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Cold War Worksheet: Truman's Message & Key Events

Assignment - The Cold War
Review - Use your notes and your knowledge of history to fill in the blanks.
1. The Cold War was the rivalry between the U.S. and a ______________ Soviet Union.
2. The Allies prevented a war by not invading the Soviet Union and instead launched an airlift of
supplies to ____________ when they cut off supplies to the western part of the city.
3. President Harry ____________ believed in giving financial aid to countries fighting communism.
4. After WWII, Secretary of State George C. _______________ proposed a plan to rebuild the wartorn countries of Europe by giving financial aid to rebuild their economies.
5. The U.S. foreign policy with the Soviet Union during the Cold War was _________________ in
order to prevent another international conflict.
6. The rivalry between the Soviet Union and the U.S. is known as the _______________ that ended
in 1991.
7. Great Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill references the influence of the Soviet Union as
an __________________ in Europe.
Iron Curtain
Cold War
Activity - Use the image and your knowledge of history to answer the questions to follow.
President Harry S. Truman’s message to
The second way of life is based upon the
will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the
majority. It relies upon terror and oppression,
a controlled press and radio; fixed elections,
and the suppression of personal freedoms.
I believe that it must be the policy of the
United States to support free peoples who
are resisting attempted subjugation by
armed minorities or by outside pressures.
8. In paragraph 1, who is he addressing of being oppressive?
9. In paragraph 2, what countries were requesting assistance from the
10. In paragraph 3, what type of government does it describe?
I believe that we must assist free
peoples to work out their own destinies in
their own way.
I believe that our help should be
primarily through economic and financial aid
which is essential to economic stability and
orderly political processes.
11. In paragraph 4, what is Truman requesting of congress and why?