Uploaded by twinkykiller76

To Do List

To Do List
1. Work on developing Outlines
2. See how to create a better opposing
binary to the protagonists in Dream.
1. Write down ideas from to-do list note
cards and binder
2. Make a single page list of the different
youtube ideas so you can search them
more easily
3. Work on Syllabus
Manage Drive
1. Write a story building formula with characters, environments, and scenarios
2. Write a little for the toolbox with an overall conception of the story before writing.
3. Storyboards should have a separate philosophy of the story to keep the themes central
Fun Things to Do and Try
1. Make Sea Salt Ice Cream
Long Term
Reference ID: 22126797931881
Create Book Structure Outlines for all series
Clean Ideas
Create writers tools from charisma on command
Create Roadmap for each book
Schedule Creation
1. Take gummies
a. Eat yogurt
2. Workout
a. 20 Minute Bike ride
b. 25 push-ups
c. Crunches
3. Brush teeth