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Edward Snowden's Right Livelihood Award Acceptance Speech

Thank you so much.
You know I am far under-qualified for this kind of audience. It is an extraordinary privilege to be
counted among so many, around the world, who have fought for human rights even at great
personal cost, even when it was hard, even when no one was watching, when they were not
seeking recognition and when they never received it. Awards are by their nature not individual,
but I can only accept this collectively. This award recognizes the work of so many – not just over
recent years, but over decades, who recognize that human right is a new name for an old
concept, the concept of liberty, and the price of fighting for liberty in changing times, in times
of fear, in times of novel dangers, new threats, is unpredictable and often quite high.
The journalists that I’ve been privileged to work with, publishers around the world, activists,
whistleblowers, civil society broadly, have put so much on the line. There are many, including
Sarah Harisson who I know is in the audience tonight, who are not able to go home. I myself
have lived in exile for more than a year and a half now. And these are things that are unlikely to
change soon – but they are worth it. All the prices we’ve paid; all the sacrifices we’ve made – I
believe we would do again. I know I would do again, because it was never about me. This was
never about, you know, he or she. This was about us, this is about our rights, this is about the
kind of societies that we want to live in, the kind of government that we want to have, the kind
of world that we want to make for the next generation. And when we talk about government,
we need to think about not just the quality of government, but the relationship that we have
with them. Are we going to be the subject of government, or will we be partner to it? And even
with all the brilliant minds that rule now, all the subject matter experts, all the elected officials,
all of the representatives of people in industries around the world working on these issue, we
cannot make proper decisions if we do nor have all and meaningful information.
When it comes to governments, when it comes to democracies, these institutions are founded
on the principle of the consent of the government, and the consent of the people is not
meaningful if it is not informed. Now, it is this principle that brought me forward, and when we
think about the challenges and the problems that we face, the new atmosphere of fear that all
of the governments and institutions around the world are operating in, as a response to these
new threats, and we evaluate how things are going, there is reason for hope. I am optimistic.
Because when we take a look at what’s happened since last year, since I came forward, since I
stood up, I was called a spy, I was called a traitor. Some of the most important and powerful
officials in the United States debated – in public – placing me on a kill list…you know, to be had
to be attacked by [inaudible] and so on and so forth.
Largely that controversy has ended. Governments that first said that people had no need to
know this information, that this would put blood on our hands, that newspapers had put lives
at risk, that they would bring down airplanes travelling over Europe – which happened; Europe
brought down the plane of the president of Bolivia to search it for me, thinking that I might be
seeking asylum, though I am not… This does not happen anymore. Instead, we see massive seat
changes, we see incredible debates happening in parliaments around the world, happening in
newspapers around the world, happening at academic institutions. We see the very fabric of
the Internet being changed due to new technological implementations that protect people’s
privacies, that protect our rights, in a new and meaningful way that crosses borders. It means
regardless of how rights are protected in China, if you use a rights-preserving service, you’ll be
protected no matter the laws of that particular jurisdiction.
This is an incredible gain for human rights around the world. When we talk about government
itself, and the changes that have happened, these are nowhere more apparent than within the
United States itself. The same government that denounced me, that brought three charges
against me, including espionage, saying that, you know, I had sold information to our enemies,
now said that’s not true, and there’s no evidence [inaudible] about me. The director of the NSA
says, in fact, he doesn’t see the sky falling. The president of the United States of America said
that he appointed independent review boards to take a look at these programs of mass
surveillance and to see if they really are [inaudible], and the conclusion of these boards was
they were not – that they had never stopped a single imminent terrorist attack. And this is
critical, because we learned mass surveillance, the policy that was kept from us – from the
public, from not just Americans, not just from Swedes, but from the world – that it had not
helped us, despite costing us so much of our rights. He said the debate that has happened since
has not weakened us as a nation. The president said this has made us stronger. This was only
the beginning. Since then we’ve seen federal courts rule against these programmes in the
United States. We’ve seen the European Court of Justice strike down the data retention
directive, saying that it was an unnecessary violation of rights, it put individuals unnecessarily at
risk. The United Nations released a report saying that mass surveillance fundamentally violates
human rights.
These are things that will be with us. They will be with us in every country. They provide us a
foundation upon which to build. We can move forward from here as we continue to discuss
these policies, these programs that are instituted behind closed doors without our awareness
and without our consent to say “are these reasonable? Are they necessary? And are they
proportionate to the threat that we face? Do they use the least intrusive means necessary to
provide for necessary government investigations?” Because this is not about turning off
intelligence communications. This is not about stopping police investigations. This is not about
reducing our security. This is about securing our society. This is about securing our rights. This is
about securing the liberties that we inherited as a generation and that we want the generation
behind us to inherit in time. And together, by using this open forum, by using this discussion, by
taking advantage of the sacrifices that so many people around the world have made, we can
have those liberties, we can have those freedoms, we can have those rights, we can have an
open and liberal society, because we say, even in times of threat, we stand for liberal values,
and I hope, despite all that we’ve accomplished in the last year, we all recognize that this is only
the beginning and there is so much to be done and that together we will achieve it. And I hope I
can count on you in the next year as we stand and propose that the United Nations create a
new special rapporteur on privacy and digital rights to ensure that no matter where the agency
operates, no matter where the technology is placed, no matter what country is deciding that
they face new and novel threats that require new narrowments of our rights, we stand for
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Additional Information
Who is the speaker: Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and former CIA Intelligence officer.
Where and when was this spoken: This was an acceptance speech for the 2014 Right
Livelihood Award Ceremony which celebrates people whose actions have led to a more just,
peaceful, and sustainable world.
What historically preceded the event that led to them speaking this: This was following a
release, in 2013, of millions of classified documents describing the extend and capabilities of
United States Government surveillance. It is of note that Snowden gave this speech over video
call due to being exiled from the United States.