GENERAL DEFINITION OF A TEXTILE FIBRE AND A TEXTILE FILAMENT • Textile Fiber : A fiber or staple fibre is a unit matter which usually is at least 100 times longer than it is thick. • Textile filament : A filament is a very long fibre. It has a fine rod or wire like structure. The length of filament may range from a few hundred metres in case of natural to several kilometres incase of man-made fibre CONSEDERATIONS WITH REGARD TO FIBER PROPERTIES FIBER MORPHOLOGY: Morphology is the study of the size, shape and structure of a material or textile fiber and the relationship between these properties. Fiber morphology Macro structure Micro structure MACRO STRUCTURE • Fiber length: A fiber should be of appropriate length to be spun into yarn . Fiber shorter than 15mm will lab cohesion, regularity and evenness. Fiber longer than 150mm will require special spinning machines. Filaments only require to be gathered together to form a yarn. • Fiber thickness: Fiber thinner than 10µm are two fragile and delicate and fiber thicker than 50µm are too thick and coarse for producing a comfortable fabric. •Their interrelation/ ratio: The ratio of fiber length and width tells us about whether or not the fiber is suitable to make a yarn. This ratio should be at least 350: 1 to make a fiber suitable for the production of yarn. Any they show less than this will not permit twist what are they show more than this will indicate the fiber which can be easily spin into yarn. So with the increase in the ratio the fiber become more prone to be spinned into yarn.