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Celebrating Brown Eyes: Beauty, Science, and Symbolism

Brown eyes are caused by hyperpigmentation of the melanin in the iris, while blue, green, and hazel
eyes are caused by varied losses of that pigment, according to scientific principles. Even though brown
was the source of all other eye hues, it was mutations and variations in genetics that gave rise to lightcolored eyes. Isn't it wonderful to be able to do everything in one go?
Color brown is seen as a sign of the Earth, of rebirth, strength, and long life in many civilizations.
Nonetheless, since brown eyes are so widespread, they are seen as less attractive. That's like to claiming
that the ground isn't important since it can be found everywhere. Just though brown eyes are prevalent
does not imply that they are any less beautiful.
Brown eyes, depending on the hue, remind me of some of my favorite things, which I will discuss more
below. Brown eyes may be anything from dark coffee to dirt, wood to chocolate, honey to amber, and
anything in between. It is not necessary for them to be hazel in order to contain the whole of the earth.
And thus, in response to your query, how could eyes that see everything not be romanticized?