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Information, Knowledge, and Wealth: An Essay

Information provides knowledge, this lets us make a decision based on that
knowledge. What we believe to be right and wrong is subject to our take on the
information given to us and how this this information is presented to us. So
knowledge provides power and the rich crave power and wealth. So the power and
wealth can influence the information and then the knowledge that is provided to us.
This intern skews our views on things that we need to make decisions on.
But also there is a cost, do we go with product A or B, is A cheaper than B ?, Is B
more advertised than A ? Does person X say they eat B or does Sponsor Y use A ?
It’s all starts to get confusing when the person shopping has to choose what to get to
fit in with a limited budget, time and knowledge. Remember where knowledge comes
from again?
Yes, the wold probably needs to change or maybe adapt to the ever-changing
demands placed upon it. But as creatures of habit change can be a slow thing.
And change requires information to create the knowledge and in turn create the
power and the wealth. So until the wealth finds a better way to exploit and create
more wealth things won’t change fast.
But to sustain a wold population of X then you need to feed them and it would be
nice to flick a switch to achieve this via other means, but again it won’t happen fast
due to supply, demand, jobs and of course wealth at the top. As they say rome was
not built in a day.
So what do we do, well it all starts with information, and with this we can decide what
to do as long as the information is not tainted by either side, then and only then we
can make our own right choice. And if enough of a choice is made by the masses
then that will influence the wealth and changes will happen.
On a random note
Did you know sugar triggers the same responses and reward centres in the brain at
cocaine and nicotine and other widely accepted addictive substances. And if it was a
brand new product never before come across it would most likely be banned. One to
think about when out shopping. Again information, knowledge and wealth.
These are my views and mine alone and subject to change as and when I see fit.
Nothing was harmed in me thinking about all of this. Well apart from time lost, what
is time ?