Uploaded by Jay Gadiya


Bananas are among the most important food crops on the planet. They
come from a family of plants called Musa that are native to Southeast Asia
and grown in many of the warmer areas of the world. Bananas are a
healthy source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and various
antioxidants and phytonutrients. In some countries,banana used for
cooking may be called "plantains", distinguishing them from dessert
bananas. The fruit is variable in size, colour, and firmness, but is usually
elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind,
which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits
grow in clusters hanging from the top of the plant.
1. Cavendish Banana
The Cavendish banana is your “typical” banana found at the local grocery
store or farmer’s market. They are slightly sweet and have a creamy
2. Pisang Raja
Pisang Raja bananas are popular in Indonesia. Featuring a yellow to
orange colour, they taste like honey-flavoured custard with a smooth and
creamy consistency.
3 Red Banana
As their name suggests, red bananas have a reddish-purple skin. They
have light pink coloured flesh and are much sweeter and softer than
Cavendish bananas.
4. Lady Finger Banana
Lady Finger bananas, also known as baby bananas, are sweeter and
smaller than Cavendish bananas. They’re usually around three inches in
length and feature a creamy texture and sweet flavor with notes of honey.
5. Plantain
Plantains are a subgroup of bananas that are referred to as cooking
bananas. They have a high starch content and are typically used in savory
1. High Fibre Content
Banana is loaded with fibre, both soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber has
the tendency to slow down digestion and keep you feeling full for a longer time.
Which is why bananas are often included in a breakfast meal so that you can
start about your day without having to worry about the next meal.
2. Heart Health
High fibre foods are said to be good for the heart. According to a study done by
University of Leeds in UK, increasing the consumption of fibre rich foods such
as bananas can lower the risk of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and
coronary heart disease (CHD).
3. Ease in Digestion
According to Ayurveda, banana has a sweet and sour taste. The sweet taste is
said to bring about a sense of heaviness but the sour taste is known to
stimulate agni (the digestive juices), thereby supporting digestion and helping
in building up metabolism.
4. Powerhouse of Nutrients
Banana is a heavyweight when it comes to nutrition. It is loaded with essential
vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium,
iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6. These all contribute to the proper
functioning of the body and keeping you healthy.
1. Banana peels are good for gardens because they contain 42 percent
potassium , one of the three major components of fertilizer along with
nitrogen and phosphorus and shown on fertilizer labels as NPK. In fact,
banana peels have the highest organic sources of potassium.
2. Potassium helps plants grown for their fruiting and flowering, including
rose bushes and fruit trees, rather than plants grown for their foliage
3. Banana peels are good fertilizer because of what they do not contain.
They contain absolutely no nitrogen. While plants need nitrogen, too
much nitrogen will create lots of green leaves but few berries.
The exact composition of banana peels is still being investigated, so there’s no
standard nutrition profile yet. A number of factors affect the nutrients found
specifically in banana peels
The common nutrients present in banana peel are:
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
1. Banana peels are good for gardens because they contain 42 percent
potassium , one of the three major components of fertilizer along with
nitrogen and phosphorus and shown on fertilizer labels as NPK. In fact,
banana peels have the highest organic sources of potassium.
2. Potassium helps plants grown for their fruiting and flowering, including
rose bushes and fruit trees, rather than plants grown for their foliage
3. Banana peels are good fertilizer because of what they do not contain.
They contain absolutely no nitrogen. While plants need nitrogen, too
much nitrogen will create lots of green leaves but few berries or flowers
4. Banana peels are good for gardens because they contain 42 percent
potassium , one of the three major components of fertilizer along with
nitrogen and phosphorus and shown on fertilizer labels as NPK. In fact,
banana peels have the highest organic sources of potassium.
5. Potassium helps plants grown for their fruiting and flowering, including
rose bushes and fruit trees, rather than plants grown for their foliage
6. Banana peels are good fertilizer because of what they do not contain.
They contain absolutely no nitrogen. While plants need nitrogen, too
much nitrogen will create lots of green leaves but few berries or flowers.
7. Banana peels also contain calcium, which prevents blossom end rot in
8. The manganese in banana peels aids photosynthesis, while the sodium in
banana peels helps water flow between cells.
9. They even have traces of magnesium and sulphur, elements that help
make chlorophyll.
Banana peel in semi solid/mashed state is better because it can cover
more surface area, thereby allowing the peel nutrients to breakdown a lot
quicker and better in the soil.