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Amended By
Employees are encouraged to bring to the attention of their manager, any
aspect of this policy which in their opinion is inadequate or unworkable.
All such comments shall be considered and evaluation prior to the policy
being updated. The Policy and Arrangements shall be reviewed on at least
an annual basis, provision shall also be made to undertake a review in the
event of the introduction of new, or the amendment of existing
legislation, codes of practice or guidance notes.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2016
Scope ................................................................................................................ 7
Environmental Organisation .................................................................................. 7
2.1 Management Review ............................................................................................................... 9
Environmental Management Responsibility ............................................................ 10
3.1 Managing Representative (Finance Director) ......................................................................... 10
3.2 Environmental Consultant ...................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Senior Management .............................................................................................................. 12
3.4 All Employees ........................................................................................................................ 13
Environmental Management System .................................................................... 14
4.1 Environmental Management System Documents .................................................................. 14
4.2 Environmental Policy ............................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Planning ................................................................................................................................ 17
4.3.1 Environmental Aspects.................................................................................................................. 17
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements...................................................................................................... 17
4.3.3 Objectives, Targets and Programme(s) ...............................................................18
4.4 Implementation and Operation ............................................................................................... 18
4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority............................................................................. 19
4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness .......................................................................................... 19
4.4.3 Communication ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.4.4 Documentation ................................................................................................20
4.4.5 Control of Documents .......................................................................................21
4.4.6 Operational Control ..........................................................................................22
4.5 Checking ............................................................................................................................... 22
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement ............................................................................22
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance ...................................................................................23
4.5.3 Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action .......................................23
4.5.4 Control of Records ...........................................................................................23
4.5.5 Internal Audit ..................................................................................................24
4.6 Management Review ............................................................................................................. 24
Identification of Environmental Aspects and Significance evaluation procedure .......... 26
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
5.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 26
5.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 26
5.3 Reference Documents ..................................................................................................................... 26
5.4 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 26
5.5 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................ 26
5.5.1 EMS Committee ............................................................................................................................ 26
5.5.2 Management Representative ........................................................................................................ 27
5.7 Basis for Aspect Identification .......................................................................................................... 27
5.8 Identification of Environmental Aspects ............................................................................................ 27
5.9 Identification of Environmental Impacts of Aspects........................................................................... 28
5.10 Development and Updating of the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register ........................... 28
5.11 Significance Evaluation of Environmental Aspects ......................................................................... 29
Review of Legal and Other Requirements .............................................................. 30
6.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 30
6.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 30
6.3 Reference Documents ..................................................................................................................... 30
6.4 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 30
6.5 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................... 30
6.5.1 EMS Committee ............................................................................................................................ 30
6.5.2 Environmental Management Representative ................................................................................. 30
6.5.3 Supervisors and Contracts Managers ........................................................................................... 31
6.6 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 31
6.7 Records ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response procedure ........................... 32
7.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 32
7.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 32
7.3 Reference Documents ..................................................................................................................... 32
7.4 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 32
7.5 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................... 32
7.5.1 Environmental Management Representative ................................................................................. 32
7.5.2 Supervisors and Contracts Managers ........................................................................................... 32
7.5.3 Emergency Team .......................................................................................................................... 33
7.5.4 Staff of Pristine London Ltd ........................................................................................................... 33
7.6 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 33
Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation of compliance procedure .......................... 34
8.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
8.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 34
8.3 Reference Documents...................................................................................................................... 34
8.4 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 34
8.5 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................... 34
8.5.1. Management Representative ....................................................................................................... 34
8.5.2. Supervisors and Contracts Managers .......................................................................................... 34
8.6 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Environmental Control Procedures ....................................................................... 37
10. Air Pollution ...................................................................................................... 37
10.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 37
10.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 37
10.3 Responsibilities .................................................................................................37
10.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Air Pollution.................................................................................. 37
10.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Air Pollution ........................................................38
11. Contaminated Land ............................................................................................ 39
11.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 39
11.2 Scope ..................................................................................................... 39
11.3 Responsibilities.................................................................................................39
11.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Contaminated Land ..............................................39
11.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Contaminated Land ..............................................40
12. Ecology, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage .......................................................... 41
12.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 41
12.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 41
12.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 41
12.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Ecology, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage .............41
12.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Ecology, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage .............42
13. Noise and Vibration............................................................................................ 43
13.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 43
13.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 43
13.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 43
13.4 Operational Control Guidelines-Noise and Vibration ....................................................................... 43
13.5 Emergency Control Procedures-Noise and Vibration ...................................................................... 44
14. Sustainable Development ................................................................................... 45
14.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
14.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 45
14.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 45
14.5 Operational Control Guidelines- Sustainable Development ............................................................ 45
15. Statutory Nuisance ............................................................................................ 47
15.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 47
15.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 47
15.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 47
15.4 Operational Control Guidelines – Statutory Nuisance ..................................................................... 47
15.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Statutory Nuisance ..................................................................... 48
16. Traffic Management ........................................................................................... 49
16.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 49
16.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 49
16.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 49
16.4 Operational Control Guidelines – Traffic Management ................................................................... 49
16.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Traffic Management .................................................................... 50
17. Waste Management ........................................................................................... 51
17.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 51
17.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 51
17.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 51
17.4 Office Waste Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 51
17.5 Operational Control Guidelines- Waste Management ..................................................................... 52
17.6 Emergency Control Procedures- Waste Management .................................................................... 53
Liquid Waste .......................................................................................................................................... 53
Solid Waste ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Odours from Waste ................................................................................................................................ 53
18. Water Pollution ................................................................................................. 54
18.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 54
18.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 54
18.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 54
18.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Water Pollution............................................................................. 54
18.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Water Pollution............................................................................ 55
19. Earthworks ....................................................................................................... 57
19.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 57
19.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 57
19.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 57
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
19.4 Operational Control Guidelines ...................................................................................................... 58
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
1. Scope
Pristine London is the top provider of construction services to fit out and
refurbishment contractors in London and the southeast.
From demolition to strip out, builder’s works to waste clearance and recycling,
Pristine London can supply the full range of preparatory services. Pristine London
has the expertise to provide all mechanical and electrical validations and
isolations for a truly seamless service to our clients, saving money and
eliminating interface risks between trades.
Pristine London specialises in stripping out live buildings safely, carefully and
quietly utilising experienced operatives who shall ill de-risk the strip out job to
ensure business continuity and a smooth and seamless transition to the next
phase of fit out.
Pristine London undertake all sizes of contract, from a weekend strip out of a
retail space to an 18-month project to refurbish large offices in London and
understands the specific needs of the financial and retail sectors in a City which
operates 24/7.
2. Environmental Organisation
The effectiveness of the management of Environmental issues is dependent on
the persons who are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of work are carried
out with due consideration for the environment.
Ultimate responsibility lies with the Management Representative (Finance
Director), supported by the Environmental Consultant but specific duties are
delegated to others according to their experience, training and the organisation
in place.
Directors and senior management, both individually and collectively, shall ensure
that the requirements of the Pristine Environmental Management System (EMS)
is applied throughout the company and that those employed by the company are
kept fully informed of its content. They should also ensure that the
Environmental policy is adopted by all employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and
To assist the company in fulfilling its duties and obligations, an external
Consultant shall be appointed to provide advice and assistance to the
management and employees of Pristine London.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
The following organisation chart outlines the structure for Environmental
management within Pristine London
Whilst overall responsibility for the implementation of the EMS rests with the
Management Representative, responsibility for the day to day application of the
EMS is delegated throughout the Pristine London organisation.
All members of staff are however expected to: take reasonable care for the protection of the Environment through their
own acts or omissions;
 co-operate fully with others in the discharge of their duties and work in
accordance with all Pristine London Environmental procedures.
At the planning stage, full account is to be taken of those factors that help to
eliminate potentially harmful emissions/discharges, waste or other forms of
pollution such as noise.
Decisions about other priorities (e.g. programme and profit) are to take proper
account of the Environmental constraints that may be present.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Specific and precise arrangements shall be developed and implemented, as
needed, to enable the EMS Policy and Procedures to be implemented. Safe
systems of work, incorporating, where applicable, Environmental reviews and
Environmental Impact Assessments, are to be established, implemented and
monitored to ensure the appropriate Environmental standards are maintained at
all times.
High standards shall be applied when complying with legislation regarding the
protection of the environment. High standards of cleanliness, hygiene and
housekeeping shall be maintained at all times, while safe, adequate and clear
means of access and egress to places of work shall be provided and maintained.
All members of staff shall be provided with appropriate and suitable personnel
protective clothing and equipment, appropriate to the work which is to be
undertaken. Full training and instruction in the use, maintenance and storage of
such equipment shall be provided to all members of staff in order to ensure
protection of the environment.
All incidents or received complaints, no matter how minor shall be reported and
recorded in the company’s Accident and Incident log. Significant incidents shall
be promptly investigated to ensure that the appropriate preventative measures
are implemented to prevent a recurrence as appropriate.
All such incidents should be reported to the Office Manager who shall inform a
Company Director and where appropriate the Environmental Consultant.
Environmental training programmes shall be promoted with the object of
achieving personal awareness of the risks and hazards to the environment,
associated with the works Pristine London undertakes, as reflected in the Pristine
Environmental Aspects and Impact assessment. Responsibility and accountability
in relation to the prevention of pollution, reduction of waste and protection of the
environment shall be specified clearly and defined for all employees.
The Pristine London Environmental Policy shall be communicated to all new staff
as part of the Pristine London Company induction process on appointment. A
copy of the policy shall be made available for reference by any member of staff,
visitors and interested parties.
2.1 Management Review
An annual review of the Environmental Policy and Environmental Management
Systems shall be undertaken as part of the Pristine London Management Review
process. This will ensure that processes and controls remain effective, valid and
relevant to company work activities. Further reviews may be carried out as and
when required. All updates and amendments to the documentation shall be
communicated throughout the organisation.
The results of Pristine London Management Review meetings shall be recorded
and maintained in accordance with the Pristine London Document and Record
Control Procedures.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
3. Environmental Management Responsibility
3.1 Managing Representative (Finance Director)
The Managing Representative has overall responsibility for the Environmental
Policy and its implementation, supported by the Environmental Consultant as
applicable. In the absence of the Finance Director, the Office Manager shall act
as the deputy Management Representative.
The Managing Representative shall ensure that:
 the Company’s Policies, regarding Environmental Management are defined
in writing (supported by the Environmental Consultant) and that it is brought
to the attention of all employees;
 The Company Environmental Policy is issued to all employees and that the
written arrangements made to implement the policies are available to all
All employees are made aware of their personal responsibilities ;
 Appropriate training, resources, infrastructure and support are available to
all staff ;
Environmental issues are given appropriate consideration at all times;
 Changes to Environmental legislation and construction industry
requirements are assessed and the implications consider and where
appropriate changes to the Environmental Management System are made ;
They regularly liaise with the Environmental Consultant ;
 Risks to the Company relating to potential incidents at work,
Environmental impacts, loss or damage to Company Property and risks to the
Public through Company activities are properly evaluated;
 Liability is covered by insurance and advice given to the extent to which
risks are acceptable, whether insured or not;
 Environmental performance is recorded and reviewed periodically so as to
advise when action is necessary to correct adverse trends and feed into the
Management Review process;
 It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure the allocation of
adequate finances and other resources for the effective implementation of the
Environmental Management System. Key topics requiring specific resource
allocation are:
Approved by:
Management Representation;
Emergency response equipment;
Monitoring and measuring equipment;
Record-keeping systems.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
3.2 Environmental Consultant
The Environmental Consultant is responsible for overseeing the management of
Environmental issues within the company, as follows:
 Report to the Management Representative and keep them appraised on all
matters regarding Environmental Management, including changes to
Environmental legislation and construction industry requirements;
 Ensure that arrangements are made for implementing the Pristine London
Environmental Policy;
 Make arrangements so that Environmental Management data is collected,
reviewed and included in the Management Review process;
 Confirm that the Company Procedures, Instructions and Guidance are
regularly reviewed and amended as necessary;
 Provide Environmental advice to Managers, Employees and Customers,
using, as necessary, specialist external advisors/consultants ;
Promote positive Environmental values throughout the Company;
 Communicate effectively with external organisations such
Environment Agency regarding the policy and its implementation;
 Investigate Environmental incidents and record all findings and make
recommendations for the prevention of similar incidents;
 Liaise with Managers on contractual requirements and any future changes
or additions required to the Environmental Management System;
 Monitor the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System by
workplace inspections and audits and report on any improvements that may
be required.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
3.3 Senior Management
Managing Director and Managers shall at all times, be responsible for
implementation of the Pristine London Environmental Management System. All
members of the senior management team shall:
Implement and adhere to the Company’s Environmental
Feed Environmental Management Systems data into the Management Review
Set a good personal example;
Identify and organise appropriate training for their staff;
Liaise with the company’s Environmental Consultant;
Actively promote a positive Environmental culture throughout their areas of
Ensure that any delegated duties are correctly performed;
Ensure that all agreed actions are implemented as soon as practicable;
Suspend any activity, work or other activity which is considered to constitute
an immediate danger to the environment. The circumstances should then be
fully investigated and work shall be not be allowed to continue until the
appropriate remedial actions have been implemented;
Ensure that regular environmental performance monitoring is carried out and
that environmental issues are actively managed and controlled;
Ensure that the overall Environmental performance of the organisation’s
activities are discussed at regular intervals with all contractors, including subcontractors;
Report any problems or improvements to this policy to the Management
Actively promote, at all levels, the Company’s commitment to effective
Environmental management.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
3.4 All Employees
All employees are required to:
Approved by:
Implement and adhere the Company’s Environmental Management
Co-operate with the Company in complying with duties and
requirements imposed by relevant statutory provisions, client and
construction industry requirements and Pristine London's processes and
Co-operate with the Company in complying with Environmental
Management duties and requirements imposed by statutory provisions,
client and construction industry requirements and the Environmental
Management System;
Not interfere with, or misuse anything provided in the interests of
Environmental protection;
Consider the results of their actions and their impact on the
Adhere to all environmental control measures identified by Pristine
Report all Environmental incidents to Supervisors.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
4. Environmental Management System
This section details the arrangements and procedures that shall be used to help
implement the Pristine London Environmental Management System and ensure
compliance with current Environmental Legislation and Construction Industry
requirements. Within the procedures/processes, reference is made to the ‘Project
Environmental Management Plan’. This is a project specific document which
should be prepared for all new projects where required by Clients and it should
detail the project specific arrangements and constraints for the management of
all Environmental issues on the site or during the execution of a consultancy
The EMS of Pristine London Ltd is developed to manage significant environmental
aspects so as to limit their impacts on the environment. The EMS is established
in accordance with ISO 14001:2004, and is described in this section. Procedures
for each component is given in the relevant Environmental Procedures (EPs)
listed in Appendix A.
4.1 Environmental Management System Documents
The purposes of these EMS documents are as follows:
Describes the intention and principles to be adopted in
relation to environmental performance, including but not
limited to legal compliance, continual improvements and
pollution prevention.
(EMS Manual)
Describes the environmental management system and
outlines how the requirements of the International Standard
(ISO 14001) are achieved. A cross-reference of the ISO
14001 clauses to the sections of this Manual is listed in
Appendix A.
Objective(s) *
The overall environmental goals that Pristine London Ltd set
to achieve.
Target(s) *
The set of measurable performance requirements that
Pristine London Ltd establishes to achieve the objectives.
Programme(s) *
The programme and schedule which Pristine London Ltd
implements to achieve the objectives and targets.
Procedures (EPs)
Define the roles, responsibilities, and actions to be taken to
ensure that activities are performed and the EMS
implemented in accordance with the environmental policy
and the requirements of ISO 14001. A cross-reference of
the ISO 14001 clauses to the EPs is listed in Appendix A.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Compiles the environmental aspects that are derived from
and the activities and services of Pristine London Ltd. The
Impacts Register
register also denotes the significance of the environmental
aspects and the respective operational controls for
significant environmental aspects.
Register of Legal
Compiles the legal and other requirements, which include
legislation, codes of practice, regulatory and non-regulatory
guidelines that are applicable to Pristine London Ltd.
Instructions (EIs)
Describe which and how activities should be performed to
manage significant environmental aspects and to achieve the
EMS ISO 14001 requirements.
Records information for the audit trail and the assessment of
environmental conditions and performance.
* Objectives and Targets, and associated Programmes are provided as a single
4.2 Environmental Policy
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.2)
The environmental policy of Pristine London Ltd is included in Section 2 of this
document. It outlines the environmental commitments of Pristine London Ltd with
respect to its operations, activities, and overall environmental performance. During the
development of this policy, the appropriateness to the nature, scale and environmental
impacts of Pristine London Ltd activities, products and services has been considered.
The policy is endorsed by the Management Representative and the policy shall be
reviewed during the management review meeting.
The policy shall stipulate the commitments of Pristine London Ltd to continually
improve its environmental management and prevention of pollution. Pristine London
Ltd, is also committed to comply with applicable legal requirements and other
requirements to which Pristine London Ltd subscribes relating to its environmental
aspects. The environmental policy shall provide a framework for setting and reviewing
objectives and targets, and must be maintained, implemented and communicated to all
employees of Pristine London Ltd and its contractors.
This policy shall be available to the public.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Pristine London Ltd is committed to the management and minimisation of our
operations and their impact on the environment and understand the importance of
environmental issues to our business.
We are committed to achieving environmental best practice throughout our business
activities by:
 Complying with environmental legislation and other requirements, such as
approved codes of practice;
 Assessing the environmental impact of all historic, current and future
 Measuring and monitoring our environmental performance and undertaking
activities to ensure the continual improvement and effectiveness of our
Environmental Management System;
 Reducing the use of raw materials, energy and supplies;
 Communicating environmental aims and objectives to employees and external
 Liaising with the local community and participating in discussions about environmental
 Minimising the waste, pollution and emissions produced by all of our business
 Integrating environmental considerations into all business policy decisions;
 Expecting similar environmental standards from all suppliers and contractors;
 Raising awareness, encouraging participation and training employees in environmental
 Communicating this policy and environmental commitments to our employees,
customers and stakeholders.
Signed on behalfof Pristine London Limited
Lee Cummins
28th February 2015
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
(Review By: February 2016)
Next Review Date:
February 2017
4.3 Planning
Pristine London Ltd shall follow a “plan-do-check-act” process to facilitate
continual environmental performance improvements. The planning process
includes the identification and updating of Pristine London Ltd.’s Environmental
Aspects and Impacts Register and Impacts and the Register of Environmental
Legislation. Together with Pristine London Ltd.’s environmental policy, HSQE
objectives and targets are established, and appropriate programmes are
formulated to achieve the objectives and targets.
4.3.1 Environmental Aspects
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.3.1)
The planning process commences with the identification and updating of
environmental aspects. In order to evaluate the impacts of its activities to the
environment, Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain a
procedure to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products or
services that it can control and those that it can influence taking into account
planned or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and
services. These aspects, inclusive of those arising from works carried out by
contractors, are registered in the "Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register".
Pristine London Ltd shall ensure that all environmental aspects that may pose
significant impacts to the environment are under control and prioritised for
Pristine London Ltd shall keep this information up-to-date.
Refer to the procedure Identification of Environmental Aspects and Significance
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.3.2)
Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure to
identify and maintain access to legal requirements that are relevant to the
company, as well as other requirements that the company subscribes to which
relates to the company’s environmental aspects
Pristine London Ltd shall identify all relevant regulations, codes of practice and
guidelines that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities,
products and services, and record this information in the Register of
Environmental Legislations. Contract specific environmental requirements shall
be documented within contract specific documents.
Pristine London Ltd shall keep this information up-to-date.
Refer to the procedure Review of Legal and Other Requirements.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
4.3.3 Objectives, Targets and Programme(s)
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.3.3)
Based on the environmental policy and significant environmental aspects,
environmental objectives and targets shall be established, implemented and
maintained at each function and level within Pristine London Ltd.
When establishing and reviewing its objectives, Pristine London Ltd shall take
into consideration the legal and other requirements, significant environmental
aspects, technological options, financial/operational/business requirements, and
the views of interested parties. This will ensure that the objectives and targets
are consistent with the environmental policy, including commitment to pollution
prevention, to compliance with applicable legal requirements and other
requirements, and in the interests of continual improvement.
The programmes designate the responsibility for achieving objectives and targets
at the appropriate level of the company, together with the means and time frame
by which they are to be achieved.
The Management Representative shall approve the objectives, targets and
actions proposed before implementation. Where possible they will ensure that
the objectives and targets are measurable and that the progress towards
achieving the objectives and targets is continually monitored and reviewed, as
part of the annual Management Review process.
Pristine London Ltd shall ensure that the actions needed to achieve these
objectives and targets are reviewed and amended as appropriate for new
projects and or new/ modified activities, products or services. This will ensure
that environmental management applies to all projects and activities.
In the event that objectives and targets in the programmes are not met, the
Management Representative shall revise the programme as necessary and
maintain documented evidence / records for the actions taken to mitigate any
potential problems.
The Management Representative shall also maintain obsolete objectives, targets
and programmes as an EMS record for three years.
4.4 Implementation and Operation
The implementation of the EMS requires Pristine London Ltd to clearly define
roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel, commit to staff training,
maintain effective communication channels, adopt effective document and
operational controls, and maintain sufficient awareness on emergency
preparedness among the staff.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.1)
Pristine London management shall commit to providing resources (including
human resources and specialised skills, organisational infrastructure,
technological and financial resources) essential to the implementation and
control of the EMS. The roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel
shall be defined, documented, within this manual and communicated in order to
facilitate effective environmental management. The Pristine Induction shall be
used to communicate the Environmental Policy and the structure of the
company’s EMS.
Pristine London Ltd has appointed the Finance Director as the Management
Representative (for Environmental, Safety and Quality) and the Office Manager
as the Deputy Management Representative for the implementation and
maintenance of the EMS. Their EMS responsibilities are described in section 3 of
this manual.
4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.2)
Pristine London Ltd shall ensure all persons performing tasks for it or on its
behalf, whose work may have a significant impact on the environment, are
competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience, and
shall retain associated records.
Pristine London Ltd will need to ensure that all people performing tasks for or on
behalf of the organization, which includes contractors, sub-contractors,
temporary staff and remote workers, have had an appropriate assessment for
their potential to cause a significant environmental impact and the associated
competence required.
Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain procedures to
identify the training needs associated with its environmental aspects and its EMS,
and develop programmes to ensure awareness and competence, at each relevant
function and level, by addressing:
 the roles and responsibilities
environmental management system;
 the importance of conformity with the environmental
procedures and the requirements of the structured EMS;
 the significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential
impacts associated from their work activities and the environmental benefits
of improved personal performance;
 The potential
Environmental Training shall follow the same processes for the
identification and provision of training for quality and health and safety.
Relevant procedure: QMS procedure for Competence and Training.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
4.4.3 Communication
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.3)
For internal communication, the Management Representative shall ensure
information regarding the EMS (such as the policy, objectives, targets and
programmes) and environmental performance is readily available to employees
on notice board, or is published on the intranet or newsletters.
Employees with enquiries / complaints regarding to the EMS and/or
environmental issues of Pristine London Ltd shall inform their Supervisors and
Contracts Managers. The designated member of EMS Committee representing
each division shall maintain a log for the relevant enquiries / complaints.
Depending on the nature and scope of the enquiry / complaint, the Management
Representative shall determine the corresponding action and maintain relevant
records to demonstrate the response / corrective actions taken.
For external communication, the environmental policy is available at the office
and company web page. All internal and external enquiries / complaints /
communications shall be discussed and reviewed during the EMS Committee
meeting and the decision shall be recorded on meeting minutes.
The EMS Committee may discuss and decide whether to communicate externally
about its significant environmental aspects. This decision shall be documented in
the meeting minutes. If the decision is to communicate, the EMS Committee
shall establish and implement a method(s) for this external communication, e.g.
publish environmental report.
Refer to Quality Manual Section 13 Client Satisfaction & Section 17 Corrective
and Preventive actions.
4.4.4 Documentation
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.4)
The Environmental Management System documentation encompasses
levels as described below:
The first level is the Environmental Management System Manual (this document)
which includes Pristine London Ltd environmental policy (specifying the principal
objectives and environmental commitments of Pristine London Ltd), and a broad
description of how Pristine London Ltd addresses the ISO 14001 requirements.
The EMS Manual serves as an interface to interpret the relationship between
Pristine London Ltd.’s EMS and the ISO 14001 Standard. An individual document
of Objectives, Targets and Programmes is developed based on the company’s
environmental policy. It demonstrates the company’s environmental commitment
on continual improvement in environmental performance.
The second level is the Environmental Procedures, which include all procedures
that Pristine London Ltd shall follow as specified in the ISO 14001 Standard.
These procedures provide a detailed description of the EMS elements and define
who should do what, how and when.
The third level is the Environmental Records, which arise from
implementation of the Environmental Management System Manual,
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Environmental Procedures and Environmental processes. Environmental Records
include various checklists, reports and meeting records, etc., as defined in each
Environmental Procedures.
4.4.5 Control of Documents
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.5)
The essences of EMS documentation controls are:
they shall be reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy
by authorised personnel;
that current version of relevant documents shall be available at all
locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the
environmental management system are performed;
that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be
necessary for the planning and operation of the EMS are identified and
their distribution controlled;
obsolete documents shall be promptly removed from all points of issue
and use, or are otherwise assured against unintended use; and
any obsolete documents retained for legal and
preservation purposes shall be suitably identified.
Pristine London Ltd shall ensure that documentation is legible, dated (with dates of
revision) and readily identifiable, maintained in an orderly manner and retained for a
specified period. Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain a
procedure for the creation and modification of the various types of documents and the
respective responsibilities for such creation and modifications.
The principles for the control of Environmental Documentation shall the same
principles for Control of Documentation laid down in the Pristine Quality Manual.
Refer to Quality Manual Section 10 Control of Documents Procedure.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
4.4.6 Operational Control
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.6)
Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain operation control
procedures to manage its significant environmental aspects.
Pristine London Ltd shall ensure that all operations and activities, carried out by Pristine
London Ltd.’s employees or contractors that are associated with the significant aspects
are properly controlled, and that appropriate operational control procedures, in terms
of Environmental Procedures (EPs) are communicated to personnel whose tasks may
result in significant environmental aspects. Pristine London Ltd shall influence its staff
and contractors by communicating its environmental policy and other relevant
processes and procedures to them.
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.4.7)
Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure to identify
potential emergency situations and responses to such situations in order to prevent
and/or mitigate environmental impacts that may associate with them.
Pristine London Ltd shall review and revise its emergency preparedness and response
procedures, in particular after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations.
Pristine London Ltd shall also periodically test the procedure and the preparedness
where practicable.
Refer to the Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response procedure.
4.5 Checking
While implementing the EMS, Pristine London Ltd., shall monitor and measure the key
characteristics of its operations and activities on a regular basis. These results shall be
recorded together with nonconformity and the corrective action and preventive action.
As part of the checking process, a periodic audit on the EMS shall provide input into the
Pristine London Management review process.
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.1)
Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain procedures to monitor and
measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations and activities that
have significant impacts on the environment. This shall include procedures for tracking
of performance, applicable operational controls and conformity with the company’s
objectives and targets, as well as the calibration and maintenance of monitoring
equipment. The information of environmental monitoring shall be documenting.
Refer to the Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation of Compliance.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.2)
To meet the company’s commitment to compliance, Pristine London Ltd shall regularly
monitor and evaluate the compliance status of the applicable environmental legal
requirements (section and other requirements (section that the
company subscribes to. The records of the results of the periodic evaluations shall be
Refer to the Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation of Compliance.
4.5.3 Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.3)
Continual improvement of the EMS can be achieved by identifying, correcting, and
preventing nonconformity from occurring again., Pristine London Ltd shall when dealing
with corrective/preventative action of non-conformance, establish, implement and
maintain a procedure which defines the responsibilities and authorities to:
handle and investigate nonconformity;
take action to mitigate the impacts caused;
initiate and complete corrective and preventive actions;
ensure that the corrective or preventive actions taken to eliminate the causes of
actual and potential nonconformity are appropriate to the magnitude of problems
and commensurate with the environmental impacts encountered;
record the results of corrective and prevention actions taken;
review the effectiveness of corrective action and preventive action taken;
implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from
corrective and preventive action;
Pristine London Ltd shall also ensure that any necessary changes are made to
environmental management documentation.
Refer to the Quality Manual Section 13 Client Satisfaction & Section 17 Corrective and
Preventive actions.
4.5.4 Control of Records
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.4)
Records shall be maintained to keep track of Pristine London Ltd.’s environmental
performance, to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of the EMS, legal
compliance, and to maintain audit trails in accordance with the requirements of ISO
14001 Standard, and the results achieved.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Pristine London Ltd shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure to denote the
identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposition of environmental
records, to ensure that such records are legible, identifiable, and traceable to the
activity, product or service involved. Pristine London will also ensure that they are
stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable and protected
against damage, deterioration or loss. The retention period of each type of
environmental records shall be specified.
Refer to the Quality Manual Section 11 Control of records procedure.
4.5.5 Internal Audit
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.5.5)
Pristine London Ltd shall plan, establish, implement and maintain a programme and
procedures to carry out periodic environmental management system audits to:
a) determine whether or not the environmental management system:
b) conforms to planned arrangements for environmental management including the
requirements of ISO 14001;
c) has been properly implemented and maintained;
d) provide audit results and information for management review for environmental
The audit programme, including the schedule, shall be based on the environmental
importance of the activities concerned and results from previous audits. The audit
procedures cover the audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods, as well as
responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results and
retaining associated records.
Pristine London Ltd shall conduct EMS audits on a regular basis. Timely site
environmental audits are required to ensure appropriate preventive actions being taken
as planned, and corrective actions being carried out on a timely basis.
Refer to the Quality Manual Section 16 Internal audits.
4.6 Management Review
(ISO 14001 Standard Clause 4.6)
The “plan-do-check-act” cycle shall require the top management of Pristine London Ltd
to act and review the environmental management system periodically to ensure its
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
Before the Management Review, the Management Representative shall schedule for the
management review and inform all the participants, and gather all relevant
records/requirements (such as change in legal requirements). The Pristine
Management Review agenda shall be followed and used as an aide memoire for review
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
The Managing Director, Management Representative and Environmental Consultant
together with any EMS Committee shall take part in the annual management review.
They shall assess the work done in the past year in environmental management and
evaluate the existing EMS with respect to changes in legislation, concerns of interested
parties, construction/ demolition industry requirements, technology and product
requirements, and lessons gained from previous experience, etc.
Topics to be discussed in the management review shall include but not be limited to:
review of the environmental policy, objectives, targets, and programmes;
review of legal compliance and compliance with other requirements (including
contractor compliance on Pristine London Ltd ’s activities);
environmental aspects of activities and their disclosure to public;
findings of the internal audits;
review of nonconformities and the status of corrective/preventive actions;
communications from external interested parties, including complaints;
areas for improvement with respect to environmental performance;
adequacy of emergency preparedness and response;
changing circumstances, including developments in legal and other requirements
related to its environmental aspects,
identify the need for modification of the existing EMS in light of the above items,
follow-up action from previous management reviews.
The review shall initiate a new “plan-do-check-act” cycle with improvements in Pristine
London Ltd.’s environmental performance and further enhancement of the EMS.
Findings from the management review shall be recorded in the meeting minutes and
the Management Representative shall retain it as an EMS record. Maintenance of the
records shall be in accordance with Quality Manual Section 11 Control of records
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
5. Identification
evaluation procedure
5.1 Purpose
This procedure describes the method for identifying and evaluating
environmental aspects related to the Strip out and demolition carried out by
Pristine London Ltd respectively and determining the significance of these
aspects. The procedure also applies to those indirect aspects arising from works
carried out by Pristine London Ltd.’s suppliers and contractors.
5.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all operations and activities, under normal conditions
and reasonably foreseeable situations, in the Office and Facilities of Pristine
London Ltd and the site operations undertaken on behalf of clients.
5.3 Reference Documents
Section 4.3.1
EMS Manual
Pristine London Environmental Register
Review of Legal and Other Requirements procedure
Quality Manual Section 10 Control of Documents Procedure
Quality Manual Section 11 Control of records Procedure
5.4 Definitions
EMS Committee
Environmental Management System Committee
Environmental Management Representative
Significant Environmental Aspects
5.5 Responsibilities
5.5.1 EMS Committee
The EMS Committee, if established, shall identify the environmental aspects of all
activities, products and services of Pristine London Ltd and its suppliers and
contractors, and evaluate the significance of the environmental aspects. Alternatively
the Contracts Managers and Supervisors shall act as an Environmental Committee.
The members of EMS Committee / Management Representative shall prepare and
maintain the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register so that it contains the most
up-to-date information.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
5.5.2 Management Representative
The Management Representative shall review and approve the Environmental Aspects
and Impacts Register.
5.7 Basis for Aspect Identification
Pristine London Ltd.’s environmental aspects include;
 those direct aspects arising from their activities, products and services;
 indirect aspects that can be influenced, such arising from the activities of
their suppliers and contractors working on Pristine London Ltd ’s activities,
and from customer use of product (wherever reasonably practicable).
 aspects within the defined scope of the EMS with regards to resource
inputs to each process / activity, the intermediate effects, and the outputs
for past, present and future activities, under normal operating conditions
and any reasonably foreseeable situations shall be considered e.g. planned
or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and services.
5.8 Identification of Environmental Aspects
The environmental aspects of Pristine London Ltd shall be identified with respect to its
major work activities. The aspects identified from business activities and office
activities are consolidated to form the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register.
Information reviewed for aspect identification shall include, but is not limited to, the
 Work process flow and procedures;
 Legal requirements / non-statutory guidance notes;
 General specifications and Particular specifications;
 Observations in site inspections;
 Records of complaints and/or non-compliance;
 Information regarding site conditions requested and provided by Clients
and Principal Contractors;
 Past monitoring records;
 Records for past management reviews and/or environmental audits.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
5.9 Identification of Environmental Impacts of Aspects
The environmental impacts of each aspect shall be identified with regards to:
 Resources utilisation (including use of raw materials, energy, etc.);
 Waste management;
 Air emissions;
 Water pollution;
 Noise and vibration nuisance;
 Land contamination;
 Indirect impacts caused by Pristine London Ltd ’s suppliers or contractors
or customers;
 Others: Flora and Fauna, Visual impact;
Transportation impact, Nuisance, Site Security, etc.
5.10 Development and Updating of the Environmental Aspects and Impacts
The EMS Committee shall identify Pristine London Ltd.’s environmental aspects
and evaluate their significance through the following steps 6.1 to 6.4. The result
shall be shown in the Pristine Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register. The
information provided for each aspect shall include:
 The process / activity where the aspect is identified;
 A brief description of the aspect;
 The environmental impacts expected to result from the aspect;
 Score of the aspects based on the evaluation criteria;
 The control mechanism for each significant environmental aspect (e.g.
operational control procedures, objectives and targets)
The members of EMS Committee shall prepare and review the Environmental
Aspects and Impacts Register for approval by the Management Representative.
The Register shall be updated:
 on a regular basis after the Management Review as necessary;
 whenever planned or new development, or new or modified activities,
products or services are introduced by Pristine London Ltd or its contractors
and suppliers.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
5.11 Significance Evaluation of Environmental Aspects
The environmental aspects and impacts shall be evaluated and scored based
undertaking a significance evaluation according to the four criteria listed in Table 1 one
by one. A score of “1” or “0” will be assigned. If an environmental aspect scores “1”
for a criterion, it is considered as a significant environmental aspect (SEA) and
evaluation against the remaining criteria is not necessary (denoted by “-“in the
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register). If an environmental aspect scores “0”
for a criterion, it shall be evaluated by the remaining criteria one by one. If an
environmental aspect scores “0” for all 4 criteria, it is regarded as insignificant.
Significant Environmental Aspects shall be taken into account in establishing,
implementing and maintaining the EMS, they shall be managed by operational control
procedures or by establishing improvement objectives and targets.
Table 1 - Score assignment for evaluation criteria
Legal requirement
The aspect is legally and contract regulated.
The aspect is not legally regulated.
Expected release of pollutants of severe environmental
Unexpected situation such as emergency may cause
uncontrolled release of pollutants, or serious damage to flora,
fauna or historical heritage.
The aspect does not have potential environmental impacts of
severe consequence.
Large consumption of materials with significant potential to
reduce, reuse and recycle.
Consumption of materials that are hazardous in nature and
can be replaced by more environmentally benign alternatives.
Consumption of materials that originate from environmentally
sensitive sources.
Consumption of materials that have little or no potential for
reduction, reuse, recycling, replacement, and are not from
environmentally sensitive sources.
Pristine London Ltd has received valid, justifiable complaints
for similar situations previously.
The aspect concerns suppliers’ or contractors’ activities and
can potentially be influenced by Pristine London Ltd.
The aspect is about selection of suppliers or contractors
The aspect is a corporate concern reflected in the corporate
None of above
Use of materials
Corporate concerns
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
6. Review of Legal and Other Requirements
6.1 Purpose
This procedure describes the methods for identifying and updating the legal and
other requirements applicable to the environmental aspects of Pristine London
Ltd.’s strip out and demolition activities and for maintaining access to these
6.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all relevant legal and other requirements applicable to
the environmental aspects of strip out and demolition activities of Pristine London
Ltd and its suppliers and contractors. Legal requirements include those specified
in legislations / regulations and technical memoranda that are legally binding.
Other requirements include contract requirements, business codes, guidance
notes, code of practices, other technical memoranda and other practice notes
produced by overseas government agencies as well as professional institutions.
6.3 Reference Documents
Section 4.3.2
EMS Manual
Pristine London Environmental Legislation Register
Review of Legal and Other Requirements procedure
Quality Manual Section 10 Control of Documents Procedure
Quality Manual Section 11 Control of records Procedure
6.4 Definitions
Environmental Management Representative
EMS Committee
Environmental Management System Committee
6.5 Responsibility
6.5.1 EMS Committee
The EMS Committee shall establish and review the Pristine London Environmental
Legislation Register.
6.5.2 Environmental Management Representative
The Management Representative shall work together with the member of EMS
Committee to maintain and update Pristine London Environmental Legislation Register
and ensure that the updated register is available to relevant staff and the relevant
requirements listed in the Register are accessible.
The Management Representative shall approve the Environmental Aspects and Impacts
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
6.5.3 Supervisors and Contracts Managers
Supervisors and Managers shall inform the member of EMS Committee of any changes
to the requirements relevant to their functions or departments, so as to ensure that upto-date copies of the legal and other requirements relevant to their function /
departments are accessible.
6.6 Procedure
6.6.1 The EMS Committee shall identify the relevant legal and other requirements
applicable to the environmental aspects of construction and demolition in Pristine
London Ltd and determine how these requirements apply to its environmental aspects.
6.6.2 The Management Representative shall maintain a Register of Legal and Other
Requirements, and ensure all information listed in the Register are available and
6.6.3 Information in the Register(s) for each requirement shall include but not be
limited to:
Title and description of the legal / other requirement;
The application of the requirement; and
Any relevant licenses / compliance records required.
6.6.4 The Management Representative together with the EMS Committee shall review
and update the register(s) every 3 months or when relevant information becomes
available. The Management Representative or his / her delegate(s) shall regularly
source updated information from UK Legislation website.
6.6.5 The Management Representative shall ensure that the most up-to-date copies of
the requirements are available to the relevant employees. The Management
Representative shall control the hard copies of documents (e.g. code of practices,
technical memoranda, etc.) according to the control procedures in Quality Manual
Section 10 Control of Documents Procedure. Directions shall also be provided for the
soft copies of the requirements on the relevant websites where they are available on
6.6.6 The Management Representative shall ensure that the applicable legal and other
requirements are considered in establishing, implementing and maintaining the EMS.
6.7 Records
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
7. Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response procedure
7.1 Purpose
This procedure describes the preparedness and response procedures for potential
accidents and emergency situations that give rise to significant environmental impacts.
7.2 Scope
This procedure applies to the demolition and strip out activities of Pristine London Ltd
for which potential accidents and emergency situations may arise. The procedures for
preventing and mitigating the following emergency situations are described:
Fires, explosions;
Rainstorms, typhoon or other unexpected weather conditions;
Major chemical spillage or leakage;
Accidents as a result of equipment failure.
7.3 Reference Documents
Section 4.4.7,
EMS Manual
Quality Manual Section 10 Control of Documents Procedure
Quality Manual Section 11 Control of records Procedure.
7.4 Definitions
Environmental Management Representative
7.5 Responsibility
7.5.1 Environmental Management Representative
The Management Representative shall review the suitability and effectiveness of
the emergency procedures after each accident or emergency situation.
7.5.2 Supervisors and Contracts Managers
The Supervisors and Contracts Managers shall prepare an Emergency Response
Plan to minimise the likelihood of accidents and emergency situations, when
Pristine are operating as a Principal Contractors. When not undertaking the
duties of Principal Contractor, Pristine shall comply with the Emergency response
arrangements established by the Principal Contractor.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
The Supervisors and Contracts Managers shall ensure that all staff and
contractors who work on site are aware of and familiar with the requirements of
the emergency procedures. The Supervisors and Contracts Managers shall
arrange appropriate drills at various department / area and ensure that the
requirements of the emergency procedures are communicated to all staff and are
implemented. In case of emergency situations in the facility, the Supervisors and
Contracts Managers shall be informed and review the accident reports and
remediation works taken by responsible staff.
7.5.3 Emergency Team
When acting as Principal Contractor, emergency incidents occur, the Emergency
Team is responsible for the execution of the appropriate emergency procedures
as advised by the Management Representative and/or Supervisors and Contracts
7.5.4 Staff of Pristine London Ltd
All staff shall be familiar with the emergency procedures established by the
Principal Contractor or Pristine London and follow them in case of accidents or
emergency situations.
7.6 Procedure
7.6.1. The Management Representative, EMS Committee, and Supervisors and
Contracts Managers shall identify dangers, take proactive steps to prevent emergency
incidents, and complete tasks in preparation for emergencies, when acting as the
Principal Contractor.
7.6.2. The Management Representative shall coordinate the preparation and
maintenance of an Emergency Response Plan that contains all emergency procedures.
7.6.3. The Management Representative shall ensure the Supervisors and Contracts
Managers prepare an Emergency Response Plan relevant to their activities.
7.6.4. The Supervisors and Contracts Managers shall familiarise and train their staff
and Emergency Team members on the procedures described in the Emergency
Response Plan. This shall be accomplished in accordance with QMS procedure for
Competence and Training.
7.6.5. The Supervisors and Contracts Managers and involved staff shall identify the root
causes and any preventive actions, report the accident by completing an Accident
Report form after each accident or emergency situation and submit the completed form
to the Management Representative to review.
7.6.5. The Supervisors and Contracts Managers shall ensure emergency drill and
periodic testing of the procedures are conducted where practical and maintain the
emergency drill summary report (Appendix 1) for the Management Representative to
7.6.7 The Management Representative together with Supervisors and Contracts
Managers shall review the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the emergency
plan after each accident or emergency situation and revise the emergency plan as
7.6.8. The Management Representative shall maintain documentation on emergency
response and preparedness, and emergency incidents for at least 3 years.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
8. Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation of compliance procedure
8.1 Purpose
This procedure describes the overall requirements for monitoring and
measurement as part of Pristine London Ltd.’s EMS requirements to ensure that
there is adequate control on significant environmental aspects, compliance with
legal and other requirements, and to achieve objectives and targets.
8.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Significant Environmental
Environmental progresses established by Pristine London Ltd.
8.3 Reference Documents
Section 4.5.1,
EMS Manual
Quality Manual Section 10 Control of Documents Procedure
Quality Manual Section 13 Client Satisfaction
Quality Manual Section 17 Corrective and Preventive actions
Quality Manual Section 11 Control of records Procedure
8.4 Definitions
Environmental Management Representative
EMS Committee
Environmental Management System Committee
8.5 Responsibility
8.5.1. Management Representative
The Management Representative shall work with the EMS Committee, where
established, and Environmental Consultant to define the monitoring requirements
and evaluation of compliance, and have the overall responsibility for ensuring
that the requirements of this procedure are implemented.
8.5.2. Supervisors and Contracts Managers
The Supervisors and Contracts Managers shall ensure that the operational control
procedures / instructions relevant to their teams are followed by their staff, that
all monitoring requirements are implemented properly, and that all
nonconformities are reported to the Management Representative.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
8.6 Procedure
8.6.1. The Management Representative, in consultation with the EMS Committee
and the relevant Supervisors and Contracts Managers(s) if necessary, shall establish
monitoring criteria in the following areas:
The achievement of environmental objectives and targets and the
progress of programmes;
The effectiveness of operational control procedures for controlling the
significant environmental aspects of project activities including the
control and monitoring of contractors’ environmental performance;
The conformity of environmental legislation and other requirements
related to Pristine London Ltd.’s environmental aspects.
8.6.2 All environmental identified monitoring and measuring activities shall be
defined in the Pristine London Audit and Inspection Schedule.
8.6.3 Monitoring criteria shall include the monitoring / measuring frequency,
methods, responsibilities and records or reports that shall be kept. The monitoring
criteria shall be documented.
8.6.4 The responsible Supervisors and Contracts Managers shall ensure that the
monitoring requirements are carried out and report any environmental
nonconformities in accordance with the Corrective and Preventive action processes.
8.6.5 The EMS Committee shall hold regular meetings (approximately every 3
months) and maintain records to:
discuss and review the achievement of the objectives and targets and
the progress of relevant programmes;
review the monitoring data (e.g. inspection checklists) to check
whether the monitoring and operational control procedures are
implemented properly;
review information to evaluate whether Pristine London Ltd ’s activities
comply with applicable environmental legislation (section and
other requirements (section to which we subscribes;
review any environmental nonconformities, and the corresponding
corrective action and preventive action.
8.6.6 In case of nonconformities, the relevant Supervisors and Contracts Managers
shall investigate the causes of nonconformities and establish appropriate corrective
and preventive actions. The corrective and preventive actions shall be verified by
the Supervisors and Contracts Managers and endorsed by the Management
Representative (refer to Quality Manual Section 13 Client Satisfaction & Section 17
Corrective and Preventive actions).
8.6.7 The monitoring criteria shall be reviewed and revised according to changes in
legislative requirements and the practical situations of Pristine London Ltd as a result
of continual improvement of environmental performance.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
8.6.8 Calibration of measuring equipment, where necessary, shall be defined clearly in
terms of calibration methodology, calibration frequency, acceptance criteria and
responsible personnel.
8.6.9 Pristine London Ltd shall record the results (and maintain the records) of the
periodic evaluation of compliance and shall be considered at the management review.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
9. Environmental Control Procedures
This section details the arrangements and procedures that we shall use to help
implement the Pristine London Environmental Management System (EMS) and
ensure compliance with current Environmental legislation and construction
industry requirements.
These procedures are aligned with the operations which are associated with the
environmental aspects which have been identified as significant to Pristine
London and are consistent with our Environmental Policy and objectives and
targets. Any deviations from elements of the EMS shall be recorded in contract
specific documentation.
Air Pollution
10.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with the
minimising of the potential for air pollution and ensure compliance with legal and
client requirements.
10.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London Ltd personnel and operational
activities. The responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined
10.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for the prevention of air pollution control on
site resides with the Site Supervisors and operatives on site,
including Subcontractors.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements of air pollution controls are adhered to.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any air
pollution control issues identified.
10.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Air Pollution
Approved by:
Any requirements for air quality monitoring throughout the project
must be identified prior to the commencement of any works.
All activities which may cause air pollution should be highlighted and
specific risk assessments and safe systems of works should be
All operations are to be carefully planned and managed to ensure
that impacts are kept to a minimum.
All plant and equipment shall be chosen and serviced regularly to
minimise emissions, where appropriate.
Where air monitoring is carried out, all records shall be retained for
a minimum period of 12 years.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
All permanent and temporary employees, including sub-contractors
and suppliers, shall be made aware of their responsibilities to ensure
that no air pollution incidents occur.
In the event of an air pollution incident, the Emergency Control
Procedures outlined below shall be followed.
10.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Air Pollution
Approved by:
If any item of plant is releasing excessive emissions through its
exhaust, it should be turned off, quarantined and then returned to
the hire firm and replaced with better quality plant.
Where emissions are becoming a problem during cutting the method
of working shall be changed to use damping or extractive
Should any excessive odours arise from storage areas including fuel,
chemicals and waste the cause should be investigated and changes
made to storage arrangements.
Waste must be regularly collected and removed from site to prevent
odour emissions.
In the event that a serious Environmental incident occurs, contact
company Director and advise the Environment Agency using the 24
hour Emergency line - 0800 80 70 60.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Contaminated Land
11.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with the
management of contaminated land in order to prevent a negative environmental
impact and in accordance with legal and client requirements.
11.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London Ltd personnel and operational
activities. The responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
11.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for prevention and control of known contaminated
land issues on site shall reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all Sub-contractors abide by contaminated
land guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any
contaminated land issues and undertake monitoring against
Environmental control procedures.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on contaminated land
are delivered.
Directors are to ensure that any contaminated land training identified
as required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements of contaminated land controls are adhered
11.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Contaminated Land
Approved by:
Any areas of contaminated land must be identified from the site
investigation data and contract documents so that its treatment and/or
disposal can be managed. This information may be provided by Clients.
If additional sampling or testing is required, this must be identified
prior to the commencement of any works.
All operations involving contaminated land must be clearly identified
and project specific Environmental Impact Assessments and method
statements must be prepared.
If contaminated materials are stored on site, the method of
containment must prevent any escape of dust, leachate or other
Disposal of contaminated materials off site must be to licensed sites
and in accordance with the Duty of Care and utilise Licensed Waste
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
All permanent and non-permanent employees, including subcontractors, must be made aware of their responsibilities to ensure that
contaminated land is unable to cause further pollution.
In the event that contaminated land causes further pollution then the
Emergency Control Procedures stated below must be followed.
11.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Contaminated Land
Confirm whether soil is contaminated or not, is to be determined on a
site specific basis.
When dealing with known contaminated land and ‘run-off’ is becoming
a problem the Emergency Control Procedures for water pollution must
be followed.
When dealing with known contaminated land and dust generation is
becoming a problem the Emergency Control Procedures for air must be
In addition to this all operatives in the area must be issued with dust
masks to prevent ingestion of the contaminated materials.
Uncontaminated soil is permitted to be reused within the building site
where it was excavated.
Stop work immediately, seal off the area, and report to a Company
Director in the event that one or more of the following are found:
Approved by:
Discoloured or oily soil (chemical or oil residues) ;
The soil has a fibrous texture (asbestos) ;
Presence of foreign objects (chemical/oil containers);
Evidence of underground structures and storage tanks;
Existence of waste pits;
Old drain runs and contamination within building and tanks.
The contaminated materials must be tested at an approved UKAS
laboratory to ascertain what hazards may be presented by the
Following the receipt of the laboratory results a project specific method
statement and Environmental Impact Assessment must be prepared to
dispose of/deal with the material. Approval shall be needed from the
Environment Agency.
In the event that a serious Environmental incident occurs, contact a
company Director and advise the Environment Agency using the 24
hour Emergency line – 0800 80 70 60.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Ecology, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
12.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with the
management of site based ecology, archaeology and cultural heritage issues in
accordance with legal and client requirements.
12.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London Ltd personnel and operational
activities. The responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
12.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for prevention and control of known ecology,
archaeology, and cultural heritage issues on site shall reside with
the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all Sub-contractors abide by ecology,
archaeology, and cultural heritage guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any ecology,
archaeology, and cultural heritage issues and undertake monitoring
against Environmental control procedures.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on ecology,
archaeology, and cultural heritage are delivered.
Directors are to ensure that any ecology, archaeology, and cultural
heritage training identified as required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements for ecology, archaeology, and cultural
heritage controls are adhered to.
12.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Ecology, Archaeology and Cultural
Approved by:
Any contractual requirements for the preservation, monitoring and
management of ecology, archaeology and cultural heritage issues
must be prior to the commencement of any works.
All areas where ecological, archaeological and cultural heritage
issues exist should be highlighted and recorded in contract specific
documentation, where applicable.
Specific Environmental Impact Assessments and method statements
must be completed for all operations that may impact on sensitive
parts of the site. This is to ensure that all such operations are
properly managed and controlled.
The Contracts Managers are responsible for liaising with English
Heritage and other interested parties to ensure that no issues are
overlooked when planning potentially disruptive works.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Strict controls shall be implemented where necessary to ensure that
any persistent vegetation such as Japanese Knotweed is not allowed
to spread around or off of the site.
All permanent and non-permanent employees, including subcontractors, shall be made aware of their responsibilities to ensure
that damage to ecology, archaeology and cultural heritage is
In the event that damage to ecology, archaeology and cultural
heritage occurs then the Emergency Control Procedures below
should be followed.
12.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Ecology, Archaeology and Cultural
Approved by:
In the event that damage to any ecology, archaeology and cultural
heritage occurs work must be stopped immediately.
The incident must be reported to a company Director.
The area should then be protected using Heras type fencing or
Specialist advice should be sought from relevant organisations such
as English Nature or English Heritage.
The Environmental Consultant must be notified.
Special consent may be required before work can recommence from
the relevant authority.
The reason for the problem occurring must be investigated and any
changes made to future operations and programmes.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Noise and Vibration
13.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with the
environmental control and management of noise and vibration associated with
Pristine London’s operations. Prior to the commencement of works and also as
part of the Contract Review undertaken by the Contracts Managers, it shall be
ensured that any issues relating to noise are identified, assessed and defined in
contract specific documentation. This may include restrictions on work hour in
certain locations, due to the presence of residents or neighbours.
13.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London Ltd personnel and operational
activities. The responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined
13.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for prevention and control of noise and vibration on
site shall reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all Sub-contractors abide by noise and
vibration guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any noise and
vibration issues and undertake monitoring against Environmental control
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on noise and vibration are
Directors are to ensure that any noise and vibration training identified as
required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s guidelines
or requirements for noise and vibration controls are adhered to.
13.4 Operational Control Guidelines-Noise and Vibration
Approved by:
Requirements regarding the control of noise and vibration levels should be
identified so that the appropriate control measures can be implemented.
The company’s Environmental policy and procedures shall be taken into
account when selecting plant and equipment and when developing safe
systems of work.
Where it has been identified that buildings and services may be affected
by noise and vibration, all necessary control measures are to be
highlighted within applicable safe systems of work.
In sensitive areas, such as urban and commercial districts, liaison with the
Environmental Consultant may be needed to ensure that noise and
vibration levels are maintained within permissible levels.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Noise emissions should be regularly monitored and recorded as deemed
Where necessary vibration shall be monitored to ensure that no structural
damage is being caused to adjacent buildings and services.
Local residents and businesses are to be kept informed of when activities
producing excessive noise and vibration are to take place.
All operations should be sequenced, where appropriate, to minimise the
generation of noise and vibration, and where practical, plant and material
stockpiles should be located to absorb noise emissions.
Where appropriate, prior consent shall be sought from the local authority
under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974.
All employees, sub-contractors and suppliers shall be made aware of their
responsibilities and duties to ensure that noise and vibration generated by
them is correctly managed and controlled.
In the event that noise and vibration emissions exceed permissible levels,
then the following Emergency Control Procedures are to be followed.
13.5 Emergency Control Procedures-Noise and Vibration
Approved by:
In the event of noise and vibration limits being exceeded the work or
activity causing the noise/vibration is to be stopped.
Where appropriate plant is to be re-orientated to re-direct emissions away
from sensitive receptors.
Where appropriate material is to be stockpiled to provide a noise barrier to
absorb noise emissions.
Where appropriate erect additional noise barriers.
If these steps are unsuccessful in reducing emissions to an acceptable
level then working practices and arrangements shall be changed
Monitoring shall
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Sustainable Development
14.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with
implementing the principles of sustainable development within Pristine London
14.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London and operational activities. The
responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
14.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for ensuring sustainable development issues
on site shall reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all
sustainable development guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any
sustainable development issues and undertake monitoring against
Environmental control procedures.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on sustainable
development are delivered.
Directors are to ensure that any sustainable development training
identified as required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements for sustainable development controls are
adhered to.
14.5 Operational Control Guidelines- Sustainable Development
Approved by:
All timber including temporary works should, wherever practical, be
from a temperate sustainable resource and certified as such from an
independent inspection agency accredited by the Forest Stewardship
Council (FSC).
Peat is not to be imported for use as a soil conditioner for
landscaping or planting.
Imported soil conditioners shall be free from peat and be produced
from recycled and renewable materials free from weed seeds,
disease and fungal organisms
All materials shall be accurately ordered to minimise waste.
Where possible the use of recycled materials and
environmentally friendly options should be investigated.
During construction the work area shall be kept tidy to minimise the
risk of damage to materials and their subsequent wastage.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Approved by:
All operations shall be adequately supervised to ensure that the
wastage is kept to a minimum.
All plant and office equipment shall be turned off when not in use to
conserve power/fuel.
Where possible the consumption of stationery in all offices shall be
used conservatively.
Waste paper and empty toner cartridges shall be recycled.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Statutory Nuisance
15.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with the
minimising of the potential for statutory nuisance.
Although there is no legal definition of a statutory nuisance, for action to be
taken, the nuisance must, or be likely to be prejudicial to a person’s health, or
interfere with a person’s legitimate use and enjoyment of land. This particularly
applies to nuisance to neighbours in their homes, offices and gardens.
A statutory nuisance could arise from the poor state of the company’s premises
or sites, from any noise, smoke, fumes, gases, dust, steam, smell, effluvia, the
keeping of animals’, deposits and accumulations of refuse and/or other material,
and other discharges from company premises.
15.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London and operational activities. The
responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
15.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for prevention and control of statutory
nuisance issues on site shall reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all Sub-contractors abide by statutory
nuisance guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any
statutory nuisance issues and undertake monitoring against
Environmental control procedures.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on statutory
nuisance are delivered.
Directors are to ensure that any statutory nuisance
identified as required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements for statutory nuisance controls are
adhered to.
15.4 Operational Control Guidelines – Statutory Nuisance
Approved by:
The procedures for air pollution, contaminated land, noise and
vibration, and water pollution should be followed to prevent any
statutory nuisance in these forms.
If the site is located adjacent to residential areas then any lighting
that is required is to be located to minimise disruption through glare
or light pollution.
All complaints from local residents are to be collated and where
appropriate procedures developed to prevent any recurrence.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
In the event of an incident involving statutory nuisance the
Emergency Control Procedures below must be followed.
15.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Statutory Nuisance
Approved by:
Should any incident surrounding statutory nuisance occur, the
appropriate operational procedures, as identified above, must be
All complaints shall be recorded and a company Director shall be
Where problems occur regarding site lighting then the lighting shall
be relocated to reduce the impact upon the surrounding residents
and neighbours.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Traffic Management
16.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with Traffic
Management in order to negate any negative impacts the environment and
where possible increase any positive impacts.
16.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London and operational activities. The
responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
16.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for prevention and control of traffic
management issues on site shall reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all Sub-contractors abide by traffic
management guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any traffic
Environmental control procedures.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on traffic
management are delivered.
Directors are to ensure that any traffic management training
identified as required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements for traffic management are adhered to.
16.4 Operational Control Guidelines – Traffic Management
Approved by:
All traffic management issues identified must be incorporated into in
the contract documents, where required.
Where appropriate, arrangements for the delivery of materials
should take place outside peak hours.
All access roads should be regularly monitored for damage and
deposition of mud and debris, where mud and debris are found to
be a problem, all debris should be quickly removed and the roads
kept clean and tidy.
All plant should be regularly serviced to ensure that it does not
cause excessive pollution and operates safely and efficiently.
In the event that a traffic management problem occurs the
Emergency Control Procedures below should be followed.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
16.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Traffic Management
Approved by:
In the event that the increased numbers of traffic movements
adjacent to the site cause problems with congestion, road conditions
or noise, then measures should be implemented to minimise them.
Where congestion is occurring at the beginning and end of the day,
the use of flexible working hours and staggered starting times
should be considered.
Where excess mud and debris is being deposited on local roads
around the site, the incorporation of wheel washes and use of road
sweepers should be considered.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Waste Management
17.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with the
management of waste on site in order to minimise any negative environmental
17.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London and operational activities. The
responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
17.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for prevention and control of waste on site shall
reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all Sub-contractors abide by waste
management guidelines.
Contracts or Projects Managers, shall where applicable, ensure the Site Waste
Management Plan (SWMP) is developed and managed. The Contracts
Managers shall determine during the initial review of a contracts requirements
if a Site Waste Management Plan is required for the works. Construction
projects in England worth more than £300,000 must have a Site Waste
Management Plan which outlines ways that waste can be reduced and sitegain materials can be re-used or recycled as part of the project.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any waste
management issues and undertake monitoring against Environmental
control procedures.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on waste management
are delivered.
Directors are to ensure that any waste management training identified
as required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements for waste management are adhered to.
17.4 Office Waste Guidelines
 All consumables and office supplies are to be used conservatively,
including the recycling and reuse of supplies where practical.
Approved by:
Company paper is only to be used for business purposes and waste
paper should be recycled rather than disposed of.
The use of double-sided copying and printing should be made wherever
Scrap paper shall be reused for draft printing whenever possible.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
Office paper supplies shall be discarded separately into segregated and
designated recycling bins. All cardboard materials shall be discarded
separately into respective segregated bins. All other rubbish shall be
discarded in the normal manner.
17.5 Operational Control Guidelines- Waste Management
Approved by:
All work shall be carefully considered and implemented to minimise the
generation of waste.
Where it has been identified that wastes are to be produced, or
potentially produced, by a new project or activity, this shall be clearly
identified prior to the commencement of the work.
Specialist disposal requirements including any Waste Management
License issues shall be identified prior to commencement.
All employees, including sub-contractors shall be requested to identify
the types of waste that can be reduced, reused, or re-cycled on-site or
All employees, suppliers and sub-contractors shall be made aware of
their responsibilities to ensure the correct disposal of waste.
Where the production of hazardous wastes is envisaged, a company
Director shall liaise with Environmental Consultant and the appropriate
Environment Agency office to determine the most appropriate method
of disposal.
All sites producing hazardous waste must be licensed with the
Environment Agency.
Waste disposal contractors must possess the appropriate license to
dispose of the waste from site. The Office Manager shall periodically
check the waste contractor’s current license.
All waste disposal operations shall comply with the Duty of Care. A
Waste Transfer Note/Consignment Notice shall accompany all waste
transfers. The Waste Transfer Note must be retained for a minimum of
three years.
The storage requirements for wastes are to be identified to allow for
the segregation of the waste and the prevention of odours, water
pollution and the cross contamination of materials.
In the event of the escape of waste the Emergency Control Procedures
below must be followed.
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017
17.6 Emergency Control Procedures- Waste Management
Liquid Waste
In the event of liquid waste escaping a company Director is to be
The Office Manager is to notify the Environmental Consultant and
the appropriate Environment Agency office.
Stop the flow of pollution using earth, sand or polythene and divert
away from drains and watercourses.
Deploy spill kits as necessary to contain and absorb the spill.
Contaminated sand, earth or granules must be disposed of as
contaminated material.
The reasons and cause of the escape must be thoroughly
investigated, and recommendations made to prevent
Solid Waste
In the event of solid waste escaping a company Director is to be
The waste that has escaped must be collected and placed into a
secure receptacle.
Depending on the hazard presented by the material, specific
personal protective equipment may be required.
The reasons and cause of the escape must be thoroughly
investigated, and recommendations made to prevent
Odours from Waste
Approved by:
In the event that odours become a problem from waste storage, the
skips must be emptied immediately.
If similar waste is likely, then covered skips must be used and
emptied regularly.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Water Pollution
18.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance and assistance with
minimising the potential for water pollution as a result of Pristine London’s
activities. Generally, strip out and demolition works are delivered in an urban
environment, therefore the potential for pollution of water courses is minimal.
18.2 Scope
This procedure applies to all Pristine London and operational activities. The
responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
18.3 Responsibilities
Overall responsibility for prevention and control of water pollution
issues on site shall reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall ensure all Sub-contractors abide by water
pollution guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any water
pollution issues and undertake monitoring against Environmental
control procedures and liaise with the Environmental Agency for all
water pollution issues.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on water pollution are
Directors are to ensure that any water pollution training identified as
required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements for water pollution controls are adhered to.
Pristine London Ltd shall ensure that no contamination of adjacent watercourses
and the groundwater shall occur as a result of their operations. This shall also
include minimising the impact of operations upon wildlife habitats, aquatic flora
and fauna, fisheries, recreation and amenity facilities and landscape features.
Pristine London Ltd shall ensure that any operations that may pose a threat to
these areas are carefully planned and managed to minimise the risk of pollution
and Environmental damage.
18.4 Operational Control Guidelines- Water Pollution
Approved by:
Water quality sampling requirements must be identified and
implemented prior to the commencement of any works by the
Contracts Managers.
The requirement for discharge consents to watercourses, surface
water drains or foul drains must also be identified as soon as
All watercourses and drainage systems adjacent to the site are to be
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
highlighted and documented in contract specific documentation.
Approved by:
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Suitable storage areas should be prepared to ensure that the quality
of surface water and ground water is not put at risk.
If appropriate, the need for concrete wash out points shall be
identified and established on site.
All operations that are to take place in, above or adjacent to
watercourses shall be clearly identified, with specific Environmental
Impact Assessments and safe systems of work being established
prior to the commencement of any work.
All operations taking place in, above or near watercourses must be
strictly supervised and monitored to ensure that no pollution
incidents occur.
All permanent and temporary employees, including sub-contractors,
are to be made aware of their responsibilities to ensure that no
water pollution incidents occur.
In the event that a water pollution incident occurs then the
Emergency Control Procedures below must be followed.
18.5 Emergency Control Procedures- Water Pollution
Approved by:
All spillages, including fuel, oils, chemicals and silty run-off, must be
reported to a Company Director.
Where appropriate, a Company Director must notify the
Environmental Consultant and the appropriate Environment Agency
The source of pollution must be identified and the flow should be
stopped or diverted using spill kits, earth, sand or polythene and
diverted away from all drainage systems and watercourses.
Where flammable substances are involved, any adjacent sources of
ignition must be switched off.
An absorbent boom must be placed across watercourses to contain
and absorb any spills.
Spillages must not be washed into drainage
watercourses and detergents must not be used.
All absorbent materials used to soak up the spill must be disposed
of as contaminated material.
The incident is to be investigated with a Company Director and
Environmental Consultant. The reasons and cause of the escape
must be thoroughly investigated, and recommendations made to
prevent a reoccurrence.
Details of the investigation and any changes to working practices
shall be reported to a Company Director and where appropriate to
the Environment Agency.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Approved by:
In the event that a serious Environmental incident occurs, contact
the company’s Environmental Consultant and advise the
Environment Agency using the 24 hour Emergency line - 0800 80
70 60.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
When considering land disturbance and its consequences, priority should be given to
preventative rather than treatment measures. To develop effective erosion controls it is
necessary to obtain information on the erosion potential of the site where soil
disturbance is planned. Erosion potential is determined by the erodibility of the soil
(type and structure), vegetative cover, topography, climate (rainfall and wind), and the
nature of land-clearing. Erosion potential will also be affected by the type, nature and
intensity of earthwork.
19.1 Purpose
This procedure applies to all Pristine London and operational activities.
responsibilities for implementing the procedure are outlined below.
19.2 Scope
This procedure outlines the controls to implement in order to minimise erosion on
site and manage the negative environmental effects from the movement of soil.
It may be difficult to differentiate between unpolluted soil and soil which may be
contaminated with hazardous or non-hazardous waste
19.3 Responsibilities
Approved by:
Overall responsibility for prevention and control Earthworks issues
on site shall reside with the Site Supervisors.
Site Supervisors shall
Earthworks guidelines.
The Environmental Consultant shall provide support for any
Earthworks issues and undertake monitoring against Environmental
control procedures.
Site Supervisors shall ensure that tool box talks on Earthworks are
Directors are to ensure that any Earthworks training identified as
required is provided.
Site Supervisors shall also ensure that any Principal Contractor’s
guidelines or requirements for Earthworks controls are adhered to.
The Contracts Managers shall determine during the initial review of a
contracts requirements if a Site Waste Management Plan is required for
the works. Construction projects in England worth more than £300,000
must have a Site Waste Management Plan which outlines ways that waste
can be reduced and site-gain materials can be re-used or recycled as part
of the project.
Lee Cummings- Director
Next Review Date:
February 2017
Site Supervisors shall ensure that:o
land clearance is kept to a minimum.
Avoid wherever possible clearing areas of highly erodible soils
and steep slopes which are prone to water and wind erosion.
Revegetate and mulch progressively as each section of works
is completed. The interval between clearing and revegetation
should be kept to an absolute minimum.
Coordinate work schedules, if more than one contractor is
working on a site, so that there are no delays in construction
activities resulting in disturbed land remaining unstabilised.
Whether soil is “contaminated” or “uncontaminated” is to be
decided on a site specific basis.
Whenever possible the appropriate remediation of brownfield
land and the reduction in the amount of material that is sent
for disposal should be encouraged.
19.4 Operational Control Guidelines
Management of material at the site should be undertaken in accordance with the
sustainable waste management principles of (in order of preference):
Approved by:
waste reduction;
Lee Cummings- Director
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February 2017