ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF ONLINE EDUCATION Gabrielė Minelgaitė Intruducion Goals OUTLINE Advantages of E-learning Disadvantages of E-learning Conclusion INTRODUCTION What is online learning? Online learning is a form of distance learning that takes place over the internet. It is interchangeable with the term e-learning. Online learning can include online courses, exams, gamified quizzes, and certification training. GOALS To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online education Convenience ADVANTAGE The first obvious advantage of online classes is the convenience factor. Now, with virtual learning you have the option of taking classes in the privacy of your own home. All you need is an internet connection and a computer or a smartphone. ADVANTAGE Travel cost and time savings While studying online at home there's no need to go out or drive to the classes. Online education doesn't require traveling to get to the classes on time. Students can save up on the travel expenses and of course sleep for a bit longer. ADVANTAGE Better concentration Everyone learns in their own manner. Some students possess the ability to work independently. While working alone they can concentrate more without any surrounding noises or other distractions. DISADVANTAGE Lack of Communication More often students find comfort in their community on campus as access to professors or their fellow students. An online education that lacks the social communication between students and lecturer cannot be as effective as traditional classes. DISADVANTAGE Self-Discipline - Requires self-discipline and time management skills Self-motivation can be a barrier in online learning. If a student does not feel they are getting the proper guidance, they may not have enough self discipline to fully engage the lessons themselves. While we can all agree that self-discipline and time management are always at play when it comes to learning, online learning involves less guidance from an instructor than traditional learning. That´s why after a while on learning online many students lose interest in classes DISADVANTAGE Technical Difficulties The classic disadvantages of online classes center around technical difficulties. Not being able to see or hear the professor discourages students and thus they have less motivation to study. RESEARCH ON THE TOPIC • Reseach aim – to find out students‘ opinion on advantages and disadvantages of distance learning RESEARCH ON THE TOPIC • The research was performed at Vytautas Magnus University in March. • 25 students participated in the study. STUDENTS‘ OPINION ON ADVANTAGE S OF DISTANCE LEARNING STUDENTS‘ OPINION ON DISADVANTAGE S OF DISTANCE LEARNING SUMMARY • The advantages included remote learning, comfort, accessibility, while the limitations involved inefficiency and difficulty in maintaining academic integrity. • The biggest advantages of students‘distance learning is thier independence. • The biggest disadvantage of distance learning is occuring technical problems. LIST OF REFERENCES •,5&as_vis=1&qsp=8&q=%22co vid+19+pandemic+era%22+online+learning&qst=ir • • • PHOTO REFERENCES • • • AKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEKwAEB&sclient=img&ei=coN8YKeOEZCOqwHTr4L4CA&bih=560&biw=1019#imgrc=PkYT1g3fgZyg0M • &ei=roN8YJP8A5HQqwG33oT4AQ&bih=560&biw=1019#imgrc=nJXCLIgQQ7qUEM • pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=z4N8YNXlMdCYqwGr4bbQDQ&bih=560&biw=1019#imgrc=DdJlGwkT8a6RdM • • • WSAQM3LjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ7ABCsABAQ&sclient=img&ei=koR8YIGfEJiOqwHv-p2oDA&bih=560&biw=1019#imgrc=SHbCivaMOvpHiM • AEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWewAQrAAQE&sclient=img&ei=7YR8YLjpOsWErgTv6JmIDQ&bih=560&biw=1019#imgrc=78ESDMZjZrlcFM • CgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ7ABCsABAQ&sclient=img&ei=DIV8YJKQPIH7qgHR3oz4Aw&bih=560&biw=1019 QUESTIONS