Analysis of Particle Decay Using Raw Data Acquired by a Detector Liam Sadot1 , Binyamin Omer1 1 Raymond and Beverly Sackler, Faculty of Exact Sciences, School of Physics, Tel Aviv University Particles Abstract – In this study, we investigated a number of theoretical phenomena, we used a simulation software suitable for the study of high energy particle detectors. We analyzed and characterized the measurements obtained by injections of the two particles, κ0s and π 0 , in order to calculate their mass and lifetime. I. INTRODUCTION A. Fundamentals of Physics and Nuclear Physics Elementary particle physics investigates the basic components of matter and the interactions between them. The idea that all matter is fundamentally composed of elementary particles dates back to at least the 6th century BC[1]. An elementary particle is a subatomic particle whose properties can be understood without assuming that it has an internal structure. In the development of quantum physics, at the early 20th century [2], subatomic particles that were initially considered elementary were later proved to have an internal structure. In 1897, the first subatomic particle was discovered and identified as the Electron. The study of the structure of matter at an ever-smaller scale was done experimentally in collision processes at higherthan-ever energies, which is why the physics of elementary particles is also known as the physics of high-energy. The results of the experiment obtained, and the theoretical models developed in the last decades of the twentieth century, were synthesized in the standard model. According to the standard model, elementary particles are quarks and leptons, together with calibration bosons (which mediate electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions) and the Higgs boson [3]. The graviton, considered a mediator of gravitational interaction, remains hypothetical for now and is not included in the standard model. B. The Standard Model Theory In elementary particle physics, the standard model represents the consensus established at the end of the 20th century on the basic components of matter and the fundamental forces that describe the interrelationships between them. The standard model includes a total of 61 particles that are considered fundamental (without internal structure) and 3 of the 4 types of basic interactions (forces) [4]. The basic particles are divided into two broad categories according to a characteristic called spin. The two broad categories are fermions and bosons. Fermions: Fermions are elementary particles whose spin is a half or half integer. They create a completely anti-symmetric quantum state for those particles. They satisfy the Pauli principle according to which, unlike bosons, no two particles can be in the same quantum Leptons Quarks Flavour eµτ νe νµ ντ uct dsb Charge [q/e] -1 0 2/3 -1/3 Table 1 : The twelve fundamental particles of physics according the Standard Model state simultaneously. Bosons: A boson [3] is a particle or quasi-particle with an integer value of spin. Bosons, unlike fermions, obey Bose-Einstein statistics, which allow an unlimited number of identical particles to be in one quantum state. Some of the elementary bosons act as force carriers, which give rise to forces between other particles, one example is beta decay where a virtual W boson is emitted by a nucleon and then decays to e± and an anti-neutrino. The basic fermions [1] are divided into quarks and leptons: • • Leptons: The leptons are charge carriers and are considered to be fundamental particles. They do not partake in strong interactions. A list of leptons is given in Table 1. Quarks: The quarks [5] are the massive elementary fermions that strongly interact to form nuclear matter and certain types of particles called hadrons. C. Electromagnetic Interactions A photon is a “packet” of electromagnetic energy [1], when an electromagnetic interaction occurs in matter, the particles exchange photons (a basic example is the electron moving around the atomic nucleus, the electron maintains its motion thanks to the electromagnetic force and exchanges photons during its motion). There are several electromagnetic interactions in the material encountered during the experiment and they are: 1. The photoelectric effect, in this process an energetic photon releases a bound electron. 2. Compton scattering, this process describes the scattering of an electron, which results from a photon collision with an electron (similar to the scattering of free particles). 3. Pair production, which is a process of particle and anti-particle formation from a neutral boson. 4. Bremsstrahlung, which is the electromagnetic radiation emitted from a charged particle due to its acceleration. D. Relativistic Particles In a Magnetic Field The movement of a particle of charge q traveling in a magnetic field with velocity v is influenced by the Lorentz force [6] as follows: ⃗F = q ⃗v X ⃗B + ⃗E (1) c In this experiment, particles under a magnetic field Bẑ will be influenced so that a curve in plane XY is received, where the curvature can be extracted from: κ= qB0 pT (2) Where κ is the curvature, q is the electric charge of the particle, B0 is the magnitude and pT is the momentum. A relativistic particle [6] is a particle which moves at a relativistic speed; that is, a speed comparable to the speed of light. In special relativity, the four-momentum is the generalization of the classical three-dimensional momentum to a four-dimensional space-time. p = p0 , p1 , p2 , p3 = ( Ec , p1 , p2 , p3 ) We will use the four momentum norm, which is invariant under the Lorentz transform: 2 PP = ηµν Pµ Pν = Pν Pν = − Ec2 + |P|2 = −m2 c2 (3) Through the experiment we use equation (3) for mass calculations of a parent particle using the masses of its two daughter particles. We can identify parent particles using the decay products’ trajectories, momentums and masses. s m 2 = m21 + m22 + 2 p2 p2 2 (m21 + 21 )(m22 + 22 ) − 2 P1 P2 cos (θ ) c c c types of pions: π + , π − and π0 . Pions are the lightest mesons and even the lightest hadrons. Along with other mesons, pions are the carriers of nuclear power, which is the connecting force between the nucleons in the atomic nucleus. pions are generated in the atmosphere by nuclear collisions of incoming cosmic photon rays. kaons are a group that carries odd quantum numbers. The neutral kaons are particles with complex properties that set them apart from other known particles. There are two types of neutral kaons: κs0 and κL0 . The short lived kaon (Ks0 ) consists of two quarks - Ks0 = d s̄ (down and strange). Particle π0 Ks0 Dominant Decay Channel τ[s] 2γ π +π − 8.52 · 10−17 0.89 · 10−10 (5) Where the mass distribution of a relativistic particle is according to the Breit-Wigner formula [7]: f (m) = C 2 (m2 −m20 ) +m20 Γ2 (6) Where m0 is the particle’s mass, and Γ is in energy units and describes the energy spread through the decaying and equals to Γ = h̄τ −1 while τ is the particle’s mean lifetime. E. Hadrons The hadron is a subatomic particle composed of quarks [8], as well as their opposite counterparts (anti-particles). The quarks are held together by gluons that carry the strong nuclear force. The hadrons are usually classified according to the number of quarks they include: a) Barions which include three quarks each. b) Mesons which are made up of one quark and one antiquark (of a different type). These include the pions, kaons and other types of mesons. The pion is a subatomic particle containing quark up and anti-quark down, their antiparticles, or quark up or down together with the anti-particles of each. Thus, there are three 134.97 ± 0.00 98.8 497.61 ± 0.01 66.6 F. Particle Lifetime The lifetime of a relativistic, unstable particle with a resting mass m0 that travels a certain distance L until its decay is given by: τ= m0 L p (7) The decay rate of an unstable particle is given by the exponential distribution: L m2 = (P1 + P2 )2 = 2P1 P2 (1 − cos (θ )) BR Table 2: Theoretical values of lifetime and mass of particles analyzed in this experiment (4) During the experiment we investigated particles that decay into photons. A photon is a special particle since it is massless, and we can therefore argue that the energy of the photon is equal to its momentum. We then get the following equation: m0 [Mev] N (t) = N (0) e− τ (8) II. THE DETECTOR The particle decay analysis was performed using the detector simulation software GEANT3 [10]. The simulated detector consists of four different parts as will be discussed below. The simulation allows the injection of selected particles with known momentums into the detector, providing raw data produced by the different parts of the detector for further analysis. A. Magnetic Spectrometer The magnetic spectrometer is the first layer of the detector, whose purpose is to detect charged particles and to provide their trajectories, allowing lifetime and momentum calculations. The spectrometer consists of 10 drift chambers under a uniform magnetic field B0 ẑ, and each chamber consists of two planes of 5 anode and 6 cathode wires strung parallel to the z-axis. In addition, each chamber is filled with a mixture of gas and is enclosed by two sheets of mylar. The wires allow the measurement of the y position needed for curvature measurements. These provide hit positions and enable the reconstruction of the particle’s track using a pattern recognition algorithm. B. Electromagnetic Calorimeter The electromagnetic calorimeter is the second layer of the detector, whose purpose is to detect and measure the energy and location of electrons, positrons and photons. It is simulated as an array of crystals, made of scintillating material, positioned behind the spectrometer. The interaction of photons, electrons and positrons with matter is mainly through pair-production and bremsstrahlung. At high energies, these interactions lead to showers that ionize the medium, resulting in the release of photons of a constant energy. The amount of emitted photons is therefore proportional to the amount of deposited energy, and using a photomultiplier an electric pulse is obtained. Using a reconstruction made by the program, the ECAL provides the pulse height associated into clusters (and cluster locations), which presents the energy deposited in each crystal. the measurements for each momentum were taken 5 times to incorporate statistical errors. However, the statistical error appeared negligible compared to the software’s outputted resolution error for κ. In order to calibrate the magnetic spectrometer, the measurements above were taken for electrons and muons with momentums of 10-100 GeV C. Iron Yoke 2mm The iron yoke is the third layer of the detector. It is 100 [cm] long and is designed to block the passing of hadrons using hadronic interactions. D. Muon Detector The muon detector is the fourth and final layer of the detector, whose purpose is to measure the position of all charged particles that managed to pass the iron yoke. It is composed of two drift chambers, similar to those of the magnetic spectrometer, and relies on the fact that the probability of a pion not interacting before reaching it is slim. III. SYSTEM CALIBRATION In order to understand the correlation between the simulation’s outputs and their physical meaning, the system requires a calibration of the magnetic spectrometer and the ECAL. A. Magnetic Spectrometer Calibration According to theory (2) the relationship between a charged particle’s trajectory’s curvature κ, and its transverse momentum PT , is given by: κ= qB0 2pT (9) Where κ is obtained by the simulator, and the 1/2 factor is a result of a bug in the simulation. The angle of trajectory can be extracted from the simulation’s output TANDIP, and the transverse momentum of a particle with a selected momentum p can be therefore given by: pT = p cos(arctan(TANDIP)) (10) The magnetic spectrometer’s calibration can be achieved by injecting known charged particles with varying momentums and measuring their trajectory’s curvature. Using (9) the following linear relation can be obtained: κ = a p1T + b (11) Where a = 21 qB0 and b is a free parameter. In practice TANDIP measurements were very small and therefore negligible, and pT ≈ p, where p’s error is set to 1% of its value by the simulation. Since the simulation uses mathematical techniques to estimate the particle’s behavior, Fig. 1. Linear fit for the trajectory’s curvature κ as a function of the injected momentum pT for electrons and muons. The magnetic spectrometer’s magnitude B0 can be extracted from the slope for calibration. Particle a ± ∆a ∆a/a 2 χred Pvalue Electron Muon 0.002000 ± 4.7 · 10−5 2.3% 1.7% 0.13 0.064 1.0 1.0 0.002000 ± 3.4 · 10−5 Table 3: linear fit results for the magnetic spectrometer’s calibration Both fits yield the following value for the magnitude: B0 = 1.336 ± 0.027[T ] B. Electromagnetic Calorimeter Calibration As mentioned before, the ECAL provides an electric pulse as a result of electrons, positrons and photons depositing their energy in the medium. In order to make sense of the generated pulse height, a calibration is needed. Such calibration is achieved by injection of electrons and photons with varying momentums, which participate in electromagnetic interactions, thus disposing their energy in the calorimeter. The particle’s energy is assumed to be approximately equal to the momentum since the photons are massless and the electrons’ mass (0.51 MeV) is negligible compared to the selected momentums (∼ 10GeV ). Since the pulse height is proportionate to the deposited energy, the following linear relation is used for calibration: E = a · P.H + b (12) Where E is the particle’s energy and equals the selected momentum, and P.H is the pulse height [V] obtained by the simulation with an error set to 5% of its value. Similarly to the spectrometer’s calibration, the measurements above were taken for electrons and photons with momentums of 10-100 GeV, 5 times for each momentum. The statistical error is again negligible compared to the given resolution error. Fig. 2. Linear fit for the Energy as a function of the pulse height P.H [V] for electrons and photons. The constant of proportionality can be extracted from the slope for calibration. Particle a ± ∆a ∆a/a b ± ∆b 2 ∆b/b χred Pvalue 0.021000 ± 2.2 · 10−5 Electron 0.11% 0.458 ± 0.027 5.9% 0.002 1.0 Photons 0.021000 ± 3.5 · 10−5 0.17% 0.433 ± 0.042 9.6% 0.005 1.0 Table 4: Linear fit results for the electromagnetic calorimeter’s calibration Both fits yield the following relation between the energy and the pulse height: E = 0.021 · P.H + 0.4455 [GeV] IV. MASS AND LIFETIME MEASUREMENTS In this experiment, our goal was to calculate the mass and lifetime of mesons using our knowledge of their most common decay channels, and to find their branching ratio (BR). A. π0 - The Neutral Pion According to the PDG, the neutral pion’s most common decay channel [11] is: π0 → 2γ In addition, its mean lifetime is known to be short, cτ = 25.3 nm [11], which leads to it decaying approximately at its injection point (x=-10 cm) relative to the detector’s scale. As a result, the mean lifetime of the pion couldn’t be measured in this experiment. Since photons, the pion’s main decay products, are neutral, they show no track in the magnetic spectrometer and are only detectable by the ECAL. Each photon was expected to leave two clusters in the calorimeter, providing their pulse heights and coordinates. We therefore define an interesting event as: 1. 2. No tracks detected by the spectrometer Two clusters detected by the calorimeter Using the ECAL’s calibration, each pulse height can be translated into the photon’s energy and thus, taking advantage of the fact that it’s massless, its momentum. The angle between the photons’ tracks can be calculated using a scalar multiplication: cos(φ ) = ⃗r1 ·⃗r2 |⃗r1 ||⃗r2 | According to the PDG, the short-lived neutral kaon’s most common decay channels [11] are: κ0s → π + π − (69%) (13) Finally,the pion’s mass can be calculated according to equation (5). The neutral pion was injected 80 times with momentum of 9.3 GeV, out of which 69 were deemed “interesting” providing a BR of 86%, which is smaller than the theoretical 99% [11]. Given the mass calculations for each injection, we created a histogram fitted to the Breit-Wigner distribution (6) such that: f (m) = B. κ0s - The Short Lived Neutral Kaon a (m2 +b2 )2 +b2 c2 κ0s → π0 π0 (31%) In this experiment we focused on the most common decay channel, κ0s → π + π − . Since the two pions are charged, they leave tracks on the spectrometer, enabling their momentum measurements. The short kaon travels approximately cτ = 2.68 [cm] before decaying into the two pions, which are known to have a relatively long mean lifetime [11]. As a result, this decay channel is expected to result in 0-2 clusters on the calorimeter. (14) Where b is the pion’s invariant mass we are looking for, c is the distribution width and a is a scaling factor. The mass error was taken as the bin’s width, and the events’ error as the square root of the amount of events per bin. We therefore define an interesting event as: 1. Two tracks detected by the spectrometer 2. 0-2 clusters detected by the calorimeter Using the magnetic spectrometer’s calibration, each trajectory can be translated into a pion’s momentum. The angle between the two tracks is given by the simulation. In addition, the distance the kaon travelled before decaying can be extracted from the coordinates of the two tracks’ intersection given by the simulation. Since the spectrometer’s magnetic field was originally too small, causing the decay products’ trajectories to cross, the simulation was altered such that B0 = 4B0 . Finally, the kaon’s mass can be calculated according to equation (4), and its lifetime can be calculated according to equation (7). The short-lived kaon was injected 100 times with momentum of 9.3 GeV, out of which 59 were deemed “interesting” providing a BR of 60%, which is somewhat smaller than the theoretical 69% [11]. Similarly to the pion measurements analysis, we created a histogram fitted to the Breit-Wigner distribution (6). Fig. 3. The mass histogram of π0 fitted to the Breit-Wigner distribution. The pion’s invariant mass can be extracted from the distribution. Mass [MeV] 137.8 ± 2.3 Distribution width Γ [GeV] Nσ Relative Error 0.0203 ± 0.0072 1.2 2.1% Table 5: Results for the π0 mass histogram fitted to the Breit-Wigner distribution The extracted mass for the neutral pion according to these results is 137.8 ± 2.3 [MeV], with a relative error of 2.1% compared to the theoretical mass of 134.9768 ± 0.0005 [MeV] [11]. This result deviates by 1.2 Standard deviations from theory, which implies a good fit with the theoretical model. Fig. 4. The mass histogram of κ0s fitted to the Breit-Wigner distribution. The kaon’s invariant mass can be extracted from the distribution. Mass [MeV] 229.2 ± 15.8 Distribution width Γ [GeV] Nσ Relative Error 0.119 ± 0.048 17 54% κ0s Table 6: Results for the mass histogram fitted to the Breit-Wigner distribution The extracted mass for the short-lived neutral kaon according to these results is 229.2 ± 15.8 [MeV], with a relative error of 54% compared to the theoretical mass of 497.611 ± 0.013 [MeV] [11]. This result deviates by 17 Standard deviations from theory, which implies an unsatisfying fit with the theoretical model. In addition, given the lifetime calculations for each injection, we created a histogram fitted to the exponential distribution as depicted in (8). The errors taken into account for this fit are as described for the mass distribution. and acquire information about its movement between the different detector layers. We analyzed this data, and using the appropriate distributions we calculated the mass of the neutral pion, and the mass and lifetime of the short-lived kaon. The results obtained for the pion’s mass and the kaon’s lifetime calculations appeared to fit the theoretical values, deviating 1.2 and 0.12 standard deviations respectively. However, the kaon’s mass calculation provided an unsatisfactory fit to theory, deviating 17 standard deviations from the theoretical value. Additional accuracy could be obtained by increasing the amount of measurements taken, injecting each particle more times. This could be performed by automatizing the data collection, as opposed to manually extracting it from the simulation. In conclusion, it can be said that the parts of the measurements resulted in a satisfactory fit with theory, whereas others require further data collection and analysis. REFERENCES Fig. 5. The lifetime histogram of κ0s fitted to an exponential distribution. The kaon’s mean life can be extracted from the distribution. Lifetime [s] 0.929 · 10−10 ± 0.28 · 10−10 Nσ Relative Error 0.12 3.7% Table 7: Results for the κ0s lifetime histogram fitted to an exponential distribution The extracted lifetime for the short-lived neutral kaon according to these results is 0.929 · 10−10 ± 0.28 · 10−10 [s], with a relative error of 3.7% compared to the theoretical mean life of 0.89564 · 10−10 ± 0.00033 · 10−10 [s] [11]. 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