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Planetary Revolution Calculations Worksheet

Problem 1
Calculate the period of revolution of
planet VENUS if its distance from the sun
is 1.08 x 10 11 meters.
Problem 2
Calculate the period of revolution of
planet MARS if its distance from the sun
(R) is 2.28 x 10 11 meters.
Problem 3
Calculate the period of revolution of
planet JUPITER if its distance from the sun
(R) is 7.78 x 10 11 meters.
Problem 4
Calculate the period of revolution of
planet SATURN if its distance from the
sun (R) is 1.427 x 10 12 meters.
Problem 5
Calculate the period of revolution of
planet URANUS if its distance from the
sun (R) is 2.871 x 10 12 meters.
Problem 6
Calculate the period of revolution of
planet NEPTUNE if its distance from the
sun (R) is 4.497 x 10 12 meters.
Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer and nobleman who made accurate observations of the
movement of celestial bodies in an observatory
Johannes Kepler an imperial mathematician who discover the laws of planetary motion.
Law of Ellipses describes that the actual path followed by the planets was not circular, with the
Sun at one focus
Law of equal areas states that when an imaginary line is drawn from the center of the Sun to -the center of a planet, the line will sweep out an equal area of space in equal time intervals.
Lawof Harmonies- The ratio of the squares of the periods of two planets is equal to the ratio of
the cubes of the average distances of these two planets from the sun.
HELIOCENTRIC- the sun is the center of the universe
GEOCENTRIC - The earth is the center of the universe