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Homeopathy: Acids, Antimony, Argentum, and More

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 Chilly ++ Sensitive to cold, drafts (cold in general) (Exception: Fluoric acid).
 Haemorrhagic tendency
 Weakness +3
 Burning sensation due to irritation of nerves.
 Over sensitive to external impressions.
 Destruction, ulceration. Septicaemia.
 Night aggravation
 Amelioration Motion & Rest.
Predominantly Syphilitic.
Lean, thin, tubercular constitution with stooped shoulder and premature old look.
Poor memory, lack of concentration and destruction of all thinking power.
Over sensitiveness
Syphilitic qualities like :
Destructive qualities / activities
"Self" egoism and attention towards pleasure seeking inputs
Depression, listless, dejection.
Exerts depressive influence of the heart and circulation.
Sphere of action:
Mucous Membranes.
Nausea, vomiting, purging with faintness and relaxation
Lungs; Liver; Pneumogastric nerve.
Cramps in limbs:
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May be accompanied by purging.
Similar as seen in cholera.
Irritation is slow and tardy. Pustular eruption.
Perspiration Increased:
Cold sweat
Thick white coated
< Warm weather,
< Warm room.
Drowsiness associated with all complaints.
Indolence aversion to work.
Cannot bear to be looked at
Lean, thin, emaciated, tall with pale face.
Defective Co-ordination:
This gets manifested as loss of control mentally and physically.
Want of power:
 Limbs feel powerless, cramps, involuntary movements. Staggering gait. Speech,
stammering. Eyes, nystagmus.
Thick, profuse
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Arg met:
Thick, white and glairy
Arg Nit:
Thick, yellowish, purulent, bloody and offensive.
Gradual onset. Sharp, cutting, splinter like pains.
Sphere of action:
Blood; Bones; Mind.
 Scrofulous personality. Redness of face, hyperaemia or fullness of blood vessels.
 Heaviness and fullness of various organs.
 Hyperaemia of organs and blood vessels.
 Ulceration of soft parts and perforation..
 Enlargement, hypertrophy, increased activity and fatty degeneration.
 Pains < at night.
 Craving for and ameliorated in open air.
Caries syphilitic affection.
Mainly syphilitic miasm.
< Night
< Prolonged exercise
Abuse of mercury.
 Melancholia. Depression.
 Feeling of self condemnation and self-reproach.
 Very intense, idealistic people who set up high goals and who want to be the best.
 When these goals and aims are frustrated in some way, they get devastated and go into
depression and finally develop "Suicidal thoughts".
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Duty conscious and very responsible. Usually a history of excessive responsibility and
Deep religious conviction and spiritualism.
Egotism, < Contradiction.
Marked action on growth.
Mainly or affections of children and old age. Children retarded and defective mental /
physical development. Tardiness of development of organs. Dwarfishness in children.
Enlarged glands esp.adenoids
Slowness, sluggishness.
Slow comprehension, slow in action, movements.
Tendency to enlargement of glands.
Chronic enlarged tonsils and tendency to suppuration. Adenoids.
Tendency to catch cold.
Great sensitivity to cold air. Chilly ++.
Diathesis - scrofulous.
Offensive excoriating footsweat
Bashful Timidity. Shyness. Fear of strangers is very well marked.
Children do not want to play. Hide behind furniture / mother in presence of strangers.
Very sensitive to criticism. They feel that they are worth nothing and feel that they will be
laughed at or ridiculed.
Enormous lack of self confidence. Do not take up any responsibility as they feel that they
will not be able to do it. They avoid company and people.
Irresolution which stems from the lack of confidence and timidity.
All calcareas are chilly (except Calc iod and Calc sulph.)
Local or general coldness. Local coldness in epigastrium, palms, soles, vertex, etc.
Fat, flabby and obese (Except Calc. phos)
Red congested face, flushed face.
Congestion felt in arteries, veins, eyes, ears, chest etc.
Flushes of heat.
Slowness, sluggishness, torpidity :
This is found at both mental and physical level.
At physical level, lack of reaction & delayed healing.
In children : Delayed milestones. Delayed teething.
In adults : Late menarche. Dwarfism. Dull, lethargic, obese patients.
At mental level :
Slow learning & grasping.
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Affinity or bones and glands.
Bones, brittle, easily fractured, deformed. Delayed ossification. Glands hypertrophied and
Profuse, white aluminous occasionally yellowish.
Tendency to bleed easily.
Bright, red, profuse, continuous flow. Menses - too early, too profuse, long lasting.
Indigestible things; like chalk, charcoal, pencil, earth etc.
 Tobacco, coffee, meat milk aggravates.
 Tendency to spasms and convulsions.
Unhealthy, oily, waxy, shiny
Throbbing shooting, pricking. Burning pains here and there.
Moon phases.
Cannot tolerate tight clothing, esp. around the waist.
 < Cold in general. Damp weather.
 < Exertion
 > Heat in general.
 > Rest.
 > Lying on abdomen.
The remedy is prepared from the middle layers of inner part of the oyster shell. Thus one
of the features of calcarea is protection and withdrawal. They withdraw and make a
protective layer around them.
 Tendency to relieve offensive, putrid discharge and exhalations from the body.
 Marked action on skin produces intertrigo, excoriations, cracks and fissures.
 Glandular enlargement and induration, esp. of lymphatic glands simulating cancerous
 Tendency to produce Asphyxia craving fresh air and oxygen.
 Action on the veins, producing varicosities.
 Causes catarrhal condition of mucous membranes, esp. of nose, throat, lungs and
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Tendency to produce flatulence; offensive flatulence.
Complaints are right sided. (except ferr mur -> left sided)
Chilly. (except ferr iod :- Warm)
Tomatoes ; Meat
 Eggs.
 Affects the blood and haemoglobin leading to Anaemia.
 Congestion and circumscribed redness. Redness of cheeks.
Blood pressure
Fluctuating. Increasing and decreasing (same theme seen in mentals - forcibly holding on
and then letting go suddenly ).
 Copious. Bright red.
 All Complaints > Slow movement.
 Shoulder rheumatism. Esp. deltoid rheumatism, right sided.
 Headaches, Migraine, right sided.
Firmness is the keynote of the ferrum personality. They are solid, stable, steady and
determined people.
They are very watchful about their personal space and boundary. They do not like any
invasion or interruption. They like to remain steadfast and resolute.
Very Irritable. Any contradiction or opposition in their plans makes them very angry.
According to Scholten, there is usually a history of abuse in the childhood and they have
grown up with the apprehension that they will be hurt by anything against them.
Therefore they are always on guard.
This apprehension takes the form of being sensitive to other people opinions.
Anti Syphilitic, Anti Tubercular, Anti Cancerous.
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Lean, thin, emaciated with a typical cachexic look.
Summer; Warmth.
 Hot.
Tendency to affect glands. Lymphatic glands hypertrophied. Endocrine glands affected
e.g. Iodium - goitre. Bromium - Toxic goitre. Hypo or hyper functioning of glands. Sexual
glands :- Hypo functioning and atrophy of ovaries,testes etc. Primary / Secondary sterility.
e.g.: infantile uterus ; azoospermia etc.
Hollow organs affected
 Respiratory tract, intestines, uterus, heart etc.
 Tendency to spasms.
 Spasmodic affections of respiratory tract.
 Marked affinity for all mucous membranes.
 Also for bones & hair. Bones:- Deformities, tumors, etc. Hair:- Hairfall etc.
Highly acrid discharges
Discharges burn the parts on which they flow.
Produce inflammation, then congestion, then ulceration,then malignancy.
Slow onset of disease. Sluggish torpidity. Therefore halogens useful in chronic diseases.
Highly irritant. Destroy fibrin present in blood, leading to haemorrhages.
Tendency to pseudo membrane formation.
Oedematous conditions. esp. cardiac dropsy.
< Night, < Heat.
Those who have reached the expression of syphilitic miasm . Sycotic miasm in the
Slow, progressive ,deep seated pathological condition almost leading to incurability.
Illness of vital organs of body i.e. CNS, Heart, Kidney, etc.
Emaciation, looking much more older than age. Weakness, almost going to paralysis.
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I. Suppressions.
Uninterrupted Grief.
Stocks, disappointments.
Suppression due to drugs (steroids, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive
drugs, etc.)
Suppression of discharges.
Surgical suppression
II. Stimulants
III. Past history of syphilis or gonorrhoea.
IV. Sexual indulgence. Sexual
V. Symptoms of mind acquired from
physical suppressions.
Either inflammation leading to degeneration (common metals) or Inflammation leading to
induration (noble group of metals)
Sphere of action
Reproductive organs. Heart. Connective tissue
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In metals, mental symptoms are concomitants.
Symptoms develop gradually or suddenly rise up and come down gradually. Sycotic
background -> Syphilitic state.
Pain, very high intensity. Progress is slow. Relief is gradual. Constant dull continuous
pain maddening type of pain. Patient becomes neurotic with pain. Pain < touch. Pain >
Hard pressure, > tight bandage.
Useful in acute exacerbation of a chronic condition.
Opposite states as a result of toxic effects of metals. Initially hyperactive state of system
(because of rejection by the system) which is seen as < touch, hyperesthesia. But finally
leads to destruction. Highly irritable, excitable, hysterical (plumb, plat.). Hopefulness with
Hopelessness of despair (Aurum)
Hyperactive state is very short. But hypoactivity is very prolonged.
Patient desires abnormal things and those things which aggravate.
Desires: Stimulants, raw food, pica (Alum, Stann)
Aversion:- To good nutritious food.
Stool: Paresis and paralysis. Constipation++. Hard, dry, ball like stools.
Perspiration: Profuse, copious. No amount of perspiration ameliorates. Perspirationstains, offensive.
Urine: Tenesmus , paralysis, paresis. Affection of sacral plexus.
Paralysis of lower part of body (Thallium)
Involuntary stool and urine ++ (If involuntary elimination due to weakness: carbon, acid
Menses: Scanty. Blood- dark, painful, staining, offensive and indelible (plat). Cystic
growths , tumors and severe pain in ovaries.
Profuse Salivation.
Discharges - Acrid offensive thick yellowish green. Pathological discharge exhausts the
patient. Breathlessness after expectoration
Ulcers on an unhealthy base. No healing or delayed healing (snake venoms, carbons)
Dry Gangrene. Varicose Veins, varicose ulcers
Sleep, Dreams: Amorous++
Of impending diseases
Tremendous desire for sex +3. Nymphomania. Desire with no action.
Impotence :- Masturbation, sexual indulgence. < after coition
Polycystic ovarian disease
Skin - wrinkled, flabby, emaciation, ulcers delayed healing.
All metals are normally Chilly. But pain > cold application.
Personalities :- From cultured families.
HIGH EGO. Live their life like a king.
Desire for pleasure and power. Can do anything for pleasure and power.
Develops personality disorders.
In Aurum - Heart affected, suicidal tendency.
In Argentum - Anxiety
In Platina - Hysteria
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In Palladium - Mixture of all the above
Love for money & Power
Initially very hopeful (Tub miasm)
Depressive mania. Endogenous depression
Schizophrenia. Hysteria
Neurotic state, Anxiety neurosis. (Arg Nit)
Phobias (Arg Nit)
Restless, Impatient, walking; running. Suicidal by jumping out of window.
Lean, thin, emaciated.
Usually right sided.
Hot. Worse from warmth. Better fresh air.
Worse from fasting.
> Eating
Great appetite and desire food voracious appetite but still losing weight.
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Acrid, watery.
Tendency to affect glands. Swelling, induration of glands. Hodgkins disease. Hyper
thyroidism etc.
Suppressed menses
< Rest
< Pressure
> Movement
Restlessness++ :- Always want to do something. They are impulsive and they think and
talk quickly. Always active, busy and excited.
According to Vithoulkas, forgetfulness : Since they have a lot on their mind and can't
keep up with everything. The fear to forget things can also turn into an obsession, and
then may lead to compulsive behaviour.
Right to exist :- This seems to be the central theme. They need their daily bread and so
they must work and must be busy.
Kali (K+) is the normal constituent of tissues and fluids esp. muscles. It is a component of
nerve cells. The main function is impulse transmission. Maintains tone of muscle. But
produces weakness of cardiac muscles.
Psoric & Sycotic miasm
Heavily built, stout and robust. Oedema, swelling around the eyes, esp. upper eyelids.
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Weakness, Tiredness, enervation:
Mental and Physical. Mental exertion cause fatigue. < Sexual excesses. (Kali Carb.)
Weakness produces emaciations and withering (Kali Carb, Kali Iod).
Weakness associated with tendons, joints, ligaments.
Back is extremely weak. (Kali Carb).
 Joints turn easily.Mucous Membranes:
Causes congestions, ulcerations and inflammation.
Increases and alters mucous secretions
Kali Iod:- Profuse, watery, burning discharge
Kali Bich:- Yellow, stringy discharges.
Kali phos, Kali sulph:- Bloody discharges.
Arrests abnormal secretion:Kali carb :- Oedema lower limbs.
Kali sulph:- Pulmonary oedema, hydrothorax.\
Kali carb/ Kali Iod:- Hydrarthrosis esp. of knee joint. < movement.
Central nervous system:
Convulsions, chorea, epilepsy (Kali carb)
Respiratory System:
Oppressed breathing.
Marked action on lungs
Tracheitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Bronchiectasis.
Kidneys affected leading to oedema of lower limbs.
Thermal :
Predominantly chilly. Except Kali bich; Kali sulph; Kali iod.
Foetor oris. Bad smell from the mouth.
Modalities:< after midnight
< early morning.
Kali bi - 2 a.m.
Kali carb - 3 a.m.
Kali phos - 3 - 5a.m.
Kali sulph - 6 a.m.
< movement.
Anxiety++: Felt in pit of stomach. Tense person, always anxious.
Very conscientious people. Duty bound.
They are the people with strong pe\rinciples and convictions.
They live thier lives entirely by the rules. Always stick to norms and rules.
However, this can progress to rigidity, dogmatic and obstinate approach to being very
moral, conservative and ethical.
Serious people who do not want to let emotions to rule them. There is a strong
undercurrent of tension and anxiety.
Fears and phobias. Usually felt in the stomach.
Everything has to be routine. Do not tolerate new, unexpected things.
Practical and pragmatic. Work steadily and slowly. However they are not workaholics
Family oriented persons. Work hard to support them.
Closed and reserved people. Tendency to hold on the things. (Expressed physically as
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constipation and difficult labour).
An earth metal which is present in mitochondria of cells, which are the power houses of
the cells. Helps in process of oxidation. Helps in Ca+ metabolism (Deficiency of Mg leads
to hypocalcemia and therefore in neuro-muscular transmission). It is a component of
RNA and DNA.
Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic, Tubercular.
Rheumatic and Gouty diathesis .
Exudative and hemorrhagic diathesis
Uraemic and lithaemic diathesis.
Ailments from :
Suppressed discharges, eruptions.
Loss of fluids.
Tobacco / Alcohol.
Deep acting constitutional remedies.
Tendency to spasmodic affections spasms, cramps, convulsions, tremors, epilepsy etc.
Tendency to relaxation of tissues . Prolapse, bearing down. Ptosis. Subluxations, sprains,
strains etc. Varicosity. Incontinence. Herniations.
Poor Reaction :
Poor reaction to suppuration ; Scar formation.
Nutrition :
Poor assimilation (in rickets, worms, etc.)
Children with malnutrition and emaciation.
Pain :
Crampy, cutting, boring, stitching, tearing, band like.
< Touch
> Rubing
> Motion
Periodicity :
Every 2nd or 21st day.
Special affinity for glands :
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Lymph glands, thyroid, endocrine glands, prostate etc.
Discharges :Black, pitch-like. Profuse, sour smelling sticky, lumpy. Stains the clothes.
Craving: Fruits, meat, sour, sweet.
A mental condition arising from lack of love, affection and recognition, esp. in childhood.
Rejected children, orphans.
In rejected children, Mag. finds it's place as a remedy. Due to rejection, there is a greater
than usual frustration, as the demands are not fulfilled.
Demands in the form of love, affection, security and recognition. These produce a conflict
in them and ultimately anxiety is manifested in dreams and delusions. Dreams of robbers.
Dreams of dead. Dreams of being lost in a forest.
Neglected feeling with suppressed emotions
Mental weakness and lethargy
Pacifism: According to Vithoulkas, Magnesiums hate aggression. They get very disturbed
by violence. They hate quarrels as quarrels tend to break relationships, which they
cannot bear.
Lean, thin, emaciated.
Thermal :
More on the warmer side.
Desire : Salt.
Aversion : Meat.
Stools crumbling at end of anus.
Menses worse before, during, after menses.
Self-Pity :- They feel bitter about that anything gone wrong or against them and there is a
feeling of "Poor me".
 Attention:- Attention is a central theme with the muriaticums. They want to be cared and
 In problems related to the mother figure, muriaticums can be thought of. Either a cold,
strict mother and may even be completely absent. Sometimes too much attachment with
mother or mother figure can be seen in Muriaticums.
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Lean, thin, emaciated.
Warm. Worse from Sun. They are better or worse at the seaside.
Salt++; Fish++ and farinaceous food
Grief. You will usually find an element of grief or disappointment in the past.
The past infact is an important aspect of their lives. They seem to be stuck up
somewhere in the past.
 They are closed and reserved
 They prefer to be alone.
They keep their problems inside. They want to be on their own and want to carry their
burden alone. They withdraw and concentrate on their loss and sadness.
 Pessimism. They deny the possibility of regaining what they have lost.
 Sensitiveness ++. Very sensitive and vulnerable.
 Reserved. Introverted
 Tendency to dwell on past occurences.
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Usually left sided.
 Thermal :
Warm. < Heat. > Outdoors.
 Complaints appear and disappear rapidly.
 Tendency to congestions. Redness, swelling and heat.
 Desire : Bacon, meat
Aversion : Cheese.
 Discharges : Acrid, foul, stinking.
 Splinter like congestive pains.
Action on blood vessels :- Arteriosclerosis, hopes and other vascular diseases.
< Pressure
< Pressure of clothes.
> Jar
They are usually extroverted and lively people.
Enjoyment :- There is a great desire for general happiness. Also there is a strong desire
for money and sex.
Acc. to some authors, the desire for enjoyment is the central theme of nitricums.
Once they are enjoying life, everything is fine. If there is a lack of possibility of enjoyment,
then they become discontented and even aggressive.
Fear of narrow spaces. They want open space. Thin means space for themselves. They
do not want to be restricted.
Congestions :- At mental as well as physical plane. Because of the congestion and
containment in too narrow a space leads to explosions.
OPHIDIA (Snakes)
Rapid onset with prostration.
Sphere of action
Blood - circulation, heart.
Nerves; Ovary; Throat; Mind.
Side :- Left sided (except Crot horr. and Crot casc.)
Discharges :- Profuse Thick or thin, Offensive, Acrid.
< Suppression of discharge
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> Flow of discharge
Haemorrhages :- From all orifices. Dark red or blackish coagulated
Bloody :- Sweat, Saliva, Semen.
Pain :- Constricting, Burning, Shooting, lancinating, Drawing.
Skin :- Dryness of the skin inability to sweat. Bluish, blackish discoloration and oedema
Over sensitiveness, mentally and physically :- To all external impressions. Cannot wear
tight clothes tight bandages.
Cyanotic and gangrenous affection :- Necrosis of tissues and bones.
Trembling: Of tongue and extremities.
Modalities :< Night ++
< Sleep +
< Touch, Jar
< Suppression of discharges
> Cold
> Appearance of discharges.
 Quarrelsome
 Irritability
 Loquacious
 Religious affections
Fear - disease, death, health, evil.
 Forgetfulness
 Clairvoyance.
 Attractiveness
 Competitiveness
 Communicative.
Burning Sensation :
Ferr phos : 1st stage of inflammation. Burning of palms and soles.
Calc phos : Heart burn. Burning pain around navel.
Nat phos : Gastritis, burning is stomach.
Kali phos : Neuritis. Burning pain along nerves.
Destructive Tendency :
Ferr phos :- Destruction of blood -> Anaemia
Calc phos :- Softening of bones, RIckets, Caries of teeth.
Mag phos :- Myasthenia gravis Atrophy of muscles
Nat phos :- Liver - Cirrhosis.
Kali phos :- Destruction of nerves -> paralysis.
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Offensiveness of discharges.
Haemorrhagic tendency.
Ferr phos : Bright red blood -> anaemia.
Nat phos : Bleeding gums. Hematemesis
Calc phos / Kali phos / Mag phos : Too early, too profuse menses.
Weakness :Ferr phos :- Weakness due to haemorrhage.
Calc phos :- Weakness of bones.
Mag phos :- Weakness of muscles.
Kali phos :- Nerve tonic.
Phos acid :- Mental fag / debility.
Constitution :- Tall, thin, attractive personality.
Too open and impressionable. Sensitive to all external impressions.
 Like to talk, communicate and a strong desire for company.
 Sympathetic ++
 Friendly and affectionate.
 Homesickness : Stems from the loss of contact of usual friends and acquaintances.
 Travel desire to :- They display a great desire to experience new things, to explore and
 Restlessness.
1. Aranea Diadema
2. Aranea Ixolobo
3. Aranea Scinencia
4. Aranerum Tela (cobweb).
5. Latrodactus Hasselti
6. Latrodactus Kalipo
7. Latrodactus Mactans
8. Mygale Lasiodora
9. Tarentula cubensis
10.Tarentula Hispania
11.Theridion curassavicum.
All spiders have marked action or blood giving a picture of blood poisoning and
septicaemia (septic fevers)
Marked action of the central nervous system, marked by trembling, twitching, chorea and
involuntary movements of single or group of muscles.
 "Instability" is the outstanding feature. Instability of action, purpose, wisdom, etc.
 Periodicity: Symptoms recur annually. Also same hour (Aranea). Twenty first day
Restlessness +3. Always changing places cannot remain still, rolling from side to side in
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 Prostration. Excessive weakness. Weakness from sexual excesses.
 Affinity towards skin. Causing deep destruction of tissues. Carbuncles, Actinomycosis,
Gangrene etc.
 Modalities.
< Bright objects > Music
< Touch, noise, light > Rubbing
< Coition > Smoking.
< After or during menses
 Desires.
 Alcoholic drinks
 Ashes
 Bananas (Theridion)
 Cold drinks
 Seasoned food
 Raw food
 Tobacco
 Aversions.
 Bread
 Meat
 Chocolate
 Sexual
 Sexual excitement ++. Lascivious. But aggravated coition - leading to sadness,
weakness, dyspnoea etc.
 Rapidity of onset of symptoms.
 Doctrine of Signature: A spider attacks suddenly and disappears before the victim can react. This explains the
sudden onset of symptoms.
 Spiders stay in burrows, holes and light and Aversion to society are marked mental
 Selfish, cunning, whimsical and quarrelsome.
Contrariness, within himself as well as to outer circumstances. Obstructive, interfering.
 Great aversion to bright light, objects, colour, etc.
 < Contradiction. A/F Contradiction
 Music, sensitive to +3 . All complaints react to music not only mental, but physical
symptoms also > Music.
 Contrariness. Cheerfulness or gaiety alternating with Anger, irritability. Aversion to
company but wants someone present nearby.
 Hysterical. Causeless weeping, feigning and malingering.
 All mental symptoms ameliorated by eating.
Sphere of action
Mucous membrane of alimentary tract and respiratory tract. Respiratory tract:- Bronchus,
lungs, alveoli, trachea, larynx. Nerves :- Neuralgias. (supraorbital)
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Constitution :
Asthenic constitution. Weak, debilitated, lean, thin exhaustion of mind and body.
Weakness, Prostration and Exhaustion. Extreme debility leading to paralysis
Slowness of action and reaction. Complaints appear and disappear slowly.
Pain : Slow and gradual in development and equally slow to disappear.
Empty feeling in stomach. Increased thirst and appetite.
Weakness most marked in chest and vocal cords .
< Over exertion
< Talking, singing
Bearing down sensation.
< from odor of food, leads to nausea and vomiting.
Discharges : Yellowish, sweetish, saltish, sour, musty. Albuminous discharge.
Sweat : Debilitating, esp. at night.
Spasmodic tendency : Cramps and convulsions.
Periodicity : 7 - 14 days.
Suppression of neuralgia leads to complaints like leucorrhoea, phthisis, cough, cold, etc.
Suppression of leucorrhoea leads to neuralgia.
Headaches : Supra orbital, right sided. Pains increase and decrease in intensity.
> Hard pressure.
> Movement.
Worm affectations.
Extreme depression and despondency. Hopelessness and despair
Weeping disposition +
Anxiety and restlessness > walking but very weak.
Dreams : Anxious, fearsome, lascivious, confused