3/9-3/7 :التاريخ .1عنوان الدرسLesson Title : adaptation for reproduction 2. وصف الدرس Lesson description A wheel and axle is a simple machine that is made up of a wheel attached to a shaft (axle) in the center effort is applied at the edge of the wheel to move a load which is usually located at the axle Learning (...، مهارات، قيمية،وجدانية،)سلوكية أهداف التعلم 2. objectives The students should be able to: Explain what a wheel and axle is .1 Manipulate the wheels and axle. .2 Determine their characteristics. .3 Determine their uses. .4 .3 األنشطة التعليمية Learning Activities : يتم التخطيط للنشاط التعل يم عل النحو اآل يت Investigating the effort needed by a wheel and axle to lift a load. اسم النشاط )1) الهدف من النشاط الخطوات To investigate how a wheel and axle help us to do work الزمن الخرية المحسوسة أوجه التم/اإللهام ي Allow pupils to try turning a screw into a piece of wood using their bare hands. Repeat by using a screwdriver. Which is an easier task? 5 min 5 min العمليات يف كل خطوة Discussion Observing .1 applying .2 Explain what a wheel and axle is and how it works. Discussion Inferring Min20 Thinking skills Organize pupils into groups of 4 or 5. Each -1 group is to study a wheel and axle which they have identified an analyse how it works. communicating A representative from each group will then explain to the class how that wheel and ax works. group learning 5 min Thinking Work in groups Lead the discussion to the conclusion that wheel and axle help us to do work by reducing the effort needed to move or overcome a load. and concluding .5وقت التعلم Pupils should recognize that the effort needed is reduced. Learning Time This lesson needs 1 periods to be covered. Period 1(7/3) : activity 1 Period 2(8/3) : worksheet Period 3( 9/3 ) : exam .4 األدوات والمصادر Resources & Materials Text book, whiteboard, pens, workbook, A4 .5 آليات التقييمAssessment tools Oral questions ,worksheet from the workbook and exam .6 التأمل والتغذية االرجعةReflection and feedback Done