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printer offline fix new

The next major step in resolving offline printer issues is to check whether your printer is using a WSD port.
For analysing this aspect, users are supposed to search Windows or ask Cortana for Control Panel and
then click “View devices and printers”
Now, they should right-click their printer and then select Printer Properties
Next, do click the Ports tab and then look to see if your printer is using a WSD port
If it is not using a WSD port then users are supposed to follow these steps (but skip this section, if it
doesn’t use WSD port)
To begin with, users should search Windows or ask Cortana for Services
Now, do scroll through the list to find Function Discovery Provider Host and Function Discovery
Resource Publication
Next, do check the Status and Startup type columns
If they are running and the startup type is automatic, then users are advised to go to the next step
If they are exhibiting up blank with a manual startup type, then do right-click the name and
select Properties
Now, do change the startup type to automatic
Next, do click Start under the service status and then click OK
Thereafter, do go back to the Device and Printers window and then press F5
Finally, users are advised to click their printer name and then check the status.
• In case, if the problem of offline status still continues, then it becomes a responsibility for your
network administrator or router manufacturer to resolve it properly. The connection issues can be
complicated enough to be identified beyond these steps and therefore it’s better to consult HP
technical professionals, if offline problem continues for long.
• Do try printing from another device
• If offline issues persist because of printer errors, a device specified malfunctioned connection then
users are advised to try printing from a different device (mobile phone or laptop). Subsequently, users
are advised to connect to another computer and see, if this issue is resolved appropriately. If it
becomes possible to print from another device then printer is not problem for offline issues for your HP
• hp printer offline / hp printer offline fix / epson printer offline fix / epson printer offline/ printer offline
fix / printer offline