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Movie Review: Filipino Film Analysis

Activity 6: Popular film/Movie
The film's cast included the film's star for the entire season, veteran actress Vilma Santos,
and young actress Ms. Claudine Barretto. Star Cinema produced the picture, which Rory Quintos
also directed. The protagonist is Josie, a Filipina Overseas Contract Worker played by Vilma
Santos. She worked as a domestic servant in Hong Kong for her family, one of the many people
of the archipelago compelled to leave for a better-paid job in a richer Asian country, as the film
relates. She is abused while at work, and her boss will not allow her to take a vacation or deliver
her family's mail to her.
As a result, she is unaware that her spouse died while she is in the Philippines. When she
finally returns to the Philippines, Josie is greeted by her children with contempt and hatred.
Josie is presented as a devoted mother who will go to any length to provide for her family.
She worked diligently and traveled to Hong Kong as an Overseas Filipino Worker, sacrificing her
time for her family, particularly her children. The celebrity had a difficult task as a mother
throughout the season. Vilma excelled in every facet of the film. It was a heavy drama since there
were numerous scenes in which she sobbed at every turn. She is demonstrating why she was
the ideal fit for this role. How she delivered those heavies phrases tears your heart. Beyond that,
it's far too convincing. There were numerous occasions when I forgot I was watching a film.
I have to offer Claudine Barretto a standing ovation for her portrayal of Carla, Josie's oldest
daughter. Claudine portrayed a headstrong, spoiled daughter who was strongly influenced as a
child by her mother's absence. She develops a deep dislike for her mother and treats her with
contempt when she returns home to visit her. Carla makes little attempt to conceal her disdain
and contempt for what she views as her family's heartless abandoning, particularly of Josie.
Claudine's acting is amazing; without a doubt, this is her career-defining performance. There are
several scenes in which you want to slap her in the face for her brattish attitude. That is the degree
to which her performance in that picture is convincing.
The idea of unconditional love is one of the most prevalent. The movie's theme revolves
around the mother's unconditional love, her unconditional love for her family, and her
unconditional love for her daughter, which she has shown despite the circumstances.
The film demonstrates the extent to which an Overseas Filipino Worker has made
sacrifices for their family while working abroad. The film teaches us that to succeed in life, we
must make sacrifices.
Despite the film's numerous obstacles and adversity, it teaches an essential lesson about
never giving up in life. Josie was struggling due to her boss's assaults and the added load of her
family. However, she maintained as much optimism as possible as she dealt with her challenges.
The most critical lesson that the film taught us is the value of forgiveness. The film
demonstrates how difficult it is to live with a heart filled with hatred. Forgiveness is critical because
it helps us feel better and happier. This is something we can put into practice in our daily lives.
Carla, in the film, exemplifies how many Filipinos can be ungrateful at the same time, a potential
outcome in OFW households, namely parental estrangement. The film reminds us to value the
small things in life.