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College Application Personal Statement: Leadership & Goals

Personal Statement
My name is Janna Byron and I believe that the University of Maryland is the best college that I
could go to. Throughout the entirety of my life, I have always had the desire to cultivate and lead other
people. One of my greatest goals in life is to open my own successful business and create fulfilling jobs
for others. Due to this desire, I would create an application to the United States Military Academy
(commonly known as West Point). After a long and challenging application process, in which I had to
complete numerous academic and physical tests; I would be accepted. For the next two and half years, I
would be both enrolled in West Point and become a member of the United States Army. During these two
and half years I would be subjected to intense academic and physical training. This training would not
only improve upon my current knowledge but would also build my leadership. On multiple occasions
during my time at West Point, I was expected to lead and mentor other cadets.
As a result of this expectation, I learned the fundamentals of how to guide others to a common
goal. Learning how to connect with my subordinates as well as, how to maintain a professional
relationship with them.West Point would also improve upon the core values that I had instilled within
myself. At almost every moment while I was enrolled at West Point, they constantly reinforced three
important values. These two important values would include honesty and unrelenting endurance. Each of
these values was important to every cadet's continued success at West Point. If your superior and peers
believed that a cadet was dishonest, the cadet would not only lose their respect but also would also
receive disciplinary action. Also, if a cadet was not able to endure the physical and academic challenges
presented to them at West Point, they would miss out on many opportunities that could benefit them and
their education. Seeing both the benefits and consequences of these values at West Point, solidified their
importance to me. Allowing me to cultivate myself into a person who not only maintains honesty towards
everybody I encounter and can withstand all challenges directed at me.
Although West Point had taught me countless valuable lessons and techniques, I had eventually
come to learn that the military was not my desired occupation. After months of constant thought and
thorough reflection, I decided to end my enrollment at West Point. I believe that enrolling at the
University of Maryland with the knowledge I’ve gained from West Point, will undoubtedly allow me to
reach my goals on my terms. The University of Maryland is the best way for me to achieve my goal of
owning my own business.