Migration Geography Why, where and how do people move around? • Migration is when people are moving around the world. • What are the reasons why people need to move? • Have you moved around different places during your lifetime? Where did you move from? Where did you move to? • What were the reasons for your migration? Migrating to the city • In many parts of the world, rural areas in LEDCs have very few services and jobs for local people. • They hear the big cities have lots of jobs and opportunities. • There are push and pull factors that cause people to move from rural towns to urban cities (rural-urban migration). Push and Pull Factors • Things that make people want to leave are called push factors. • Things that attract people to a different area are known a pull factors. What is counterurbanisation? In many MEDCs, people are getting fed up with congested, polluted and crowded towns and cities, and are moving out of the city to the rural areas. The reasons are: • Many jobs are now found on the city outskirts and commuting to such places are getting easier. • As people are getting richer, they want bigger houses with gardens which is more readily available in rural areas. • Rural areas are perceived to be much safer places to raise a family and there are better schools. • City centres may have higher crime rates, vandalism and social problems. • Counter-urbanisation Forced Migration Forced Migration Migration Economic Migrants = people who seek to find a better life for themselves and their families. They often want to return home when they have earned enough money. Major Global Migration Routes Refugees (Forced Migration) People who are forced to move due to persecution, war or conflict, discrimination, natural disasters, famine or vulnerability to human trafficking. Is there a difference between an illegal immigrant and a refugee? An illegal immigrant is when someone enters a country unofficially without making themselves known to the authorities. Class debate • Should Europe receive more refugees?