Uploaded by Mariam Waleed

Blookery Marketing Project Report

The German University in Cairo
Faculty of Management Technology
Department of General Management
Integrated Marketing Communications - MRKT 712 Winter 2021
Submitted by:
Mariam Waleed 46-19603
Mohamed Hammad 46-4391
Marwan Walid 46-3187
Mohamed Amr 46-8705
Yousef Ahmed 46-3827
Tutorial Number: T01
Professor: Dr. Melike Demirbag Kaplan
T.A: Chris Morcos
Date: Tuesday 18th of January, 2022
1, The report
1.1. Executive Summary
1.2.1. History and Background
1.2.2. SWOT analysis
1.4. Evaluation Criteria
1.5. Competition
2. The Campaign
2.1. Positioning Statement
2.2. Value Propositions / Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
2.3. Creative Strategy
2.4. Communication Vehicles
2.5. Tactical Calendar
2.6. Measurement and Evaluation
3. Creative Brief
4. References
1, The report
1.1. Executive Summary
No one can deny the originality of Blookery’s market idea and the unique service it
provides,but several aspects need to be taken into consideration. As several new competitors
appear in the market, we would highly recommend Blookery to initiate a campaign to expand
their vision. As a result, alongside their main services, the proposed strategy is to recommend
meals from various restaurants and shacks in the countries where the customers will be
travelling. This feature will allow customers to engage in a better and full experience of
adventure. Several promotional tools will be discussed in detail later in order to achieve our
1.2. Situational Analysis
1.2.1. History and Background
Blookery is a recent german travel agency company founded in 2016. Blookery, unlike all
travel agencies, plans your short trip with a surprise destination. It offers a unique service and
an unforgettable experience under one condition:only find out where the journey is going
shortly before departure.it presents an exciting way to simplify your vacation planning and
discover new cities that you would never see otherwise.
1.2.2. SWOT analysis
When looking at blookery as a company, it is important to analyze its strengths,
weaknesses,opportunities and threats through the SWOT analysis.
Since blookery offers a distinctive and uncommon business idea to the market, it guarantees
a competitive advantage solely regarding the proposition of the company.it also allows the
online service purchases on their website without the need of any intermediaire,regarding the
full trip,including flight tickets and hotels.
The weakness of the company relies on their tardiness in making technological advancements
in their data collection and information about their customers and target market as each
customer has his own preferences.
Blookery has a great opportunity to expand its market share by introducing new facilities.
The company should not be limited about the amenities offered, recommendations regarding
restaurants and entertainment places about the destination would be very useful for travelers.
The only threat facing blookery is the instability caused by COVID-19, which caused the
cancellation of several flights and the ban of different destinations.
1,2.3. Past Integrated Communications and Advertising Techniques
The advertising tool used by blookery or its services is social media campaigns. The
Blookery facebook and instagram pages seems to be the only promotional tool used by
Blookery for its little to no cost.despite being active and responding to its followers
questions, blookery social media advertising experience very low interactions.
1.3. Target Audience
According to blookery, the demographic aspects are not mandatory as long as the audience is
over 18 years old to be able to conduct the booking process,payments and finally travel.also,
it includes people who are financially stable and are willing and able to afford such voyages.
On the other hand,Blookery insists on the psychological profile of their target customers. It
was concluded that the values rely mainly on adventurers and open minded consumers who
like to discover new things, disregarding their age or other demographic aspects.
1.4. Evaluation Criteria
In this section we use different evaluation criteria which are relevance, coherence,
effectiveness, efficiency, impact and finally sustainability.
In relevance, the invention is doing the right thing although not the best thing to just anybody
since some people may not like the idea of someone else planning their trips and thus is not
really needed by people but is an extra fun idea for active people who enjoy everywhere and
In coherence, since the company is based in Cologne, it fits well since it is easy to travel
around europe with just a blink of an eye. Also if in Egypt, people would enjoy it since Egypt
has a lot of surprises for tourists so it fits well in the institution.
In effectiveness, yes the invention somehow achieved its objective since it targets a specific
type of people as mentioned above and such people respond positively towards such joyful
and creative ideas.
In efficiency, we look for resources like the mobile app in this case and it is clear that the
resources are easy to use since now everybody knows how to use technology and everything
now works with an application.
In impact, such an invention has made a great positive impact on people since it encourages
people to get a little bit more fearless towards travelling anywhere anytime and it helps
people explore more places that they may have not heard about before therefore increase
one’s knowledge and experience.
In sustainability, yes of course benefits will last since travelling is a never ending cycle and is
surely needed for various reasons but more for leisure in blookery’s case so yes it will last in
terms of benefits because people will never stop travelling.
1.5. Competition
In terms of competition, for a company to be successful it has to have competitors in order to
keep moving forward and try to improve. Of course blookery has got competitors like
lufthansa surprise, wow trip travel and unplanned.de but blookery has got the top rank above
all so it is currently winning competition and is moving forward.
2. The Campaign
2.1. Positioning Statement
For open-minded people who like to discover new things, Blookery is a travel marketplace
that offers blind booking so customers can save time and stress because Blookery’s ultimate
goal is to give you an unforgettable experience.
2.2. Value Propositions / Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
The value proposition that we provide, aside from blind booking, is to suggest meals from
different restaurants and shacks in the countries that the consumers will visit. This feature
will allow the consumer to try the cuisines of the countries they visit and live a complete
experience. Furthermore, consumers can choose their diet plan. If they are vegan, they will
choose that option; the recommendations will only feature vegan food, for example. This will
enable consumers to have a rich experience within the country they visit, making for a
fantastic adventure and an unforgettable experience. No one from the competitors has the
feature of meal suggestion. The application will create a recommendation menu for the
consumers to choose different meals and places to try.
2.3. Creative Strategy
As the launch of Blookery is approaching. Our campaign towards the new feature on the
application is to suggest a meal and a top rated restaurant on everyday of the users’ stay. This
is considered our main unique selling point when it comes to the launch of Blookery. The fact
of having a booking application that has meals and restaurants suggestions is one of a kind
and has not been presented in the Egyptian market before. We are targeting travellers at all
ages that do not fear trying new things.
Our campaign is basically a mix of both emotional and rational appeal. Firstly the rational
appeal where we target customers will be able to logically choose the best option for them by
considering prices, ratings, and also if they are vegetarians. This approach is ideal since it
considers everyone, different level incomes, different tastes, and also vegetarians. Therefore,
such a market penetration will be perfect to send our message and hook the customers to our
new feature.
Secondly, the message sent out through our campaign also targets the emotional appeal
through the sensual appeals, which are sight, hearing, touch and smell. The application will
provide pictures of the suggested meals, of course consumers will not be able to use their 5
senses from the picture, but they can predict them from the picture. The pictures of the meals
will motivate our customers to try the meal because of the feelings they get by predicting the
taste, smell, and texture of the meal. This appeal will help the consumer predict the quality of
the product and therefore benefit from our new feature.
Our main theme for our campaign is “Being adventurous” as users will be travelling new
places as well as experiencing new things and meals.
2.4. Communication Vehicles
In this chapter, the 4 communication tools will be addressed.
1. E-communication
Firstly, we’ll be using e-communications platforms: Instagram and Tiktok. With
instagram, we’ll post 5 posts a week while promoting each post with 1,800 LE, 12,600 a
week, amounting to a total of 54,000 per month and 162,000 during the course of the 3
months to get a estimated reach of 8,500-22,000 per day, 59,000-160,000 per week, and
250,000-670,000 per month, and a total reach of 750,000-2,010,000 during the total 3
month course of the campaign (according to instagram promotional insights). Instagram
is a great way of advertising as according to reports from DataReportal – instagram’s
potential advertising reach is 2.291 billion.
With TikTok, we’ll be posting 5 posts a week while promoting each TikTok with 3,980
LE, amounting to a total of 27,860 per week, 119,400 a month, and 358,200 during the
course of the campaign to get an estimated reach of 65,175+ video views a day,
456,225+ a week, 1,368,675+ per month, and 4,106,025+ during the whole 3 months
course of the campaign (according to tiktok insights). A huge portion of our budget is
dedicated to TikTok specifically (358,200 LE) as we view it as one of the most
successful sources of social media nowadays where people can duet with your videos
and interact with them in multiple ways through liking, sharing, and exploring.
The weight of e-communications in our campaign is 520,000 LE which is more than
half of our promotional efforts while be dedicated to this specific communication tool as
nowadays, everyone uses social media to communicate and share information, therefore,
within the digital age that we live in now, especially after COVID-19 it’s the best
medium to advertise with and the most rewarding. Digital marketing also increases
brand recognition, and brand loyalty. We want blookery to not just be a booking
application, but also an application that you can go along with during your stay. It makes
up 58% of our budget which is 895,000 LE.
2. Sales Promotion
We’ve chosen the adoption of having a 10% discount on the users first meal chosen
from our application if they provided us with their emails. We expect expenses of 20 LE
per user and 3000 new users per month, amounting to a total of 60,000 LE per month
and 180,000 LE throughout the three months of the campaign. This will give our users
the chance to try and experience our new features even if they usually won’t go for it for
any reason possible. The 10% discount will allow consumers to be more familiar with
blookery’s new feature and eventually it will become more attractive to them due to
their first introduction to it. It makes up 20% of our budget.
3. Direct Marketing
After gathering emails from the previous tool used, direct emails will be conducted. This tool
will be used starting from the second month of the campaign. 5000 consumers will receive
emails from us twice every month in the first month this email is used amounting to a total of
16,000 LE, by the second month consumers will increase to 8000 with the increase of the
expenses to 25,600 LE. Amounting to a total of 41,600 throughout the two months and 5% of
the campaign’s budget.
4. Advertising
Firstly, we’re going to use two billboards that are set up on Ring Road and 6th of
October Bridge. Each billboard will reach 7000 cars in every direction in every hour.
The billboard will be conducted in the last month of the campaign, during that of the
campaign, it is expected to reach 10,080,000 cars on each of the 6th of October Bridge
and Ring Road. The cost of setting up the billboard on the Ring Road during the 3rd
month course of the campaign is 115,000 L.E and the cost of setting up the billboard on
the 6th of October Bridge is 38,000 L.E. during the 3rd month period. Both come at a
total cost of 153,000 L.E. Billboards amount to 17% of our 895,000 LE budget. The
purpose of billboards is effective in building brand awareness and broadcasting for our
new product as billboards that are located in busy areas have a huge viewing and cause
great impressions on consumers as they catch people’s attention. Billboards are a great
way to get attention and by our campaign message “Tick.Travel.Taste” it will help
building engagement with our campaign. It is the essence of our idea, it explains the
purpose of the campaign visually and a great billboard leaves a memorable impact on
2.5. Tactical Calendar
1st Month
2nd Month
3rd Month
Digital marketing
will start by the 1st
Social Media posts
will be posted on
blooker’s pages on
social media
platforms such as
Instagram and
Social media posts
will be posted at the
chosen platforms
and the determined
posting frequency.
Digital Marketing
will end by the end
of the 3rd month
Sales Promotion
Sales promotions of Sales promotion will Sales promotions
will end by the end
10% discount on the continue in the 2nd
of the 3rd month
first meal will start
in the 1st month
through our app.
Direct marketing
Direct emails will
start in the 2nd
Direct marketing
will end by the end
end of the 3rd month
Billboards will be
only in the 3rd
In which the
billboards will be
available on 6th of
October bridge and
Ring Road.
The first stage will be a teaser ad in our first month, which will be a sneak glimpse about our
company’s app with no specific message other than to remind consumers of our service and
help. The same ad will be shared on Tiktok and Instagram. It will appear in between
Instagram stories, and on Tiktok like a pop up ads. All of these strategies are used to gauge
people's reactions and develop anticipation.
Moreover, in our sales promotion we will offer a 10% discount on our customers’ first meal
in our Blookery app. It will also start in our first month.
The second month will mark the start of widespread promotion using all available tools to
raise awareness of the new application and encourage customer participation. There will be
social media posts that will be posted at our chosen platforms and also determining the
posting frequency, sales promotion will continue in the 2nd month also. In addition, we will
also start direct mails in our 2nd month.
Though, in our last month The third one will be conducted about digital marketing will be
ending in the 3rd month and our sales promotion will be ending also in the 3rd month and
finally direct marketing will end by the end of the 3rd month. Moreover, our billboards will
be only in the 3rd month in which they will be available on 6th of October bridge also in
Ring Road due to the high traffic on both roads.
2.6. Measurement and Evaluation
In order to measure and analyze the campaign's progress. For our communication goals, we'll
employ a variety of measurements. As a result, we'll evaluate the effectiveness of billboards
by looking at sales figures. This is the quickest and most basic method for determining
whether or not your campaign is successful by comparing overall sales before and after the
campaign. This analysis can be repeated every month.
Advertisements on social media ( Tiktok and Instagram)
We'll track the social media advertising through our social media platforms, such as TikTok,
by looking at the social reach of our campaign to see how many people have seen it. Also,
using social engagement, it is possible to determine whether customers are interacting or not.
We'll keep track of their likes, comments, and feedback. This can be done once a week to
determine customer efficiency and reach.
Our direct marketing will start in the second month of the campaign and we would
like to track our customers' interactions with our app, we will check if our sending
mails open and participate with our new updates.
We'll do a post-campaign survey to inquire about our campaign, as well as their
thoughts of the Blookery app and whether they plan to utilize it after our campaign.
This poll is a generic tool to help us achieve our communication goals ( billboards,
direct marketing, sales promotions, and social media posts). It will happen a month
after the campaign has ended.
3. Creative Brief
4. References
Instagram insights:
Tiktok insights: