o22O7O2O CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION@ B IOLOGY UNIT 2 PAPER 02 MARK SCHEME MAY,/JUNE 2 015 /c?PE/Mn 2015 -2- o22A'7 020 / CAPE / MS 201s Biology Unit 2 Paper 02 Mark Scheme ,June Question (a) (r) 2 015 1 A reqion: Increase i-n photosynthesls rate directly (linear)to increase in light intenslty propoltional B region: no change in photosynthesis rate as light intensity increases/no further effect of light on rate/rate remains constant Each d€6cEiption (ii) Oxyqen production [2 Earks] 1 Eark in p hotosvnthesis . Light energy causes electrons to be emitted from PsII (Photosystem II) . Electrons return to PSII flom !.,ater, refeasing 02 . Photolysr-s -enzyme (in PSII) splits water . 21za - 4H* + 4e- a O: I must state 02 release and at least other product of photolysis, hydrogen or electrons) 2- 4 points 1 point (b) (i) crpillarr tub€ m.t3urlne Or 2 uarke 1 nark one [2 Earke] stlIched graph p.Pcr or rul€r mersurcmcol Stringe to re$l sodr lime for .brorbing CO) gcrminr.ing mcnLrcuYholdine bcrar l,ocation for pfacement of germinatlng seeds Carbon dioxlde absorbent (soda lime) System for measurement of O: uptake (e.g. capiLlary tube and meniscus with graph paper background) Colrect diagra-E with all colrponentg (capr-I1ary tube, syringe, soda lime and seeds) 1 Ealk correcb ttrre€ least with at diagraE Representative 3 marks annotations 2 Balka Wi.th 2 annotations and other Lab61s 1 Eark tlith colEect labels and/or one annotation Procedure: Pface lrelghed seeds in respironeter ColoLrred waLer dropfet inLrodrced lnio capillary tube by drPP:- ng t1p into beaker of r.rater r'o Movement of meniscus of coloureo wal-er drop measured ovel time calculaLe vcLur,e oi C uP'.ake Conplete descriPtion 2 maEks [6 narks ] -3Biology Unit 2 Paper 02 Mark scheme June 2 015 1 Dark Partial description o22A'7 A2A / CAPE/ MS 2015 -4- Question 1 cont' (ii ) Biofogy Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 a2201 020 /3APE/ MS 2015 02 d Precautions 1 2 3 4 Handle soda lime (CO2 absolbent) with care Ensure apparatus / se t -up is a1rtight Ensure that no air bubbles in capillary tube with indicator fluid Do not handfe respirometer once it is set up (place at constant temPerature Allow apparatus / set-up to equilibrate for a few minutes Take measulements when !ate of movernent of meniscus is ) 5 6 constant Return droplet to end of tube by pushinq in the syrinqe plunger B Use fresh, health seeds/do not leave the gernlnating seeds too -Long (e.9. days)in Lhe syrjnge Germinating seeds should not touch soda lime 10. Remove testa from seeds 1 11. Set up a contlol respirometer with inert material instead of germi;ating seeds to account for any changes in atmospheric condit ions 72. Do repl ications 13. Any other Plausibl-e Precarr Li on For each of any 5 Poi.nts - 1 Dalk [5 Barks I Total 15 EarkE Biology Ut,it 2 Paper Mark scheme a22At 020 / CAPE/ MS 2 015 02 June 2 015 Question (a) (i) (ii) 2 Arlow pointing to rubber bung in vertical capillary tube on Figure 2. reqion ot [1 Bark I Basis: as water absarbed fron capiflary tube ta fiaintain the transpiration strean, air bubble noves fton oae point to another a)-onq capifTary tube tlavelled by the bubble in a given time interval using the scale/r€cord tiEe taken for bubble to travel along a specified dis tance R€ading i9 taken s€v€raL times during the duration of the M€asure distance experiment Av€rage r€ading is cal culated R,ate of tranEPiratj'on travelled Per unit time 3-{ points 2 points 1 point (b) is calculated 3 Darkg 2 narks 1 t[ark from average distance [3 rarks l xyfem vessel 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 of water Tlssue consists malnIy of (thln) vessefs conduct a stream inuous Vessels tong (elongated) and arranged end to-end form a cont column no barrier to End vrall-s of cetls with perforatlons (br'oken down) flow water rises Narrow lumen (i-n some specles) increases hej-ght that Wlde lumen (in some specles) minimizes resistance to flow cell contents) Vessels aie holIow(empty lumen/no cytoplasm/lack transport of raprd for allowing fIow, reduces resistance to water water to r'ralf s and Vessel walL ce 1Iul-ose -hydroph i L ic-wate r molecufes adhere supPort column of vJater fo' support (Less CeLl of vessel walIs -Lignifred makes it rigid loss likely to collapse unaer iater tension)/wal1s leaterproof hence of water mlnimi zed Pits present in xyLem vessel walLs vessels/overcome aI} a ir lock aLlow movement between xyLem -6a220102A / CF,PE / MS 2015 Bioloqy Uoit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 Question 2 :..: ' I 10. 11. 72. 02 by s (of mature xylem tissue)are dead hence all water absorbed by used being without root hai r cells gea transported to the leaves passive a mostly is Process the cel1s of xylem ta s sue / transport Pre s ence of tracheids in xylem tissue - conduct water Presence of parench\rma celfs - buffer for water transport [4 Barksl 1 nark FoE each of anY four PointE Cef l- (c) lodm. -1 Intim. (litrin8 E.dir morcl. [b]. - .b.tic llDrt -l' (c)(a) endothe.l i um (part of tunica Cells/nuclei shown on i nnermos L Iayer int rma ) thick wavy lines (part Layer of eLastic fibres beneath endotheliun of Eunica 1ni ama ) smooth lines Middle Iayer (tunaca medla) !J1th dense fibres/thacker muscle/eIastlc t as sue loose fibres/finer llnes (less outer laYer ( tunica adventitia ) connective tissue dense ) 1 Dark [4 Earkg] For each tissue laYer - detailE dralrn coErectLy but detaifs are Nate: If there is an atterlpt to dtaw details award 7 nark. layers tissue incorrect foi at Least three -1a2201020 /:APE/ MS 2 015 Biology Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme 02 ,fune 2 015 Question 2 .cnl 'C (ii) . Very thick walls . Made up of smooth muscle and efastic fibres . Aflows wall to stretch under pressure (do not burst or rupture ) . Convoluted nature of endothelium allot s lumen to expand Each of any two Pointg (iii) Di 1 Eark [2 Eark6l fference Larger/wider lumen Thlnner walls . Walls are collapsible change s (irregular Anypoint-1lark shape of lumen ) [1 Dark] Total 15 Earke -8Biology Unl.t 2 Paper Mark Scheme 0220t 020 /CAPL/ MS 2015 02 ,fune 2 015 ouestion (a) 3 (i) 20 l6 Age group 2 D2-5 ye.rcld D EGll 8 ye.r-old Nll2-19 yerr-olds 4 0 tg7t-1974 1976.1980 198&194 2003-21)06 Time Perlod Bars clearly distinguished,/key given A11 data points correct Appropriate scale used (at least % paqe used on boLh axes ) Bais separa*.ed betlreen time int€r'vals Axis lntervals correctly label led Axls-titles correc t . Appropriate graph title given ( see Table title for example ) 6 - 7 points 5 pointa 4 pointg 3 points 2 po j,ntg 5 EarkE 4 BarkE 3 Darks 2 narks 1 nark Note.' If line graph drawn award I nark if titfe given If bar gtaph dtawn as stacked bar chart accepL if points plotted co r tect fY (rr) Chanqes [5 narks] in obesrty GeneraL increase in obesity +evels over time for al aqe g roups The degree of increase in obesaty levels over time 1s smal I es t for the 2-5 years age group/more marked for oLde' age group s 1 Accept any othe! aPProPriate deEcription Each poj.nt - 1 mark [2 narks ] -9- 02201020 / CAPE/ MS 2015 Bi ol ogy Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 Question 3 ccni' (iii ) d Reasons . . . . 02 for trends Lower 1eve1s of physical activity (exercise) Poor diet and eatinq hab.rts Lifestyle changes related especially for the older age groups surveyed \6-7f, 12-19 years o1d) increased time spent on electronic devices ? Any othe! plausible reason e.g. socio-economic, cuftural, lack of awareness of nature of condition [3 aarks] Eachpoint-1Eark (b) (i) De . . scrip! ion of respon se Short delay (2-3 days) no production Then rapid increase in antibody concentration in the blood after infecti on . Maximum levels in blood at 10-14 days after infection . Then level begins to fall slowly 3-4 pointE 1-2 points (ii) 2 Darkg 1 Eark t2 earks I Secondary response memory ceffs from an earlier exposure pathogen wilI allol'r rapid prodLlcLion of antibodies. 1 DaEk to the [1 narkl (c) antib odv Active: immune svstern st imul a ted to produce part icular ion nat vaccl or i-nfection previous (and can do so rapidfy) bY Provided Passive: InununitY Provided bY antibodies or antitoxins e'g fr:om outside body (natural e.g rnother to baby, artaficial rnjection) EachPoint-1rark [2 Darks] Aotal 15 Earks -10a220'7A20 /CAPE/ MS 2015 Biology Unit 2 Paper 02 Mark Scheme June 2 015 Question 4 (a) (i) Explanation of i ne f ficiency Energy transf€r froE one troPhic level to anoth€r is only 10 per cent or even leEs/ on average about 10 per cent of net energy production at one trophic levef is passed on to the next level/as enerqy passes along food chain lalge loasoa occur at each t:rans f er For example sun to plants 1s only 1 per cent efficient/ transfer of that energy from plants to primary consrlmers is 108 of energy from prj'mary consumers to e ffi-cient / trans fer secondary consumers is broken down to another 10 per cent and so on/food chain can sustain no more than 6 levels due to ine fficiency/organi sms high up in the food chain qet very 1itt1e of original energy input. Trop hic level definition group of organism occuplaing t}€ sa.De feeding Poaition in food chain (e.g. PrimarY Producels, prrmary constuterS, secondarY consumers / feeding fevel Reasons 5 Of all sunllght available only smaff per cent converted green pl-ants to chemical energy (Iess than 3 per cent ) Some of the organisms die and are not eaten bY hence energY foss Some parts of faeces /wa s te organisms not digested and so energy lost Some energy is lost as nitrogenous excretory materials Some energy is lost as heat in resplration/digestron as energy used for growth, repair: and reproduction hence not passed on Some Nutritlonal qualrty of matertal that is consumed - consume r s can convert high-qualiLy food soulces intc new fiving tissue than low-quallty food s oulce 5 more efficiently Elq)lanation of inefficienqY - 2 earkg 1 nalk IncotoPfete D€finj-tion of tloPhic level - 1 Dark 1 nark Each of any Chree reasons [6 narks ] -11Bioloqy Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 a2201020 /3APE/ MS 2015 02 Question 4 ccri'd (relatlve) nurnlcer (amount) of (ii ) Pyramid of !!@eI! indivj-dua1s/orqanisms (per unit area) at each trophic (feeding) level Pyramid of Biomass - vreight (total, dry) of organisms at each trophic level (at partj-cular time ) (productivi ty) amount of enelgy (cal oric P ramid of Ener value/productj-vi ty ) at each trophic leve1. Pyramid of energy most accurate representatlon because No inverted pyramids are obtained (as seen in aquatic bi . . . . omas s ) actuaf energy transferred and includes solar eoergy input Can be more readily used to compare ecosystems/two species at the same leve 1 Can measure productivity over tlme (not static/or limited to one point in time as other t!.ro/not standing crop) Overcomes dj.fficulty and complexity of collectlng (huge) data for pyramid of nurrbers Shows . Difficulty in assigning specles to tiophic levels for quantlfrcation (nunbers or biomas s ) . Can take into account juveniles or 1[unature folms . More useful to compare relati-ve energy flows in different ecosystems/two species at the same trophlc leveI Each of three PYraoids - 1 Dalk S61€cting PyraEid of energy as DosC accurate Any one reason - 1 Eark Note: Award 7 nark lf aLL three types af pyranids stated but not (b) 1 desc r Tbed 1 Dark [5 Barks I biodiversj.ty promotes stabil ityl ecos ys tems with compfex food webs (high biodiversity) more stable/Loss of blodiversity (number of species) causes a loss of ecosystem stability/increased compfexity is usually associated r'rith greater stabll1ty Hj.gh study of grassland in USA one ecologicaf field richness also fowered the plant species reductions in resistance of grassland productron to drought -72a2201020 / ]APE/ MS 2015 Biofogy Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 estion 'j b c.iii 4 02 Grazing ecosysLem in Serengeti to stability high biodiversity linked Paine sLudied the animal-s that Iive alongr a stretch of rocky seashore by removing one pr:edatory sea star species after a trme, blodiversity decreased greatly stability no longer exi st ed Studies of microbiaf corurunities in snall experimental charnlrers show that fluctuations in ecosystem functions such as producti-vity can be greater when species richness rs reduced OR 2 Divereity tends to de-stabilize coErDunity dynBDics,/ high baodrversity may not promote stabrlity Many object to modeling multispecres lab corununities lntroduced species can pests on continents crash become Naturaf monocultures (salt marsh, bracken) lnsect abundance seem stable does fluctuate markedly in troprcal OR 3 Debate as to whether relationship beeween diversity and stabiLity (e . g , is sinp]-e ay b€ aultiple impact more r€l,ationships pronounced at lower 1eve1s of diversity cf to hrgher or dependent on leve1 at vrhich stabillty 1s berng defrned ecosystem versus spec ie s ) Experiments in aquat i c ecosystem large scafe proce play a signi ficant rofe in determining ou tcome s se s OR 4 shether coroplex ecosystems are ttlore or Unable to say definitively limited evidence for and against less stable Few experimental studres on stability have been at tempt ed, a long term at tribute of a "eqJ''es ei!heL lo.lg-ru.lrjng with short I ived organrsms impact of biodiversity on mdinly because sLabifrry is system and testing for it experiments or experinent s -13Bj.ology Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 a2201020 /3APE/ MS 2015 02 Questj-on 4 (b)ccni-''j Experiments nanipulating divers i ty criticized because of 24-yeat study of I nner small spatial and temporaf scales Mongofia grassland shows vari at ion Giving c19ar viellpoint wit}t €r<Planation No €rq)lanation,/viewpoint not clearlY atat€d Discussion of evidence in suPPort of viewpoint Incorylete/validitY unclear Nate: If specif ic,/h@othetical exanple given e.q detorestation and inpact an associated fauna ot fionflsh and caraf reefs - award 7 mark -2 Darke -1 Dark -2 Darks -1 Eark [4 Darksl Total 15 Darke -14Biology Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 Question (a) 02201A2A / CAPE / MS 2015 02 5 Absorption of glucose occurs in proximal convoluted tubule of nephron Active transport of Na* out of (proximal) tubule cells across outer menbranes Nat moves from glomerular fil-trate into tubule cells due to concentration gradient glucose co-transport s ystem (carrier) that transports glucose Na at the same time For €ach any 3 Pointss - 1 Dark is Presence of gfucose in urlne can occur if concentration in blood very hiqh This may indicate diabetes but requires more tests to confirm sefective re absotpxton Accept: Impairnenx af kidney function Clinical Sigrrificance well erPlained IncoEplet€ 2 Darke 1 tlark [5 -(b) EaEkEl Initiatlon Cycle i orti ated by SAN (sino-atrial node) ln muscle of right atrium. Cy c1e detai Is emits impul-ses that travel across cardiac muscle in atria st imul ates atria to contract impul se s Electrical s igna ls move to AV Node det aying (emptY inq) bLood into forcing AtriaI sys tole : Atrla cont ract cl osed ) valves open/semilunar ventricles (AV vafves remain to Purkinj e flbres HIS then of bundle Signals move from AV Node to atlows ventricle to contracL bLood out ot Ventri cul ar systofe - both v.ont ri cle s contract forcingvalves forced lunar heart (lnto arteries) (AV valve s close / semi open ) chanicers relax and fiLI with At ri a] and venLllcLrlar diastole blood SAN Mechan i sms to prevent backflow Valves in velns ( semi luna r ) Valves be tween airia and ventricLes reverse bLcod flow (tricuspld, bicusPid) Preven L -15Biofogy Unit 2 Paper Mark Scheme June 2 015 Ouestion 5 c.n 1,' o22A'7 02A / C|\PE / MS 2015 02 i 1 Dark Initiation Any 3 pointE of qYcI€ &taile to include at leaat on6 refer€nce to atrial and/or v€ntEicular 2 Darks diastoLe & systol€ 1 Ealk IncoDptete (any 2 Points) 1 Bark Arty one point for Backflow (c) Reg ulatory effects of [4 oarksl Co2 in blood vessels (carotid arteries) monitor concentration of Cor and other subsLances. High CO2 leads to stimulation of sympathetic nerve (cardiac Chemorecepto!s tor ) Increased heart rate acce 1e ra For each Point Adrena I 1 [ark ine stimulate anticipation) Impulses from braan (during nervous glands I adrenaline Production bY adrena in bloo d to heart and stimulates SAN Adrenaline circulates -(sino-atrial node) Increases cardiac outPut heart rate force of contract ion 3 tr,oints 2 poinca 1 point 3 Darka 2 Earks 1 Eark [6 Earks] Total 15 Darks -L6a220'7 020 /:APE/ MS 2015 Biofoqy Unit2-Papei02 Mark Scheme .lune 2 015 Questlon (a) (i ) 6 Di sease refer to a speci fic ilf ness,/bodily disorder due to a s ingle cause (e.g, Pathogens) Wider use - anything that impai rs normal functioning of body/dlsordered state of an organ May Discussion 1 2 3 4 on (influencad by) social and econo[ic envilonEent likely higher a personrs socioeconomic status is, the more of 1eve1s Iower with people good health/ enjoy heishe) is to education generally have a hlqhe! risk of experiencing Poorer heal Lh/access to health serv.ices Dep€ndent what is Dep€ndent on physical environDent (where we live' safe' the air physically around us) - if your water 'is clean. andyour house is heafthy' you nreutn. is pure, your workplace is heal-th' good to enjoy likely more comfortable and safe, you ale and b€hawiors D€p€odent on Pe.8on'B individual charact€ristics job' statistics a person has (who we are and what $,e do) - if a people healttFthan better enjoy ;how ,Ehat he (she) mcre likely to N rKl'i ll'e's conlroL some have rlnenp!at'ed/ r,riia .it:e ';e! support, conditions neaLtn witl benefit too/ tf one has famify ot chances coinmunity as support from friends and ." *"ff none who has somebody greater than far enjoying good health are how a a'n."i ini,,qsl traditions and customs of a societyin and people's role "i.."porris to them play an lmportant i.^iiy drug use' issues- diet, physlcal actlvity' health/lifestyle diseases tiansmitted sexuafly e.g. pithogens exposure to Biology and Genetics Range of factors e.g' age- where ofder adults are bioloqrcally due to the proie to beang in poorer health than adolescenfs qender related aging/sex inv"L..L and cognitive effects eof anaemla' ce11 sickle condations 'g' ?.lto."/inn.tit.a haemophilia, family history of heart disease/ diabetes Explanation of diseago incoryIete - 2 Earks - 1 mark - 2 Ealks Any thrae factore gtated 1 nark Onty ewo factors stated 2 q4!ks gtated factors of Discussion Orrfy ot" factor gtated riiCh discusEion - 1 Bark Stating three factors but discussl.ng one - 3 Earks [ 5 riarks ] -1'7 - Biology Unit 2 Paper o22A'7 02A / CAPE / MS 2015 02 Mark Scheme .rune 2015 ouestion 6 cont ' d (ii) Categorles 1 Social 2 3 4 human induced or self-inflicted Infoctious/coDDunicable/pathogenic caused by organisms or passed frorn one person to another living Deficiency - absence of nutrients in a diet G€netic/congenital due to genetj-c defects or plesent at birth 5 6 Ag€ing,/deg€nerativ€/chronic - associated with degeneration of tissues Mental variety of disorder associated with impairment ot brain function/mind acute' nan- j:nfect iou s , le, physical, physloloqicaf disease, fifestyfe but onfy if there is no siqnificant overTap between twa cateqoraes Accept: norl-connunica b stated Problem rigid Difficulty in assignrng a disease to single category/no disease of aspects fferent di / of categories ap bounda riei / overl used any aPpropri ate e . g. heart disease coufd be Example could congenital or human induced or physical/mental allness with social associated disease i ous fecL in if,ed/sone inher be conditlons EACH of anY tvro categories described - 1 aark no/incorrect but stating two categori6s - 1 mark descEiPtions - l Eark Stating ProbI€E [4 Earksl challenge exanple tso desonstrate - 1 Bark (b) sandra Phygical deP€ndence (freqlleocy of use/strong craving) Shows withdrawal s],mptoms (nausea, restiess and anxiolrs) use of the drug is abruptfy reduced or stopped for short period/s\,..nptoms severe based on frequency of use rrhen ti.me -18a220'1020 / CAPE/ MS 2015 Biology Unit2-Paper02 Mark Scheme ,fune 2 015 Question 6 con l 'C l"Iayne Psychological &p€ndence ( craving ) Can qo without use for long periods/no stronqt withdrawalbored or depres sed symptoms/i1lness/use when feeling (mind) /share experlence trith friends Expl anation Druq abuse habltuaf (compulsive/excessive/self-damaging) use of drugs to alter one's mood/ emot ion/ s tate of consciousnes s /use of a drug for a non-therapeutic effect/use leading to an addiction (dependency) - d€P€ndency correctly identified and 2 Earkg corEectfy identified but not clearly justified - 1 Eark Correct exPlanation of drug abuse - 1 Dark Note: if dependency suqgested far both cases but twe nat identified award ane nark FoE each case justified [5 narksl Total 15 [a!ks