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Money's Influence: Wealth, Health, and Values in Today's World

Does Money Rule The World
Some people always say that money is not important in their life. But, it is not so in
today’s world. Without money everything comes to standstill. The society also
respects a man who has enough wealth irrespective of his or her character. Money
bonds the relationship better. A wealthy man has many friends. Without wealth
everything becomes futile.
Love, affection, self-respect and dignity all these values are slowing becoming
outdated concept. But people should understand their value. Otherwise, future will
make them understand these concepts very well. It is well said that money can buy
everything but not true love. We can’t make a person to love us with money. It
doesn’t give much satisfaction when money comes under any relationship. Man is
mortal and everything will perish. The concept should be better understood at the
early stage of life which would bring happiness and joy in everyone’s life.
Chasing for money is good but to a certain extent only. Like every coin has a head
and tail so also the money has its own merits and demerits. Money many make our
life comfortable with all luxuries but sometimes it shows negative impact on our
health. If health is lost,
everything is lost does fit in the statement. Health once lost takes time period to
regain. Sometimes, it doesn’t recover at all. Then the biggest question is “How to
make use of money in regaining health”? Again, we have to search for an
alternative. It takes time and which is very short now-a-days.
Million-dollar question is “Why people chase for money?” and “How much money
does one require to a lead a normal life”? If these two questions are solved, then
the whole world will be out of the clutches of money which has got the power to
rule the man. Whatever it might be people should not only give importance to
money but also to their health. Their well-being shows an impact on other
members of his or her family. The best way to earn and save money is through
proper planning and understanding requirements. A day will come when people
will have money as well as good and sound health.