits the text? Discuss responses. 8. Ask: Which of the graphic organizers would be appropriate for recording information from the text? Discuss responses. 9. In the Teacher Reader’s Notebook, draw the appropriate graphic organizer. Think Aloud and add 2-3 ideas from the text to the graphic organizer. Learning Applications 1. Divide students into four groups. Assign each group a prefix or suffix. 1. Students draw the graphic organizer in their Reader’s Notebooks. 1. Students review the graphic organizer in their Writer’s Notebooks from Daily Lesson 2 Writing. 2. Students write their assigned 2. With a partner, students continue prefix or suffix in a circle on a to record ideas from the text in the 2. Using the graphic organizer, blank page in their Vocabulary graphic organizer. students write the beginning of Notebook. As a group, students their piece of writing. Students 3. Monitor students and provide brainstorm as many words as they consider the unique features of assistance as necessary. can that have their prefix. Each their genre while they are writing student records the words in and make sure their ideas support around the circled prefix. the thesis or controlling idea. 3. Discuss each group’s brainstormed words. Add 2-3 words to the Word Wall under the appropriate prefixes and suffixes. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 29 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 4. Present an unfamiliar word that uses one of the three prefixes and/or suffixes. 5. Instruct students to use the prefix and/or suffix to help them define the word, as they record definitions in their Vocabulary Notebooks. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. Ask: Why does a reader need to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words? Discuss responses. 1. As a class, discuss the information 1. Student share their draft with a that was added to the graphic partner. organizer. 2. Ask: How does the organizational pattern help us to get an overview of the text? Discuss responses. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 30 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 4 READING TEKS WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.Fig19C,D,E,F 7.10A,D TEKS 7.14B Ongoing TEKS 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B Key Understandings and Guiding Questions Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Authors use the conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How do conventions of language impact communication? Vocabulary of Instruction Summarize Evaluate Main idea Synthesize Connection Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 31 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 4 READING WRITING Materials Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Grade-appropriate expository text from Daily Lesson 3 (class set) Grade-appropriate fictional short story from Daily Lessons 1 and 2 Reading (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer (1) Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare the grade-appropriate expository text from Daily Lesson 3 and the fictional short story from Daily Lessons 1 and 2 Reading. 2. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. 3. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Criteria for Writing an Effective Summary from Unit 05A, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 1 Reading. 4. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Synthesizing Information Across Texts from Unit 05A, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 8 Reading. 5. Create a large Venn diagram to compare the expository text from this Daily Lesson and the fictional text from Daily Lessons 1 and 2 Reading. Background Information Summarize - to reduce large sections of text to their Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 32 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 4 READING WRITING essential points and main ideas. Note: It is still important to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Synthesize - combine elements and parts to form a coherent whole Steps in synthesis: Identify similar/related information from multiple texts of the same or different genres including informational and literary genres Draw conclusions and explain the overall connections/ relationships between the two genres Teacher Notes Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 33 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 4 READING WRITING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 40-50 min. Content Objective: Students evaluate summaries for accuracy of the main ideas and details. Students synthesize and make logical connections between two texts with similar ideas. Mini Lesson 1. Display (and distribute, if applicable) the 1. Writing Appetizer: 5-10 min. expository text read in Daily Lesson 3 Reading. 2. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook, review the Display and instruct students to review the modeled graphic organizer and reread what graphic organizer completed for the text in Daily was written in Daily Lesson 3 Writing. Lesson 3 Reading. Review the content of the text. 3. Use the graphic organizer to demonstrate writing the middle of the modeled writing piece. 2. Display the Anchor Chart: Criteria for Writing an Think Aloud about the features unique to the Effective Summary. Review the criteria of an genre being modeled. Discuss how the ideas effective summary. are connected to the thesis or controlling idea. 3. Tell students they will write a summary about the expository text read in Daily Lesson 3 Reading. Learning Applications 1. In their Reader’s Notebooks, students summarize the expository text read aloud using the criteria on the Anchor Chart: Criteria for Writing an Effective Summary. 2. Monitor and assist if necessary. 3. Students exchange summaries and evaluate them for accuracy of main ideas and details. Suggested Duration: 45-50 min. Content Objective: Students plan and organize their topic of choice. 1. Students review the graphic organizers in their Writer’s Notebooks. 2. Using their graphic organizers, students write the middle of their writing pieces. Students consider the unique features of their genre while they are writing and make sure their ideas connect with the thesis or controlling idea. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 34 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Closure 1. Ask students to share the summaries they evaluated. 2. Display the fictional text from Daily Lessons 1 and 2 Reading. 1. Students share their drafts with a partner and discuss how their ideas support the thesis or controlling idea. 3. Anchor Chart: Synthesizing Information across Texts. Review the steps in synthesis including how to make connections between texts. 4. Display the large Venn diagram. Ask: What are the similarities and differences between the fictional and expository texts? Discuss responses and record them on the Venn diagram. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 35 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 5 WORD STUDY TEKS 7.2A Key Understandings and Guiding Questions READING Ongoing TEKS 7.2E TEKS 7.Fig19B,C,D,E,F Understanding new words and concepts enhances comprehension and oral and written communication. — How do you determine the meaning of a word you do not know? WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.3A 7.17C Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? TEKS 7.14B Ongoing TEKS 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Authors use the conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How do conventions of language impact communication? Vocabulary of Instruction Root Literary text Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 36 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 5 WORD STUDY READING WRITING Prefix Suffix Materials Vocabulary Notebook (1 per student) Dictionary (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Grade-appropriate literary text that corresponds with the informational text selected for Daily Lesson 6 Reading (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview (1) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer (1) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Create a list of root words for students to use to add prefixes or suffixes to make new words. Select roots that are found in grade-level academic words and words found in Reading. 2. Select a literary text from any literary genre (e.g., poetry, literary nonfiction, drama, traditional literature, fiction, etc.). Choose a text that corresponds with the informational text that will be used in Daily Lesson 6 Reading. 3. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview. Prepare accordingly. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 3. Display any Anchor Charts or Handouts that correspond with the Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 37 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 5 WORD STUDY READING WRITING literary genre chosen for this Daily Lesson. 4. Prepare to display a variety of graphic organizers. 5. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. Background Information Teacher Notes For this Daily Lesson, teachers can choose any literary genre. Consider selecting a genre in which students may have struggled with in the past or consider using multiple literary texts in different genres and have different groups of students read different literary genres. If several different texts are used, be sure that they are similar in ideas so they can be compared to the informational text being used in Daily Lesson 8 Reading. Be sure to refer to the on-going TEKS for the genre selected. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 38 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 5 WORD STUDY READING WRITING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 15 min. Content Objective: Students determine the meaning of grade-level words using roots and affixes. Suggested Duration: 35-40 min. Content Objective: Students understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of literary texts. Suggested Duration: 35-40 min. Content Objective: Students develop a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing. Mini Lesson 1. Display the teacher-created root word list. 1. Reading Appetizer: 3-5 min. 1. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook, review the modeled graphic organizer and reread what was written in Daily Lesson 4 Writing. 2. Explain each of the root words and discuss their meanings. 3. Review the prefixes and suffixes that have been learned so far this school year. Refer to the Word Wall and students’ Vocabulary Notebooks as necessary. Learning Applications 1. Distribute a dictionary to each student. 2. Display and review any Anchor Charts or Handouts that correspond with the literary genre selected for this Daily Lesson. 2. Use the graphic organizer to demonstrate writing the middle of 3. Display and distribute the selected the modeled writing piece. Think literary text. Ask: What type of Aloud about the features unique text is this? How do you know? to the genre being modeled. Discuss responses including the Discuss how the ideas are structure and elements of the connected to the thesis or literary text being read. controlling idea. 4. Instruct students to read the literary text with a partner and choose an appropriate graphic organizer to record ideas from the text. Display various graphic organizers of which students may choose. 1. With a partner, students read the literary text and discuss the ideas Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Student review the graphic organizers in their Writer’s page 39 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 being presented in the text. Notebooks from Daily Lesson 4. Students also discuss the features 2. Using their graphic organizers, and elements unique to the students write the middle of their particular literary text. writing pieces. Students consider 3. Students add prefixes and suffixes 2. With their partner, students select the unique features of their genre to the roots to create words. and create an appropriate graphic while they are writing and make Students look up the words they organizer in their Reader’s sure their ideas connect with the create in the dictionary to confirm Notebooks. thesis or controlling idea. spelling and determine meaning. 3. Students record the ideas from 4. Monitor the students’ progress the literary text in the selected and assist as needed. graphic organizer. 2. Instruct students to record the roots in their Vocabulary Notebooks. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. Ask: How can knowing the meaning of root words help you determine the meaning of unknown words? Discuss responses. 1. Students share their graphic organizer with another pair of students. 2. As a class, discuss the features and elements of the literary text, make inferences, and draw conclusions from the ideas presented in the text. 1. Students share their drafts with a partner and discuss how their ideas support the thesis or controlling idea. 3. Ask: What was the theme of this literary text? Discuss responses and ask students to provide text evidence to support their ideas about theme. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 40 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 6 READING TEKS 7.Fig19B,C,D,E,F WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.10B 7.11A,B 7.12A,B 7.17C TEKS 7.14B Ongoing TEKS 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B Key Understandings and Guiding Questions Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Authors use the conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How does conventions of language impact communication? Vocabulary of Instruction Materials Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Reader’s Notebook (1) Grade-appropriate informational text that Last Updated 05/03/2013 Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) page 41 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 6 READING WRITING corresponds with the literary text read in Daily Lesson 5 Reading (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer (1) Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Select an informational text from any informational genre (e.g., expository, persuasive, procedural, etc.). Choose a text that corresponds with the literary text read in Daily Lesson 7 Reading. 2. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. 3. Prepare to display any Anchor Charts or Handouts that correspond with the informational genre chosen for this Daily Lesson. 4. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Synthesizing Information Across Texts from Daily Lesson 4 Reading. Background Information Synthesize - combine elements and parts to form a coherent whole Draw conclusions - a form of inference in which the reader gathers information, considers the general thoughts or ideas that emerge from the information, and comes to a decision. The conclusion is generally based on more than one piece of information. Teacher Notes For this Daily Lesson, teachers can choose any Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 42 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 6 READING WRITING informational genre. Consider selecting a genre in which students may have struggled with in the past or consider using multiple informational texts in different genres and have different groups of students read different informational genres. If several different texts are used, be sure that they are similar in ideas so they can be compared to the literary text used in Daily Lesson 5 Reading. Be sure to refer to the on-going TEKS for the genre selected. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 43 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 6 READING WRITING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 45-50 min. Content Objective: Students understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of informational texts. Students synthesize and make logical connections between texts. Suggested Duration: 40-50 min. Content Objective: Students develop a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing. Mini Lesson 1. Display and review any Anchor Charts or 1. Writing Appetizer: 5-10 min. Handouts that correspond with the informational 2. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook, review the genre selected for this Daily Lesson. modeled graphic organizer and reread what 2. Display and distribute the selected was written in Daily Lesson 5 Writing. informational text. Ask: What type of text is 3. Use the graphic organizer to demonstrate this? How do you know? Discuss responses writing the middle of the modeled writing piece. including the structure and elements of the Think Aloud about the features unique to the informational text being read. genre being modeled. Discuss how the ideas 3. Instruct students to read the informational text are connected to the thesis or controlling idea. with a partner and choose an appropriate graphic organizer to record ideas from the text. Display various graphic organizers of which students may choose. Learning Applications 1. With a partner, students read the informational 1. Students review the graphic organizers in their text and discuss the ideas being presented in Writer’s Notebooks from Daily Lesson 2 Writing. the text. Students also discuss the features and 2. Using their graphic organizers, students write elements unique to the particular informational the middle of their writing pieces. Students text. consider the unique features of their genre 2. With their partner, students select and create while they are writing and make sure their ideas an appropriate graphic organizer in their connect with the thesis or controlling idea. Reader’s Notebooks. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 44 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 3. Students record the ideas from the informational text in the selected graphic organizer. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. Students share their graphic organizer with another pair of students. 2. As a class, discuss the features and elements of the informational text, make inferences, and draw conclusions from the ideas presented in the text. 1. Students share their drafts with a partner and discuss how their ideas support the thesis or controlling idea. 3. Display and review the steps for synthesis. 4. Display the literary text from Daily Lesson 5 Reading. Ask: What ideas from each text can we combine and synthesize to form a new idea? Discuss and record responses in the Teacher Reader’s Notebook. 5. Model writing a response in the Teacher Reader’s Notebook that synthesizes and makes connections between the two texts and includes text evidence to support ideas. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 45 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 7 WORD STUDY TEKS 7.2D Key Understandings and Guiding Questions READING Ongoing TEKS 7.2E TEKS 7.Fig19B,C,D,E,F 7.9A Understanding new words and concepts enhances comprehension and oral and written communication. — How do you determine the meaning of a word you do not know? WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.3A 7.17C Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? TEKS 7.14B Ongoing TEKS 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Authors use the conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How does conventions of language impact communication? Vocabulary of Instruction Foreign word Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 46 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 7 WORD STUDY READING WRITING Foreign phrase Materials Vocabulary Notebook (1 per student) Note card (1 per 2-3 students) Chart paper (if applicable) Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Grade-appropriate excerpt from a novel or a short fictional story that corresponds with the expository text in Daily Lesson 8 Reading (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview (1) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer (1) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare to display the Anchor 2. Prepare to display any Anchor Chart: Foreign Words and Charts and Handouts related to Phrases Used in English from Unit understanding fictional texts. 05A, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 7 3. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Word Study. Add three additional Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading foreign words and phrases used Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. in English with an emphasis on Greek and Latin words. Possible words and phrases could include: habeas corpus, e pluribus unum, bona fide, nemesis, pro bono, ad Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 47 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 7 WORD STUDY READING WRITING hoc, et cetera, in memoriam, mea culpa, quid pro quo, vice versa, status quo, persona non grata, cogito ergo sum, ad nauseam, etc. 3. Write two of the selected foreign words or phrases on a note card for every 2-3 students. Use the third foreign word or phrase for modeling. 4. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview. Prepare accordingly. Background Information Teacher Notes Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 48 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 7 WORD STUDY READING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 15 min. Content Objective: Students identify the meaning of foreign words commonly used in English. Mini Lesson 1. Display the Anchor Chart: Foreign 1. Reading Appetizer: 3-5 min. Words and Phrases Used in 2. Display and review any Anchor English. Read each of the three Charts and Handouts related to selected words or phrases aloud. fictional texts. 2. Using the selected foreign word or 3. Distribute the selected fictional phrase for modeling, Think Aloud text. Instruct students to read the about background knowledge text with a partner and write a about the word or phrases response in their Reader’s including the use of roots and Notebook that summarizes the affixes if applicable. story and demonstrates an 3. Using a dictionary, determine the understanding of the story accurate meaning of the word or including the story’s theme. phrase. Suggested Duration: 35-40 min. Content Objective: Students understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fictional texts. WRITING Suggested Duration: 30-40 min. Content Objective: Students develop a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing. 1. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook, review the modeled graphic organizer and reread what was written in Daily Lessons 3-6 Writing. 2. Use the graphic organizer to demonstrate writing the end of the modeled writing piece. Think Aloud about the features unique to the genre being modeled. Discuss how the ideas are connected to the thesis or controlling idea. 4. On chart paper, model writing the word or phrase in a sentence. Sketch an illustration that captures the meaning of the word or phrase. Learning Applications 1. Distribute a note card with the 1. With a partner, students read the other two phrases to groups of 2-3 selected fictional text. students. 2. Students write their response in Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Students review the graphic organizers in their Writer’s Notebooks. page 49 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 2. Students discuss the words or phrases using their background knowledge including roots/affixes if applicable. 3. Students use a dictionary to determine the true meaning of the words or phrases. Students record the definitions in their Vocabulary Notebooks. their Reader’s Notebook that 2. Using their graphic organizers, summarizes the story and students write the end of their demonstrates an understanding of writing piece. Students consider the story including the story’s the unique features of their genre theme. while they are writing and make sure their ideas connect with the 3. Monitor and assist as necessary. thesis or controlling idea. 4. Students write the words or phrases in sentences. Students illustrate each word or phrases to represent its meaning. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. Select students to share their sentences and illustrations with the class. 1. As a class, discuss the fictional story including the theme of the story. Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Students share their drafts with a partner. page 50 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 8 READING TEKS WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.Fig19C,D,E,F 7.9A 7.1A 7.Fig19A TEKS 7.14C Ongoing TEKS 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B 7.19Ai-viii,B,C Key Understandings and Guiding Questions Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Readers use strategies to support interpretation of text. — What strategies do readers use to help in comprehension of text? Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Authors use the conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How do conventions of language impact communication? Vocabulary of Instruction Author purpose Last Updated 05/03/2013 Revise Topic Message Genre page 51 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 8 READING WRITING Audience Materials Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Grade-appropriate expository text that corresponds with the excerpt or short fictional story from Daily Lesson 7 Reading (class set) Grade-appropriate excerpt from a novel or a short fictional story from Daily Lesson 7 Reading (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer (1) Advance Preparation Background Information 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Select a grade-appropriate expository text that corresponds with the fictional text from Daily Lesson 7 Reading. 2. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Revision Checklist from Unit 05A, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 8 Writing. 3. Prepare to display any Anchor Charts or Handouts that relate to expository text and author’s purpose. 3. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Replace, Remove, Refine, and Reorganize from Unit 05A, Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 8 Writing. 4. Create a large Venn diagram in order to compare the two texts. 4. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. This Instructional Routine assesses Performance Indicator 03. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 52 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 8 READING WRITING Teacher Notes Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 53 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 8 Duration and Objective Mini Lesson READING Suggested Duration: 40-50 min. Suggested Duration: 40-50 min. Content Objective: Students explain the difference between Content Objective: Students revise drafts to ensure precise the theme of a literary work and the author’s purpose in an expository text. Students synthesize and make logical connections between texts. word choice, maintain consistent point of view, include a variety of sentences, check coherence, and improve transitions while thinking about how purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed. 1. Display and review any Anchor Charts or Handouts that relate to expository text and/or author’s purpose. 1. Writing Appetizer: 5-10 min. 2. Display and distribute the selected expository text. 3. Preview the text and ask: What do you think the text is going to be about? Why do you think the author wrote the text? Discuss responses. 4. Instruct students to read the text with a partner and write a response that demonstrates an understanding of the text including the author’s purpose for writing the text. Learning Applications WRITING 1. With a partner, students read the expository text. Last Updated 05/03/2013 2. Ask: What is revision? Why do authors revise? Discuss responses. 3. Review the four R’s of revision on the Anchor Chart: Replace, Remove, Refine, and Reorganize. 4. Display the Anchor Chart: Revision Checklist. Review possible areas for revision. 5. Display the modeled draft in the Teacher Writer’s Notebook. 6. Model revising the writing piece in the Teacher Writer’s Notebook. While modeling, include the following: sentence structure, transitions, style, and clarity of message. Think Aloud about how well purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed. 1. In their Writer’s Notebooks, students revise their drafts for sentence structure, transitions, page 54 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 2. Students write a response that demonstrates an understanding of the text including the author’s purpose for writing the text style, and clarity of message. Students consider how well purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. As a class, discuss the author’s purpose in writing the expository text. 2. Display and distribute (if necessary) the fictional text from Daily Lesson 7 Reading. Review what the text was about. 1. With a partner, students share the revisions that were made and tell why they chose to make those changes. Each partner provides feedback. 3. Display the large Venn diagram. Ask: What is similar about the two texts? What is different? Discuss and record responses on the Venn diagram including comparing the theme of the fictional text and the author’s purpose in the expository text. 4. Collect Reader’s Notebooks to assess students’ entries and to determine who may need additional support with the Performance Indicator in Daily Lessons 9 and 10 Reading. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 55 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 9 WORD STUDY TEKS 7.2C Key Understandings and Guiding Questions READING Ongoing TEKS 7.2E TEKS 7.Fig19C,D,E,F 7.9A 7.10D Understanding new words and concepts enhances comprehension and oral and written communication. — How can understanding the relationships between words improve comprehension and communication? Ongoing TEKS WRITING TEKS 7.3A Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Ongoing TEKS 7.14D 7.16A 7.20A,Bi-ii 7.21A Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. Authors use conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How do authors determine the purpose and message to convey in a writing piece? Vocabulary of Instruction Analogy Theme Author’s purpose Synthesize Connection Last Updated 05/03/2013 Editing page 56 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 9 WORD STUDY READING WRITING Materials Vocabulary Notebook (1 per student) Dictionary (class set) or access to an electronic dictionary Thesaurus (class set) or access to an electronic dictionary Chart paper (if applicable) Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Grade-appropriate excerpt from a novel or a short fictional story that corresponds with the selected expository text (class set) Grade-appropriate expository text that corresponds with the selected fictional text (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview (1) Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer (1) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare to display the Anchor 2. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Analogy from Unit 05A, Chart: Synthesizing Information Lesson 01, Daily Lesson 5 Word Across Texts from Daily Lesson 6 Study. Record 5-6 additional Reading. complete analogies that describe 3. Refer to the Teacher Resource: whole to part and part to whole Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading relationships. Record 5-6 additional Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. incomplete analogies that describe whole to part and part to whole Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Editing or TeacherCreated editing checklist. page 57 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 9 WORD STUDY READING WRITING relationships. Refer to Background Information for possible examples. 3. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview. Prepare accordingly. Background Information Analogy - a vocabulary exercise in which an association between a concept and its attribute is present (e.g., hot:cold as north:____.) In Grade 7, students are expected to complete analogies that describe whole to part and part to whole relationships. Examples of whole to part relationships Theme - the central or universal idea of a piece of fiction or the main idea of a nonfiction essay Purpose - the intended goal of a piece of writing; the reason a person writes Synthesize - combine elements and parts to form a coherent whole This Instructional Routine partially assesses Performance Indicator 01. sentence:word as dictionary:entry continent:country as country:state foot:toe as hand:finger Examples of part to whole relationships wheel:car as wing:airplane page:book as lead:pencil hand:clock as screen:television This Instructional Routine assesses Performance Indicator 04. Teacher Notes Students will have Daily Lessons 9 and 10 Reading to complete the Performance Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 58 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 9 WORD STUDY READING WRITING Indicator. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 59 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 9 Duration and Objective WORD STUDY READING Suggested Duration: 15 min. Content Objective: Students complete whole to part and part to whole analogies. Suggested Duration: 35-40 min. Content Objective: Students explain the difference between the theme of a literary work and the author’s purpose in an WRITING Suggested Duration: 30-35 min. Content Objective: Students edit their multiparagraph essays for punctuation and capitalization. expository text. Students synthesize and make logical connections between texts. Mini Lesson 1. Display the Anchor Chart: Analogies. Review the concept of an analogy. Display the complete analogies. 1. Reading Appetizer: 3-5 min. 2. Display the Anchor Chart: Synthesizing Information Across Texts. Review the definitions for synthesis and drawing conclusions. Review the steps for synthesizing. 2. Read aloud one of the examples of a complete whole to part analogy. Ask: What is the relationship between the 3. Tell students that texts can be words in this analogy? Discuss compared for similarities and responses and go through the differences in theme/topic, rest of the whole to part analogies. purpose, organization, and point 3. Read aloud one of the examples of view plus other details. of a complete part to whole 4. Explain that students will be analogy. Ask: What is the reading a fictional and an relationship between the expository text with similar ideas. words in this analogy? Discuss Tell students they will read each responses and go through the text and compare the similarities rest of the part to whole analogies. and differences on a Venn 4. Display the incomplete analogies. diagram including the texts’ theme Read aloud one of the incomplete and purpose. analogies and Think Aloud about Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Display and/or distribute the Teacher-Created editing checklist for punctuation and capitalization. 2. Review the expectations for editing for punctuation and capitalization. Provide examples as necessary. 3. In the Teacher Writer’s Notebook model editing for punctuation and capitalization. page 60 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 words that could complete the analogy. 5. Instruct students to complete the rest of the analogies in their Vocabulary Notebooks. Learning Applications 1. With a partner, students complete the analogies in their Vocabulary Notebooks using a dictionary or thesaurus as needed. 1. Distribute each text to students. 2. Students read both the fictional and expository text. If time allows, students begin to complete the Venn diagram comparing the two texts including theme and author’s purpose. 1. Students use the TeacherCreated Editing checklist to edit their text for punctuation and capitalization. Students make corrections using a colored pen or pencil. 2. Monitor and assist as necessary. 3. Monitor students and provide assistance as necessary. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. As a class, discuss the possible 1. Ask students how much they answers to complete the analogies finished and take a status of the on the Anchor Chart: Analogies. class. Explain that students will be able to finish in Daily Lesson 10 2. Ask: How can you determine Reading. the relationship between words? Discuss responses. 2. Ask for questions and clear up any misconceptions about the expectations for the Performance Indicator. Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Students share their corrections with a partner. The partner peer helps with additional editing issues. page 61 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Formulating Connections across All Genres Lesson Preparation Daily Lesson #: 10 READING TEKS WRITING Ongoing TEKS 7.Fig19C,D,E,F 7.9A 7.10D TEKS 7.3A Ongoing TEKS 7.14E 7.15Ai-v,Bi-iii 7.16A 7.17Ai-v,B 7.26A,C 7.28A Key Understandings and Guiding Questions Authors create connections to make text personally relevant and useful. — How does making connections help readers understand what they are reading? Authors vary form and style in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts. — How do authors develop focused, organized, and coherent writing for a specific audience? Authors use the conventions of written language to communicate clearly and effectively. — How do conventions of language impact communication? Vocabulary of Instruction Theme Author’s purpose Last Updated 05/03/2013 Publish page 62 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Daily Lesson #: 10 READING WRITING Synthesize Connection Materials Reader’s Notebook (1 per student) Grade-appropriate expository text from Daily Lesson 9 (class set) Grade-appropriate short fictional story from Daily Lesson 9 (class set) Chart paper (if applicable) Writer’s Notebook (1 per student) Teacher Writer’s Notebook (1) Publishing paper (2-3 per student, optional) Chart paper (if applicable) Attachments and Resources Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer (1) Advance Preparation 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 1. Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Prepare to display the Anchor Chart: Synthesizing Information Across Texts from Daily Lesson 9 Reading. 2. Determine expectations for publishing a piece of writing. 3. Arrange for access to computers for typing final drafts, if applicable. 4. Refer to the Teacher Resource: Grade 7 Unit 05B Writing Appetizer. Prepare accordingly. Background Information Refer to Daily Lesson 9 Reading This Instructional Routine assesses Performance This Instructional Routine assesses Performance Indicator 02. Indicator 01. Teacher Notes Students continue to work on completing the Performance Depending on resources available, students may use a Indicator from Daily Lesson 9 Reading. computer for the final copy or write the final copy by hand. Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 63 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 Instructional Routines Daily Lesson # 10 READING WRITING Duration and Objective Suggested Duration: 45-50 min. Suggested Duration: 40-50 min. Content Objective: Students explain the difference between Content Objective: Students make final revisions and the theme of a literary work and the author’s purpose in an publish their drafts. expository text. Students synthesize and make logical connections between texts. Mini Lesson 1. Display the Anchor Chart: Synthesizing and Making Logical Connections from Daily Lesson 9 Reading. Review the definitions for synthesis and drawing conclusions. Review the steps for synthesizing. 2. Tell students that texts can be compared for similarities and differences in theme/topic, purpose, organization, and point of view plus other details. 1. Writing Appetizer: 5-10 min. 2. Display and make final revisions to the modeled draft in the Teacher Writer’s Notebook. 3. Ask: What is publishing? What do you need to remember when publishing? Discuss responses and review expectations about publishing. 3. Review the expectations for the Performance Indicator. Learning Applications 1. Students continue to read and complete the Venn diagram to compare the two texts including theme and author's purpose. 1. Students reread their drafts and make any final revisions based on feedback from the teacher and other students. 2. Students publish their draft following the expectations set forth by the teacher. Engage in Small Group Instruction as appropriate. Closure 1. Collect Reader’s Notebook to assess the Performance Indicator. Last Updated 05/03/2013 1. Students share their writing in small groups. After each student shares, students discuss the message of the piece. page 64 of 70 Grade 7 English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 Suggested Duration: Days 1-10 2. Writer’s Notebooks and published pieces to assess the Performance Indicator. Bold black definitions: Standards for Ensuring Success from Kindergarten to College and Career, 2009 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency Last Updated 05/03/2013 page 65 of 70 Seventh Grade English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Lesson: 01 ©2012, TESCCC 04/25/13 page 1 of 1 Seventh Grade English Language Arts and Reading Unit:05B Grade 7 Unit 05B Word Study Overview Word Study Instructional Routines are designated as 5-15 minute activities, listed on every other day. Word Study sessions are to be implemented throughout the course of the unit. Implementation will vary by student needs and schedule. In Unit 05A, the Word Study focus shifts from teaching Word Study Routines to applying the Word Study routines during the Word Study, Reading, and Writing sessions. At the completion of Unit 05A, remove the roots, affixes, and words from the Word Wall and change the categories as listed above or add the three categories to the Word Wall. Students will use their knowledge of roots and affixes to study academic words. Possible Word Wall Organization Instruction Words Word Wall English Language Arts and Reading Words Other Content Area Words Activities: Day 1: Students use context to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or ambiguous words. (TEKS 7.2B) Day 3: Students use prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of grade-level academic words. (TEKS 7.2A) Day 5: Students determine the meaning of grade-level words using roots and affixes. (TEKS 7.2A) Day 7: Students identify the meaning of foreign words commonly used English. (TEKS 7.2D) Day 9: Students complete whole to part and part to whole analogies. (TEKS 7.2C) Note: Don’t let your Word Wall become word wallpaper. Use the Word Wall on a daily basis by using words from the Word Wall, watching for Word Wall words in texts, and using Word Wall words in writing. Model for students how to use the Word Wall. Encourage students to use the Word Wall and their Personal Word Walls. ©2012, TESCCC 10/25/12 page 1 of 1 Seventh Grade English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Grade 7: Unit 05B Writing Appetizer Purpose: Writing Appetizers serve to help students develop writing fluency and voice while generating ideas for future writing. Time: 5-10 minutes Description: Provide time at the beginning of class to provide multiple opportunities for writing and creative expression. Students use prewriting strategies to generate their own topics for writing and free write their ideas in their Writer’s Notebooks. After the allotted time, students share their work with a partner or with the class. This time for sharing is an important part of growing student writers. Preparation: Generating ideas for student writing is explicitly taught in Unit 01, Daily Lessons 1-5, in Unit 02, Daily Lessons 7-8, in Unit 03, Lessons 2-5 and in Units 04-05. Writing Appetizers are used throughout the unit so that students have the opportunity to expand on these ideas and build on their understanding of writing. The “Writing Appetizer” entriesin the Writer’s Notebooks will then be used to practice strategies for writing improvement and application of conventions skills. Establish expectations for the Writing Appetizers and allow no more than 10 minutes to ensure time for the other Instructional Routines. ©2012, TESCCC 10/25/12 page 1 of 1 Seventh Grade English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B Grade 7 Unit 05B Reading Appetizer Purpose: Expose students to various genres and encourage Independent Reading of a variety of texts. Time: 3-5 minutes Description: At the beginning of each class period, share an interesting text or excerpt with students. This may connect to the genre and/or theme that students are studying in class, or could be something that peaks the interest of the students in the class. The piece can come from a range of sources including but not limited to newspapers, magazines, Science or History textbooks, or historical documents. Preparation: Search for interesting reading materials on a daily basis. Specific examples may include an article you find on the Internet, an article you read at the dentist’s office, a great recipe someone shared with you, a newspaper article, a manual for an electronic device, a brochure, etc. Find expository texts that will connect with your students and inspire them to want to read more. ©2012, TESCCC 10/25/12 page 1 of 1 Seventh Grade English Language Arts and Reading Unit: 05B 7th Grade Exemplar Lessons: Unit 05B Alternative Plan Instructional Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Component Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Writing Exemplar Lesson Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 Combine 7/8 Combine 9/10 Combine 1/2 3 Combine 4/5 7 8 9 10 *Implement the word study component as time permits or on extra days of instruction. Refer to the Teacher’s Guide for more information on the implementation of word study. ©2012, TESCCC 10/25/12 page 1 of 1