GCSE PHYSICS EQUATIONS 1 kinetic energy = × 2 kg gravitational = mass × potential energy energy = power × J W efficiency = J N/m Nm useful energy out total energy in = useful power out total power in charge = current × A ELECTRICITY A power = potential × difference V power = current2 × A energy = charge × C kg m/s kg m/s distance = speed × resistance Ω velocity m time m/s s current change in velocity = acceleration × time A m/s m/s2 s force = mass × resistance Ω N acceleration m/s2 kg potential difference V mass = density × kg These are all the equations and units you need to learn by heart for your GCSE Physics exam! *Equations in italics are for physics only. graphic design by @missneutrino, 2020. kg/m3 volume m3 wave = wavelength × velocity m/s m OTHER J m2 Pa momentum = mass × s V m force = pressure × area time potential = current × difference W m N N W extension moment = force × distance s C m spring × constant N ENERGY time distance N force = s N/kg m time W kg work done = force × gravitational × height field strength N/kg work done = power × J N m/s kg gravitational field strength weight = mass × mass × velocity2 J J FORCES frequency Hz