Uploaded by Jonathan Michaux

Value Chain (Corporate strategy)

Value Chain:
Hirering want to reinvent the way HR manager/employers find and work with recruitment
agencies. Indeed, it’s really complicated to find a specific recruiter nowadays because there is
no specific “place” where they are all listed. That’s why Hirering want to be the first directory
of recruitment agency in Europe so when a company is looking for a specific recruitment
agency, Hirering will gave them the best solutions for the recruitment agency.
It could be considered as the “Booking” but for the recruitment sector.
In term of activities, the company want to create the most specific database filled with
recruitment agencies in Belgium (and in another Europeans country in the future) and so gave
to the employers the recruitment agencies that really suit their needs.
In term of price, they want to reduce the commissions rate and give a competitive pricing for
two parties. On the one hand, they will so give to employers’ money saving, time saving and
a higher quality in term of recruitment. On the other hand, the recruitment agencies will have
a better revenue (more business opportunities) and a better visibility.
Strategy statement1:
The strategy statement of the company is to build the largest directory of recruitment
agencies in Belgium to become the reference in external recruitment, so companies can find
a recruiter for every vacancy.
 Mission:
“At HireRing, we believe that your recruitment should not be a source of stress. Entrusting
your hard-to-fill vacancies to specialised recruitment agencies guarantee you to complete
your team in serenity.”
 Vision:
“We want to accelerate and optimize the hiring and recruiting process in Europe,
becoming the leading recruitment platform
employers and recruiters »
 Objective:
« HireRing is the marketplace connecting employers with open vacancies with specialized
recruitment agency available to fill them with the right candidates. »
-The main objective is to become a reference in terms of external recruitment in Europe.
-In the short term, they want to capture 10% market shares in Belgium.
 Scope:
The company targets Belgian companies with open jobs willing to work with recruitment