Uploaded by Kevin Van Eric Saballo


CAT Scan, Vasectomy,
Thyroidectomy, Tympanoplasty
Imaging, Removal, Repair
Imaging CT Scan
• Computed tomography or CAT Scan
• It uses special equipment to make cross-sectional pictures of your
• During some tests you receive a contrast dye, which makes parts of
your body show up better in the image.
Reasons for getting a CAT scan
• Fractures (broken bones)
• Cancers/tumor
• Carpal Tunnel
• Blood clots
• Injury/trauma
• Skeletal diseases
• Signs of heart disease
• Internal bleeding
What is contrast?
• Used to highlight the area of the body to be examined.
Route of admiration
• Oral
• Intravenous
• Rectal
Without contrast
With contrast
• Medical sterilization procedure for male or permanent contraception
• “The Snip”
• Conservative treatment: Condom, birth control
• Surgical reconstruction of the eardrum and/or the small bones of the
middle ear (malleus, incus, stapes).
• Common reason for surgery: perforated eardrum
Signs and symptoms
• Pain in ear
• Ringing in ear (tinnitus)
• Spinning sensation (vertigo
• Nausea or vomiting
Conservative treatment
• Anti-inflammatory
• Antibiotics
• •Previous tympanostomy tube or myringotomy tubes placement
(middle ear infection/otitis media)
• Surgical removal of thyroid
• Common reason for removal:
• Tumor or nodules
Signs and symptoms
• Enlargement of the thyroid (goiter)
• Lump/Mass on the neck
• Rapid or irregular heartbeat
• Sweating
• Irritability
• Hair loss
Clinical information to look for
• Clinical records, including progress
• Signs/symptoms
• Conservative treatment
(Medication, Diet and Exercise)
• Family History
• Patient Medical History
o Cancer history
o Hyperthyroidism
o Irregular menstruation
o Unexpected weight loss
o Rapid or irregular heartbeat
o Excess Sweating
o Irritability/Mood swings
o Weight loss
o Palpitations
Imaging (Ultrasound (US), MRI/CT)
Blood tests