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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4744. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, (212) 850-6011, fax (212) 850-6008, E-Mail: PERMREQ@WILEY.COM. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatlon Data: Ching, Francis D.K., 1943Drawing, a creative process. p. cm. Bibliography: p. 201 Includes index. ISBN 0-471-28968-X I. Drawing. I. Title. NC710.C66 1989 741.2-dc20 Printed in the United States of America 20 19 18 17 1)1~]~I~\(JJ~ Vr~wlng h~B ;la lon~ e.e>tZlI111~he..d role. In -lihe. vl~LJal ~ru" tne. rtcordl ng t7f event~ through hlt?tory, ;;antI the de,v~lorm~l1t c7f Ide,;a6 In oUt" clvd,t.;ab"lon. While. LJ~J)~lly thought of ;;311 ;acbvlty r~ulrlnq the. 5klll t7f the. t"lenteJ fe,w, drawmq It? a natural, ofte.n t?pontaneou6) human re~pon6e. People C?r all ;Jge~ 1116tll1ctlVe./y doo.dl~ While- e.nqaqetl 1t1 60111~ c?ther' actIVity. E=V~11 young c.hrldren who 5c.rl~!?Ie- WIth crayon6 ~nd marke-r6 C?n p3r.er or wall6 dr.aw IntuItIVely In :.an effort- 1:0 de%rl~e. what they Bee, to repre6e.nb what they know; ~t1d b e.xpre.66 now they fe~1. The. Inte.nt l7f tl116 l100k /6 to .de.6Grl!?e thlt? Vital prOc.~66 of drIJw1n'1 ae an :acCie66111Ie, enJoyabl~, prt1d ue-twe aC1;lvlby wh Ie-h} Jilt ,f;6 neArt) I~ ~ crGoatiVe rm;:lC~6. "if; DraWl ng 16 byplCJillly .de-f1 ne.d ae pmdLJGlng a Ilken&66 or repre6e.ntatron of ~ot11ethlt1g by mJilkln~ Iln~e; on ~ 6urface. fhe. Infere.nce I~ that delIneatIon 16 dlffere.nt from p;,lIntll1g and the color/ng c7f 6urface.e;. While drAwlt1.q 16 generally linear In nabure, It can Include obhe.r plI;:liorI31 e.lemcnt~ 6IJc.h a6 dote; and brLJ~h 61;rpkc~ Which can ~I~o b~ ~een ;:I';; Ilne~. Whatever' form a draWing takc~, It I~ fundamentallY a mean~ ~ VI~IOn and expre~~IOf1, on a oleIJI'" VI'?lon. It al~o thout3ht WhIch} In turn, build~ I)nder~f;andln~. Vr.awln~ cannot ~e debached from ,?t-c-Ing ;;!nd thlnkll1'3 ab17ut- th~ fund amental natIJre of the. 6LJbJect m:atter being reprc'?ented. fhe knowlcdge and LJnder"t.and I ng ~alned through draWing from lIfe. t:llre.tt"ly enh:ance.~ our al:1r1d;y t;o drIJw Prawlnq re..q,uit"'e~ rclre~ from the. Im.a~iI'1:atltm. can be puii Into word~, made v'~ll1le In a YI~LJal thinking JLJ~t a~ thoLJqht Ide.a~ can 11e. draWing to r.rc?mo1ie ;;Ind fl)r~her ~tlmLJ!ate 1ihe Im.,qln.a1;lon. Once wh:at It? ~eet1 or Imaqll1iJ 16 m.,de vI61111e It1 a drawll1q, the Image take6 on a lIfe of It~ oWn :and com mun IG:atc~ graphlcJlly. However e.loq.uen-/;~ or crudely, all draWrt1tj~ ~peak to ~he- e-ye.-. With wordl? and Ima'1f:-?} 1;11147 ~ook attempt~ -bo II/urI1lrratt- tnt- Irlte.rp/43Y Qf ~ee"t1g, vl~l.J.aIIZIt1q, and eXl1r~~~/nq throl.Jgh dr.awlng. Tne. work 1'7 orq~nlteti In ~ ~eqpenc~ wl1lc-h ~e~ln~ With untlel"?~;andlnq -bhe- proee~ti t'f VRAWING ~na the furpo~e~ for which If; e-;arr ~t:. U~f:-ti, The ~rN~ I~ ilhe dr.aw1nti el~mel1t which pl;ay~ .a erd/lt.al role. In t"he formatIOn ~ our perC&rt.fOI1~ ;;:I~ w&1I ~~ the- cot1?-f:;ruc-b/on of dr.awln~5, ~Ine~ de6>cr'be SHAPE:~} -bhe. p'lctQrlal form47 Whlvh e~t;at1II'?h them5elve~ a~ Im:aqe~ IrI our vl5u.a1 fie-Id, and by whIch we, organlu ;ilnd ,af:-nt,fy wh;at; we eee. 10 convey -bhe three' ~'rI1et1'?lon5 we e.xpe.rlence In realIty, we mu~ undu~t.3nd the te-chnlf{ue'? which &ffe.etwe!y cre;af;e, the ill Uf1/on of D~prH on ;;I two~d,men5Ion;a1 5 Lwf;ace, In dr;awln~ out the Ide.a5 or concept~ we:. ENVI~ION, we C3n mQre.- effectIVely de'?lgn .an.d flan for' wh.at dQe~ not- y~ eXl5t excejit; In the. mll1d}~ eye-, Ffn;allYl the 43vt of draWIng Iwelf It? ~ee-n ae Sf'ECULAiION, :a true de~lgt1 prOCe5€1 which h.a6> dl~-bIr1gLJI47h"1.g char;at:t/"rl~lce> com mon ~o any crea'!;IV& ~nd~.avor. The go~l I~ to rrOYld~ sn lliutlt;r;a-t;e:-a gUide for ~nyot1e In-be.re~{;;ed In lJ~In~ dt"/.lwm~ t3~ ;a tool for thought ~nd COmmlJt1Ic..:atrorJ, 1111t~ r.lJre~ form, drawln'3 I'? ;acc.om~"'?l1ea fre-t/H~nd, WIthout the- ;aId tlf t11ec.h~nlc~1 deVice? The emph~'?I~ I~ th"refor~ on fruh.:3M dr~wll1~ wlt.h i?lmrl~ t"ol~ a~ the ttlOfJ'li dlrec-t .:ana lI1'bul-blve w~y. to eXl1rt:~~ our vl~IJ.a1 -bhoLJ1ht~ t3ntl perc.eptlon~, JIJ~t ae we Ie-;arned to wrrte:., free-hand dr;;lw/ng '7killi? ~r" ;acquired :an.d d~velop~ ~J' dc?ln~. rhl~ require? not Jnt13-be t~lent nor tihe f;ancl~~t c1f tOOI~, b1lJt r.;;lt.h~r tIme., patIence, :and the wJl!lngnel?J~ to P/".3ctlc.e .:and rt:r5evere. Mo~ rm port.3n-b I~ LJt1der"?JtandIrl1 the- way p~rt=e.ptJ'{e. 5eelng ;and vlewa,1 thlt1kll1" ~re ~rougnt -bt'~e.ther ,n ilhe vre.atlVe.. prove~0 c:>f d"3"'ln~. f{,? I... 1)1\1~1~\(;)t 1 1)I~i·\"TJN(~ ~ I.JIN)~ "" -'I :i t) (j ,5 1)1\()(~J~~~ }\J~I) 1)1~()])lJ(JrJ1 rrlI]~ ]~SSJ~N(~J~ ,._ .. , 1) O}'" ])I~l\"7JN(i _. .Z 5 SIIl\P]~ rr}II~ J)J~I~INrrI()N()l~ 1~()lll"I ... "'" .... Ii1 1}]~I)rl'II rrlIJ1J furr Ofi' II.Jl,IJSION . " 91 J~N'TISI()NIN(x ])Ill\"TIN(i- I~I\()l\1 I~'L\(l-IN1~rI()N..... .l~7 SI)I~(~IJJ.Ji-~l'I()N ]}IL\"TIN(~l\1~J) el\I~\.1'I'TrrY 'In'! UIUI.J()(ill.L-\I'I-rr _ IN1)}]X _.. _ 201 20i) _ 7 ])l'j\."TIN(} 1)1\()(~]~SS l-\Nl) l)l,()])lJ(~rl' To draw le? -bo make rnarke on a eurface which grarhro.ally rerre~e.nt;. 1ihe- lIke-ne-~ of ~m~mg. 1h1~ proce;ee; t?f tran~vrll1ln~ Jma~e£7 Iq, a ~lmf'le7 jet po.we-rful human :3c,1; df VISU;;l/ e-xr.resblon. While- 1'1; IS frrmly root;eJ In our al:?/l/ty to 0eeJ drawIng oan n~we-r reore.ate- the- re.allty we ee-e,.; r/;;. c:an only m;ake- v/~lble. our re-rcert,one of t;h.at, oute.r realIty .;mJ the- Inne-r VI~Jon? ~ the. mlMd's eye. In -the- rrove.s~ of draw,n~h we- ore-.au a geraraf:.e- reallcy whIch r.aral/e-I~ our exrer,~nce~. ~uc.h t1r.-arh1v repre~ent.ailoneJ ~~..a vItal mesne of re.c.on:::Ilng our o~eerv.atlon?.7 ~lVlng form -to wh~t we vreualize, ~md comI11UI1/cat.lntj our i;hou~ht6 .;md c,oncert'on~, 9 At #7e h~ari tf all dr.;3wmg I<? an Inb~r.acblv~ F'roce~ ~ ~1t1g) V~lJ~":Zlng7 Ima1Je~. The ImagefJ we ~ gIVe- rr4f7e W ~Ur til%overy ti 1:;h~ world; the. Im3ge~ we vl~uallt~ e11al7/e U!I to thrnk In v/g,u;a/ term~ ;;and to under~t;lnd what;. we ~ee; the Image~ ;and exp".e05rng we tlr.aw allow ue ~ e.xrr~~9 and communlc;.;ate our thoughf;~ 3/1d rerc.eptlon e. VI~IO/1 I~ -the prImary 6en.;.ory vn.anneA through whlvn we make c;.ont:act wrth our external world. It 16 our boe6td&vell7feJ ~en6&, the furth~ re.achln~7 ;;and the- one we rely on themo~t for our day-to- d;lj ad~lvd~le~. Furtl1e-r; our ~il:1Ifl~Y to ~8& rroVlde~ U6 wl'th -the. raw ma!;e-rt;al for our rercertlon~ ;anti ultlmate1j for what we dr;HV. 10 The. VI~Utl! data re-celVeJ by the eye 16 rroce~!7ed7 rt1;ln Ipul ateJ, ;md fdt.ereJ l?y the mind 1/1 If;"~ actIVe search fl?r Sotructure limd me.an/ng, The mlnd'6 e"ye Cirea-te~ the Im:a~e'? we 58e, ~nJ these are the I m:age'.:! we at-tem pi to draw. Vr.aw1ng Iq; {;hereftJl"8 more than a m~nu;al c;kJ/I; It /6 a V16u.a1 tho~ht rroce~~ WhIch de.pe.ntJ6 on our .abd,'PY not only to eee but; 3160 to VI~u.allze, 1?ecomes r.;lr~ ef our In .drawing; we make mark? on a ~lJrface- In an ai/f;e-trIrP 1;0 ~rarhIC;3ILY A tdr.awn see 2nJ the. Inne-r Im;agery of -the mln~ 7$ e-ye, Vr.awln~ thutf? It? p vd:;~d meane of expree;?lon and ~ na-tur.al re0fo/1.:;e- to what we- eeo and VI!:1Uallze-. It Cire.ate~ a 7&Far3te" world i?F lma~e-~ whIch 0reak -/;0 1?/;mce bt? wh3t we know ;md r&rr~~t o()r rerc.e~/ot1 and under0-/;andlng of tHe.- outer r~i3llty we- the eye" I m.:lge, YI~ual world, ant! :;any rower 1'1; ha'f/ to exrres~ and to communlc;ate re/lee> on t?ur abilIty 1;0 see gra/1hlv reeern- Ire underst:anA, The. cl;;Jrrf;,y i7f d;~ m~s~;age. ant! -the ~lgnlflcance of l-b~ me.anln~ derenJ~ on our ""bdlby to IOt?k Into £'he. Imi3ge,? read It.~ ~trok&€I) .and d/0.ce.rn the. pattern and rel;at:lon~h'r? they ~.abll~h, 11 S]~]~IN(~ The ac-t tf ~eelng I~ a dynamic, ~nd creatIVe p'roce,~~, It I~ cafable tf delivering a ~~~~le7 -bhee-dlmen~lonal perce~tlon of the. mOVing, ch311glng ltr1jlge~ which make- up our v,~ual world, Thl~ ~Wlft; ~3I1d ~ophl~t/cated proc~~ll1g t7F Im.ag~ l1egln~ whe-n our eye,~ re.celVe energy Input In th~ form ~ V/6/l?/elIght - eIther I~ ~ource. or 1t6 refleotltm from drum/nated ~urfaces, ... ~~) <StlAL .. ::.~~ The 0rt,Cf/ c1f th~ e.ye fc1rm an upt&IJedown Im age c1f lt1com 111~ light raye. on the retina, a col/utlon of nerve cell~ Whlvh ~re an extensIon c1f the. braIn, iheq,e f'hoto~en6/tlV~ cellq, provIde a poJnf;-~y- rolnf; a~e~~me,nt; c1f the 1t1t.el1~/t:y of light. rece.lVed. Thl~ l/1put I~ further ~ro(,e~ed ~ dhe.r nervecellq, In the- re.tln;a ;md movee. down {.he, 0rt1c nerve to the vlf/ual cortex tf the. ~rall1, where ce"~ Bxtt'act 6PUlfl v fe.3iure~ c?f the YI~u~1 InrU1;~ -thel.~cJf;lon and orlentatlt'n t7f eJgB~) moveme.l1t, ~1'Ze, and (,(1101". On~ ;3 vet'~ 6m~11 ;;It-ea ff the- retIna I~ c3fable li'f JIt&t;,ngul~h,n1 fln~ .detail. Our eye€i mue>t there-fore. COI1f;/nu.all y ~"~11 an l7~ec;.t ;al1d It~ en vlt"on mt:-nf;. bt7 ~ee- It In ,re e-n~lretj When we IOdk :at ~omeA;hlng, wf13t: we eee I~ .actLJ.ally conetrLJc-£e0 from a rar,d 0UCCe%lon tf Inte.-rc.l7nne.cte.J Our vl0u.a1 tjY€it~m retJn~1 Im~'1e~, thU€i doeg ml7r~ th~n raq;q;lVe!y anti mech;anlc.31!y recl7rJ th~ phyq;lc.ar fe;atur~ vf a vlfi1u.a1 -nlmulue, It ;ac1;lVe1y tr..antjforrn~ !?atjlc ~e,n€ie­ Im~re€iglli'n~ of light; Il1to me;at1ln~ful ft""m~. It c.reate0 vl~u31 re.rc.e.rn-,on, I i.. LOOKTN6 fO~ mE: TIME OF DAY Wh:ai; W~ f;f:;f:; I~ '["1 If lV,'\lCHH.r~ F'OK.MOV1NG YlSHrCLES It.wge.ly InfltJenud by otJr mome.nt.ary need~# _ \ ~ 1..\ J~_--"'-~~ i \ _ _ _ _ . S}J]~IN(~ IS S]~JJ]~errI'TI~ w~ di7 not;. 0U" :all -tnat we :are. c;;lr~~le ~~Ir1g, Wf; u~u:i311y pe.re-&lVe t'ur worltl 2ccor2lng to prUOnC&IVe.tl natlt'n<e> t'f what we expec;t or be.lleve. to 11~ ou~ t?f- there., Thl-0e percepbu:al pre)tJdlce~ make c7ur life ~lm~le-r and ~.afer. We.d" have -ttl r.ay full .attent-/cm 1;0 each and every vleua! %Imul U~ ae If see-Ing It for the flr'~t 1;, me- e:avh day, In~tead) Wt- can ~elecf; out on!>, 1;h()~e whIch nu/; rrovl.de Informa.t/c7n pert/ne-n-/; to Clur mc7ment;ary nuJs, fnl~ expuht;lou~ kind tlf 0e&1 ng 1~3d~) ht/we-ver, f;o our c;.ommCln U:;8 of 1:al1el~, 0te.f'eoiYf1cal I magt-6, :an.d v/0ual cllch~c.;, ~/;'~ / /. '\' We 31/ dQ nt't l1ue~!?;ardy eee tne- 63m~ -bhln~. The pJ?ture In Qvr head I~ Ilmd:;e.,d i 17y our Intere5f;q, .and wh;at we knQw. Ther~ may well \?~ dlfferenb way'=' i7r p~rcelv,n1 the esme v,~u.al ~tlmLJI, according -/;0 the kInd t'f Infi7rma1;lt?n e3Gh pf U~ brln~~ ~ 1;he aot ~ q,et:-1n1' Our ~ l, I oultural e-nv/r'c7t1mt:nt :and ~e. vl~u;;l1 experlet1Ge~ tJf ~lJr I Ilfu/me- ~I~t? mtJd,fy our percert'tJnq, and te-30h U~ Itrt;erpret wh.at we eee: how ta I 1 • A bl7t~H1I~t, a 113In1;er, .and a flor,~t will each ~~e a bouq,ue~ of flowerq, 111 14 a dlffer~nt; II~ht. • Ger~:a In confrgLJr;ablOn6 of lmee ;lnd ~hapc~ can le;ad to 1311 ambrguou6 lnt;~prl-iatlon of form, a~ Jt1 the- • At ttm~6, what we. rerc'1ve- ~OC6 not ma~ch wh.at. .actLJ.;;llly eXI~~, a~ when .adpc.e.nt 6har~?, hUef,7 or -bonal vaILJ~? .affec-t each ot;hcr'~ rerc;c,lveJ q,uZllltlC,!:l. ca~e tJf cq,ulvoc.~1 flgLJre~. > < ® ~ Mihu:lt- LYSR,: A" ]; ~ @ VP6IDS - DOWN T Th~re. I~ /1171; Aalw~y~ ;a '?Jbr,,;t. corre?p,onde.nce, l'~we&l1 wh.at we~u- :anti wh~t we l1elle-ve- we eee. iheloc3/ environment of an t7~Jea, :3fJ wt-II ae It~ re/~-/;IPn5hlr W 17th!7/" t7!fJecl/;,€1 In 6race-, c:an Influe.nce. how we re-re-ewe. It6 v,~u.al char.acf;er,~tlc~ pf ~IU, fJhap~, JVPD: A== 13 @ fONZ,O: .A = B -In tih~ c:a~~ ~ ortlc;a/ ill LJ~IIlI1~7 cert;;aln conf'gur1Jt;lon~ t'f Jlne~ czn fool the. mfnd'~ ~ye Into ml6perceptiJIlt16 of I~nqtih, c,LJr'vpf;ure., ;md .d1r'~t;;lllni.. ctJ/tJr, and t~xwre., \'1SlJ.L-\.LIZIN(j. V~9Pll;e. IW Imre-rfectlon~ .. <5lght IS q;tll/ the mo~ Import;;mt 6e-n6e for ~ath~l"ln~ Informat,on ;l17out our world. In looking .at an oI?J~ct.. our VI61tJI1 ~I/ow~ U~ w reach out through '3p.ace. ;md -t/"'ace. It5 corn:.oure>7 %.3/1 d:b ~urf;3ce." f~1 d;~ te.xture, ZlI1J e.x~lor~ Its eI1Vlronme-nt, More- Imrc7r- bnt/y) VI~lon e.ng(;nd~~ the- VI~U~ thought that ~11 ;a~ee> LJ~ -/;-Q tr.al1~fortt1 mere. dl~c.overy jnto undt:tre>tAndlng. SEI~IN(. wrrn 'rD.~ itIINl)'S ]~\~~ V'6u;a/ ihou~ht 3l1ow~ U<!J ;:ln~lyz~J ~nd €>ynth~e>lze. to ;ab~t:.r.act, the Im.:l~e~ we. It I~ an ~~(;nt:I;a1 p;wt of pur We thinK In Im~~e~ when we- Jrlve. dpwn 3 ~troet. Ipoklng fC'r;311 3d.are;?~, 6e3/"'c-h fpr;3 ml~ln1 F'Ue. pfF,.apGor on a crowded denk1::0F' or '3~t :th~ t~l?l~ fc7r :J dlnn~r p3rty, In ,,;aoh tJf 6e&, e.v~rY~3Y llf~, th(;~e actlVd;'Je~J we .attemrt to matc.h Irn3ge.~ we. eeo with the- rm~~e? we:. hold In the mlnd7~ eJle.. We a/fJoth,nkll1 vl&ual te.l"m~ whel1 we. ar3w, the We do nc?t slmr/y draw wh:at we ~u. We ar3W c?ur pBre.e.ri'Pn~ t'f wh.at weh~ve. ~ee.n. In dr.awln~ wh~t Ig l?eftwe U5 we. gC~m conf;ourfl/ t7h.are~, :anJ eurfacee. In iurnrng our gaze. from .f;h,f.1 Image -tt' J i;he ar.awln'1 e>urfA~1 we mU6/;. hol&! th.at Im:a~e, In memory before maklM~ /t13rk"?J whIch repr~el1t th~ Im.age.. Afl we. to dr.aw" we c-ycle. t.hrolJ~h 3 of t5cat1n/ng -/;he, '2ul:ve.ct, holdIng rt5 ,m~~e In the- mind.. :and t!r.awlnq. ,he 1111:a~e~ we eee 111 re.alfty and {;he one.<;> we. cre3'f;e on P;3P~ art:t brought -toqe.tner It1 -the. Im131e.5 W& hC'/d In ~e. mII1d'& eye.. contInue, r.roc.e~~ • J ,:- ~.~/ I~ ~. "'~ ~ <;.~ ...- .---;.< :----.. _, 1_",:- 0.~ 'A '* drawing, th6refore7 haop aop to do with the ;acvuracy V'f our vl~IJ~1 The 1U31tby ;l mlJ~H percepblon~ ~nd memory as the- 6klll of {;he H::lt'1J In -/;;,....an~~rl!::"l1g an Ima~& oM-bo a ~urf:ace-, If we eee. clearly) we ;;lr~ better ;a/1I~ to retain ~md Imrlant. the. Im.age we are e~e-klng fwmly 111 our mind) and we ar6 f:,hu'!J ~ltle- w draw morec~nvlnclngly, A~;;l dr.awln~ emer~~ 011 farer, It re-ve.;al~ wh;at we- have h~ve- rercewed It;, drawl1 Im-age- f1e.vome'!J ;;;l ~e.p.ar3te.­ re;ald:;y with ;;l life (Jf It'!J own wnlch fee;.d~ ~.ack Into -bhe mind ;;u1d lfe.come6 part: of our VI~IJ;;l1 memory seen me :and how we So wh de- dr;lWI ng ~e.nef/f;,s frOl11 t?kd I In Yl6u:oal perce-p-tlon ;and thoughb) the- conver~& I~ ;;al~ -!;rue, In attempt/n'1 1;0 repres>e-nt the- I magee we eee, -theproce66 t7f draWIng 6tlmulate'5 pur ~eelng) exer~,,?~ our vieual rerce.r1:;1011) :and he1r<z> U~ overcome- "he. un~e&lng glal1c.e~ which we are .acwstomed to u61ng In our everyd~y lrvee, Ju~ ae 6Igl1/fIC"3I1t.ly.. drJwln~ enh3nc~ our ~17J1lty 1;0 ret31n vl~u~1 Im3'1e~ In memory, 17 ...... ".- l'y SNCDtJRA81IN~ AT'fE:NTTVE: ?SS1N~, DRAWING ~ErNFOR.CE:C;; V16VAL MEMOR,Y, o We u~e. ~hort-te.rm memory when drawing what we ~ee- before tJ~. /he- Image~ In our he..ad 7 how~ve-r; are- not IJmlte-a 1;0 wh2t we 9te. In the- fr~~ent, The mlnd'~ eye ha., unI1ue--3~",ty to tr.an~cend tIme ;and ~r;ace-, It c~n tr;anep~rt U~ to ~h(/r rlac~ ~nd rre~enc to u., Imaqe~ from -the- (1ao/t which w(/re t?noe- 5>~e-n and are now he-Id the only In me-mory, If we can rec.all 'nd p'rdJect the-:,e vl~u.a1 memt'rle-:, t1n~ arawlng ~l)r.f.3ce-) we- can .draw from refle-Co'borJ on pur FZlqC. e-xre.I"',e.nceB, a draw from memory, we- are. not gUided ~y -f;he o~lcal re..;allty we eeel?efore LJ~7 hout rather hoy -the- q,u311-cy t?f t.he 1tt14i/tge.s we h"ld In memory. L-ongterm m~mt7ry tend~ to :;f;rlp f/"om the. When we. remembered-Im~~e wh~t I'?J unneCe%3t'j for pur f7re:;ent need~. Or.awl ng from long- te-rm memory therefore t&nd~ 1:0 emr,h.aslz.e the e~e-nce- I1f -/;hlng~ :and what we how ~t?t'ut thW1 r.athe.r W3€l once ~een, 10 Imrrov'& me-mory .and e-nhance. our ~hoJlrf;y ~r!t~rrr fma~e-~ for 1~J;e-r rual/; we. l11ued; le;arn +.0 Gee atten·bveAy and rr.3vtlce drow,n~ what we eee, than what our VIGu.;a1 The mInd'., eye c.an ~Ie>o rre!7ent to ue Imi3~e., of;i3n Inn"r' reJlltj :and ena~b ~ to draw pr?'Je{/tlon~ of an ImagIned future... If W~ can rec...,1/ vl!7u.a1 memorle?, we can .,~8f:;r..:lct ;md Jnalyze -them, eee- bhem new In a w.ay~, new light, cotnb,ne. -/;'hem In a'f'rly the.m -to new 5IilJ.a1::lon~) ~nd ·br.an~form th~m Inw new ,de.a~. 1hut? we c;m .draw what c..annot yet j,~ seen except 01 the mI nd 1., eye) anA we.. can uee these draWl n~'? to simulate ;and comm un Icate- desI1M f06~1!?IIJtle.~ ftW the. ftJtur~, When dr.awln~ wh;at we enVISIon; we;are not 1ll11lte.d to -the, re-re?rev£1V& VIews of optIcal realIty. We ofcen dr.aw from In LJndere?t:anJln~ of wh;Jt we;. enV/€>IOM, whlc-h C:;;ln I?e- -e-)(p,.."s~eJ In <?ther WJys. In drJwlnq tJ1~e. vl~iJ:Jl,z;;3tlon~)' we. rroJ5ct -the ImageIn our head onto ine tlr..awlnq q,urr.aee.. As thl~ Image. drive€> our search on f'.af~ the e.mergIt1'1 draWlnq 6Imu(t;.aneou~ly tempers -/;he ltr1a1e. In our hea.::L Further thou~hts come. 1;0 mind :at'ld ;are Integr:at.e.d IMU> -the. procef;~ tJf v/~u311Z2-/;lon and draWIng. ]~XPI\]~SSIN(~ ,I I / 5HArr:: AND FO!'eM ;;:l line ie dr~wn) It e.XI~f;;5 .3~ ~ ~t.atlv e-It-me.nt, f,xed 111 <;;r<:l~e.., l1ut ~11e. k,m;..1;lc n;ilWre. Pf ,t.? c-rt-3tlon ct?n-clnues Onct~C7 reveal Itq,e-If to -the. t-ye. A lIne. not only de~vrd1e.e shaf.e- and i?1;I"'Uc.t.ure., ~u~ 3150 &X'rree>se~ th(;/ f'3~e.) rhythm, ;and c;ilJence- WIth whlvl1 It; W3~ dr~wn, I~ CI3t1 l1e bold or J81IC~f;e-, re c.:an 5We-1I or "ta/?u as Ib rt~~ .antl fall?; 11; can . 1'1nf;!y ie-x1;.ured 3~ ,f; a -//e-x-/::'ured t?urfac~, ~e dent;e or ~klr~ .3c.ro8~ We- can re..ad mto th&~e- 'tu.alrbte~ the- i?kdl of the- hanJ ~md -//he- Intent:. ~ the. /11 sker, 20 P----- rO~1vf AND SPACE: VF:N~JTY ANP TEX1t1R-E LIGHT AND MoveMENt AN'D PI1i::EcrroN" ~HADE The. vl~u21 cn~r~c1:ie-rl~-blv~ of a drawn I,ne. al~(J h:ave- !-he rower v+ l3uggel3t/on, rhe.y:afford .a JraWlng -bhe unlq.u~ 3~ll,.ty to eX'rres5 ce-rb.am fl,1J~lltl~ wd~h(Jut n.;avlng a -brue 61mdarlty tCi' the. 5Ul?Je.et d; df:t!5c,r, be 5, In de%rlblng form) a drawn Ill1e can akio &Xfre0€7 '1,ual/tle~ &f weIght} d~!5It.y) and ~LJrf;ac;e-, In de%rt~lng 5!,.aC.~). a line. can reve.al de-f,nltlon and 6c,al~' In dB%rd?lng I,~ht) ;3 /Ine- c..an re-fr~tt Inte-n~d:,y and d'Gfe-r~lon; In .deoorlt?ln~ move-me-nt, 6 line can der'of;, face and rhyihm. Thie I~ t-he fJreCI~1 charrrt t7f ~ free-h~t1d dr2wrn~ whIch .d1~tlnqlJt~ne~ 1'1;; from me-c.h~t1lcal drafbng anJ comrul;o-... qe.t1~ra1;ed Im~~e.~. It expre-~5e-6 :iln.d r~ve.al~ 1;0 -the. 6cetng eye~ In the ~,II9' of It~ Ilne~ an.d the- ut1.derl.Ytn~ ratte-rn Qf movement U0eJ to create rc, a vreua 1- 1;3 ob le. e.xpe.r Ience-, ihe POint of the. 1:;00/ 15 merelY :3t1 eX1;en~IOt1 of the hand that ~Ultl~ ,1;, and the mlt1d)~ eye thaf t1lre.et€7 11;.) In /11ovln~ 3cro~!:I a surface and delmeacln1 a unique and fer~on:al V/~lon, 21 fENClL. .... ,.. . s,,• • -q,t' MA~I<E:R. C~arcoa~_ Dr.ilWll1~ r~q,LJJre~ lIh~ ~Imple-% c?f ma1i~rJ tl 16 - ;a tool for m~kll1g m:arkl"; ;and :a ~LJrf21ce for ruelvlng -f:;11e. mark?, One C;il11 e:a~dy dr..aw ~ tdrag~/ng a i?t:/vk through the 6.i3r1A, or 1?y runl1lng a flt1~er tlc.ro~~ a fr.?~tetl wIndow pane. For a more durable. ImZlge, there I~ ;;3 Wlae. varIety of drawIng 1t1&trument6 3vaIlZlble:-. f;:;acn ha6 la characterl6tlc fee;/ In the h:antd, anA when tdralYn acro% a f..3r~l(;ultlr ~urface., eac.h I? c,..apakJlt/ Of maklnt1 mark~ WIth Cer"3lrl vl~u31 ~f1nabLJre~ WOQJ- c21~u1 pencrl~ 3t"e- In~Xf'er1~IVe, C3p3ble. of a var,uy I?f -e.cr'okeG, :and C.3n I?e u~eJ i;o l?/end .and ~h~Je. .a~ well. While. :a common N£2 rencll l~ certaInly ~ud;.al?le.. fo'" dr;awlng; -tne ~rafhlf;e In drawJn.~ r.enc."~ I~ t'f bette.r ~nd avarla!?l~ In 1ual,cy :a w,de-r ranqe t1f gr.ade6, frtJm gH (very h:arJ) throu~F1 F anti H~ (mtdILJm) to ~~ (very 5rit). ihe harder gr.a~e6 of le.aJ can ~ro.dlJce fine, lIght Irne6, wh de the 60fter leads can render' de.rJGe, dark {,ne.6 :and tone-5. For m~t freeh.and drawtn~" HB, ~, 3t1tl 2B ;are useful ~r.ade6, Meoh;;;lnlcal leAdhoJder€> ;are de~lgm:tl to hold IndiVidual lel1g~h? of lead which .are. .av.afl:able In a full range. t?f hardness :anA th,ckne66. The- tFlInner le.ad~ do ncrt req,ult"e 0h:arrenlt1~ as do the thicker lead0 !?ut they c-:an snap e.asl(y If :applIed WIth -too muc-h pressvl"e. C.ar!?on ;md ebony pencdq, h:ave. thrc-k? 60ft, hlack leaJe whoee:- l?old 6trPKe~ 4We. vondvolVe. 1;0 q.ulck, expre.~6IV& 6kef;c.hee. C;;ll"pent.e.r pencrl-;; 3~ ~Im"~ar but; wl'th the.1/" re.ct:JnguI3r I~~d~, t'ne can produc," a v.arte.'!<Y t'f €It./"oke- wldt.h~. ---------~ -------~ -----_ ...... • ,~ Pene. .are- c.arab(e, of protluclng fluid; op~q,u~> .and rerm~ne-nl:; I'nee.. There ;ar-c .;~ver.31 1;YP~-:' wh Ich Jre. q,u//;;;a1?1 e for dl"'~wln~, Felt, flb~r, or nylon -/;Ip marker~ come. In ~ variety I7f '8lzee; and tlpe;. rlne-- tiP marker6 G311 make '8h3rp, InCI<?lve liMe; whloh Ie.ad -et? fre.vl~e.) tJd:.arled draWIng!? B/",t?,ad-1;;Ip. marker€7 encoura~e­ bolde-r Itnt-:' and ?f,ulok vI6u;allzat;lon<s WIth t;he. om 1~€7ltm e7f dec.ad, Fountain fe-n~ have a smoother; fll"'l11er feel. A convenient car/:;rld1e~ ;;md C3n type- LJJ:;.dlze~ Ink ""cce-pot <3 v.arld:=yof Inr.erc..h.ange.3!?Je, nil:.?:;. wrIting I1d1~ h3V~ a fwm, roundeJ tIp' whlcn c;m move. e~5dy In ;all Jlrec/;:;It?/16>. Dr;lwlng P0lnt'8 h~we- rnot"e- flexlk?dd;;y ;;mJ thLJ~ c.3n prt?,duce. line!:; ?f V.3ryln~ thlcknet;,::; In re6f.lmee to the pr~.;ure t?n& "pp/It'S whtle. draWlI1~, -....::_-~,._.~ ~It~l F=-=-~~-----' 1f:CtiNICAL f'E:N' --L--~~~ .....-~(-1 __ , -- Y"u vvd I n.w~ bo dl~(,over for your~elf the fu-I and car.abi/rtIB<;> of e.3cn tool and IC~ su/t:aftd,.ty for your own purp0e.e<5, On!y through dtrec;t exre.rlmen-tatlon can you know for sure wh-;at wordG ;;md "Iu~~rat,on~ attempt to d~c,nbe, f:;xperlence le> the 1:1eq,t;, teac.her Since- th~ char~ct;.e-I"'I'5tlC; mark ~f eac.h t"ol Iq, tran'?formed !?y one,'~ 5e-t1Se of touch and the (?art/cular cadence of 0/1e 7S strol<i, mrough ~xper/menf:;Jtlon)you i7noul.d I7f co)o/"" penctl<;>, the. -to/1al v:Jlue.s tf c.h.,rc"al -sblcks; the fIne- texture t7f conte,' crayon 7 the dene>e) glt?~e.y lines of wax craj"ne.j the 60ft) gr.alny feel of p3sbe'/~. In;;l '6lmdar m~nner, workIng WIth wed;· metk3) you can dl'?cover the. precIsIon tJf technical draftll1g pen'? .and the fllJk:J? f21/1terly ~trt:'l<es t?f .a come to know the vnromatlc value~ brush dIpped In Ink, zt; (J()j\fl\IIJNI(1\:fIN(jIn cxpr~~e;Jng wh2'J;. we eeo t7r e-nVI51Im, .a dr..awlng ha~ the al1l1ltj tt7 rt1I1;;I~be ~ VI~u~t mt;.f;e)J1&, WhAt rt ct7mmunrc"af:;e5 will depe-nd t7t1 how W~.1 In the- nl1rm:a1 <lvob t+ vl~1J31 p~rceptll1f17 read t;:h~ dr3wln~}~ " 1II'1e5 :and Jnjje.rfret the underlYing p.2f;./;erl1~ t7f ~h;ape6 :imJ ~i;rLJc:ture... A dr.3wlng repre5e-nt€7 ~n.d communloates what we eee pr enYI~lon l1y C:i:3/1 Ing t/7 m InJ "an.alpg"u~ fO'rl11~ ft1:'m the Immediate- or d/0t,ant f361;. rhe. fot'f11~ It- deflot~ mu~t thereft.7re h.2v& a graphic ~/f11 i1arlf:;y or re~em ~IJiince t;11 what It re/?re6e-n£-5, b~,./:; an t.7bJe>vt. a p7/:ace.7 or.3 vieual Itle-:a, A Jr,awlng of 50me-/;hln~ 16 l1eve-r th,at thIng. It prt7duveg at !7e'E>t a structur.3/ egplValent, ni7C a mevh~nlc31 repm::luctlot1 at real,./;y, no f11"tter how real If; f11;ly €1eem, Whether Cl dr.awlnq referg to a ~reclffc. thing ar' 61mr1y W a ge-neral cla65 tf -/;hlt1gg c1efend6 t.7n cerb.aln visual ClUC6 wrllch 1;he. v/ewe-I" can ~1t3nlflc.3nt det.:ad50 7 me-at1ln~fLJJ cCJt1f:,ixt7 ;;l r~cCJgmt.a!?Ie­ r01nt cif Vle-W. under'E>t;and - f'OINT OF'VIEW t=~ __=~_:==~--=~-.::: -=------re?entrng \ ComI11LJnJc;a1;ln8 ~===~ I I TSeH NTQVC--- COMJltVNICA110W l...- I 1, aJ-_~__ll.LJLL__ -1-._ _-1 Wh~t. glVe~ a dr.aWlng meJr1tng I~ nl7t fllmr1y th~ tO~/c-. Its gr;;lrh1c ireatment; I~ ;al~o par/; "f -the messa'1~' Ht:'w ~ometnlt1~ J~ ~een, what. medIum I~ used to &xrre~s that. vl~,~n7 wh.at technI1l)~~ arc- ~trlf.'loJeJ tt'l crJ~t;alllze the Im;age} h"w that Im;3qe IS c;"mpo~eJ ;and Vle,wtid ,n c.ontext - all t?f the~e. .a~p'ects .qya!lfy our fc-rCi~~lon and uniJer~t.andlnq ~ what I~ drawn. i -------.-- - +- D~AwrN'G PVKrO~E?' 1] We make, Imrorta nt cnolce.6, therefore, In 6eJe.c;tlng a pOInt of VIew, u~lng a certain 11001 or mealum, .;;ll1a emploYing t3raphlc. technl~ue6. lhe~e chOIce.:;, 6hou!d ~e ~;;l~ed uJtlm;ately on ther.urpo~e of a dr.aWI t1t~" whether It I~ to repreflent what we see, tio Cu!blVJ{;e vl~uaJ thought, or 1;0 c-onvey Itlc-;a?, InformatIon and grafhl~ 7.7 Wrth re.pre.!:>entatlon.aj drtlNln6, we, ~eek ~ ace-urat~y rec.ord r~all/;;y. rn~ tlr~wJl1g what we ~U-In of -thlng~ we eeebefore U~, Inc./uJI111 the. c;:lt"'~flJl &O(,Jll1g df ~ ma~~r'~ wor/<.] h.a~ tradl'/;'l1n~iidly been flJn.dame-nt~1 -!:;r.alnlng for ~rbl~t6 3nd desI1nerf;. )n thl~ re~~e.ct, .draWJl1~ 16 not :';lImp!>' .a ~kdl but an e,~~~ntl.al .d1~vJt1llne wrllch 'k~,t1~ ~he eye, the.. mll1a, .and the hand In acc.ura/;~ e;~ln~, correct perc~rtfOt1) and -I;he m~klt1~ of 28 legd11e rerre~e-nt.atlot1~. Rel1re.'fJentatltmal dr.awll1g can .al~ ef'fectlvelY record our ol1:;ervatl,m~ for of:;her~ to see and ~tuJ.t The.re. are. nutr1eroU~ exam ple.~ of drZlwl ng,=, belng u~&d In l?oth ~he gClence~ and -the .arc? to "lu~f;rate, and clarify v'~tJal InformatIon from the wC1rld .around U&. iheE?& re-flee-t. nob ot1ly th~ ekil! pf {he. nand, I?ut .al~o the '8f,'eclflc. In-bere~t~, F,erceP!;IOl1g, and ul1d~r~1;andll1g of 1-he- d'l UgtrZltor. Unlike phocl7graphlc, €ot1~f6hot~) dr.awn illu'8tr.a-blol1g Ci.an be. t7electlve In their VIewpoInt. In dr~wll1g we n:ave the. UI1I'1,ue al7r1d;y -bo Igol.ak Inf"rm.at:lon from Irr~ll!:-v.al1t conbext .and to focu~ ~tte-n-bIQn t7t1 €ofU'lflC, feature~ or qUtlllt.le:b. WI'/;h an.a lytl cs I tHought and In~lgh-b7 we c.a11 c3~ure -f;ne. eS'5ence. ~ l&omethlt1g ;md d,I&1;lngull&n d:; from what It ,g not. We c~n ntltie. 6lgnlflc~mt det3111& and how t'h~y hI; Into an ov~rall p;;att~rn. • ·= !I _ i - ..... 111e .act tf .drJwJI1~ ;and the care.ful 0ee.ln~ I'b reqlJlre,~ C311 ;al~o e.nn.al1ce, our unde.r!?tJnJln~ ~ -tlhfn.g~. E'y draWing some-/:;hlt1~ out, we ",re. ~etf;8f'" a~le bo unde.rl7t:Jl1cf VI<7u:a1 conc8pt'7, underlYII1~ <7f;ruc;tur",1 p:attern s, sl1n Iflcant re 1:a1;/.:?nt7n I~~, 0chematlc. organization.;., and whati/ver eJe>e we. <Se£- except In the mInt-Pe> eye, cann.:?t DrawIng -;;I!f70 Imp'rpv~~ our v,~ual memo~y ~an.d a12~ In -th~ r-ec.:all t9f p3?t pe.rcep~lot1~. 1he f.roce-~~, .:?f futtlng our vle>u~1 p8rce.j?:CI<7n~ down on fape-r I~ave~ a map of our I mFre%,ot'l'5) Whlc.n G<a11 rem Ind us Clf how q,pmeihlng wa.;. eeen :and In-berfre:te.d. It Imrf"'~~<se.;. Im:a1e~ of wh;af;. W.3';' l11em"r;ak?I~ 011 our memory. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Gt-udy for al1 ~111 m at;. I011 ~~e.nr;e A fVzz1.E RE6WrRIN6 A ['E:NCrt.., 'PAPER, AND Vr~lJAL THOUGHT: WIthout lifting your p~ncil from the. pape~ draw 51X f7!;r';3I,ght; 11 ne5 -th:at con ne-et a 1/ I~ dot5. vl~u~1 thinking pervade~ ;dl hum~n activity. We bh'nk In vl~ual urms when we. re:arr'Jl1ge-- the furl1lbure In a r.?pm, conbemp/ate a trli7ve- In -the- g:ame- tJf c.rle~~, or fl:an a t:ar triP on a VI~ual 1;hlnk/n~ I? the. e.!7~e-/11;lal mar. cpmr!e-men-b tp ver/?~I thought c.uli;./Vat,ng Jn~ Ight!?} ~eel ng Ptl~~II?" Ible~, making dl%OVeme~l and Imagining th~ umse1uence6 of our .ac.~I0I16. Tow.ard the~~ &nd~, .dr.awlng can gIVe form to In ~md c.l.arlfy our vI5ual ,!;houghts, 30 An aY'he,f;. ~tuJYlng v:arlt/u~ GOmpo~I1;ll7n5 2l paln-tlng, a choretlgr.3~her orohe5-bratlng a d:ance <oe-q,uenoe for bhe o//;a~e-l and ;an :arch Itect Int.egratlng thesy~tem!? tJf a l1uddlng - .all use draWing? In th/6 m;mner to express what tf1emlHd V'~LJ.allze6 a.nd 1;;0 explore ftl6~lbl~ future courses ~ action. ft/I" ThJ~ ~Yf(; tJf eXflor:abory dr;awlt'~ 10 part {;f the- c-re;at.IVe- proce.~s and often op~n- ~ndeJ, tt? find It can ~~ used ~ffectlV~1y one':; w;ay .a!?out -bhlngs :an.d to ~lmuIJte. and eXferlenc~ ce-rt31n trytlub<o ;;md atte.mr.ts. It; can make VI~ll1le thc7se rel;3f:;lon0hlf'~ whtc-h _ C;;lI1t101:; tJrd/r/;;lrdy be seen ~y the e"ye~LJi:; whIch ",re. cen-!; 1".3 I to in~ e%;aI?II~hment. t7f ~h;ilre, ~-/;ruc.ture:-, ftlrm, ;;lHd ... \ // .'t" .. tr . gJ ' ~ Ira d'~I".&lm? re;~m~~et'1tlng Id~a~ ;;;l~<?lJc. l?lolotglcal e:-vol U~IOI1. ~fu,... Gh;wl(/~ D.arwlI1) l/e~lgn ~f;.udy of dl~mOLJn-bal?le- hlnge6, c.I~OO Mte-I" L.eon;wdo ~VIt1,,1) I -' f1f,i ," r'. I t~ f;t7"/;h t-he prt7ce;'3J~ of d ra WI ng and thedrawn lm;age;q, -themselve-? C3n ?-blmulate the. Imagination, flJrbhe-r promote the. vlq,u;a) -f:;houghf; proce~~) and enc<?vrag~ :a me;taphorlc. way t7f thInking. Vrawlng I?ft~n allow£:; U5 to eee otl1er f;hln~~ In what we dr.aw, which can lead to <?thtw pO~'5I~dlble$. A C7erle~ t?f explor.atory draWing?, even t-hou~h done In ?e1.uel1ce., can be. ~een -rhe- ae.1re;e of fin I~h and bed1nI1LJe. for exploratory drawlng'5 V"'lr/e;~ wleh the. n:a:ture of the. fro~lem :and one.''5 IndIVIdual way CJf workll1~. fhee-e. drawm~~J howeve-r, ;we uoSolJally qUIck, Informal, and ofbe-n r.er~on~1. 'f1h'/~ not Intended for pu~llc d'~rlay) they C3n pr'ovlde. valual1le In~l~ht? 1111;0 an Indlv,.dual ~ crea-clVe, proce.ss, 'SIde- ~y ~Ide and u~&d 1;0 comp3r'e. alter/1atlve'5 .and ~et1erate. new ,de.as. 31 ~o --- &"p- -- -_ ..... ------ --~ ... -- _.. _- . ---_.- ------ "to .. _... -- ----_ .._.. - --- JI f3xternal Momel1'li I fl,,!;- ~r.3lt1 c'~ar bOtH"de;, Olm~n~IOI1 lum!>'er r:XAMne~ OF OIAGRAM? THAT ILLU0TRATE 1'~OCE$?, ~etAT10»~Hrp~, AND f'ATTERN"5 O'F' CHAl-1GE 11 HorIzontal 8hear' ))R.Al\lJN(; 1\8 eOl\fi\IIJNIel\:fION All dr.awlnq€> commul1lc;;l'te-. Rerr~e;.~nb­ rel1der Iikene€>'5e:? pf t:1,?n~1 tJr..awlng? tnln1'7 ft?r of;he~ bp €>e8 ;,md undew~l;at1d. ~xrlorJj;ory dr,;awlng~ gIVe: vl~I~le fprrn pne7€> ,dje.3? fdr pther~ ./;P cot1?ld~r. -liP std' other draWing~ a~ UgeJ &><pllc-d:;[y to k..al1smlb .a me?~a1& or -bo cpnve:y Inft?l"'m atlon. by nature InformatlPnrich. It WQuld I?e drff/cu)t to adeq,u2te)y de5cnbe with words what.3 .dr..awlng f~ able 110 commumc,ate ;Jt,;a ~Lanc:e. Any One. i?f the. more common f",rm6 ?f qr.3phle- communi C:6t'OI1 It? the. a,a~r.aI11-;;J t?lmpl/fleJ Jr.3wlng whlC-h can dlu~tr.af;~ a rroce,ss, a therefore h;;ave e-/arrty, be expire-It, ~md ubdlt& convent/ono? which Are. understood by bo'bh rre?e.n'ber and receiver. change. or grow-I:h. Diagram'? t?ften utilize '?ym/?olez, and ICOI1t? which mu~t; h;ave :a gr.arh1c q,uallr-y that; re-mind? us cf What;; they rerre.sent, Drawln~~ :are drawwrg u~ed to COmmUl1lcate mu~t get i?f of rela1;lont&hlp'~7 or a patte.rn r----------- - - - .. --- (/" I", j /\.L i ~, --_ ... _._ .. ----_ ... ([) I - ._._._----@ , ...-._-@ ! ~ ~-="",,~-4.• - _•.•. f ,l G) f ~---L~-~-" A 'SET - ••• _@ U==1:~~~~ OF" C:ON0TRtfCTJON PRAW!NG:5 Another -byre; t7f 1r.arh,v Ct7mmun IC.Ble> -bhe. preq,e;.n1;;at/t7n dr~w,n~, whIch t7ffer~ a de&lgn rrop'o~;al {:;o othe.rq, for th~1r' re.vlc-wan:d e-vallJ21t,ol1, 1t7 be. effe.vtlVe-, rre~t/I1t:atlon drawtnq~ i,tm ................(j) mU<?1; a~!11~t the- Im;3~lna'bon t7F ~he;.r~, accurat;.e.{y 61mulate .<.l r0<?q,lble- reald::y, and "ILJq,tr~f:e the, ct7n<7~ue-nc~ of flJ.j;ure ev~n-t~, Mure ubdd:;:arlan form'? of graphlv Ct7mmUnlcat,t7n Inc.llJde.. de.~lgn p'attern6 7 work, ng drawlng~) an.d 1;eohnlcal dlue>"brat/0I16, ihe5& are <7pec.lf/c q,eA:;? t7f vI<7ual In<?trLJctlon~ whIch gUide- othe;.r-;, In the conq,-f;ructl,m t7f 2 deq,lgn or -/;;he, 1;r.an~forma1:;IOYl t7f :an Idea In1:;/7 real//;;y, ,, ,, ,,, 1 1 1 1 1 r r r r r r r r r r r r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,, ,, , ,,, ,,, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r r r r r r r r r r 1 1 1 1 1 ,, 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , , 1 1 ,1 ,I,I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.jINI~ l'IIJ~ ]~SS]~N(J]~ ()l~ ])It:-\'''IN(; 1111~ 0.;311 ~ oonC8IVed ae a one- d,mene>lona/ e,/em~nt c.har;3c-/;~rlzed ~j It;~ length, ~ut havIng no width or ~8pth. Such:a line does nt1t .actu~lIy e:xl~f; In re.alrcy. Yet our VI~lon percelVes.a~ "ne~ A the cot1tour~ cr~3f:;ed Py dJ~COt11;Jnu,t:le~ In pl.ane, &urfac.e, c%r, or i8xWre. In dr..awlng the Im:age~ we see or et1V/~lon) we. rdy fr,m:ardy ot1 Ilne~ -bo v/!;ua/ly commut1lc.a1;e ~h3pe- 3nd form, The line -bhere-fore ~XI%& :a& the qJJlnc.e~e;entl:a1 ~r;;f?hlc­ ~lement I?f drawJt1~. " Point - r~e>i;;. L-In~ - Inwardly .at1lmat~ -ben&/on cr~.ated by movement. 'bwo el~ment~ - the-tr lt1c~rmlngllt1g and their COmblt1atlon~- de-ve/of? -bhe-lr own Th~ 'l;;lngu3~e' which c~mnot Wlt'h wor,d~. " be aicalned POint :an~ [...m8 to Planew..a&£?"y K:at1d,n~ky J.JIN]~ We, Ue;7e- qe-~~urc~ -br:' pOint, gIVe dlre-vclon, and to de-scribe. eh ;are .and mt7vcment, OrJwlng I~ .a dwe,,:;t; exten~Jt?n of -bhese.. ge.e;tLJre..e., The kinetIC> Jmpult8ete> behind our ~e~ilJrc~ mt?ve dllwn the. ;arm tt? the h;:md that gUlde-~ the- moving pr:'lnt of a -bCl6'L The ret8ulb,ng linear m~rk~ ;;we. ~. bt?th I n-blJlb/ve ,and f(e-xlble. In the-Jr abdd:'j \\~ JVIIlT'TI-s tCI de.'8Crfbe the vt?nl:;ourte> whlvh domln~te. .. if ~ "!!IIl.----o.--~..LJ--''{'1 our VI'8lJ.a! world. U • • 1l(J' .• 'mi1~~'- :aH~ n~ I~ ij~ ~I udl ' I0 0 0 0 o n o ~~. The lIne le ~ grarh/c vOl1ve.nt;It?n which we ~CC&pt ~Ince- we pU'ce.lVe ;;a/l con-boure ;a~ fine., etf cOI1T;ra~d:;·, con-/;ra~t~ are. the. eJ,gct?I1T;,n ul{;/e€J we. gee. I n plane, gurf.;ace, ct?lt?r, Clr texturc, Ju~t se -t;he6e. Ifne~ ~re. c:rlf::.lc;a/ -be:' our percertlon of the. v'~lble. world, they ~re e..~sentlal 111 re-pr'cgenill1g Wf1.~t we gee or et1VIte>lon In ':la drawll1,g, rnc'5e. Ct?nbour I,nee. flrte>t 0erve W tl7ep;wJte. one t;hlng frpm ~t1t?/;her. In l,mlE:"l1g and defining the e,dge~ t?f .j;hln~g, ct?ntovr Ilne~ a/go de?crl be their' 6hare.-, If 0een ~~ fl~t, the re~LJltlng Im.age0 are. t8Jt11rlY two-d,meng'e:'nal ~dhouetf;e~, When lJ~eJ In c.t?mif,natltJt1, htJwevei"', vt?ntour 11ne:0 can be-gin be? d~c.rl~e­ thre,e-dlm&n<&Ion;a! form, R]~(i-lJJ..ll·\rrIN(;' J~IN]~S /..Ine~ have. vl~lJ;;l1 qU~Ii//18~ of gh:are, {;one.;oiexture7 dlr~c-bltm7 ;;;Ind mC7veme-nt, wh I c-h el1ab I~ them tl1 expre~~ 1,u;;lrd::;le~ t7f ft7rm ~nd 0fflCe., U?et! In ~erle~;o Ilne~ can debcrlbe- --!;he. ional ~f1d 'bexiur31 val LJes of 0urface<? A~ purely graphic element€>, I,ne~ C6n al611 become- tbtyJlze.d ~nd ft7rm JeCt7t";;ltwe r;abtern~ w /th a lIfe. Clf their t7wn, In a draw//"lg, there. /11:dj ;;;I1'8t7 eXI~t who'8e. pregenc& 1t7 felt but ntlt: Been, In draWIng what we '7ee !:?eft7reu£;, we develpf' the$e. regu!;at;lng Ilne~ In tlrder /;17 exrll7re~ gIVe meagure U>7 Iln~~ and 0tructure- our re.rceptltm~, In draWing what we. e.nVI%7H, we. uge thl'8 '?6me- tyre t7f t?--!;ruot;ural Ilne.g ago ~ framework t7n whloh we t-;ln develop -the Image gee-M In the mind 717 eye" 37 Dr.aWII1~ r~lre~ the eame eye- mll1d- ~t3 -//h;at r~'i1J"...ed for wrrtilng Wdrd~ on ~few. And like wrd~lng, If! I~ defInItelY a ~klll whltn can ~e. ac~ulre4. For mo~ti pf U~, tlG children, hand c.oordlr7atft'n learning to draw the lebter'8 of bhe al~a~~t wa~ Inlbl;llty dlffl~1Jlt, la/?orlt)u~, ~md fun, We /?ec43rne rroflclent at. Wrf~lr1g becau~e of the rere.td;;ron'? we perFC1rmetl over a long ~erf"J t1f1ilme. Now, we Jlre ;able to 'br.pn~form f,hough~ tnt:o WNa~ on ~arer 'i.ulck~ ~)m~~1;; tran~rarent(y, '80 wltih cl raw/l'l~, prac-tilc;e over an ex~en4ec;/ period of time '''5 eg~enf;131, LJ~ln~ iihe. Wrl'7t, el17ow/ 3t1A ?houlder ~~ pIVot PO'Jil-t;~ wc 0.311 comren~3ufor' ~!1e. l1~tur.a1 curvature- of Ion~ I,n~~, )j1~(.INNIN(. F.li~En(~ISl~S OUr' fJr~f; go.al In le3rnlng -1;0 draw le> 1;.0 aC1,ulre conbrp/ In dr3wlng Ilne~, rhe. fpllowmg ~xerOIe>ef; are Intended whelp you deve.lt1f "5kdl and confldenc~ In line. dr.awlI1g, Af'pro.ach 'bhem WIth a r~laxed 17c?dy and mInd. AfJ you draw, become Ct1I1"5CIt7Uf; tf anJ e.el1i7,{;;/Ve -bt' how yt7U hold th~ Jrawlng lnt3trument., the pre~!lure WIth and w}w:·h you 1113rk a ~urf.ace, tf th~ drawn mark. ~he qualIty Feel the. fJurface- texture .and -I;h~ fpmt c?f -the drawmg to" 1 3t3 It ~lldef; 3Cr"!l6 the ~urface, le3vrnq a tr3Cf:- of 1ihe. meJlIJm I:?e-hlntl rt;, - Dr.awJI1g t~ .a~ much ;;;l vli7u~1 -/i.hl?ught prov~e>~ 3., d;~ IfJ ~ r.hY~/cal 3et. W~ mu&t ther~ftwe Jevelpp bhe 3~/"ty t"o JuJ~e­ what we. dr3w ae W~ draw d;;. Vr..aweven) COI11;;I/1U"U"5 flne.s, and eV3luat~ e.ac.h I,ne. for It& t8tralqh/:;ne6~ or deSIred curvo3tut"e., Vr.awlt1~ too ~plc.k!y c3n r(;!lu/f; 1/1 n.abur;a/!y curv~ llt1~ 1:>~C31J~e- we tend b" LJ~~ our 3rmt3 ,;3~ pendLJILJm~, Comfen~3te. 17y draWing &Iowty 3nd dej,t,'erabely. VO ntlt ereee or draw ove.r 3 preYlolJ~ly drawn line., but :a Iway'? e>f;;rlVe. for Inoremenbl Imrrovem~nt t1ver the 1:at3t I,ne ar.awn, ~~ ~"""::l . • \ ..... \ • .~ ""\ \ PARALLEL UNE:e: ~ Or.aw vertlc;a/ and horltont~1 -serlc:; of r~r.allel Irnee ;a!1l7ut I/z Inch a~.art frl7tl1 eath other: Carefully c.nec.k e~ch line for -stralghtne~e and even i?f2lCIt1Vj, and f?t.rwe to make each lIne?tra/~FJter than -the- la'?t;, U~6 rrevloui?ly Ilne.~ .and the e4.ge~ of VI~ual glJltle5. drawn ae;, tne raper CIR.CUt.AK 6f'lAAL~: From the ce-nter pOInt of a t;Jhee.t of par-er, draw:a cJr'clJ)ar 'SplI"aL A5 It ?plral~ outward, ~he. I,nefJnolJld remain parallel to the- preYIOlJl7 rlt1,g, With ewen 5f.3Clng be-f:ween each rlt1~, Draw coll~ 170th cloc.kwl~e- and GOU nun;, IOC-kWI ee. Place- un dot~ ;at r;mdom on a tjheet of paper. men draw RANDOM LINE~: straIght lIne'? whIch connec.t one pOInt WIth a more- dl'?tant one-, Draw In all dlrectlon~ wd;nout rnoVlngyour b'I7Jy PO€7ltlon relatIVe to the ~hee-t. Do 110-b curve the Ilne~ to meet th6 pOln-/:;:;, If you ml"~1 try:ag.aln. C:!~CLE:f$: F'r.ac'lilce. drawlt1~ a r'ow of c.lrcle~ be-/:;weerr gUldellne.~ '2 to ~ Inche~ arart. Draw WIth an e-Ve-I1) contlnlJOU~, cJrc.lJl~lr motJon ea th~t the curv..ab"ur'& of the-Iln~ I~ ~mooth, AvoId elliptical ~n~p~, /n a i?lmdar manne.r, draw row~ of both ~m~IIe-r' -;md I~m~er clf"cl~~, !N"'fERfRE'fAT ION? > •..•••.•. - ---- \ The rrec.edln~ exerClt3Je~ g21ve you pr;aCoblc~ 111 to dr;awl111 a v;arletyof Ilnet3J ;;lccondrng a ~~t if Jnt3Jtructlon~. You w~re fJrl5t req,ulretl 170 vlt3Ju;allze- accord,nt3 to th~ verb:iJ1 dlrectlVel5 and then to dr.3~ Now we In-brotluce the lae:a of dr;awlng In re<;;pon5B- -/;0 lIt1e~ which :3lre.aJy eXlt?f:;, Boe.fore we l1~gln to dr;aw, we. face. a ~12Ink ~he~t: of r21f.'U'. w~ ove-,....~ome the OUr' vl~u;a1 ~y~t;em o?eek~ p.3f:;f;ern~ th3t make ~el1:?&. fnu? we tend 1;0 complet;e,. whICh :alre;ady eXII7f; on p.aper. At3J ~oon se they ~r(/ ~r.awn, ihey h:ave ~ life of -I;;hel r OWI1 a ~B-p~ir.ai:e re;a Id:;y 1;0 whlc-h we C3n re~pond, drawJt1~ -therefor~ repre~ent~ el71pt'lne~~ wr-t.h 1;h~ f/~f:; line W~ tdr21w. From i;h;af:; fl7lnt. on, we :are dr21WII1~ not only 1/1 re~pon~e.. -bt? what we e-nVI~ldn or eee oUl; there, bU1; .aJ150 bd the j!t1~ .-J ;any r3t'bern wh,c.h I~ meomp-Iet-e :accordIng 1;0 wh;at we kl10w from f':a~t experIence.. We antlColr.ate ae we vI~u3JI~e. ~21ch ~LJcc.e!5~JVe line Hi ;a CO/1-1;;,n ulng '?~:aroh for -th~ of ;a me;an,ngful p;.t/:ern. a completion CUIWEV UNE'~ W!TH porm~ WAVYUN'E~ - ...-. t l. ~ ~~- ~~ 0 o liltF~~ - 0 0 0 CH~GULAR OB':5TAC'LE6 A '6YMMETRICAL PATn::RN' GEOMEr~lC OBSTACLE';; In -lIhe'?~ ~x~r",'~e~, -bhe- Intc.n1;IQn I~ to h3ve you Y'e~f1ond -lIo Wh3t already eXI~t~ a~ f3ri:131 'm~1~~, ~md -lI11~n com fl~f;~ ~he Imag~~ ;lccorJ Ing to your re:~pon~e-. E:aCih ()f L)!:> m;;lY re!Jpond dlffe.re-nt:.ly) :and ~he-re.fore -lIh~ Il11a1e~ ~e- c.re.at;e m~y differ. 1'Je-vert.h~le~~, the p,"acblce I~ In exp~rlenc.lt1~ -the- IMtet"21c.tlon t7f ~eell1g7 VI~u3Ifzmg, .md tlrawlt1~ With Draw cont;lnuou~ 1/t1~~ from tlne ~itJe. I7f ~he:e-t to -lIh~ t7the-r. Folll7w the f;ltt~rn you eee ~1;;a~I/~heJ by the e.XI7I:, n~ Ilne:~ :anti wtlt"k arc7und t7b-:k3c1e~ .a~ you meet th~m, bu-b try 1:;t7 re~pond ae well f:;() thb II11:llge :;il~ It: evolve<e> and -/;r.ant3ftlrm~ rt~ejf With e,:ac.h the. ~ucce~~lve 1,l1e you tdr;a~ "11 ee. 4f A'5 a graphic elemenb, 3 cont;oIJr line I~ 3 one~ d,meMum;?/ trace on 3 t:wo-.dlm~Mlon;a1 plane. Yet It; I~ the. ml7~b efficIent;. graphic. m~al1? we have In drawing tt? ,...epre~en1;; three~d,mel1~lt?n.a1 fprm~ In grac.~, A contour line. flr'~t m;ark~ vff 6omeA:hmg from what. It I~ nl7t. 310 ~lVe!1 ,1; ~hap'e.. r;u' ,t dpe~ more than d~c.rl~e. the I7LJ'~IIn~ Whlvh clrc.um%rll?e.~ an I7bJut, It can 31~17 elo.q,uentty de%r/be. t1,u3I1tle~ of ft1rm. "'"<: (~()NT()IJn ])lt~\."TIN(;' In oonbour drawing, we-draw frpm O~5~V.a­ t,on, We l1egm by I17okrl11 c;iltfe-fu/!y ..at wh:;af:; we f7U, befl7re. U6. ,hen we. undert.ake. the. proce.sf7 t7f %annJn~ each contou/"', hOlding an Itrl age t7F that line., vlf7utlllt.ln~ re on rpr~r, .mtl dr;;lwlnq that oonC&u/"" 111e ~17~.d I~ 1:;0 arrIve :at; 3cc.urabe Ulrre~pot1denc& l1etwee.n -the eye.) ;l~ It; follow~ -the. contour'? vf 3 fl7rm, ;;md -the h~lt1tJ, 3~ 1'1:; draw? the. Ill1e~ whIch rep're~ent; f;h(}~e con/;olJr~, ,n COl1tl7U r d rawIng f:;h LJ~ re.qu 1I"<:.<f7 secU1".;1 be 0~~erv3tlt:m7 s~n6ItlVl!~y to ttLJ;aI,tl~~ t1f form, ~t1tl <f7klll In vl~u.a/l:tlng .al1tl dr.awlng Ilne~ whlc.h ~r..ap'hlc~l[y ref'.r~~el1t th~~e­ 1lJpld;;(e.~, It ~LJrrre~~e~ th~ ~ymj,(1),c;. al1'7bractlon we I1l7rm;l}1i lJ~e,. t.7 rerre~ent:. -thln~~. 1t1~f;e.ul7 If:; Ulmre-I~ uq, to ubd,zeour f;.l>vtde ae we-ll :a~ our VI~LJ;;II <f7el1~~, ;and bP eee- bl7th i:he. wnl7(e d~3rl~ ~/mLJlt3neOL.J~ly, 311.d I!:;f, Pr;lW;l~ If you wer~ touc.hlrlg each contour wIth the. pal or pencIl pOInt. Cm-t.our dr3wlng I~ I?~t; ~"ne. wIth ;;:l ~oft;1 well, ~harp'ene.d fUlcJ! (7r;? fine. fdb-c1f pen cafa~le Itf prl7dLJcll1g :3 ,?h:3rr, /MC-le-We. 11l1e-. 5t3rf:;mg at .any convenl~n/:; fl7lt1C- In what we. ~U-, I?egm tlr4:lwln~ i'/:;!? wntOl)rs, Concentrate on navlng -the. hand fl7llow tine path the eye"!) 1:;;;lke as 1;h~y tracethe untlulatlon~ and rnJent:3tlonq, tJf the ed~e~ ~ a fl7rm, bre;;ak~ In pl;;ane, and Iflc;mt ohange~ In value, -k-xture.., anti op/or, Re~fond 1;0 e;Jvh and every ~Llrf;;ace modul:at'cm WIth ~ulv;;alent hand 5/1 ml7Vement6, You may h4:lve ~ ~p pe.rloalc.ally as you continue. to 'Scan -the '5ubJe-c.t, but .avPld making th~ge ~tOr.f./l1g rOH1{;~ t-tlP Cl7n,p'CUOU'5. Keep the pene-d I7r ren In cl7l1tacb WIth tHe. r..ar~r surface.. t7r.aW slowly ;md del,ber;ately, ;;lnd Imaqlne thedraWIng tfloll'5 In ccmt."of; WIth the slJbJut se you draw. 170 not re-/;rac.eover line? or er3~e- -I;he/11, Mo,-/; Imfl7rt~mt(y, do nt7t I~t: the h;md move fa~ter than the. e.je C~t1 ~ee., mOV6 In r<:lce. With the. e.ye. ana t7b~~rve Coarefully, o While contour drawing due.lop~ \ k~~f1ne~~ of ~el"'t:~ptlon) vI~LJ~1 ;acuity I~;a function of '?cale. ;and The 510w ant! delll1e.-r.ate. proc,e.% I7f contOLJr dr3wln~ Gomfel~ IJ~ to ~u With cl.,rl~J ;and accLJrac,y. To draw a conVlnc,lng repre~en­ -ba-{;;Ion ~lmF!Y With contour l,ne.'3'. we. mu% unAer~bn~ flJ/[y the. nature t?f ~ form ;;lnd rtf? 1U;:lld:.,ec::; pf q,truc;ture .and geometry, wel~ht and del1'?fcy, m4i~erlpt .anti -bextlJr~. The 111 0 re. tiu-rlY we eee, t7F ctlLJr~e, -the. mQre we wdll1ecome. ;lware tlf;l form'~ .de'ba1/c::;-the thlokne~ tIf d;5 material, how,.~ 1;.urne? or l1end~ around ;a corner; how ;;;mti ;lre .a~~em l?led tlr cont7/;rLJcte.d. When confront~J With a materl;a!/(i; meet myrIad ~ eueh detail~7 we mLJ~-b Jud1e. relatIVe GI~nlf,cance.- i?f each t::iet;iI, -t;ht7~e COJ1tour~ whu;h are al?~olvf;.dy e~sentl31 for the comrrehen- tl1e. ;mtl Jr..aw on~ %111 and rerre-?e..nf;.a'tlon of the form. d/~tance.. Ovc-rl;appll1g m;a1ifmal~ dl~rLJrt. contour lmee and r~ve..a I their th ,ckne;'5'3. <, 5f;r/Ve w different/ate- hard corl1erq, and edgefl from '5oft bemd'5 and fotd~. At cerbH1 F,0lnb?) '?LJch ;;1'5 ~re-ak? In flane<? or fold'5 ;;acrj~S contour'?, a contour 1111& m;;y be Inberrup1;eJ ~y ;;lnptne-r von1;;Olir or dl~:af'f'e.ar. At the'5e Junc:/;;ure!7, anly a mIni mum .amount t'f 11I1e. may be. nBCe'5~.;ary to 5how the- '3pe.clflc nabure of the form. E:.xrerlment with how dlgCon"blnulf;./e?) u~e.d gele-01;we-(Y7 can expre'3~ -che~e, 1ual/"blefl t'f form, -strIve for economy t'f line., A ~Ingle Im~ weIght 1& ~H th:at I~ retf,uJr'ed for a contour dr.aWtng. ~y v/rtu~ ri" tn~ tOlJvh, medIUm, .;and ~urf.a(Z u~ul t-l? cre3t& It, howev~r; a l,ne. :also h:as Inherent q,u:3ld;le-eo of wIdth, den?lty, te.xbure, COnbll1Ulty, .md rhy,bhm. Th~~e- q,ualltle~ e.n~hle :3 (;onbtJvr line- 1;.1' 11~ mQ,...ee.xl7re~~IVe. and oommunlv3ce 3 I1rl?.:aJer range. pf a fl7rm'~ q.u;;lll-ble~. FOI1:M \= ;.4E) ~ l(I Ii I·1I Ij MA'fER1AL LIGHT' -l1r I " I ;:/ ,f, . •r, \ b form ;are- Inte-~r(:,lai;ed. In LJ~I ng 11 ne t~ COl1ve;,y one- tfpall~.y, we- "The. ~lJ~IJ'/;le~ t7F \ nUe<?~arl(y wfhJt-nc.e. 1/I1e expr~fon 21na pe-rc:epi/'''11 of I7f;he-r 1U3"t,e~ ;:3J? w~l/, 47 · " ' . . ... "~ . HA1CH1NG There are- 6LJbbl~-cle6 cJf form whlc.h cannot be r6-nderetl with ~ "Jingle contour Ime. lP convey lIhe!7& Gomr1eX1-Cleq; of fr?rm, t.extul"e, :ana m:a-berlal, HIe can LJ~8 q;eve-ral -/;'yre6 etf m"dellng llne-@. Hatch I ng r~fe.r~ -be?.a spaced r,,ar:allel Ime6. ~erl~~ t?f clo~~ly CrQ~~- nato~l1ng Involve~ J.gy~rlng 1;W& ~etfJ df hatched qreabe-r del1~/ty ;;md 1;;11/131 value-. Sc.rlbbl,ng I~ la netwl1rk of more- randpl1'1, mult,,::Iwe-c1:;IO/1;a/ Itne~ whOf?e- vl~u;a1 -be.x-bure wrll vary.accoralng t;" the hne te.c.hnlqp& ufJed. I/neq; fl1r In :al/ C:a~~, one mu% h'e. conscIouS of the. te?n:al val ue.. being rendere:-d and be. careful MM; t:c7 "be-ure- wh;at loS ~~en­ -/;Ially la I,ne t;~chnI1ue.. o 6 \ I ~­ . \ . --Any ~err~~ of h3bched Ilnt;.~ will cr~3j;~ f'3ttern, If 6f.JCed CI06e. enough -togeth~~ -/;h~ I,ne-;, lo~e their' ,ndlVrt!l,J;JI,cy ~nj merge- w form 1;~Xtur~, ;a vI6LJal WIth ~h;a~8 ;;m.d dlr~C~IOn, the,y c;311 rn-odel 3 form arid rentlu- q,u~tle-/;le6 I7f light and 6h:ade., WIth -bexture -and contbur7 the t8erlelf7 t7f lIne'!; can convey m:aterl.al c.htlr:ac,terlt8tIC$) ~lJc.h ;;l'5 the grain t7f wo t1.J , the. m;;:wl?/Inq tlf 'bi1711e., or ihe weave- ctf f:abru:.., I: , i . '-.-; ~ --:::-.:e;'" , ~' . - .. ~. ~:....... ., -..~--. W,.~n exp~rlG-nc~ In 6eeln~ ;md flu~c.y In r~pref7enbln'" the 1u;3ld~le~ tJf form) we C3n procee~ frt?m the- dellbe-r:Jte. n~tiJre. of c.oniouf" draWl n~ tt7 the e.pt7ntane-d;y c?f geq,ture. Ar'awlng. A fllngle-- COI1t.II1UOUe. line or a mu!'tlpl/(;Ity t7f !~wiJk~n Jlne~ ~re­ drawn free-Jy ;and qUickly ac.re?~~ a q;hut as we ,%pn ~ ~u!v~ct. and prtJJed; t7ur' perc.ert;ltme; onto p.3rer, r'~' ~ ''''7".- ..,. The. vlf;al, intUItIVe- na-ture c?f ge.~-blJreLS -"'~;_~ . ._'_. __ dr.3wlng r~1U1re~ ;;3 und;y tJf fJeeln~, After LOUI~ L !0hn feelIng, and d/,,;lwln1' 1ne. fJr<&f; Ilne~ or ge,~tLJr~~ we dr'aw j)~u.al!y Indicate. the'"'-.. . . i7ve-r;a1l ft7rm, ;ana then <&Igmflc;mc de-tarlfl <'ire wove-n Into the. <?truc-f:;lJre., IJnefl may f"Jlnv' -the. c.ontourq; ~ theobJe-c;/; dr run counter' to them. V~rl~tlt7n~ In pre~~ure. ;al(7n~ wIth the d Ire-c.tlon ~ the. I,nefl C3n lr11r/Y Yt7lume. fhe de.t1~lty ff the- Ilne~ can reveal where we. eee- fJlgnlfrc:ant debd~ or wh;;;rt we wl~h -be? emrh.a~lze, The -_ We- h;av~ i?un how Ilne~ are- able- f;/l ~ffecblVe(y .dee>cnbe plI:,b/lrl:al 1,lJ;Jld;let7 I7f form, t;cm;;a/ v;a/ue, pnJ texture. L-Ine~ can ;;a/£Itl rl~y ;a more- ;a~&trac;t;, cont7tructlVt/ rtlle In re~uI3i;lng the ~hlJc.tur;;l1 :and i;he &p;atI31 rel:;ilt'tln&?hlf~ c?f fl7rm<? In ;:l JrawJI1g. Llne~ ;are well'&LJibed fdr i;h,~ pvrpo&e ~/rrct­ 1;h~y n;aturalty anti efficIently f:,x~re~~ length, dwec:/;Itln, :and mtlvement::, -, ........ R~ul:;il./;ln1/Jnee; c,;an ·bake- meae;uI"e tlf theerze, ~f1;ape, ;md <?C;l)~ ~ thing'?, Jl1d thus ctlntrol the- over-all rrt'ptwt'ot131 rela{;/l7n~hlr~ of both forms and ~raG~~. Thee;e are '?tr3Iqht, -br;m~p.3rent Ilnce; rvn,ch arc nP't Ilm,t:.eJ by t-h~ bOlJnt13rl~~ vf thlng~. l1u;y C:;ilt1 cut thrtlugh ft'rm~ ;mJ exte.ntI ihrdugh ~/?3c;.e as they Itrlk, U'r~anlze, ;ani .gIVe dlmen~l~n i;Q th~ yal"lou,:> 1;2 element'? ~ a dr'.;IWIf1~, .: ---- ----~ ----+.-+ / I I The e;a~le~-b VJ~u;;;l1 jUdtjment? i;c7 make.th~ hl7,..,zont;a! 3nd ve.rb/cal rela-b/t:m~hlp~ whIch can m~3~LJre c:l,men~lon~, ;Jllqnm~ntfb, and t7ff~et'7. r/i;a~pn.al ;ilntJ bnge-nt/;a/ relabon~hJp~ !?e-tween slgn1flc.ant pOlnttl ()f a form can then ~e lJ~~ f;p .au~me.nt .anA verIfy these Ind/lal jucJ~me;.nts, Inlblally are Regul;af;./n~ Ilne~ are- often -be-nbclVe. II~htly tJr.awl1, They rer,.rc?ent vl.su;a1 JUd1l11ent~ b be c.onfll""med t71'" i3tJJust~d. They can b~ I"'emoved, bLlf; they m;ay :al~o rem;aln ae p,i3,..t;,r the. fll1al dr.aw1n1 In cmder to I?Jhl7w t~& and workIng prc?ce;.$'7 w.a~ matJ~, l?y whlc.h the dr.awmg ! , '" ~: ) 'I f 'I I ~~ '') ~------- VE:FIN"JNG A f'ATHWAY POFi: TKE: F:YE Requlablnt!) Iln~~ can expr~?t7 the ?ratl~1 rel;;a~IOt1~h/p-? ~mol1g the con?C!-l;uel1t elementB Of ;a dr;awln~ comrOSol'tron, fne?e. lines may not I?e. vl~I!?le tc? theeye, ~lJt their' rresence I~ feAt; se they f.roVl.d~ a v/~ual fr;amewc7rk on whrcn the b3?Ic. comfonent& pf a dr.awln~ can ~e &naped and organ 1~e.J, fhe&e7 regulating l,ne? repree7ent vecctw? of the perce.pcu;a/ force? which !eaA the e.ye a? It ?c;3n& J dr.avvmg, iht:Y define. a ~-/:;ructur.;al or'1;at1lt.;l1:;.ltm ft7r', and ~e.rve ;a~;l VI'?ll?le m;;3p"f, tn~ pOInt'? c?f e-mrha~l~ which mu~t be blJl;;mced 111 <any .dr.awI111 c;ompo?I-b/on. \ I:, / ) g o SlIl\I)]~ rl'III~ 1)]~FINlrl'I()N or 1~()I\~1 The role of the- I,ne- nabur~lIy ext~nd~ from de.&C;rlblng the conboure of f"rm~ 1:;0 the. deflnd/lon <7f flguree In a vl~LJal field. Our r.erce.pilon I?f the boundary line~ wh 'ch ~1~tlnglJ,~h one- thrng from another le.,ade. to "ut" reCo1t1/tlon l?f Ein a It I!> ~y ~har.e- that. we. Ide.ntlfy, unde~t.anJ) and ar.rreclate- the. form~ whloh make, uf' our vl~u31 worlt:l. In drawJn~? -bhere.fore..) the ra~ern of Iln~ that we lJ~e t"o r()rt,...~y o"Je.ct~ In r~.al ~r;elce. mUofIt) on a -bwo~.dlme.n~l(m.31 evriece-, wnvey the ofIh.ap~ df th I ng~, re, ';;7 I , Th~ ul-b,rt1:ilte- e-Xfre'77Idn t'f the- l,ne. drawing I~ cAII''1raphy. Call1grarhy In refer~ prlmarl!'y to el~~ant handwr.,.t;Ing, but. th~ fluent, ~xpre~<;;lVe n3-tur~ c7f the 11 neAr ,?1;rt7ke~ can ;31~d be u~ed In p,c/;drfal repre'7entJ1;'on, W,th a fle-xl~le. pOInt or :;;l wt;lI- pdlnted bru~h that re<;;pond<;; to the. rre~'7lJre t'f thehAnd :and the movement t?f the arm, and a Itfe-tlme t7f ~xrerlence~, oneCJM exrre~~ the e-~'7entlal 1LJplJtle~ tJf form In an e1c?1,uem:. manner, "",' · , me hne~ we. '5U In Y/~LJ;31 ~f~ct:- corre~ptmtl f:;o d,q,ct:-rnli?Je. ohan~~ In tot1.a1 v.alue-, colo~ t~xtlJre7 anti p,31;~e,rn. 1ru:~e. Iln~q, I7f conf:;ra~t, when q,h~wp e.nou~h) and dlq,-j;,nct el1ab'le u& -bo rercelVe o~eot­ t?pace. :and f/7 dl~t/ngul&h one thIng from ;another; form? 111 When we drawl we U6e refre~ent the llne~ peroewe. rhe~e- f'lctor'/a I way of o~jeof;· and ;;l VJ~/ble JJt1e~ W .?f oonk;a~t we- 11t,1t~~ tleflcl:; In the bdge~ ,and c;.ol1t;OLJr~ dr.sWt1 ~p.atl.~1 fdrm!1. The)' enOII7?6 a v/~uaJly rercerved ;;a/"e.a 3nd gnow where one. lfeglnq, and another appareHtty end~. In eo dOlnt:', they ~IV~ ~naF'e- 1;;17 the db~c.rl bed areae. two-d,m~MIPn;31 con~erb of ;a It:;~ own ~olmtJarle~ ~1nd cut; ~H frum a bargel" v/~ual field, fhu'? '8h~p& re-ll&b on tFre- l,ne th3t de.&Crlbe~ 11;'8 edge or the contra?t K bonal value, c%r, or bexf;urb th3i/ occur~ alon~ 5h3p& I~ ;:l figure. conb3tneJ l1y that edge.. Any Iln~ th2i1:;. deflne~ a '7hape on ,me '8lde of 11;e> c.ontour ~,mLJlt.aneoLJ'?1y C3rve~ out 0p3ce on the other ~Idt/ ~ It"~ f.,abh. A '7har~ oal1 newer eXI'?t alone, It c~m only ~e gee-f1 In relat;lon to other 0h21pe6 or the 0f'3c-~ <3urroundll1g It-, 'I. The c-ontour line. which bord~;r~ a figure appear~ to !?elong to It rather thAn to the t?urrounamq bac.l<qround. 2. The fl'3lJre- ;lrpear? bo b~ A 'Mlfconbalned objevt while ,t~ b"ck- ground dc?e~ not. I ~~ .'"'~ . -~~~~~--~-.. Ft:?r;a '3>h3fe- tt:? be reot?~nlz;able. rt;. f11U~t 215 :a flgut"~. A~ the i;h~e-~hc7la pf p'erc.e-ftlt:?I1, we l1e~/I1 bo eee t?bJe-ot~ A~ fl'3[Jre~ A131n'3>b a b~okgr()und, rnr~ 17e l5een re.lat/t:?n~hl/,? bUween fll~lJre Zlntl ~aok­ ground ,~ oal1 ~~~et1tlal conc.e.pj; In th~ orJ~r',ng of OlJr VI'3U3/ wc1rldl for wd;;hpui;: tn,,q, d,ffe-re-l1ilatlt:?t1, we would eee 3'3> If throuqh a felt} A f,gLJr~ WIth '3h;ape6merge~ from a l1aok~rPlJnd when /1; hse ce-rf;.iElIn charaocet"''3>tlcf;, it' ~ j .. J i J ,.. ; ~" '" ~ )'" ~J. fhe hgure tlpr.e~r~ ~tl or ~ub'7b;antlal than \. -.e ,• b& mare 60lld d/~ backgrolJt1d, 'tyJ "..' • j ;f !lit", ~ ,4 H. The It~ til~ fIgure- tlppearl? fIeld and be- a v'~f)al to dom nate. l11o/"'e Image, J me-morable- A figure. wh le-h C2n b~ e>e~n rel~blVe!y cle;arly ag~ln(,t J backgrounJ I~ ~al.d W have a rO~It;IVe. ~h;ape-, f'y comparl~cm7 tht; flqu/"(:;.7? backg/"'ound arrear'? -bo b~ ~nare:-Ie~~, Jnd I~ 0;3/d f;o have J ne~atlve. 0n:ape., No p~rt" tTf a VI'?U:a! field, h17w6we-r; I<? truly Inert or nelja1;IVe-, Bath f,'o'7/tlVe and neg.atlve ?h:ape~ are./nterdefende-nt) they mu~t coeXI<?t and link -bogul1e-r to farm a unified Image, We mu&f; eee the who{~ whde ?/mu1t:aneou~ly perceIvIng -I;he.- farbq" In proper relat.10116hlp-to e;tloh other; WIthin the whole,. ,~.a very de-lll?e.r~te­ whIch emph23e>lzee> a£;wr'2t:e- Contour drawing I1ro£;~e>~ o~@erv~i;lo/1 and p7erce/?1;;IOI1, At? we- carefully dr.aw col1f;oLJr Ill1t~ 111 ~e.'t()en£;~) one aft~r' .another; we define. th~ p~r, ce.lvetl q,hape5 of fl7rm~, S/I1£;e, the6e form~ ;;3r~ normally 'Seen at? th~ f06/'t:W~ fJglJr~6 In OlJt'" v/5ual fIeld, their cont.c?LJr l/nee> will naturally def,n(/ the- rO~d;lV& ?h~p~~ of a draWing COmp06Jtlon, L..--_----'l--- -- -----+ THE' SHAf'~ Of NEGATIVE: t;3l"'ACE: Ae; we dr.aw -the ~ge~ TNTERACT1VE SHAf'E'5 t7f pO~ltlVe t?hare~} we ~houJd a16t1 ~e 3cubely ~lfV..:we of the neg~-f;IVe '7hare~ we 3f"e cre.;itlng. Whdl:- we /1i7rmally perceIVe. o:7ra1:lal vl1ld~ 36 h~wlnq ntl '7U~~1:3nCe, -bhe,)l ~ha/"~ the6ame bOUl1tlal"le@ 3~ the form~ they enve.lop, In dr.awln'11 .a/e>o, neg;;3t;IV~ 6face~ ~h;lre -the COI11;t7l1r" IJne6 that define the edge6 tJf r061tIVe '7hape6, ·l lHS '?HAP'E OF INmr<JO~ <?fACE ?eeln~ :and dr~wJng} wc ~nould ~lVe -the £,ame attention to the 0hal7eq, bf neg~tlVe ~rau~ a~ we dCl t.he rtJ~lt/Ve. <?h3re~ of fClrl11~, SInce- negatIve sn3pes do nt7/;; ~IW;3Y:; have. the ~~~J1y recognlz3!11~ q,u:ald;I~~ of ro~d;lVe. In bl1th 6h~pe6, they C.311 make t;he effort;;, be ~ee.n only If we. A'iJ we dr.aw a lIne" we. ~hoLJ!d !?e. con%IOU~ not only c?f wnere It ~e;gll1'iJ and e.nd~7 !?LJ!;. ;;al~o t'f hdW It W1t7VeS, and -the. ~h;are? It carve? alol1~ the. w.aj, E;ac,h I/n~ lead~ to :another, .and then another and ;3noth~r; thereby c..reatlnog bt7th pt7~lt1Ve and ne.gablVe 'iJl1are~ In ?r.3C~, Afj w~ 1?eot7me. mt7ro~ fjen?ltlV~ -bt7 the. VJ~u.a1 ch~w.acterl~tlcs df wh.at u1111ue. W~ eee. and draw, we ~n(7uJtJ n~ IOfj& fj/1ht tJf th~ bt7ba! Ima~~. Td eneurethmgfj remain In theIr prt7per p13Ce. And r~lat,ot1~hlp to Of1~ anothe-r- to ~Vt7ld m~kll1g m"unt~/l1~ (Jul; I7f mt7lehdlq;W~ mu?/; pay ~f:;tenbl"f1 1:17 proportIon and q,c~I~, Prot7pdrf;;IOn Ifj a mattel'" I7f ratIO?, and "';3'/:;/0 Iq, the. relatlOnfjh'r t?etween any tWc7 par/:;e of a wht7Ie., I7r bdwee-n any rart;; and the whl7 Ie. In ?eetng, W~ q,hl1ultd percetV~ the- proporblt7nal r~labll7n?hlffj whIch regulate- our pe-roer.t1on pf ~/t-e­ and t?hapc-. Corroefjp"ndln.g!y, !1y utiliZIng a coherent fjerlefj cf r&lt/l7fj 111 t7ur draWIng?, we .are :able- 1;/1 convey .3 ?ef1?~ tJf un!1;;j While. .;allOWing ft7r dlve:-rfjlt:.y tJf fjhare, Cd/Or; and textur~, [ == 1 ."7'- R~/;a4;ed bo rroforbon r€> ~he. lae..~ t7f Sc;a!e refer~ to app~re..nt <?/ze.how I1lg r1r' ~mafl we.. beAleve -Bome-thlng to be... 1/1 ortler to meat5u".c, 'Oc;~Ie., we mtJ~f;. h;ave some-bhlng Clf known <?IZe. to sc~Ie" whIch we C3t1 re.fer. Im~ge~ of people- ;are- corn monly 1J<?~d In thl~ 1113nnel'" to e~t;;lbll".:1h how /;a"'1e 0". q;tt1~11 other -/;h Ing6 are, ThiS comp.arl".:1on /6 kJ21~ed on our' famd- larl1:;Y WIth our OW/1 body d/men~/on~, and -the- ".e-~ul-l; can make.. the bHlI1g weare mea~urlf1g ~eem large 0r'17m311. In 3 ~Imdar manner; we van 2l1~o u~e. as a. measuring st3ndard gome;4;hlng Whose '51;re 1".:1 familIar to us, anJ Whlc.h, l?y comparison, can make us fu-I bit? Clr Iltbl~, f'tf1c.I! ~hoLJld ~e 111 a pl;:lne. pe.rpendlc.l.d.3r to line. ~ ?Ight. AII~11 tl~ of pencil ;md tl'llJI11b' With end? of lIne ~elng l11ea~LJr'ed ~-------~ ; _. - - " ' ' ' ' ' - -_ _.....L--_ _....... o 1 ----U...". Z V~ The.r~ are ~eve.ral tt.c.hl1lq.ue~ wnlc.n v~11 he-Ip u? make YI~LJal Judgme-nt~ ;;lnt! el1~ure -/;h;at th"1g~ h;ave P/"tlpe-/" '?h;ap~ ;;:md .dlmen~lon;a1 re!atltlnt?hlf~' A con~ venlent one to begll1 wIth I~ to ut?e a pencil or other dr.awlng In5trume-nt :a~ ;;l v/~u;a1 ~lgh1;ln~ dtW'c~. WIth the rel1cd helti out ~t ;:arm}? length, In a r1tme p,.ar,allel with our e.ye~ .and rerpel1dICIJ/;W to our ~ t7lgh/::, we can q.auge the relatIVele.ngth~ and :;mgle.~ ~ Ilnee., line 10 make a I,near me;;l~Urel11ent, we ;align the pencd'? tiP WIth t?nt: end V'f a 1,l1e we ee« an.d U~~ our thumb bo mark the other end, We then "'.1h,fl; the renc.iI -to ;mother I,nt- ;and, U~In.~ the. fw?t mea~urement ;;l~ a Ul1Ii: pf length, me.a~vre the. ~ec.ond Ilne'~ rel;:atwe length, We norm:al/y u,?e;:l ~horber line ~egmen-b to e~t.;ilbll'7h bht:- unit;. of measurement 'b0 th~t (7f;her line s~t3ment~ C3n ~e muH::/r1e.IJ that:: U/1/t, '* ---- -9 1 AIIgr, pel1c,t1 wlthl r l t?lorll1~ lineI ~1-?IJAIiU th~ 3~~le the rencd mtlke~ with an tl~~lJmed horlz.ontalor' Vt-rt,1 cal /1 ne., "::, I1 : I f Method z: 'Hold 'bhe- t?el1cd horizontally or ytrt,c ally 2nd V/~lJaf I ze. the ;3ng Itdi In 111~!<e~ IVlth tlddd:;IOI1 15lof?rng 1/I1~. to mea- ?urlr1~ let1gth~ ,md angle~~ the. fwcd C3t1 ~e. lJ~ed to '!1tlU~e ;311gn ~ met1t~ tlnd the- ~nape~ pf t1t~atlV~~r.aCe-5. In .a "7lmd<3r- manner; we c~n u~c- the. l7encd helJ 2'1; .,lrm'5 length ob?' c:PlJtje.the. angle. at whlc.h a l,ne:- de.Y!at;;e~ from the. horlzont.al or vert/cp!. Holding -tf1e.. pencil tIthe-I'" hVr'lztmtally or vert-,e;;! [y, aned a!l~nlng It wr/;:;h one end <9f sn tlngl&! lint-, we. can vl~LJ.a11y Judge. -th~ .mqk, l?etwee.n the line anA the. pencIl. rh,-? ;angu/;;l!" mea~ur'emeni:; can then be tr.antJferr't~. d to a .dr.awln~ ~ll1g th~ ed~e..~ Clf -bhe ~!1U'f; ~ paper a~ horl~ol1'f;al <91'" vert:;lc.;a1 refere.nce. Il11ee.. ~------~---------------- A // t? C p-------- • If ® I<? 0/18 Ut1It- len~th, Ic?n~ I<? 1111e.@ ~ ~In~ nc?w many unIt? © ~ L.,rle. @~ D !7e,fore- we ct'n ~)<erc.l~~ VIJ?LJ:;a/ JLJd.gment) we mlJ* be Wrtih prac:t:;{~, we- v.eln proY~/cti IJnlt;. length~, ~1uar~5, t'rJer -1;0 JLJAqe propor"bl,mt3! relat;;IOl1fJhlr~. The <:l~",ty to e~lm;;af;e dJmel1~ll7n<:l1 r'~la­ tlonfJhlpe> IfJ at tl·'U::. root I7f <:lll ot?Jecf;IV~ dr.awIng. Wd:;h I;r3lnln~ 3nd exrenenc~? we. C3n ubillze the prevloLJ'7 fJlqhblng te.c.hnlttue!7 wIthout;: <3/1 exte-rI1~1 deVicefJl)cn a~ a f"lJler ar penc.Jl, In~t~.i3d. we c;an deve.lop the al1/l/ty t.? measure thedlmen?lon~ of a fot"m .and tj;;au~e re/;atlorl0h I F'!7 IVIth l7ur eyee I3lon~, ~l1lb to eee ?11;are .and qf;r!Jctur~, ~wen ~rl.a~ over what, W~ eee. 111 D • If @ I<? a <?~U;lr~ what p'ro/?or~ll7n I~ rei/tangle ®~ Kutant3!e,f; o and@~ To do thl~, we mU'7t be a~l~ 1;0 hl7Jed In QUr' mlnd'~ eye" <:l VI<G U;;l I mc.a~LJrln~ ~t:ICk., We. can then project thl~ Image. I7ve.r t'th~r 3fJput!7 vf what we- are dr:awln~, When making f'LJr'e~ vlfJLJal JLJdgment~l 11; IfJ Important -b11;;at;. ;;any preliminary 3fJ~LJmp­ tJ(m~ be ch~cl<eed :agalnfJt wl1.<lt weac-tLJally eee: When dr.aw1I1g from memory, we. mLJ~t be able to evalvate.wl1.at- we. n;we tlr.awn Ir1 lIght of wh.at we. w;ant tl7 convey, • If IlntfJ A,t? Whp1;. oth~r :and B,C. ;we- extended, With pOInt? ;are th~y altgned ~ IZ .' .: '. .r--......., :f··- 11 ····7. 7 • lJ~ll1g the. dmlel1~It'I1~ glVe.-n ab'ove., the dr;aWJrrg to tne.- rr.ght. 1nltfJ re.-&tt,lIr~~ /?oth gu/?dlVldlng and c.ol11rlej;~ mU1twtylng th~ b;a~e Ilne~ alr~.;;ldy drAwn, ;and then rrt')ectlng tru~ge­ dI mt'l1~ 1011;1 Judqmen-t:~ a~ you corn f'1 e-t~ the. d r;a Win try. You can ;ilIM try to complete. fhe. ImatJe~y proje.!/-!;,lng the grId .ghown dr.aw,n~ below; In tf1e. !!t{r~,. _. ~~"i,,~ . - .~'\~~.~ ~,\\, " \ ~,\\~ "~"i ~~ ~\, -- -, ~'\\'\~\,". , , . ~- ,'\ ,~\·\\""\,5\~ , .- ~JA~~ - -----~ . ......-,. := =1::--~'" .;t:V,) '. ~;'~' ~ is': ~\ '\ ' " ..,>~'\..'-~~ . .. . ::'.~/~ -. ,~\ ~\\ , ~\ -. . . . m , \' " 10 dy.Jw a long 11r1& 111 correc--/;; pI"oporclC'n to:a <7horf:.e.-r one, we can ~ufe-nl11f't7~e.­ unIts of the "?horter J/I1~ over' tn& longe.r ol1e lrJ an ;addd:'lve rmanne-r, Wd~h tl1 J'? -tu-I-! n lque, ?ma11 e;.rrore. can ac.c..ur!1u/;at,e.. and re.?uH:: In 43 la,...~~w error In the over'311 length of:a line-. It IS> :cherefore nece~~ary to contlnu;dty c.heck -the. ove;.r",11 mea~lJr'em~n-b ag wepro~ee-d tr7 add Ul1ltS, th~ prevloLJ~ ~JdltlVe;. ~ppro;ach, we C.;;ln begm WIth ;;a whole;. me;a~urement 2nd gubd,vltle It Into a nu m/?e-r cf e1u.;;l1 p.art? The. ~dv",,.d::a.ge;. of th/? method I~ tl1at 1;He.. bll"qe-r' In cC'l1-cr.af7t to re;.l-atltmgh'l~~ are- m:alnt43lned even a~ we dIVIJe. them It1W ~m.;all&r p;wt~. rhu~, large. errC'r~ can be. minImized . rh,? /g a u?eful ?kdlln draWing '3 g~rle'? .?f re.pe.-bI1;lVe elemel1t e-It:-m~ni;?, t1rdlVldlt1g an 1711 ;3 pl"'0f'0rtlon~1 b.;;l61~. ()l\(Xi\.NIZIN(iAIf; W~ ~e~ln to Jr~W7 SlIl·\.lJ]~S we f3ce dUJflIOn~ 3~ to how large -bhe- Ima~e will l1e, wh~I'"e. Ib will be Polf;Itlone-J, and what ,me-nta"bIOI1 It; wIll have. Thelf;e Jutlgme-ntfl ;;Ire. m.;3~V l"el3tIVe to the ~/U,7 ~h.a~, and edgelf; of the ~urf3ee. we. ~re. draWing on. We al'!;p h"ve to de~erm,ne. what 1If; t-17 ~e In&luded and wha/;. om Itte-A fl"d/1'1 wh~t we eee. or enVIIf;lon. fnt'!;e de~I~It7n'!; will affec.t theway we perceIve- the- re-'!;ultlrlg f'1l.Jre- ground r~latll7l1'!;h,f''!; ;and l1e~pilj;lVe ~113re'!;. ~etweel1 f10lf;/t.lVe 1 I~I(;lJl.J~ • (illOlJNJ) Il]~l.ji~rI()NSIIII)S fIgure flo~t?, lIf;o/at.ed 111 3 Ibea of ~pace7 Ib~ ~/"e~&nce J~ emr.haglZ.e.d, rhr~ type if flgul"e- ground relatllmej1hlp Iq; ~iJflj -4;" eee. The flgu/"t/ flt:anAIf; (Jut cle.3/"ly 31b ~ po'!; It IV~ IbH3f1e When <:I emrt:y ;;UPIr1~t an emptY1 d,ffu~e, '!;h3peJe'!;'!; t?3ck1I"ound. When ~ f/~l)re crdwd'!; It'!; l?aokgl"ounJ field or overlar'!; other" ft~LJ/"e'!; 111 It'!; field, d:- l1egln<? fio orqamze -I*te. q,urround (rig fI!"acefl mto /"eco~l1lz.ab/~~ha!"e.~, A more. /n1;e.I'":aCt.IV& and Integrated flgure--ground rel;atIOn'8h1f develop~, VI~u~1 mQV&I11&l1t occur'!; I?etween pO~Il:;IVe. :al1d negative ~h3P&q, 4i)l1d the. re.~uH~lng -j;;.e.I1~IOI1 cre.3t;e.~ v/~u21 Int.ere.'!;t;, 70 Wh~n fIgure .:lnd b.3c~rl7/jnd !:?ol*r h.3v& pO'fJIt;IVe- ~11~pe.. ttLJ~ld~~e~, .J;h~n the figure-ground r&I;at.llm~hlf' b~come~ :ambIguous. InJt'J,1l1y, we m3Y 0&& Cter~aln ~h~re~ .;1'7 f1gur.e.~. The-l1, wren a '7hlfb In VI&wor LJndlir~-t;.;andJI1t3? W~ m:ay eee: Wh;ilC formlirly were /?.ac-l<grt7und q;h;ar~'7 ;a~ 3m~lguou"? r~Ia-tlont?hlp I?e"tween f.0~lbIV& and negZJ-t1ve ~hape,,~ v.311 b?~ de.~lr.3l?le ;;at; 80l11e -blme~ and rhl'7 dl(jtra{/tln~ at othe.rs., de-pendll1q on tl1li rurpo&e fora dr2wlng, Whaf:;eve..r arn !1I.~U l1:;.y e..xl<7f;7 ~hould /?-e- Int.lil1tlimal} not Jccu::ie-tr/;;a/, the.. pO'7ltlVe frgurel? 71 I .. a. (~I{()lJIJIN(i· A eEARCH roT<, PATTERN SlMILAR1TY PROxIMtry w~ eee and draw oft~n COMI~tB of ;,3 compl~x c.ompe7~ltlon of 11n~~ and 0h;;lf~' There. /11 ay t/XI<?t nob one,. l1ut;. 3 wh(Jle. We -bent! -bt' grt'up -bhll1gt? Whlvh h~v& '7ome vI0ual c..h.arac-f:;.erI0tID In common, ~i.Jvh ;aq, a q,lmdarlby of 0hape., 01U" GoJor, orientation, (Jr detail, We. t'~nd tt' group' tf1o~e e-Ie.men~ Wh'vh 2re (/I()~e- t'o~e.tht-r; tt' t:h~ excl uq,'t'n I7f What; <?t//"1t/0 of Interrelated 0etq, t1f flgure..- ~re7lJnd fatte..rn~. How do we make t?en~t ~uc.h a vomf1lex vl~upl If f1eAd '? We eee- npt; IndiVidual '7h;;lfe~, but rather a ~at~ern pf rtl.at;lon~hlpq" ACvc?rJIn~ -b&' th~ Ge~alt tneol"y t?f f&rcept,&'n, W~ tend t&' ~,mpllfy what we 0U" or'1an1z.mg compleX 0tln1ull Inbo 0Imple.t"} more.. holl~tlC fatbernq" fhl~ qroLJ/1lng C;lt? occur accordln~ tt' ce-r/;;3ln fl"l nCll?fe.!5, 72 thoq,e which ar~ brther away, ---. I"j\~ L~'~:';' -. '''J~ ! , ~ .. I \ I , ".,; ~~~". , .- ,JII> w~ und -bo group tile-menb~ whlvn Gontl nue alon'8 the- &al11e- l/rle;. or /11 .4;ne- £:lame- dwtiv'blon, fhe£:le ferctif1;u;a! tendenvlet? lead U£;I 1;0 eee the l"e!;;atlon6hrf? between the V~IrI"LJ'? eremen.t;~ of a compo~ltlon, If the6e relatlon6hlp~ form a relatIVely re~ul~lr 6h.ape ~ p;attern, then they can t'i'"g;:H1Ize tl complex compo61tl0l1 Into a percepi;u21lly I?lmpler and more comprehen61 ble whole. fhe prinCiple tJf qrouf/n~ thu~ hel~ promote the coeXj~tence of unrty, varlet-y) and vl~uar r(chne~~ In a ch'ilWlng, / • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CI../OSIJIll]: Clo~ure rde-r~ A SE:ARCH FOR 0TAB1L1TY tt' ,!;he te.nde-l1tiy for an o/:?e-n or Incomplete- figure- to h:'e- t'J&e-n 3~ If If; were- ;a clo~ed Of" CiOI1'lf71e-be ~md ~b~le. fOl"m. GIVen ;;:l ratte-/"n tJf dot~1 vlrf;uJI iJn~ cO/1nect -the pOInt'? In 0uch a way -that a regular, ~table 0hare. re.~lJlt? ,he0t:IIHt0 are 61111 liar to the- one? t.hat (/omr1ete. a regular 0nape &VUJ whe.11 pt3rt Cif 1;h;a'1; '7h;ape 10 hIdden. The- Incomplete fIgure? tend bp c.omple-/;e. them6elve~ ~ccortJlng to 0lmpllCl1/Y ..md regulant:y of form, 74- There <3r't:- 0ItUJ31;lonq, where. tiVe.n If ;a I,ne. doe~ l1t7t In fact eX/~t, -the mind'? eye- cre;ate~ the l,ne- In an ~t;1;el'Ylpt to regu!Jrlz,e. tJ 0h;ape 3nd make. It vl~I19Ie;. Ihe~t 0een k?ub noneX'10te-nt Ilne~ ~ire­ IIlu"3>ory ::and h.ave np rhy0/cJ31 ba~I'? We eee them In VI5LJ~1 sreee whloh are comfletety hQmogel1e-ou~. _,. . .. III tJ%:m~,...y Iln~~ C;;in \:1e. eIther '5br3lght or cLirved. Whrle -bhe.y 2ppe.2l1'" to define or.aque 6h;;lfe~7 -the flgure'5 C.iilM al~Q l:?e tr3n~r3re.nt. In 311y ceee, what we i:el1d 1;17 re.roe/ve. are tne. 'Slmrle~, mo~t regular' 'Sf;"'LJCi-bure. t1f Ill1e~ WHlvh comr1et;e the- 'Shaf'&. c.4:l11 actlV3te.~ Vlew~ re~pol1~&7 encQur.13.ge~ the. The f1rlt1C-lfle. tf oloe>lJre eCQI10mlC- tJ'5~ I7f Ilt1e~> ana f.rovlde~ 0f!=,ort;lJnI'tles for' gre3ter effiCiency 111 dr3w1ng. OI1~ c~n Ini/e-rf'r~t thr~ Im;a~e) dev'~tJ p~yoholo~l~t Jc?~~ph Ja~tr"w /11 I~007 elwer ;a ~lJtk or A ra!7!7/-I7. ~ Wl1a~ The 0r"u~lnq prJnc.,ple~ t1f ~Im".mty) proxlml'ty) contll1ud::y) :3na c.lo~ur~ operal::e Without re.g3rd for rerr~~enf;3tlt>n~J me.anlnq. -rhey E/ld U~ 111 org3111:t/nq even the mo'?t a~'?br.ac.j;. c?f f'.atterl1~, '?II1C~ the- mlnJ?~ eye con~tantly ~e~rche'7 for meaning 111 wh~t we ~e~) we ~1~tI tend grtlup Ilne~ ;:md ~haf'e~ Into fJmdrar to Image.~. 7~ dtl you ~ee II1-thlt? by 'btl be Im.age. ~ Mei"'ety loc?kln~ ~t ~H1 arpar~n-b'y amt>rrhou~ pAttern can 'Somu/me~ brIng i/o a f'r~r;;ared, Intere~1;ed) and ~e;;arthll1g mlHa a mtlr-e t?fec-Ifrc Ima~e. In It~ 6earc-h for me.anlrr~7 f;ne- mJntP~ eye 1/11:agtne~ :and <appears 1;;0 proJeot familiAr Irnage~ onte? ~~emlngly ~h.are­ le~s p~t/;e.rn~ LJrI/:;J! Se.I1<;;~, that mAkes It- flnd~ .3 /11~tc.h i1IU%?J1 d~~I.grred by f"7ycholtl~I'7t In 1~~O, on~ c.an eee elt-her -the. prtlfil" pf a youl1'3 wom;an or the head ~ ~J1 olJer woman. In {hr? 1:.6. ~orl rrg ('t 1tc?c'G\y~not men-t 10 ~'(" fOrb? W a r\e r-, devIce -For- sf: udy which, al-!::hC'ugh It m",,"y 5eem trlVl~1 ,;:;fn~ Cl {tn",S't ludlC'/rous~ 1'5 nVe:-nt, V(i'[,rlOU~ I Pne. ne ve xtrem:!y' (\~ And tht? L5, when yC'u. rC'ok at vSc> r:th feY" e the. '«\\ a. wall 'Spotted wIth '9tatl"z~., ,you ~/ e e,\(\~ may d.I'5Covcr a re'S~mbLance to vanov~ . fry ~(o0 [and-e;cape'5, beavtlhed WIth. mountaIn'=', r'tvere, Y'ock~, trees.,. Or ~&~rn y~(/ m..ay eee- J5ATTLf;E5 ~nd f~()re'b In 11ctltJf1) OR 5TRANC7£:s F:A.CE':? AND COSTUME? and en to endless variety of objects which you could reduce to complete and well-known forms. ANPTHe:~a APPEAK ON'3VCH WALL? CONPVt7EDLY, LIKE THE '50UND OF BE'LL5 IN WHOSE JANGLE YOU M.AY FfND ANY" NAME OR WORD YOU CHOOSE TO IMAGINE:." Leol1:ar.do da VmCI. cc All t;hotJ~ht Ii? a feat t7'f A~?Ovf~tlon; h:avlt1~ wh;aj;.1~ In front of yOLJ brJn~ up ~om~thlng In your mind bhat you a)m~~t dIdn't know yOIJ kt1t-w," Roberot Fr(7~t;;. f 1 C( "'h~ ~e t Jp I1P~ ~U'k7 b~~.d~52--- «'ffJ1/ CJn (7b~e,!"'ve- a /df;; JI/~f; f(y w11t~htn~," '(0&1 Ber'r;;,. Bt~/>? ~ ~U$ onlY wl1il~ -bhe- rl1lna I~ fr'~rared to compre.he-nd. 7i {(obe-rbson D..aVI~S. 77 SIIj\.I)]~ J\l~]) SlJI\.I~\.(~J~ In addlblon 1;0 the- contour Ilne'.:7 whIch :;;lr~ es~&nbi.al for It? dellne..att.?M J a <?hape ;al~o ha'? 6u!"'face quald;fle~ of mater-laL;> color, and texture, In draw/nth the w",y W~ exf,....e~~ the'7e qYJ:lld;fle~ Iq, through th~ I"enderlng of ton:a! valuce. ihe08 1;onJl! value-e., In -burn, c;an ~e.rv~ to art-Ivulabe ~h",p8, deq;c.rr!?e texbure, model form, and CO/1vey mood ;and feeling. <"> (~~ LINE PRAW1NG'5 ihe line technique'? of hatDhll1.g, crO?0~ hatvhlng, ~nd 6u',l?l1llng .are the primary mean'? With WhlOh we can r&l1der ton... I valuee. 9nnc;;e tt7n:a1 v",lu& I~ e.xp,....e'?~ed prim arll1 throlJ,gh the I"'elabve- proportlc:7n I7f lIght to d;ark area?) the. mot?'f:; rmpt7r-t..,nt tec;.hnI1LJe~ vhar.ac.f;.e.rl'?tlc.~ t7f the~e. are. the 0paCIr1g .anti den'7ltJ of the linear e>brl7ke? u<?e4, 7b The- rrlmary ~urptl~e- of rentde.rln'1 tont~1 ValUB6 16 to dlffere-ntlate. one. <snaf.& fl"'O/11 ;anothe-r. In re.nde-rlng 11~ne07 -f:;h~ vlsu;a/ quald:ile0 of the- 0trokB~ u~e.d t-he-w length., OOI11;OUr, and dU"Boblon will Inherently ctlnvey the na1;;ure- of a ~urfac.e76 mate-rl;al ~nd bexture-, wh~bher ~moo1;;11 or rough, hard 01'" 60ft, foll~hBd c7I'" dull, We ~h"ultl ~Iway~ be ~W3rc. CJf 1;;hr~ Interrelatlon~hlf of bone and textLJr~. Any ref'lde-i""lng tJf texture ~/mlJlt.meou~(y frodLJCe~ .3 tonal value.. In 1110.;:.1:; va'7e~7 thl? tonal v.alue. I? more crlclcal -bh.m te.x-bur~ to the re.preq,enta-f:;/on cJf I1 gnt, 0h;ade, and the w-;.y they model form.;:. In q,pac;e.. :::: VALVE: f'AiTE:RN " ,{~~" ~ ..~ •. jt ~~~",,-;( . .,,,,:,. -, ~ LI(iI-rr J\J.~]} SI-lA.D]~ In rendewmg -/;on~1 value~, we n~tlJr.;ally tend -w c;,ol1~lder ftr~t the. loc;;a! v~j/)e.~ of a fi7rm7~ '8ur'f.ac;e~. L.oc;a( val()e.~ de~c-r,be how lIght ~r dark a ~urface.''? materIal and color ~c;tLJal1y are.. local vpllJe~, howe.ve.~ are modifIed l:7y theefft-et t7f light] 5hade, and ~hac1ow, In renderlnq tonal V.;aIU85" we ~hoLJld atte.mpt to c;,ommunlc;~te th,~ Inte-rrb~y t?f' local v;a!ue, light, and '8h~de.. 80 ! Contr:a~tln'11;onal val!J~ convey way 'I~hl; ;md ~h;atle. model fOr'm, the The. effec.t'? of light on form cannot eXist WIthout 1;h~ Gontr;a~tlng, d;;wker' value~ of '8hatled 5urF.;ac.ee; and th6 '?h:adow~ 1ihe.y c.:a~t. Slnc.~ we draw prImarily wlt.h di3rk mt-d'a on light €7LJr'face?} we define. sreso of i?l1aJe and i7natJow In art :atl;e.mpt -/;;0 J!lumlna~e. ;2re.a~ c>f Ilqkf::;, / .>. ~ 'v L. .... ,._ lNTS}']'5E V5, DlPPVf.iE: LWH1 The w~y light I~ re-flu.ted from a ft7rm'~ ~LJ rfac.~6, c.re:3bln~ areJ6 of lIght, ~h~tle) and '8hadoVvj gIVe6 U~ rmptJt"tant cluee ~o If;~ -t;hree- dlmen~/t7t1al 1lJalJ-blee. l/tJht, however; r~ n"t ~/;;Jtlc., ~omet.lme~ h;iW~h,. 6ometll'ne6 d,ffu£ile., -bhe ~lJ;;Jld~y of a II.ghb 60LJro& 16 r'efle:-c.~ed 111 -the W3Y It dful11ln;;lte6 the. form ;and pe,...vade~ the ef'3C& through wnlc.h we. eee- i;he ft7rm, &d1e~ I7f ;J ~h.ape. ~re. rf!}ndereJ the l1;;iltlJl"'e. Cif a ftwm1~ ~eomef:;ry. CleJrly del I ne.;;iltetl c.OI11;r;J~,.t;~ of v.alue. Imply ibh;;ilrr e.::l~e~) ;.l!1rLJpt turf1'? .at corl1/w~, :311.::1 -bl1e ilium In:3t"m t1f ~ brl'1ht 7 dlr'e~t light:.. &r.adu~1 tot1:a1 How the. COl1vej~ ~h311t:1e~1 0/1 the Other hal1d~ convey qel1t./y curving fot"mi&, :3nd the- dlumlnatlon tJf tnClweot 11~l1t, 6Cift. edg~, ( HIGH KEY MED1tJM K!W L(J'N KEY The r.ange and pattern of tonal value~ Influeno~ the weigh", balance-, tlnti h.armony of a dr.awln17~ comrCl~ltICln. Sharp contra~J;0 rn v;a!u& vIVIdly define ",ntJ ;aUrtlof; attention 1;/7 &h;3re~ In ~f'..ace7 The re/;ablve p;>rol7orhm c>f I,~hb and dark valves and t.helr plae-emenb In a compOSition prOVIde.- a bon;al key for ;3 dr.awlng. A metllUm ran~e t7f v3{l)e~ h;;l~ an Inheren-b feelIng of harmony ant-! b.alance.. A f7redt7m Inanbly Ilgnt ranget?f v,;alue~ can convey delicacy;. e-Iegance, ;and aetlt~ a ~ense c7f dr.ama, A l:'ro.a,d ran.ge.. of ton;al value-s, with In{;erme.dl;af;e. V2!ue.~ providing ;3 h~h-be;~t bo tr.ansltlon from the, the d~rkesi;7 .ar-e VI~LI.al/j 2vtwe .and animated. Clo~ely rel;:l'ted v..alue~ tend to I?e more. ~LJlet. 3nd a sense of illumInating lIght. A moder.ately chwk v;l/ue range c:an givea tJr.awll1g :a 6en6e of he;avlne66 fl-"om a bove, .a feel I ng tlf ~a bdICy :and '8treng th I?dow, or rerh:ap~ ;3 perV.::lSIVe.., fri7n1 6c7ml?er qualIty. A 6hap~ ~y Itne~ I~ a vl~LJtl/ly percelV~d area bt'untl or edq~ "f contr:a~t, A~ an Image, '7hafe 1e7 eeen relative to the 6P.;le::~ 0urrtlundln~ and It .and ldentlfletl by 11:h contour~ th~ f't,.bf;~rn of Jt~ '5tructur.a1 fe;at,ur~~. Th~ n;atur~ t7f the~e p'af:;~ern~ ;and c;ontour~ ~ -the ~y 1;0 our unJ&r~t;;andlng of what. 6hare~ ref're~ent In ZI draw/M1' ~-------- dr.awln~ the. contourti7 of what we 6U, w~ e-mrha01Z:e. the n~t;.lJr.at appear3Mve 1f In ;a f;art,c.LJ!.llr tl1ln~ frpm ;a ~rulflc fOlnf; of VIew, 1he. contour Ilne~ defll1e natur.all~­ t,C i7h;are:,. Whether;;l n31:;U r.aIwt;lc 0har~ cOf1vey~ what I~ 1'8 6>uppCl~etl w] however, depe-114€> on C1n~7~ POint of Vlt-W. Som~ l1~tur;all?tlc '?n2pe~ rtq.uJrc. ~h Jild In~, c.dlor, .and texf;ure.. tu fill (}l)t;; their form ;:md rend~r -bhe-m reco~~ nlz.3I1I~. Other'8 ;;;lre ~LJcc,ei7~fLJI at repre'8entll1g only :;;l Cl;;;l~~ or c~-begoI"Y of thlt1g6. 5tlll other€> communlc~i;e­ th~lr ~feclfJc Idel1bd:j q.ud;e ea~lly' WIthout context, - In ortler to C;OmmIJI11c.ate- more effeui:we- Iy, we c,.,ln ab!71:f"'ai/t: 11-a!;ur..a1 Ji?tIC e>h;ape~. All dr2wmq J& an ~~.;,tr.ac,1:;Jon .:?r realIty. 11'1 the- froce~~ of ,,!:1!7traC1:;10rT-7 we- om,t:;. by oholce. or clrcumq,bance. C8r'taln unn~ce~g,ary det.all.:;" ;md we ret2>ln only tho&e e~~ent:lal ch.,w;cterl~f;lc~ or 6trlJc,tural fe.ature~ of ;a f;nln~ whIch dl~tln~LJI&h It. from i7ther 1;hlrl~~1 ihere ar&, I7f Couri7e, varY'I1~ de~ree~ vf a!?~tr..actll7l1. ~y ex;agqerat/cm, we can empnal?lzt; om:. or more feature~ of a tnlng. rh/~ tiell!1era/;e dl~ior'tlon can <31~o /eatl to Ideallz./t1~ 6hapeq, of thmg6 by removIng perceIVea def!clel1Cle6 111 what we .;,ee-. 00116/i7tel11;ly ;;3rr(Y dl~torhm or exa~qe.r;ablcm t7ver al1 el1tlr'e dr.awlng, we 0'/;yf,ze ;::l comro~ltlon of 0h.3f'e.:? while- 1"e1::;;m1/11~ -the pIctorial q.()alltle~ Whel1 we ~ the. ~ource materIal. The- ~haf.'e, tll~e-red '* an obJ&ct I~ nece~~<3r"y er tr3n~formeJ I::'J vlewlI1.g tll'7' tanc.e- and ~ngl~. rhl~ may &Imply be a c.h~t1ge In ~Ize ar la more corn ~Ie-x -br..an<?' formation pf form relatlon&l'1lf5. w~ can rrever~hele~& Identify thlnq~ eve/1 whel1 the partIcular Im;3ge~ we eee: i?h 1ft and move, Irl our percej:'b/tm, rhl'? fhenomenon, known se i?h;;lfe con~tat1cy, en~t?le& U'7 -be:? tjr.a&r the -structural feature!? t7f I?ome, thlHg Jrre&pectrve t7f how It may affe.ar 1/1 re~llty. Shape con~bl1cy provltlet8 the.I1.a'7I1? fp/", our U~e- t7f ~h.ape~ ae '7ymbol~. In .develof' Intj ~ymb.?I~) we. dl'7tdl frpm ~hlff;ll1g vl~lJ.a1 event~ 1;ho~e- Inv;arI3~le a~f'ect'7 whlc.h sre /11earrln~flJl t't? U?7 :an.d whlvh dwt'1111LJI&h ~me tf1lnq from "H1othel". 5Jl11l::'ol'7 ;are. therefo""e rer~I'7tent ~h.ape'7 which 3/"'e b~etl on '7lgnlflc.3n1; cot1-t-oLJr-s ;;md '7-trlJctu raj fe.a1;;ure&. 1 + \.J -) x • • --~~ , Repr~~~t1t3tI0I1:a1 ~Jmb17l~ tl/"'e ~lmrllfleJ plcture~ t7f wh3t Hiey repregent. 1'17 11e me;3nln~hd] they mu~b /be gel1~rJjlud yep e-mb1ody the &tructur:al feature~ tf what they refer to, HI~hly :ab~t;racb ~h~pe7) 17/1 the othe-r han'J, 0311 b~ 111 .a~prlc.at/on) but; lJ~u)lIy need cC7nteX1; 01" captltm~ tCI fully expl.~/n broad a wwy When '?ym~ol~ ~ec(/me more abi?tr3ct IC7~e- any vl~u;31 CC7I1 ne-ut/on -/;(7 what they refer, they become ~/gn~. 51~n~ refe/'" bp 3 thIng t7r Idea wIthout reflec-Plng al1j of It~ vl~u~1 charac.terll7f;lc~. They can ~e- underi?too.a :al1d only ~y Ci7mmon agreement or conven 1:; I C7M. their meal1ln1' PJ1 Afiier Honori B~~lde.~ r~pr~~~n1;ln~ whpt we eee or a ?h;;r~ c~m pleo &XI~J:; ;a~ -b11e. underlying requlaf;;1111 frame-work fw;a comp0<?JJ:;/l7t1. Th~ I/ne~ whlc.h define sn or1~n/zll1~ '?hafe .;Ire. nu!; neve?~arl[y '?een. Y~f:; we C311 '?en~e. their' e,)(I~te.nC.~ :a~ tl1ey e.)(pre~~ the r~l~tlot1<?h'f~ ~ef:;weel1 th~ f3rt~ of .;I ~re3ter wh17Ie-. enVI~I,?n) 88 When lJ~e.d to expreq,f? gtrlJctlJre. 7 ~h~pe, tentl~ to ~e. ~eol11arlc3l1y il?lmple. r.athe.r' th~11 c.amp/ex. Jhl~ I~ 1:::0' 1113ke-1:he. orq<mlz,/n~ <?h3fe rec"111It.able. d/}~plte the. v/gu31 aHrac'hm I7f the. more. clearly tdefll1etl g~.aF7e~ wrllc.h COl11prl~e 3/1 Im3~t:-. /he. 113tUr'e of the. o,..~.an,zll1g ~h3pe- afFut':7 our- perc,errC,on tlf 23 drawI111 camf?0<?/1;lon, ;;md Jete.rl'l1,n~<? whethew we. read d;:.a~ ~lmP.'{~ or complex, re-gular or Jrre~LJI;a/", &bbc. or .dyn.am/i/, D.2WI111U· Cbi ° '~ • • . . ,'~ '" '~ '~ • When ar.awlng wh.aJ; we i7U" a l1uml?er of corn pO~/t~on:31 rO~~Il?dd;IBII? may &xl~b. th~e, we- det;erm tne- thoq,ewhlc.h :3tt;I"'..acA: our .;attentIon, Theq,e. form a "7e-t of VIJ?Il?/t- rt-l;atlon~h Ip,? znd th~ P.'~ttern tJf bht-tje, vlII?ual fpret~) 1P e.v.alu:3t& a~pec.~q, In tlJrn, tiefrneq, ?hape~, We ~ht7uld examine tf'1I:~~& rer.a/:;I0I1~hq1~ .;arrd tne- c.ompo:;Ji~lon~1 po~~d~lId/Ie.~ H1 -berm? t?f the~e ?hape6, Even when drJw/ng wh.at we- e.nVI~IOrt, we c..;an u~e. '8h.;ap'~ In thl~ manne-r to organize- our thoughb~ hllt'Je~, and ~~ru~ture PO~~I­ .. s» ~~>(" .. : "," .' / I I i / ~~ . j .I :, / ! J ! \ t---o.-- ~~ .~ .... , \ .. - , " :..v ; : .....,~ __ ,..._~.w_ ..." , )o,,:~w-1 lt2::z:L=;~~¥E,T~~~~~~··:~i . ~ ~ :.:-: :_: :,_ .....- .. -. ~: . . I)I~ r-rn run Wh~n J-Ur-l' ()l~ II.JI.JIJSI()N we draw, we .attempt; to 1ir.ance>e-rl17e a~r.e.ct5 I1f ~hret--dlmen~lonal reald;y onto a flat SlJrf.ace which hae cm!y two 2It'nen!?lone. The reslJltlng ple-1;orr;a1 Image.:; can pe amblguou~ for whate-ver ~pac::e .i3nt:! depih we read In a dr.awlng I~ dlu6orJ. Certain .arrangemente pf llne~, '?nare~, valvee? an.d -f::;e.xt.ure.~,> howeve-r, have the rot~Mtl211 of conveYing -the. ~f'atlal ;;lrr.<lj of <oolld form~ In 6p.ac.e.. It; all der,tmde on how our vl~u;l1 ~ygtem lnurrre-f:;~ -the. drawn Image. In ordCtr 1:;0 Gonve.y thre.ednnen61on21 form~ In ~f'ace. ;;lI1CJ derth In our dr.i3wlnge, I'Ve. mue--f::; rna~tG-r the ;arf::. of rllu~lon, We lIve 111 ZI thl"e.~, d!mel1'7lonal world of obJe.t-te- and ~pac&. O!7Jet-1:? ocwPY, define. the-Ilm,te- t1f, Zlnd gIVe.. ft7t"m to 6p3c-e-, Space. the. othe-r h~nJ, ~LJrrOLJnd-e> .;and artlcur.a-bt.e> our VI::;IOYJ t7f oI?Jeci::::;.. How can we. rept"e.~e-nt the- thre.e-d Imen'710t16 of rt-a!lty With t-wo,d,met1::;lonZlI drZlwlng~ r 011 --------- In 6u.lng '?t1;3ce) we re..aJ the. re.l;;tlon' !?hlp~ !7etween form? 111 epZlce. In drawing the.?e. 6pat/al perce.pt'It7I1?, we. vreate plctorl.al ~p.aCie. f'lctorl.a1 epace. may be fl;a'/;.1 du.p, or 3/11 bl.gUOU'7, but 111 all C;3?e.?, ,.f; 16 illusory. It eXl6t::; on ;3 two-Jlmen6Itm.a1 ::;LJrfac.~, !7ut there. are. fundame.ntal -bec.hn Ie::ryes wh/(ih trlg~e". c7ur V16lJ.a1 ~y::;t-e.m to re3d what we see a6 h.aVll1g ~erth In the. bhrrd dJmen~lol1. The.ee tec.hnlquee ;are ba'?eJ on our re6p0I1~e to c.e.r/;all1 vI~ual pattet"'f1'7 of line?, 6h;ape~, v.alue~) ana be)(/?u res. Under~tand Inq the6e te.vnm1,ue6) we can trr23ke. an Im.a~e ;arf'ear t-17 proJevi; fl7rward tow23rd tne vl~er,? or recede111'1;0 ~pace. We c.m make a form ;ar,peZlr flat or volul11e.trlc.. We- can e'?t.abll-e>h tHe i?17atl.:l1 rel.atlOn'?hlp6 !?etwun fl7rm? • An Int.ere~blng rercepbual phel1oment7f1 ability tt7 Ignore. apparent dJfference~ '/1 -actual ~IZe. 1/1 order to Iden-blfj IfJ i7Ur" aHd categorize 1;hlngg. -rhl~ phenc;me.known a~ ~l'te ,:w ol?Je.cb c,ol1t7bncy, leaC:1~ Uq; to pervelv'8 c,.at"egorle? elf oI1Jec;.b~ 36 unJform In t?lze wrbh C0t1~/:;4,mt; color ;md texi;u re, regi3I"Jle5? Cif whe,I"e•md htlw dl6tant -bheyare.. nOI1, Two Iden-blt:::al ok7Jecbt?, 170bh equldl6t;mt from ue, will appear t"o be the 0.-ame ~IZe.. A~ one movefJ away from U?, ,-b WIll appe.;ar' to d,mlnlt7h In '5IZ&· Th!~ Jpparenl; t:::h:ange. In ~IZe. pr'ovlde.~ U5 WIth a Vl5LJJI due. 00 depth. When we- eee two Ide.n1l/c;;3! t7r like.. Image6 of jlffer',n~ eize e, bh& larger one. will pr'pe.ar bel be clo5er anc::l -bhe '7malle.r' tine. farbher away. \ Two over):<lrpln,g ~h~re~ c-reate .;;In dILJ~It7n of de~h ~1f1ce we tend t.? eee one. I?hapeat? 1?eJt1g In front of, .and c.onve.a!ln.g frc>m our vIew, .a l7.art of .anoth~ behmd It. f;y lt6e.lf, overlarf1ntJ vrt-af;~~ very "7h.;3ll~w ~racee>, A greater ~t5n~e of IntervenIng 6p.ace and tJe-pth c~n be ;ac;.h/(~veJ when overlappIng 1'5 c.ombmed wIth iXhef" dqtt;h cue6 6uc,h ;3~ ~p.atI31 ed~t-~, ~hIH~ In t~xture. or v.alue, .and oon1:;1n LJ'0' t?f l,ne, ,\... --- 1 ........ - ":, , , " --. o '0 o ImagIne ~t;3I1dlnq 0/1 a flat piece CJf ground. AfJ 1'1; reved~g, rnto 1;he dl~t:ance., tne grt7und plane Jppe;;Jr~ to move upward -t'ow.ard the horIzon. ObJect~ on the ~ro(Jnd will a!fJo f;eem to move lJfw.ard afJ thej get farther awaj. rhe-refore, If We want somethIng to be read ab dlfJt:..ant, we can move- It lJf In the drawln~ compOSitIon, The nlq,!-jer f;ol11ethrnq /6 In the. f1cttJ/"'8 flane., th~ br~her away It will Jr~e.ar {;;o l1e. We c;an bhu€1 cr~ate ;a 0t;ac.ked ~tme0 C7f Im.age~ WhlC,h, when combined WIth both fJlze dIfferences and over- lapping, cOl1veY<8 2 <space .and depth VWld ~811~e t7f Ae.mal rer~fect(ve. I~ ~a~ed on the. <:Jonenlng q,ual1ty CJf the Il1tervenmq .air' or atmo~phere. between vIewer and c?~J&&t? WhlCih affut'O how we, pe-rceIV& the color'?, vsluee, and contour~ ()f dl~t.:mt -I;h,ng~. A~ th I n~~ get farther ;;way, their volor~ ~e.vome. le~;;, Inten<:Je ;;md more. mut;e.d. ihew valLleo become-lighter and qraye.r, {therr form;;, more. dlfflJ~e and b/ul"rYl thew detad& le&& dl~tlnc:/:;. In the ~.aCikgrounJ, we eee maInly gh.ape~ WIth grayed 1;one~ and hLJe~. By c,on-tra&t, {t!1111t36 ~een up c105&7 In the. fore.qrounJ of OIJr vl~,on, have 1'r10M 6aturabe.J color"?) ~t,...onqer v.allJe c.ontr.a6to, more d I~tlnct outlll1e~) ;and t?harr1y deflm~·d d(/b.aJl~. A'7 ~ t;>urfJc,~ texture- re-veJe~ Inbo th~ dlg,t:3I1Ce., there- will k1~ :3 gra~u:al II1c.rea~c. 1/1 ~he- dem~d;y of the t'exture., Thl~ Ig, Ja re6ul-l;;. of the dlmm'~hln~ ~/Ze. tjg, wf711 a~ the. 6pac,lrI'1 the. &Ie.me.nt? whIch cre.ate- f;he textIJr,- we ~ee. * for e-xam~:de, when we. YI~W a I1rlck wall up c.lo~e7 we c.an eee l?oi:h the Ind,vldu;al I1rltikg, .and the- thltikl1et;>~ c7f the.mortar JOIf1't~, A€J we. move :3w:Jy, the- ~rlck~ /?ec;ome 6tt1.allcw :3nd t'he/ mc7r~ar JOII1t.~ turn In~ Ilne~ un-t;r1, from Ja d wta/1Ci&, t'hey merqe. patbern, Ir1f;O a textured ~111~~r f&r~p~c-tlVe- I~ prob;.ll?ly wh;.lt; come-€? ~c7 mind when the. te.rm per~putrve le;, u~ed tc7 Je%rlbe. pIctorial vlew~ of oUr' three- d,l11ene;,lol1;.11 world. Whrle u~efLJI In arawln,g IndlVldlJ;.I! c7bJec.1;?, /Inear pem~p'~c.iIVe. I~ particularly adert; at: dILJ~tr.at:ln~ <&p.atlal reIJblon?h/p~ In a /11c-l;ol" la I manner whlc.h can be readily under0t:ood, When c.om~l/1e.d wIth the VI!7U;.I/ dert'h t1ue~ prevloLJ~ly dlf!c;.LJ~~ed, IJrlear p~r~pet:tiV~ qJYe~ LJ? theabilIty to cre3f;;e a VIVId JlILJe;,lorr of threedlm"I1~lonal ft?rm~, t?p;ac.e, and depbh 011 ;a fli3t: dr.aw,ng ~urf.ace.. .. ---~ _ . I !I / /...ll'1ea!'" per~pe(;tlve:- I~ 11.a~ed 011 ~h~ JLJ~1; de.velo/1ed bJ!7ed on ~he~e law~, 3 /1er'?pec'blve dr3wln.g I') t1ften ev;alu.-te.d <&ofe-Iyon the Ctorreotnee;,f! of ,ie> CO 11 !7t: rlJ£;;1; Ion, We !7houltl, however, ;al?(i LJe>e- our eye..e> ;and nut' entru<&t: the dr3wn Im;a.ge 1;0.a mdhod of and .accur.abely JlILJ0tratee. {7/1e,7~ P()/tTt of VIew Without dJ01;;Orblol1, The In"be../1-1; he-re I~ not to deta,( the- mecha/1lc",! l;awe> tf preCl6e:- con0t:ructlon methodt;. whIch have been ~MmdrJ' ~e.c.aue>e of 'bhe con ~trlJ(/tl on. bec3ue;,e:- a per~pedlve, If! me1;lc-ulolJ~ly Cion0truc-tetl d()e,e;, /1ob me:.3n ~nat the dr:aw1nq appro/1rlpt~ly C{7I1~truc-/ilc7n ~ per~peC1;lVe'8, !:Jut rather 1;17 deVt~I(ir an unde.r~t;anJlng c7f pert;.pectiVe- ele.me-nf;.~ 3nd prlncJl7le? wh Ic.h will e.l1able u!' -f;Q draw freehand per~pe:-c{;.lVe~, -. . -._--.-....--+-+-+-------1r-t-~r__-_T : oo~--___---OL-.-------------+ Unde-r6-bandlng r,e.r6pectlve le- f1c7f; abe-oILJ~ly ef7~e-n-/;;,~1 In drawing what we ;are able to eee. We C3t1 Il16te.ad rely 011 the 3Cl/Urate depll;-blon C7f conwur 11I"1~ and the r:'0~d;lve .and nega~lVe­ 0hape? they Clef,nc:,. However1 In orde-r to tr;3110ftJrm the6e- Ilne~ and 0h;3f.e~7 dl%cr/be- their' 'bhree'd'l11en6Iol1~1 form-s, al1~ ItJ~a[;;e them properly In sp.ace7 weq,hould LJnderq,tan'd the eAement0 .3I1d ~JrInclple6 of I,near per~pectlVe. Thl~ Iq, par-blcularJy Im/?ort-.an!; If we want to go beyond c:,xte-rnal arpe;arance~ ;md LJI1tler6bnd the underlYI ng ~eome-f;rj ;mt! 0tructure cf th I n~~7 a0 deflnea by the line? which de6ct'll1e and re~LJ)ate tl1ew rel,atI0/10hlpq, In 6pace. f ! x z L---------""""""'··.. . . . . ------ A~ It~ name- Iml"lle-~, line;;/" per'?~evblve. I~ concerned prlm.m[y w,.t;h the dr.,wlng of /ln~~ Ir1 fer.:? pect IV8. Many of the5& fer~f'e-ctlVe 11f1e~ do nClt:; rerre'?en~ vl'?I~Ie­ contour"? I1Ut: r;3f;hlW de%rll:18 the ~~ruc­ ture- and geometry of three-d/t't1el1~lon~1 form~ ;;na tnell" locatlong I n ~face. rhLJ~> the "lu~r.,tlol1<? In in,'? 6ec.-blon ut.illze tne famdl;3r geometry I7f the- c;ul1e .,6 :a l?a61~ for d~%rII?Jng -t~ru,-dlmen610n;;J1 ft7rm~. 100 Wd:;h the vu1?e, W~ C3n mea6ure -I;he thrce dlmen%::)/1~ of thll1gg ~lmult;:lneou61y. More 11'11 pOI"'1;31'1-/;IYl we C3t1 tJ"?e. the- c.ul1e. tt? .de6crl~~ :a variety of form~1 ft"om the.5/mple6t to the m06f; comf'le.x. rh,t£, redlJctlol1 of form-6 1;0 -their compon~nl; qe.ometrle'? and the- me.a6uremet11;; of prt7portlon, %318, ;and relablon~hlp~ In gpac.e requIre 110th ;;:1I13Iytlcal and Vf?lJ31 tl1ou~ht. .............. 10 ' 20 fu; away rrI-I}~ ~-------- ]~LI~l\'1BN1'iS ()l~ l)l~l~Sl}J~errI'T.: : C()NJ~ ()l~ ,TISION For .:;11 t7f If;~ 3pfare-ntty dyn;;amlc- .q,ualttle6, a per~pec.t1v(/ drawing J~ a ~Ingle-, i7ta1;ICt Image-, fixed In 1;/l11e, and i?een from a 6petilhe ~01nt tlf VIew, On~e- we f,x our VI~VVrOln1;-7 1;h~n tl 1101"/11;31 flelt! of VI61011 ext;end~ like. a cone r~d'2:lbll1g ou1;;w.1rd from the eye. rhl~ CiOl1e t7f VI61tm c0I1i?I'?b6 of l,ne6 of i?/ght whlc-n form a 1!7" ~ BOO 3ngJe with the centr.;a! aXI6 ofv/~,oJ1, Thl~ cone of V!t;IOn i7houltl 6~rve "'63 gUide whe.n we d~terml ne our vlervpOltl't: and wh;;a-f; l~ t17 ~e Inc;/ud,d Wlthll1 tne. bound~wle6 of .1 r.er~pectlVe draWing. Only 3 6m31l portion tlf the Immed,;;a!;eforeground fall~ With In the cone t7f V1610n, A6 I~ reaCihe~ out to gather In wh;at weeee, If; w,tlel1g. ,1';6 fIeld, al1d the mlddletJround 'tInd l1:<lckgr/7und l1uometrIl7re- eXj:1anlSlVe, 101 / . / , / . c-: ..---.-_._---- fl1t plttur~ fl~nt- (p.r.) !~ alway~ p~l"r~ndlcul;3r to the- o~~rve-r~ central lin~ of ~Ight;. (ill()IJND Wh~t1 we dr2lw a per~pe.vtIVe:. we tr3n~fe.1'" onto 2l drawln~ ?urbw WH2lt we. tjtt/ throuqh an Im;agIt13I"j, i7r.3n~pJret1t pIcture. pl:aMt-; the- dr2lwlng ~urf.ave-l1evomt? -/:;he- eq,lJlva/e-nt of the picture- piane-. rhl~ picture pIJt1~ cut? throu~ 11 the. c;.on~ I7f VI~IPt1 ;;md 31w3Y~ rtm:aJn~ pe-l"ptndlcul31'" {;p ourcel1-br.31 line of tjl~ht. fhu~, If wt 5111ft our line t1f ~Iqht lefb or right, up or down, the picture plane- move~ It. w,tn fOZ PI.JL\NI~ (G.P.) The ground e1ane I~ :a nt?rlzon-f;.al pLant of refere-/1Cit from whIch n~l.ght~ 1/1 per~pec­ tlVe. can l?t me3tjured. It can be the. t.p"pu1"1d on wl1loh the. viewer '5f;~H1d~, the l:ake tjurf;ace on wl1/vl1 a b02lt I? ?3J1111'1, or tht- pl;atfot'm on which 2l build Inq re~~, It c:a11 31~o be. the- floor plal1e when ar2lNlt1q ;an II1C-er't7/" ~p.ave-, or even -l:the wp I7f .a ttll?)e, when dr.awlt1~ .3 ~till life. View from a i?/xth floor wIndow I-IOIIIZON LINE (fLL.) The norltt7t1 line- run'? not"ltont:ally ;;3crog~ ~he plvtur8 /11-ane. and corregponai? -{;I? the vlewer'~ qe le-vel a17ove- '!;he qrounJ pl"n8. For;:3 norm-al eye-level rer'~/1ectlVe, the. horizon IWle 16 ~t the ~b"ndlng h/,;Iqht t::ven If not" 3c;tLJ~lIy eeerr, the. norlton IH'U~ e;,hould ~~ droawn 111ht:(y acrO~6 the. dr.awll1q 6urface. to <.?e.rve. .a~ ;;l level /Ine t?f the o17<.?eI"'ver)g eye». It move6 down If we <.?I~ down In a c;h-alr'j 1'1;; move6 LJ/1lf we look cll.d~· from a <?econd e;,tory window, It; "f referenc;e,. wr the entire. COtrlP06ItI0I1. Any ht7rlzontal pl.m~ wnlch lJe~ ab ov/"" ~ye level wdl17e "een .a., ;:3 line COinCidIng with the horizon line.. We Will eee the. top6 CIf hbrlzClnbl/ pl.me~ whlc;h lie. /11 olm/;: ,:lI/1to p. 6lde~ rlge~ 6tdl further If -the.. View 16 frt7111 :a 11e.low the ht7rlzPI1 line 3nd the. Imde.rof ,/;ho~& wh Ivl1 are .a~ove.. COl1v e l"qe-ne-e. I~ the- pnmary dl'?tll1gul~hlnt:' IIl1e;ar per~pe.c;tlVe.. A~ two p;3r3 11 t'f llM& r~cede. Inw the dl~t;an~ the 6p;lce ~ebween 'lihtml wd I .dImIn I~h ;and tihe.j Will ;appear to conv~r~e. If {;he Iln~~ are. exte.l1d~d to Infinity, th~y will 3pre:ar to me-et ;at wh3t IfI commonly termed a charac;terl'5tlv o v3n1 '* h'ng ro,n". --~~-~ / / PI;me~ paraHel to p'l~ture flane- i/ the-It" ~hape. blJt- dIm Inlc:;h In ~'te 3~ they re.u:de from re.t3H1 vIew-er. HORIZON'trNE -- i5/}i of p'~r;lllel Ilne~ ha~ It~ C'wn V21n,i?hlng f'0ln~. Etlch flr~1; ~rlnvlf'le of c.Ol1verqenc,e )<? eat:i11 se.t ~ ~.-aralleJ Ilnefl h;ae> Its own v.anl~hlng pOln-b. A i?et of f;ar.allel Ilne~ c;on~I~f;€> G?nly Of tho~e. Ill1efl th3t .are p.ar3/lel t"o ontal1ot;her. If we, 100k.pl;;;l vu~e., fore.x'dm~I~, we can ~ee 4;h.tJ-f:; It.€> e.d.g~ form tnru. fhe 6e.b6 of f.tJr;lllel 11 ne6 - one vert Iv31 e>et .-and two horlzont;ll ~eb6. prCTV~E LlNt::ce PARAL.!.-EL 'f0 PICTUR.E PLANE: LINE.'? PERPENDIcULAR. TO If rayallel to tne. picture. pl:ane. ~nd re.rre.ndlcl,dar to 17ne. obe>e.rve.r)~ ce.ntr:al line. of ~Ight, ~ ~e.t of parallel /Ineq; will no!:; appe.';ilr to conve.r.ge.. In'?teZld, It will re.taln )f Zl ~et of p;arallel Ilne~ I~ pupet1dlv!..J/;;w to '!;he plobure plane. ;;md ~ht;re.ft1re pJr:allel With th~ oh?~e.rvt;r'~ ce.t1tr31 line- of t7lght, Ite. v:anl~hlng pOint will cOlnc;,~e:- WIth thepOint whe.re- tn~ ce.ntral line of ~I~ht; me.e.t~ I/h& norlz<?11 1111&. THI~ pOln~ I~ known :a~ 1;;n~ ce.nter e:tf Y'~lon, I~ orle.ni;~tI0I17 whe.the.r horlzol1f;al i vert/c..,), 17r Ine-llne.d. E.avh Ilne7 howe.ve.r; WJ 11 v;ry In appare.l1t lengt.h ;accord 1t1q to I't~ dl~t:at1ce fl"'Om the. v/ewer. PLANE: . : :.r: ... - ..-, - ... ~ ... ~ - . ...... -..... ~ ,~ " , . , ~ ~'.: <. ~\.~.:::::.:-- i \ . \ \, \ , .>: .. ~ . -: \\ -» I I \ \ \ : I I I " I I .. I • ', I \ , I • , ', , • \ t I I I • " , '.• . , II I '. " I \, \ I Vant'2nlng p'OIn0 for IIM'? 010flng dQwnw.mJ ;3? ithe-y rec~d&. Inclined %ree.t ',:.: V,PI3 LTNE5 OBUQVE TO PICTURE nANE jf a i7et I~ 17~11q.l)e W i;he- picture r1ane.7 ~;Jr~Jllel !Inee. will ;appeJr to ccmverge. tClw;Jrd a ell' m mon VJnl'?h mg POll1t P'3> It'll they rec.ede, If the e.et I? horlzorrf;;;I!, /t? val1/'3>hlng pOInt will lIe 60mewhere on the. horlzcm I,ne- 81bher to the;. Idt; or bo the. rtght, depending 011 -the dlr'ectlt7t1 of the. 6et ;J~ It rec:;ede6 fri7tr1 the- Vlewe1': If the 6et )"16e6 upward ai7 It recede.::> from the. vIewer, then ,be;. vanl6hlng pOInt. willl1e above -the hOt'lzon line, dlrec-t!y above where It would conver~e If If; were level. If the Q;U 610pe.::> downward J'3> It rec;ede~, then It? vJnlQ;hlng pOInt will lie ~elow the horizon lIne, dweci;iy below where It wouLd Gonverge If It were Ie.ve-L 10J7 Another dl~tln~LJI&hJng on~t'3c.te-rl~tilc IJne:ar whl~n ~-er~p'evtrv~ I~ fc?re~hartenlng '* 7 refer::; to the 3rrarent vI1311t3e- form :an ol1Ju,t untlergt't!7 In In p'er~r~?tlVt/. I~ u~u:al(y ~een 3~ 3 con-br3vtlon In ~It:e-, len~th, or de~h 60 that ~m IlIu~lon vf pt'oJec.tlon or e..xtel1%?11 In ~pave I~ 011, It t3lnetJ. Three f3c.torf? affu-t the degru. df fore~hort~nll1g we. eee In re-r6f',-ctlVe-. R,ELI\TTONSHl f' TO CE:NTER. Or Vr~lON' Fwo/t the. cl06er :and more r3ral [e! ;a line- or rl;ane I~ to? our venter t?f VI?IO/1 7 th~ le?::; we will eee df Itf; lef1g-bh or 5urfaoe :and the- l11of"e- comrre~eJ 7 will ~e- !f;&j apparent depth. pr~TANC£ FROM VIEWE:Y;;: Second, the fartn~r- away a Iln~ or I?lane- I&jJ the le&j&j !Ve wl!! eee .?f rt&j le.ng-bn or &jurbce :and the q,horter or fl;atte-r d;. will arre.ar- 1:;0 b'e-. I 6 ( ~ . _.D zt7'~ t<:OTATfON' rhlrd the more a Irne or p:!ane7 le> rot2ted 3way from U~ ~nd -the plt:ture. rbme-7 the. or tSlwfaoe. le~5 we will eee- pf rt~ leng-th 111 addd;Ull1 1:;c7 /'/;'0 effevt 011 the- ;arf~rent form of I/l1e~ tlr f'1~n~&7 fc7r~0hortenlng C3n ;;3160 comrre6~ ~p;:3tr;31 r~I~!;t0t16h/f'~ 1/1 .:l rer~rev­ 1;lve draWIng. 107 rfYI))~S ()l? I.iIN)~\Jl. PJ~I\SI)]~(~rl1I'T]~ /he edgetl of a cul1e- form three ~et~ or f.'~r.<3l/el Ilne~ -- one- vertlc~1 ~nd two Horlzon'bal. f.ach ~et" hae It"~ own v3nl~h~ Il1g pOInt 111 per~pectlve. Ba~ed on the~e three major ~ett! of Ilne~ ;md ~he. rvlet! et conve.rgenc.e, we can ?ay there. arethree 'bype.~ pf Irne.ar perBpectlve-: 1-, Z~, and B· pOint per6pecblve? What dl~· tlnglJ/?he~ each type- /~ ~Imrly our fOlnl; of View. The ?ul1JeCit matber doe? not c;114imge, IUe{ ot)r View I7f It" and how 1II1e !let5 Of parallel Ilne~ will appeJI" to conver~e, _._- ..--:'.: :.--".--- .. - - --". " -<, we View a vube WI1fh t'IJr cenbr;;;1 line of to one of l'b~ faCief), the vert,cJI and horizontal lIne'? whIch are par4iilllel w/1fh the- p,e1iur~ plane rem arn vertl Cial .and h,munt;al, Tho~e. horizontal Ilne~ wh,d1 are raraJlel WIth the Gentr...,! I,ne of ~Igh'b wd .apfe2H" W c,mverge at the cente-r of VI~lon, fhl~ 10 the one fOlrrb referruJ to In 1· pOint If ~lght perpendicular per~pecT;;lVe. tot> If we ~hlfb our VIew ea that the ~;;;me­ cul1e I~ vIewed o~llttuely but keer. our central /Jf1~ ~f ~11ht norlwntt3 , -f;he. Ye.r'blcal I,ne~ WIll remain verblc..al. fhetwo ~et~ tJf hOI"I:z-ont;a1 lIne'}, howe-ver, are now obll q,ue tt'l -f;he plc.ture (7/..a ne3f1d will appe;ar' to converge, one ~et: to th& left tlf1d the other to the nqhb. Thee>e .are the two pomtfJ r'efe-rred to In pOint pe""~pectlve. z· ,, ,, s- POIN1' VIew It?tlbn~ Aown c.UI?e-, ~ r , If we. .J;Jlt the uub~ 17ff the groul1t:1 plane, or If we- ~hlft our ce-nllr.a1 Ilr1e of 01ght to look down or !,Jp at; the- Gu/:?e, the-n a/l three. '?e-1;fl of rar~I/e-1 Ilne~ will beo1?llqu~ to ~he- f.,c;tu re p'12lne :and a ppe.ar to c.onve-rge- 2lt three dIfferent v.am~h,ng f'0ll1t~, ihetle ;are- the. three rOlnt0 referred W In 3~ pOln'b fe-rf1F'~c.t,ve-. Note- t;h;at ~he!7e f'er~petit/ve Vlew~ not/ Imply that do th&re- are- only one) two, or thru vanl~hlng ro,nt~ /n a feir~ ~f'evtlve-. Tl1~ 2lvtu~ nu m b&r' of van I~h ~ Intj r01nte; will depend on our pOint I7f vIew and how many 0et0 c?f rara/1e-1 I,neeo ac.tuallY eiXI~t In wh.at we eee or e-nVI~IOI1. In 1· POII1t- per~pe.c.i;lv&) we" View Or1e. fac.eof a tr2n~rarent cube qbr,enght on. We. can the.re-fore begin l1y drawing that; het ae a ~t}..uare, Next, we draw a horizontal line through the. f,t1yare and oc.ro~~ the. '?heet. rhl'? horl~on line. rerr'e~ent~ the. eye, lewe/ of bh~ vIewer. A?£,umlng the fac~ we. ;3re:- looking at /i? 10 fee-t £'qp~re ;and our eye- level I'? 6 feet al1ov~ the '1round plane., thehorizon line. would c.l/t t2c-rO\7S the. middle of the ~q,uare:-, f'?ta~/I~h the eenbe-r of V'~IOI1 on the- horIzon /In~ ;md draw Ilne~ from thecenter of vl,?/on through e;3ch corner of tihe ~ttuare-. The~e refre-?ent the horl- zont,al edge'? of the- c.ul1e whlc.h ;3r~ paral/e-/ our central line of '?Iqhf/ ;and which converge. at bl1e center tJf w the eenter t7f VIt?lon I~ loc.,ated to the left of venter; bhe/1 VIt?/OI1, If more CIf th~ right q,de of the CLJI1~ will l?e ~een 7 If moved tiCl the rl~ht, more pf the left will l?e \7eel1, vome~ ;an Import/anti i?te-p, How l~ t.h~ reat" f.3c~ ?If tne cube.. ~ In ?It-her WO,..d~, h()w fore~hortiene;.d are. the bop, bo~t;om J ,and '?Id~ t7f th~ cube ~ 11; depend~ on how far a way we are. from tihe cube, rhe CJ/o~er we are) Next hI" back the more we will eee: t7f the- top, l??ltitOtrl, and ~lde~. rhe ftJrthe.r a way we are., t;.h~ f!;3t;ter the tpp, l1otcom, and t?IAe,? will appear. A u~e;.ful meU,od for e~tlm;;atlnq thl~ de~ree of fo,..e~hort;e;.n,n~ I~ ba~ed on flhe 4&3 0 right brI2H1gl~. From geomury, we know that; the ~Jde~ of a 4f3 0 rIght;, or/angle are e.t:tuaL If we;. c-.an dr,aw 11; In peri7pect.IVt-, It~ dlo~tm;;al will mark off equal qegment~ pf perpendIcular Ilne~, C.v. ~ l[\ v'P.:: !/lagtJna I ~( v3n/~hlng C::> l[\ The height- pf the. norl ton line above. the ground rlane .and the po~I'I;"on of tl1e center of VI';lon ~ffect'? thefer~p~ctJV~ effec.t. , , ,, A no ,, , pOlnb H.L. P.P. 2. 10' de-pth fyom 10' aW2Y 10' detJ"l;h from '80' Jwaj For exam~leJ aq,~umt- we- are 0bandln~ away from -t?11e. fmnt face- of 7.0 feet the ou17e-, E?tal1/li?h? at the- 0tlme '?Ca/eo at? -t?he orlg I nal t?quare., a pOlnb on -t?henorl~C?n lint- whw~ 10 al?o '20 fe-tit to the right ,?f the- ce-nter I7f Vl<?lon, rh,,? I<? the- vant?hmg polnb for all tpSO dl:agonalq, re-cealng tc? the- rlgh-i/, From t.he left end of the- 6qpa,..e7~ 11,at?el,ne., draw a Iln~ 110 the dI2~On.;:l1 vanl0hln~ pOint, rh/'? line will cut Clff a 0eqmt:-n~ Of the rlght~hand b:aq,e-I,ne. which tltt,lJal bCl the. front b.;:l?&I, n~, NCl~e thtlt If the dlagona I vam'?hmg POI nt I? moved toward tne c,&nlle-r c:?f v/%?n, -tlhl~ I? tltiulvalent 1;;0 moving clo~er to the. cu1?e 7 and mClre C?f tJ.ie. wbe'? receding ~Iane~ will be- eeen. Jf It /0 mClved away frClm the cente-t" of v/?lon J we have ali?o moved far~her away frClm the cul1e ;and the cul1e Jq, reced Irlg r!;aneq, will be more:. fore0hortened, It? 30' Once we. h;ave. One- cu~e. drawn In pe.rq,pec,tlVe) we. can e.xJ;.e.nd It? geometry up ;and down) forward and baCK, ;and to the. ?lde5. 111 .. !, , I I I I I I I I F>: -------1 . ----.---- --4 ;"'\ , , i,folNT 2'POINT 2'POINT 2'POfNT 1,POINT ~ ~l~ - ~l----~~~--l---3E=--~. -_\ .~ I far~lIt-1 flcttJre. far",lIe! f'I;lt1tJ ~ When we, rot-:at~ 'line eu~~ ;;ee-n 111 1· pOint f~r;;pt}(/t IV~) 'f;.h~ two t?&t~ of not'lzon1t21 line;; a~ both obll~ue to th~ pl(/'IIure. plane.. One .:;et will tlppetlr to converge. ~ 1;h~ Ie.f/;, th~ oth~r bt7 the. rIght. ThLJ~ we. h~ve. tWt7 v3nl?hln~ fo,nt~ on the norlzon 11t1&, 61t1~~ th~ V~rbJC31r, art pprallel to the. pl(/1;;ure. f'ltlne., they rernam v~rtlc~1 In pe-r'?~~c1;lVe-, 11Z I 111J~tt".atetJ al?ove. It; ~ .:;e.r le? of per?pe.(/"!;;IVe. VI~W? It1 wh I (/11 '3 cube. rotl21tet? l.3~out a forward ve.rtlcal edge.. From left to right, a 1'polnt r~Wt?p'e.CitIVe. view I~ followet! ~y a r,eq,ue.nce. of 2, POlrlt; per;;pwtlV& VI~W?, 1he. cu~e fln~lIy rotatc4? ~3c.k to where J1,~ front face. I~ f3r.8I1e.1 to the. f'lctLJr~ plane.. It '" t,hu<? .,ee.n m 1, pOInt;; pert?pect I ve. For t;h~ plJrpo;;~ of r,ke.t;(/h Il1g a z- POll1t vlew1 we c.~t1 ~UI la on ovr ftlrn",~r't.Y. With a 1'pe,r.:;peo1:;/Ve. Ciul?e., We mLJ~t 1Jr?1; Ul1ti~r?1;;and th2f; a ~q.uare- can l?e rt7't~ted :at 311y ;m.gl~ ~nd ~e. II1~c.rJl:?~d wd;h, t1 a I~t"qel'" c?ttLJ~r~, a~ t?hown ~~ove-, In e~c,h O~t;e-) r.~rt?f.e,otl 'le. not~ that the Int?orll1~d ~quare. the. I<ilrger ~~uare. ;it po, nti? e'tLJ3lty Jlt;bnt from e.~c,h CO 1"11 e.r. 1;ouche~ }~ - .• - • - - - - - •. - - - - - - - -' . -.'1 : \ I' ,'" .. I I ,," I ....~----_ .. _ - _ . . . . . ,--"'( : : . : C.Y. H.L. To V. f. L. eo fI;. (----- .. ------- IO'!!-' .. ---::: f/r,--=:~~ (----------- lA t H.L. G ;' ~+----~. .' A c.v.. H.L.], v.r. .. - /5<-----)' "Co .oft ~_ .. __ _._._._-( .• Y.P. ~,~ht;. o10-=~~~~-~ v.r. Left ..'; ...... ............ , . - ...- .....-----;;Z;; ~~ - A ~_. " N~ that the &;,de of the IMCt" beA ~'fyare I~ alwayi7 '?hot"t-e-r bhan t-nt- ~Ide- of th~ larqe.r ~1U;W&. ~) LJ~lng ba~e;, plane t1f a cube peori?fectlVe-, we Co,3n mJ:lrk t1ff tne dli?tance A from Vt7tl1 end'? of the frt7nt I1tli?e-llne-, Next, dr.aw Ilnti? from pt7tnti? 1 .al1d 2 to the.. drawn the i?1.tJ3rtIn 1, f01nb cel1ber uf V/,?Ion, 'n1~n tJr21W .a J/agon~L Wher~ th/~ dla~ol1.a1 cute> ~cro~'? the11I1~? from 1 2lnd 2} draw not"lzont,a1 I,neq" We have now loc21ted the fOLJr' corner'? of f;he In~crlbed ~ttu~r~ ae ~ten rn per~f'ec;.tlVe, the ra-{;Io ~e{;wun dl~3I1ce? A and r; WIll t1etermlne the eize of the 1t1i?Crlved t?q,uare .and how much It It? rot.ate,d, ihe dlagr21n1 belolV illu~tr.:ate~ tl,tI~ relat,(ol1~h'P ~etween the :3n~le ~ rO't:atlon and the "tu &7f the JI1~c.rlbe-d 6qu:are., A??LJrne the. l' pOInt pe.ri?pectwe vul1e. 'I~ 10 fe.e-t hIgh .and the. horizon lIne I" ~ f~~t above the. ground plane., We c.,m e-xf;end the In~crl~e.d ~q,u;;lrt:- upw;ilrd -to any d~lred height 17y U'7ll1g the. Vtwj:;lcJ:ll~ of the lo·foot vul1e. z» me-a6urln~ l,ne6. The follOWing ::lre error~ 'tit? ~~ =avoldeJ when draWing ~ c.u1?e In I'ler't?f'ec"t/ve... ... • Laok tf cot1verge.l1cc:::,::···.,. ... ----'r---__ --- _------- ,, I . • Converge-nee. too . ..___ ....l .., ac.1J/;~ _Incorrect: proportlOf1 ---- ~ Jti I~ lJ~ef1J1 .down 011 cu~e- to \1ecomt- comfor~.a ~Ie- .and fllJent. In drawing (iLJ\1e~ from a num1?er I7f vlewrolnt~ :Jn4 ;at;. v.arIPlJ~ ?c.ale~. Thl~ dl1J~tratfPn c,n ~~rv~ ate> 3 vle>ual .;julde. for keeping &lJiI?eq, In proper' pe-rt?fec.tlVe.. The Iprge. Clrc;/& re.l='re~f}n1;~ tihe cont:. of vl?lon; the vlr'cle''? diameter the. horizon line from one:. vanl?h,ng f'0lnt to the other'. I'? In tl1e lower h3lf pt the- clrole., the. repre'?enb where. the. leading edge? of CLJ~e~ meet the ground plane-, P0lnt;? Not!: that 2l~ the pPlnt~ ~~t c./o~er 170 the. hot"l~on Ime - .a~ 1;hey recede. Into -the. dl?t;mce - the ;angle tie-fIned ~y tl1e recedln~ ba~ellne.~ qet~ fL:ltter. A~ the eo,n/;~ ~rpt"o;lch the cJrcle'~ cIr'cum ference:., the. angle approacheq" 11/,/1;. jq, never le?? tl1;iilI1, 11 Ine-ty d~gree~, 20' To exb&rrd cubevewblc;aIIYl ?rmr1y ;;ldd mu It/wlt-~ .?f V&r'l;;1 c31 20' &dg~~.~----t""~ \\ A~ In 1, pOint pet"'?pectwe, W~ c;an extend the. geometrx of a z- pOInt per~pec.tlVe c.uL?e- to f01"111 ;iJ th ree1111 et1~I(Jl1al grid. a ''"........ '<::::'",. "'........ , ®.. . ; •••. ~ ." .· ·· : . "", .' <, <, - : . .. . . , : : f . .... .. I : .. I • . .. I • I I • : , . I. ! ,, \ . \ \ ", .. "'", <, lf we. look up or down I3t -t/he tube. 'Be~n In z, pOint pe-r~p~tt;1Ve) our c&l1f;r.a/ 1111etJf 'BIght I~ 110 longer horltont.al ~nd i/he pl~ture pi ant. I~ no longer v&r1:;IC;lI. fne. vertltl3l ~.d.ge~ of the cul?e- are. now ol7llq.ue. to the picture- fl ~ne- and m Ut;1t therefore l3/?re;u" 1;0 con ve~g~. If we look LJr.w~rd, {.he. vertlc31 edge'? wrlll3pf.e3r ~~ove 1;0 conver.ge ;at 13 pOInt the. htwlzon line-. rhe 'Barne. edge~ will tonv~"'ge.at;l fOlnt I?elow the horizon If we- look dowl1w..ard. T1~ We con LJ~e the. i/hree. pOint? of .13 trl3n~le a~ the vanlt;hll1g p,0lnt,? for a cUbe In ~, pOint per?pe.()tlv~, One. 61de tlf the -!;rlan~le I~ nor I zont..a I ~n.d cOl1nec-f;:; th~ left; and rlgnt v.aI1,~hlng pOInt? for hOrizontal line? The. third vanrt7nll1g POint for ver1;/c:.a1 Ilne~ 1F7 a~ove or l?eJtlw} der~ndll1g on our pOInt tJf Vlel¥. located U",ng an e?j,ulla-!;eral -brlangle " "''' " " : ....... .... a~~um~0 the. 1.acet? of the c.ul1e- are ;ab equal an~I~'? 1::0 '!the. vanr~hmq ' ", ". "'" ....... plctut"e piane-. extending POll1t for vertIcal Ilne~ tlw.ay from the. horlz.ont~l alter<s our fOlnt of vIew and th~ p~ri?p(;ttlve­ the e-fhc.'!/. w~ beqln tCl draw a '3,po/n{ rer!?pe01;IV~ vIeW of a cu~e ~y i?electrng ;;I pOint A clo~e ~o the. ce-nt~r' c1f the equ"3ter~1 j;rI3ngl~, From 'i/hl'? pOInt, draw lIne'? ~o the three. vaMl?hlng pOInt?, Once we e?t311/I?h one edqe c1f bhe cube., le/11th AB) we can c;ol11~lete It by l.J?ltf~ J/agoMal~, Ihe vam~hJng pt'lnll? for tht-~e JI~gon~1 118 111ldw;ay ~ellween th~ thr~e 1113Jor v.anlt7h,ng POll1t?, If we. rc1t;ate thli? pag& If'O Je,gree~, we can eee a c1f the ~.ame- cube, but In .t;hl~ we 3rt- IOc1kll1g up;at It, 8- pomt per?peotlV8 CZl?(;" 117 t'e,c.au~e tJf -tine- c-ff~ot~ of dJmll1l~hll1g !?IZG-, conver1ence, f&we~hl7rj;en(nq, me;;a~ureme-n~~ In pe-r~pec~lve 0.31111171; and ;;a/l ~e dr,awn 3{; the ?:3me 0c;a!e, But. ~here ;;are mebhC1d<& ftW determ 111 Il1g the re! ~'blve Width, he.rqht, ~nd de~h <7f forrrt~ ;and ~pac;.e~ wnen ~ee-n In linear per~rec;.f;lve.. 10 10 • r 6_t .. .: " ~:-.'" ,, 0: \. , ,, • s . v , .' +--+7'r.._~ _._._"._._-~;,.", " .... . " " Vertical .~md ~ot"lzol1tal Ill1e~ whloh :aref3r;;allel to t~e plobure p1211e- cal1 ~e u~eA tt1 111~;;a~tJre he-I~ht. ~md WIdth ;anYVl!h~r& WithIn the derth .?f t) re.r~reotlve-, S,noe the hel~ht of th~ o};7~e-t"vu'~ e-y& I~vel 2~OV~ the ~rolJ/1d r/ane rem ~111~ G0I1~t;ant/7 ;:lny verb-Ioal Iln~ from thegrl7und plane to the- l1or,zon Ime- rerre.' ~#n-/;~ t}-Je q,3me dlf11en~JOn ;and c;..an 11ediVided Into the €lame num~er of IJnr{:;~, rhl? vertIC.3/ ~o;;ll~ can l1e e.x{;e-nJed ufward 171'" downwtlrd :3~ nu-ded to me.3~ure the height pf .any' del11ent; 1/1 per~peG{;,ve-, al~o AI1Y verbc;al tbo.ale oal1 ~o" 111 a t?lal1~ r3rall~ l1e rl7tated to the ploture pl;ane to fprl11 ~ horlzl7nt.31 ~liale to l11ea~lJre theWIdth of F'~r~p~titlV~ e-1e.m&l1tq" 15 f~ 10 +, +',', "" +... j '\ . ~ .. -. ............... "....... - '" HOrltc7n I1 ne- . -- ------------------------------------- "", I . , ' .. • - _ 10 ---.:~ 11;; /" \\ , r. •------ -----::l>- I'l"~ ----- -----·-- - ..::-- ~-: -f::_~ )1'~> ,"t-- I,; +.. -~_ .... I I / I " I I I : : o + ~: • + ..t (--------3 I ., . I , . I I ·· ·· , • + • • • , , . , f;arall~1 Iln~~ ,, , \ \ \ \ , , , 'f; l1y d~f(t1ft(Cm r~m:aln eq,u,dlfltanb l1ut apft-:ar to converge. 3~ they rece-de In r.e-rq,pectrve-. 1w17 p;ar;al!eil lIne6> can therefore. t7& u~ed to tran~fer a ve.rblca/ "I" hot"lumtal meae>LJreme.n1; mbo the defth ~ :a rer~pec-tlve. Mea~LJreme.nte> made /11 thl~ manl1e-r cal1 be q,nlfted vertlc;ally or h"rlztJt1t:".allj ;aq, long ;aq, they remain In a pl:;;lne parallel t() the pIcture pbme-. 11~ ,.' VI-7UtdIZe, " ........ bhe.. face of the rO't.atlng c.LJ~e .a~ -- ... _-~. ~-- -.... _-----._---- - -- _.. --' --------_. ~~-_.- ~Wjt1glng ~1717r• .-----~ .a ----_ .. ---_. ..... _... .. ... - ... . ~~ ---- _... -.. .... - ~- . '.., ~ - ... ... .. -_.- -- .......... -_ ... , To? me~~LJre d~rth JlJdgment whlt;;h I~ ,n perbpeo1;/V& re,q,ulree; 1:7;aq,ea 17n dll"'eot 171:7~er~ vatlon ~md n17url~heJ \:1y e.xp~rle.t10e-. Onoean Inb/a/ deptn Ju4gment I'? made, the.n guove.e.dln~ tle~h JuJqment? mlJ~t be- maae- In prOp17rtl17n 1;17 the flrgt. ]20 If we ro?taiie a (i(;I1e- eo th:af;; we.. ~t)e. more c?f the right f3c.~) 1;he lefb vanI?hIng PO! nt will move (ilo~er W our OCfl~c-t" of YlblOn ;,md the /"'I.~l1t V~1n I'711 I ng pplt1t will move farth~ aw.ay. lhe more front.al ~ f.ac~ 1'7) the le~ fpre~hort;en~tl rt will 1:7&, the more pl1l'1.ue- ;3 f.ac.e 1'7) t.he ml7re U1mrre?~~d It will be 111 d"rth. 11u~'7e dr..awlng? provIde, vl'7LJ~1 ~ul.dellne? for JudgIng the- ~har~ :Jnd proportion t7f tjqu~lre. pl~I1('~ In per'?~~c.tlv('. 4 1. ':. 1 : 'It ·:- ··· • rh ~ . - ... ea~h t;lm~ W~ h:alve. i:;11~ dl~t;;lnve­ frt?t11 the ql"'ounc:l p/21J1e obo thehorizon, we dOIJt?I~ the. re.r'1re.(/f;we. dep~h .,. . I ® HOr'I;zon lInt- . I I : : I : ----.--- ----·--·------r--··------ ...... ····T-----··,~-;· ~~~ I - I .... _------ -- --_._---_.-.-. __ . -,-'----'-'- --- ...-..----I-.L , ® I cv Thl~ dr~wlng dlu~brJt~ how de-pth l?e. made. by i?LJl?dlvldJng, on ;3 proportilonal l?a~Ig" the. hel.~ht of th~ horIzon lIne: ;above. the groLJnd r1ant-. It ;a~~ume~ :a ?-fClot h~lght for -f;he- hgrlzgn line ~t1d ;a vle.wlng ol'1i;anc,I7f zo f~et/, Jud~trle-/1t~ ~3n Whtle- -tlhl? b~chnlq,l.Je Ii? ~~own 1/1 ti 1, pOInt pe.l"'6If&vtlVe) It ~an l?~ ~pplle.d ;3'7 we-II to '1.' pOInt- rer~rectlVe~, , 121 ,, , - -- , : , ' , ,, , : : , . -- ,-- - rL.- , .l ··, :/:..> : '/" .'/" . I/! --- .-.,. .. , , , 0 " ,, " : , 0 0 ., . , . 0 " --t·,..... . ,~' 0 .. ; 0 0 0 . 0 ; . .. 0 . , , . 0 0 , , .0 .' , - With tl!;age:It1;l!'?, we are ~l?I~ 1;0 cOl1venlently ~ub~IVJ~e or exte-nti del?l;h JUd~menbb In ~ per&pec.blVe. For e;x3mple.1 If Wf:. draw two dlagonaJ~ ;lCrO!l6 a rec.t:angIJI~Jr pl~H1e. rn pe;r~pe.c.ilYe;, bhey wllllnt/{~rq;e.c.r; ;at. theplal1e1~ G~nj;er. ~Ine& drawn thrt1uqh th/~ midpoint, p~lrJllel W the edge6 c?f th~ wJlI i8Ul?d,Vlde. bh~ rec,-/;angle lt1t;o fC1ur B-c:tual par+;!;, Thl~ prl7cedur-e. c..m l?e. ~r.:3ne.7 rep~;3ted ~o ~ul?tiiVJde .:3 r~cf;an.gle Into any even numl1er C1f utu~1 part~. 122 --- - ----- , " 0 , 0 . .. ; 0 0 A rec.tangle c.;;n al€717 l?e €7ul?dIVItJed l1y flr~t d,Vldlnt3 -/;he;. fC1rWJrd vertlc,al edge. Inw the de.&lred I1lJm~e-r t?f pal'"t&. from the~e;. po,nt;€?, draw line€? whloh I3re pJrallel tC1 the -bop and ~C7ttOt11 ed~e~ and wh,(;h tnerefol'"e vol1verqe.. at ~e ~3t11e pOint. Then dr2Jw 21 dl21gonal. Whtwe thl~ dlagt7nal (;ut'? i3Gro~~ the rec.edll1g horluntal lIne'?, draw verbl(;al hnee. rhe~M mark 17ft" -t;he. de~Jred number of '?pace~, which dlmll1l~h ae the.y rec~de. In per~p~obJve. -" "- ... - A A A . -. --.--. -'. ' .. . -. --- _... - . -- ...... - - .......- ............ _.. ....._... - A '. --~ , , .: .: ----------_.- ------~-----_ . . {---+ " - .. .. I I ~ I ::-:---:':-_-:.:-:: --.==.::.:-: ---...------ :;r'..:. ":':-'i--""; ....: : : .:.._._-_-~~:~~ .:.. -:.::~:~-.+ . _·t··..-A·f~· __-+_~,..,....;. A , , .,- ,.'. \ ... ;.- .... _- .. - To ext-end ;and dIJrll{;23te ~ne de~ of;a r.1;ane- In rer~rec-1;lv~ dr.aw a dl;ag(}I1~1 A frt7m the f;t7p t7f the,. forw;arJ v~wt;IC~1 A .'-. * edge thrl7uqh the mldpt7ln~ the re.:ar vertlc-;al .:anti down bp meet the re-c.edlng ba~e line.. At f;h/~ Pt7/rlt, dr.aw :a11t7ther vertlc:al. rh~ dle>t;ance frt7m.the- flr'~t -bo the q;e-ool1d ver-blctill I~ {;hen eqlJ:a1 -/;t7 the tjpac;e l1etween the q;eoond ~nd the thmd. rhe~e rrI7G~edLJre-e> Wt7,..k e~lJ~l/y well ft?r I1Qth verttcal ;and ht7rl u ni;;a I pl;ane-~, ;and o;m l1e repeatui 3e> n1;any t;lm~~ 3~ ne-oe~~ar'y tt7 ;arrive, ;at th~ dee;1 red num!?~ of -? p3 cee. ~- ,- -- '. v.r.L../""--I'H--+-+--+----t-" -- c A '. ·-··-'->·..Y..~R, H.L.~ ~ ----..- -.-+-------:;or----+_ -~. -, 1/ B - ______} Oraw In r l;;lt,O/1 1;;0 8xwtlng f~rEllel I,ne~ ~A_C f;--P '" .-. '" ,.' e' ..) . --- . -. r--- --. . -- . .. . -- .. " -_. ~_.- ------+ e-. '" -~~l 124 --------_. ~ ._- ~ L~ K=M 1- W If we, have. ~ r8ot;mgul ar plane- ~Irea.dy drawn In rer8peotlve, we can LJi7e rt~ tOf anti l?ot~om edge& ;3I1d the horizon 1/11(; 3fJ vieual gUlde!5 te? draw 2311t7bher parallel lIne whlvh Gonver~ee; at th~ 0.Hl1e. vpnl~h'l1g pOint. ---- -. ---- .-- - .............) In draWing a f8r!5peotlVe, we Bhould nt7l; l?e Ilml~ed to f01nte> of VI~W whlc.h re8ult In var1l~hlng P0lnt5> ~e-lng on the draWIng 6LJrfaoe-. We- mu~t ;;ll~o ~e a~le- to .dr.aw f.'e.-~r~otlVe v,~w~ Whttr8 ~~t;~ t7f parall~1 I,ne.-e.> :arr8.<3r to oonverg" :at dl~bnt vanl~hll1g pOln1;.B. - 1-- . . ' ---- .- ~ .' -. .. -.. . ., ., . -. . . -' . ' FIr~t msrk where t~e per~pec-tlv~ line to? b'e drawn would orOB~ ~ vert-lc231 edge i;;he pbme. On t-he other verblcal ~dge, repro?auce- the ~ame- rtroportllon;:J1 dwf;ance the horizon line .a~ -lihe, flro/ti. The pe;r~'Pe,v-t;lVe- I/n~ ~ho?uld paBB ~hrolJ'1h the~e. two ft7lnf;~ If It I~ to c.ol1yel"'ge- 3t I-liB van/~h I ng POlt1t. * w Ik-- I c nv""er f'f ~.:~ :\."'tV;l!>----- .;.. r.ro", Lp 1" .,;, _____ - ~.:~ .,;, !I !! -- l--- I .,;, ~ ,;.. ~-----.., I- ----__ [ ...- ----------1 - ':' ._-- --~ -- - - - We C;;l11 al~o e~1/abll'7h a '7&rJe~ t7f e'iual/y I7paCie-d par:alle! Ilnt~ wl1lvh ;arp~ar ~ converge- at;a dl%ant val1ll7nll1q P0In1/. We dl7 thl~ !:?y dlVlthnq btith verblCoal ~d~~ of the. reCotal1ljlJla r perl7~eDtlYB rlane. Into the ~ame- num be-r of eq,u.31 part~. We C;;ln ~he-n draw IJI1~ through thecorre17pondlf1g pOInt'? 011 e-ach vertical IJn~. rh8~e.. IJrle.~ will arpe~w ~o con, verge at a common vanl~h,nt3 pOln~ even If It 1Ie:~ off ~he. d r21 wlI1g ~heet. 1ZP5 Once- we are- famtll~r with ~md Cionhclent In drawJl1,~ r~r~pe-otlve l/l)l?~) we carl LJ~e theIr rectIlInear geom'bl"'y ae ~ l?;;I~I~ for drawll1g p~r~peotlv& vlew~ tJf In~ cllf1e-d plan~~, (ilrc.'e~, 011a4ow5) and reflee-ilon? ~, , I 1 ., , , ' " , 1 , , ' '. " ,-VIEW Or tJrHlt.t. ',)TI"::EET .: " p/ vrsw We can draw a ~iI"lgle Ine-II ne-d line In p~r~pec;.tlve- If we. ;;Ire:. .al?/e.17tJ IfJU I'!I :a~ the hypoten U~l- - the- long '?/de - of ~ rlqi1t triangle.. ~y draWIng -b/1e ve-rt1C.a I ond horlJ~ontal ?Ide~ pf the. rlq~1'b -brl:ane3le. In prope.r pe-r~pec;.tlve-. we, e~t;abjl~h the e-ntd pOlni;~ ftJl" the111e-llned I'ne... 12~ Whe.n OF' DOWNHILL 'ZlTREE:f th~r& are, 0 num1?e;.r t7f fora/lel Inol,ne-d l,ne8.. It I~ l)~~fLJI to know wherethey appe.ar to conver'~~ In per? peciilve. Ilne..-~ t3re- ~y deflnrt,on not hOt"ltOI1-b.:aI, their vOI1l?nlnq pOln-!; will 6mce Ine-Ilned not fall on the. horl:ttJn lIne-. If '!Ih~ ~e..-t downward ;;il~ It re.e-ede~ from u~) I'!I wiJl appear ~CJ c,onverge..- ):?t-Iow the norlzon line. If rl6Jng uf'ward ;;I? It ree-ed~~) It~ vanl?hlng f'0lf1b w"llJe.. ~l?ove:. tl1e..- horizon lIne-. ~Iope~ , I Hot" Iton " , " _--""'a. ,, " ' --.._ ' ....--."..--- ". ' . . \ '. , ,, '. .' \ , \ '.'-.', ',', \ ..~, '\ '.l 10 det~rmlne. the. " ----~----------------------- vanl~hln~ pOInt for;an II1GI'netd 6et I7f" p.3I"'.aII&1 Ilne.6, 10G~te, a horl ZI7t1t.aI line. whloh II~ 111 the ~;;3me. vertlc~1 plane <36 one of the InclIned IIn 86. Draw a V&-r'tlc~1 lIMe f/"'(?m the van16rllng POIl1t; for the horizontal I,n&-. rhen e-xtentd the me-lIned 1,l1e ul1tll I"b meet6 thl~ v~rtlcal 1'l1e. ThJ6 mar/<6 the van16hmg pOInt f17r the. II1cl,ned lIne ;;md all other6 f'.;Ir.;lllel Inc/lnetd III1e6 3nd p/ane6 can be. 6een In %~lrwaY6, the 610plntj rC717f"6 of blJJldln~6 ~na tower~ waY6 of hJlI~Jde -bl7wn~. 3nd the road~ to d~ In the 68t. 127 l';3ng&ttt;. POint ~~gt;k df majOr ;lXI,? A om/le In per~peo-blVe l~ 0een as ;;il Girt/le only when It /0 parallel to the plvbure plane. In allt'lIher ca~ee.? when viewed In an t'l:?I,ptue m::anner, a cm:;le 1& seen ae ;;in elllpb/tial '?hare. it' draw ~ clrcl~ In rer&pectlV~7 fw&t draw ~he ~ti.lJare which c;"...cum~~rlb~? the cJrtil~. TI1en draw t~e dI2l~a/1~I~ of the Bt'lP;;;lr~ 21nd t~e Ill1e~ that dIVIde the &1u;;we Intt1 four ernaller !?1U;3re~. Ue.e tH~e Iln~e. tt1 ~ulde the tdr.aWll1tj of the elllf?tlcal &n.ape which repre~tmt? tne cl~l~ In p~r&peC1;IV&. Nt'u- that JU&t a& the forward ~31f c7f a &1LJare 111 pe""~rectlYe 1& gre2lt~r than '50 IB th~ h-alf uf a the rear half, near per!?r~vtlVe clt""c.l~ fuller half. Th/)~ the rH2lJPr aoe tle-al ~hj3f~ repre&e..ntlng th.an -j;he far of the el/wj3 cwole In per&pevtwe I~ ~J1W3Y~ &ll~htlj forward &truvtur;;ill cent;;.e..r. ~ I~ ". ~ / , / for 1LJ1ok r~~re~el1ta'h:?nb, r.er~pec~lve .'¥ Glrvle~ v.:3n ~ arprl7xlrma~ed wl~h ~n e-III r'~e, The rta1l1&l be~weel1 the maJl7r mInor axf.~ of th" 81/1r~e l~ ;;311 I mportant I nlJ Icawr pf the fore!1hor~' en Il1g WIJ; eee. I'IJ; careful 11'* ~t' e.xaqgeraf;1J; the length t1f the mll1l7r and ;;3)<10, whIch q,houfd arrear tl7 I?e- perrend/cv/ar to the plane tJf the oI rcllJ;, The ClrollJ; le> thlJ; l?ae>l~ for m;;my t'f thet3lJ;17me~rlc forme> we eee -~pnf/re~) cyllnde.r~, and Gone.s- 311d their Varll7lJ~ mtH1lfe~batJon~7 from every' day ObJBot? to C?r I?lJlldlng~. th~ arohe~ and vaLJJt~ NATUJI\At tiGHT '60tfKCE ARTl FIClAt LfGHT SoURce v.r. for f.ar;lleJ '3ource of r.aA/;;l/ 111h~ I".ay~ light r.ay'f) ~ ~. Vertlc.al edge? c3~tlt1g t?haapW'~ The ~h.,pe of ;a '?hadow ~.a~{; In rer~re-c­ tlve I~ d~termlned ~y -//ht"ee. factorq,the type and r0q,/iilon of the- light 60UI"Ce, the. ~h;afe of the t7t?Je-Ctt cag,tlt1g the 6h.adow, .and the f01"tt1 of the ~LJrfaCte rete-Ivlng the ~hadow, ;Jri/ two f:;yre5 of light" ~OLJt"C~. 61.Jn, \?ec3u~e of Itb dl~f;Jl1ce from Uei', There me radl.,te~ f7arallel light r.aj~. ~ Art,h:;/:al 6ourc~51 ~ell1.g clo£ier to what; they Jllurt1lt1~'!;~, cmd~ radl31 IJqh~ r3Y5. In I?oth e-a~~, If:; 15 U~MiJl to vlq,uaIIZe. the h?t1 of a Ilqht rayag, \?elng l?e.arlng d,reCithe horlzorlt.al %de of ;a rIght 'brl ant3/e, f:;he edge c3g,f:;,ng ;a t?Jh.ado'N se the vertical ~Ide., and ~eI't3 ht ray Itg,eJf ;a~ -bhe hypl7t;e.n LJg,e. ~ 4'" .... <'\ ~ ~ .." • : ..... ~ s.. ~ 11----- --"'- ~~( UGHT 50URCE rtJ F~ONr Of VrEW6~ trGH'f '50U~E BET-UNO VI5WEt<:.. 1.fGHT'SOURCE TO THE ~I05 OP VreWf:R, 'I")',, i,'\G.,~ rv,. light raY~ '\ "\ .,.\ ' \ \\ \ \, \ \\\\ \.\\ \ ~ . \~ ~ \ \\ \ \\.'..\: \, \, , '\, ~ight- r',ayt:; rar.aI Ie-I to pIcture,. pl.al1~ '.\,\, \ \ v.r. for bearmg ~Irea,on "\ tJf 11~l1t ray'7~ \ v.F. for light r.ay~~: The 11e-.;imng dwectlt7rJ for a ~e-t t7f rar;3l1e-1 lIght rayfJ If; ;3 horJzont'.;a1 line- and d;~ v;3nl~h,ng pOint mLJ~ therefore lIe on the horizon line, The- v.al1l~h Il1g pOint for the light rsye them'8elve'8 mLJ&t lie. :al1ove -th,~ pOInt; for ;3 ~ource It1 frol11;; of U~, or pe-Iow for.;;l ~o()rce l1ehlnJ LJ&, When the II~ht t:;ource I~ to the ~J~e ;anti emlt~ rayt:; In ;a v&r'tlc;a/ pl.an& p-:aral/el to the.- picture plane, thelIght r.ay~ do 110t converge, ihey remain p.aral!el and rei;.;;lln the".. orientatIon 111 perf;peo1;IVe., ~"'I.r ;{jJ~ ~I~nb i?QI.Jrc,t:r . I I Hortzontal I . , I : , c.:l~tl rig ~dqe- I I I . " ~~. I I I I I ! -l.- ,, .. ' ..' .. ~ A q,11.adow conform~ 1;;0 th~ ~tJ rf.ace cm wh ,c.f1 It I~ c:.i%. " '" "IL--II---~ ) q,huiow t1f v~rt; I t~ I ~dge, A ~hadow ol1:aM~e:; dll'''ectl17" whet'! the edge c.a?t;ll1~ the ~h~dow C,l1at11'q, dJr~c.t;lot1 or when *ht:- 0hadow tf !'k7ntorttal eJge. '8urfi3u rec~vft1~ th~ ~h2dow Ch3t11U7 fdt'l11. A verh~.al edge c.~~t~ a ~h;adt7w 0/1 theground plane In the directIon t7f the- lIght;. ray. If;~ t8hadow there-fore c.onv~rt3e-t8 a~ the t8ame v;anlt8h'l1~ p'0ll1t se th~ !:'earlng dlrut,on of the light ray. A hor,ztmtal edge p;ar;allel With the ground plane. ;;ma v;at8~ :d ~h;adow par;allel t-o It~elf: ihl~ q,hadow therefore c.onverq~ at the. ~~me r'17lnt 0/1 the horltQl1 a~ the cat8tll1g edge Ib~elf: 1~2 118 When a ~hadow c2'J~f; t7/1 a horlzol11;;al plane lE; Interrupted ~j a vertu;" I 6urfau, ~he 6hadow movet8 ur tht- v~rt;.lcal '?lJrf3Ce and !:'etot11e~ p:;Ir;il11 el With the ~~~Ing e4qe. If ~e Int~ruf.tlng ~lJrbve I~ Il1e/med, th~~ -bh~ ~hadt1w f"lIow~ the Ine-IIM 3t aM mtermedr21te antjle. ~etweel1 -che ~~;adow~ C3.,t e?n the hOl"l:zantal ;and Yertl~31 g.urface~ ..) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---- -_ ...... --- -~--'\ When ca~-/;;Ing the. &hadow c?f ;a Gomple-x form, flr~ tlr;w the 0l1adow? v3~t by the e>1ft1pler cOl11ponent~ t7f the. form. ~hadow~ Into ;a ~ll1gl~ 0h3f'e WIt1h a COf1tlr1()OU~ OlJtI1l1e-. No~e that thl€J outline re-fleot€J ~C7th the 6hape. of the c;a~tln.g edge? and the ft'rm t'f the 6lJrf;ac;~ receiving the q;hadow. ihen combine the [1/ lJ~tra~ed are VarIC7[)~ ?ltLJ;atIC7n~ Where 6hadowi? are ca~1; either by or Ol1to com plex form~. fhe pr,nclple~ remaIn the 6;ame] lJ6lng verblc~! tlAl angle6 along the- oa6'1;ln'3 ed'3e- bo deterrr1lne- the !5hadowe;. 6haF'~ of the. I '~ R E: ~"Z c r 1 ~~__ --=-~ FA C E \ J. ......... - ....... --- ... - ,, :' Reflect/o/1 /tj i/1rfped ~ ,/ ~~e of r~fle,cttrlg l3urbce. ~13ne.} ~Llch 3~ water or 23 mI r rot; eXj;;e-nd~ -bl1e per~ peviwe ~y~t'~t11. Anything wh/(;h 3PfeJr~ /n fl"'on-b tlf or A t<tfle-c-oll1g a17ove- tFre refle.otlng ~Llrf3ce. wllI3rpe.3r' to l1e t?ehln~ or l1elow the. re.fle.ci;/nq ~Llrf3ce., rhe r~flectlng ~Llrf;ace -bhu~ f're~e.nt~ :a mirror or Inv~rt:;ed 1n1.aqe. Of tl1e objeot btlng refl~cted. If 311 obJe",t I~ q;lttll1q oll"evtly re-flectll1g ~urf;ilce) thet.he. reflection of e3",11 0/1 POIr1t; on j;;he objxt- Ile~ on 23 line. pe.rpel1dlvlJl~r to i;he rdlevttl1g ~lJrf3Ce, ;at;:l d I~t~mce e.1ual t'o th;;lt frolt1 'bhe pglrr~ ~ell1g reflected to the re-flevtln~ rl.ane. rhe refleo1;ed ,m3~e f(7l1ow~ the. ~31t1e rer~fectlV~ ~j'?tem of Ime~ :already e~t3l?II~hed for the tlrlgln:.a! Image-, If -f;he ol?ject beIng reflec1;;ed I~ at q,ome d 1~1;;ance from the. reflet:itl/1g ~urf3ve-, the perpend,t:iIJI.:lr d'~3nce. 1t1?m e23c.h rOt nt. (7n f;.he. oI1j e.ctto the re.flet:itIt1g ~LJrf3ce. e;,holJlJ fl/"~t be reflected. 111uI draw the obJet:it;}~ re.fjet;-~Itln a~ ~efore.. me pl.an~ of the I"'efl~vtlnq ~!Jrt.ace 5hould ~f.feJr -bo \?e h.alfway l1etwe~n the o~Jet:it :al1d Iii~ reflevted Image. .- ~ "':E.~ -~ )~N'TISI() NIN(i ])l\l-\."TIN(~ l~l\()~f I~'1l-\(iIN.f~l'I()N eye I~ c3r.a~le. of an Il1ne-r Vf~lon which Ilml'/:;ed to 1;he here and now, It ~an form;> rnanlpulate., ;;;lnd 1Iran~form 1h1.age~ beytm.d -bhe.. norm.al bounds of tIme and ~f.'.ace. rh~se Imaqeq,} however, ar~ I7ften vague and eAU~IVe, ~md C3n e3'7l1y \7e II7~t to ;;;lw.areneSE;, In drawing what we enVI~lon? we 1;31<e advantage. # our abilIty to thInk In vlsu.al t;~rm~ and gIVe form 1;:0 our thought~ and Ide.3~, The. mind's I~ no1;. rhe~e- dr.awn Imagetf) feed l1.ack 1;0 th~ mll1d~ BYe., furt.he-I" %lmuJate.. our Im.agll1atlon, JnJ rr.:?VIJe-.a dl2lo~ue 1?etwe.en ~e-If .;and Ima~e. fl7r' fLJr-bher exploraJ;;/on ;;Ind developm~nt ;7f Ide.ae;. VrawJn~ from Im.agln.atlon thus J4? .an In~t;.rLJment of thought whIch enhanCe-<? the. creatIVe rroce~s, t~7 Our p~rOe~~1011 1& no~ IIm d~&d to Wh3t we(it3t'! eee In ~he. here 311d now. Im3~e~ ~re­ t'ften ",ummoned or ~rre-3r "ront21ntoLJ~ly In re~pot1~~ t(7 a tfJ~n~ory ptroe~lot1 tfJom~thJne3 eeen, wUt:/hetJ, h~;Ird, tJ~ted, or ~melle-d. E:Vtl1 wIthout ;my ~or{:; pf ~MI1~(7ry ~lmIJ131;J(7t1, we h~ve -l;he 111el1tp l f30ulty ~ peroe-IV'I1~ reool/et:/t;ed or Ima~­ Il1ed Image€1. The~e Im3qe~ 3re pr(7dut:/t~ t7f 3/1 Itmer VI~I(7t1 a~ eeen through thGmll1dJ~ ~ye, 'fhey ~m~ ore;ai::-,ol1'? PlW Imel~lnatlon, '* ...... .. .....' ... ....... ' . '~ •.... .....~..•.-.- IU Im"qrne- ItfJ tc? fQrm 21 mental ItrlageCJf tfJol11ethll1g nt?t pret?ent tc? the ~et1tfJe~, E:J~lIy, almQ~t effc?rtle&~[y, you cat1 II11"qlne ~(7l11eth"1q 3~ ~c?on a~ It; J~ t;ugge~t~t1 1;17 you, As you read the?e.. word&, you C311 e2l~lly vltfJua"t~; \ ~ f'EOrL.E, ~l)oh ae " OIC7tfJ&- frIend or relatIVe, a TV l1ewtfJo;;l~ber, or ~ ol1ar;;lote-r from ;;I n(7v~1. ....... ........ PLACES, ~u~h 317 a GhJldh17QtI l?edrc?Ort1, whel"e you live, or a tfJc"n~ d~&vrlbetl In a bQQk. th~ ~treet ..... , ....... .. ' ........................ ................... . ..... . .... " .... ,,' ./ ..i) .' l ,..'.' / ,., .... .... .1'" / r- ,.. , ~ ~ j ." .... r········ ..··········· .. ················· ..- .., ........•.... .. .. ' '" , .:I r··': r"·~ :... 1._••• _ ••••••• ,; ~r/:an~lti or '?qLJ31"t:-1 a ~;;a/loon f/p:atltUj 1t1 -//he ;;aIr, or:a rH INGS, '?l.loh se :a "1";;al1df;;ather'~ cloc-k. ./ .' ...... ...... .......... ............ ...... ... ...... .............. ,. ................................... ." ..-.> .... ACTIVITIES, ~LJcl1 ~~ rIdIng ;;a l1/cyclti, -throwIng ;;a ~af?e~all, pr ~:a-tlrt~ a ~:andwI&h • EVE:Nr5, ~1Jol1 ;;a~ ;;a vLJl1e rot4:lt:111~ In ~P;:l{;e-, ;:l I?all rollll1~ down ;an In vl l/1 !,., or;;a I?rra t..al<.lt'!g off 111 fll~hi". Im~gln;;a-tJon I~ I7UIHI Wdin rllnd'?/qht we oat'! vl~u;:lllz~ . ..... ,. ~ ....' ,. .» on -the. v/~u~1 memprlt-~ of P4:lf?t perCierclont? ihLJ~ th~ more we h;;ave t?eet1 ;;and e-xpe.rlenc-ed me.4:lI1Jn"ful wPy, th~ rIcher our %ore of vl~u;;a1 lt11aget? ;;and -tl1e morefertile our Il11ag /nab/on. In a rI1e.morlee. of bhlng'?l plav~, and evel1t~ from ~he f'a~t;. WIth fQre~lqht, we :ar-e. aleo :a1?1e. to? look forward rt1 -b,me. 3nd uee.our Imagln:at'lol1 t-t7ef1v/t?/on a ~o~?Il1le fU'bLJrti. ImaginatIon there.~ ft7l"e, et1:al:7lti~ ue to have a ~e.l1ge hl~i;"ry ;;36 well at? ;:l pl:an for the. future, It e.~t.;:ll?llq,hee COl1nec-t,otltGvl~l):a1 b'rldgee l1awee./1 the. r3~t; the. pre~et1t, pl1d tHt- future.. '* i ... We ~Il n&lve. th~ ;a\?dd~y to Im:aglne? to think In irn age~, -;and to fore6ee.. In f.av~ we lJ~e thl~ .avtlVt Im.&lge~m;;lklnq ~roc;e~e; In our d;;ly-to~d.ay ~Ci-blVd;le6 ;ilnd ~o ;ilt~PIre­ mal1Y t?f our <?I<"I~. Our thought h.&l6 vI~lJal form when we build a c..ablneb from -;a ~et of dr,awJn.g~, e.V;;l/uaJ:;e 1;he ptltte.rn of ~Iec;~ on ;a c;.he~~bp~rtl, or 6e3rc.I1 for cot16tf7ll.~tI0116 In the night 6kJ. -rhl'? Im~gf7~ making ~and ~11t- cre~ 3!;IVe- thpLJ~hi; ;;md ;action /1; e.ngf7ndel"'~ 10 n~ limited to the q,/1~cJal~ qiftetl f~. It 16 availal1le to 311 of LJ0. power .?f r---------------T--------~~ ~--, . . :o..""II!' ....."ie. __"._~,,_."'.~.:..--_~---'---"--""_ ~~-.;~........, I \ "<---------- ---- --~ \ For ~ome, -tihe Image~ ~ the. mlnd'~ ~ye­ C3n ~e. VIVid, con-brolled, .and m~t1lplJl.attJ. More- ofiiel1, however; ~he-y ~lf"e- h3ZY, l1rlef, ~ntl ;all 1;Ot;71!Iu~?lry. ev~n If vIvid antl clear; -tihey can c.ome -be7 mInd and J LJ<?t a~ ~LJtiden!ydl0appear. Tl1ey c;,an e3'7/1y In awarene~6 anti ,...epj~ce.d Ify other'7 In tl1e 61:;ream of C0t1~CIOU61'1~6, ut1le'7~ captlJretl 111 &1 draWIng. ~e 10'7t 140 The drawln~ exerc.l~e~ on -lihe. following ~tlmul~t~ you -tio draw p-a1~~ c,an h~lp from the. I magi n .:ltIOt1. Rt:tmt:om l1u' that the dr.awl ng~ you u~e ~re. not flnl<?hed r'ender,ng~i but- rather ~r.aphle- meJn~ to VI6U;:3! th"ught~ 'H I~ /e 1 '1 I,· d:- In drawing, we c,:mvert; ~ re-rcert;ltm 01" an Idea Int;17 Iln~~ on pape-r,; we make thought; Vl~Il?Ie/. ~aDh Image, oncedrawn, becomet? pari; of our vl~u~1 worLd ~md 'bakei? on a lIfe I7f If,~ own. It; ~b~l1dt? ~farb from the- c-re-ator .:lnd be-girl;? to dlrec.t d~e> own creation. rh~re I~ ;;In In'brlnt?IC i ." reclprocl'!:;y be~ween the mI nd ~md -bhe av1; bf draWIng. ImageeJ (Jf i;hought m:adevleJll?le can be- eee« ;3ntt ~ctetl urm. rhey rl:ay l1atik I nbt7 -!;he mIn4 ~nd COrlt?e-qyently !?rlng forth fur~h~r e-(aboratlot'l. rhey eXCiI'be and free t!'1e- mInd ~t? explore, develop, and clarIfy the Idea~ free;eni;ed. In thl'7 way, 'bhey further !5tlmLJI:;l~e the Imag,n~tl,m, 14-1 'I The. tJ~t t7f drawIng I~ a ere-atIYe ~rtlc~~~ cf vI~lJaIIZt3tlon. It 1Ir2lI1'5fo,..m~ ~ f1bank t?~eet c?f pl3f~r lnttl;a vl~iJal Image- which can c;omml,lnwate, Inform, rn'?truct, or delrqnt. Tht- '8olJrc~ of the- Imat38 W~ dr.aw m.ay be wh.at we eee It1 front c?f lJ~, a vl-t8lJal memory from p.a-t81; e-xperle-nee, or more. typIcally} a combination of botl1- a marrl:age ~ f~wc8ptlon and Imaglna-li'cm. ~ ]~ I) rI' I()~ l ~T.. 1 l)I~• I'JI( "'.. f~OM Throu~h &l proc~~~ I_ I7f tlv8traetlon, progre~~IVe.ly SIMPLIFY the~& Im.a.qe~. ...--------; THE: CONCRETE: TO THE Af;6T~AvT When 'b'r.a l1~vr Ibln~ what W~ eee onto a piece c7f p:afe-r; we have object Imt3~~ to gUIde lJ~ 111 LJ~" aUICie~ ~lJc.h a~ grld'8 anJ v/~LJ;;l1 ~/ght~ I rig t(7 mea~!Jre. -bhe ~cvur.acy of the our dr:awlng, We can drawn Imag". We LJ~u:ally '?t~rt With the vot1eret~, and In the. r.rov~~ draWing, we. tend tt7 a~<?trac.t the- fe-rce/ved Im:age :and 8mpha61ze what 1'7 Imptlr{;<3l1t to U'8. The- dr:aWlng I~ thu'7 .a VIi?LJ;;l1 m:ap of hoW we, eee :and pe.rce.lve wn.:at I~ '8,gl1lfICi~l1t, ~I1J what Int~r~t'8 LJ~ '* 3t 14-2 1;h~ mom~n1;;, o IilL-\.(~IN.L\TI()N: o IMPR.OVI~E a ~e.q.ue-l1ce of drawln~'? ~.a~~d 011 the. Im;aqe~ 111 the- fJr~t; fr.aI11~~, fROM THE AI3~T~ACj ro THE coNCRETE When we t3tj;e-m~ to -br;in~crrb~ wh;at; we enVI%:7n, we h;ave- to rely 011 the. I"lctlJre~ In OUr' l1~ad, ;a~ ~eel1 -lIhrolJgh ~he mlnd)~ e-ye-7 to qene-r;au -bhe- drawn Im;ag~. Ihl'? ;act llf drawll1g c.<Ilnnl7t be. ;a one--way, Jln~ar prove~~. rht".~ mu~t ~ej;wetn ~~II1~) 11t1;a1'l1ln.g} drpwll1g, .<Ilf1d ~eell1g ;a/1t~w. be ~m aC1;lve Interplay In tnl'? ceee, W~ gel1e-ral(y pror;ee-d frC1m the a~~fr~ct to the concrete,. We ~t.art; wIth a conc;ep-blJal cot1'?truct of what we envl,?I0l1 7 dr;awJt1~ the. ~lql1lflcant ~t;ructlJral f~atiure~ a'? by line,? and ~h;afe'?, rhl,? framework van then be. filled out; WIt-I-! matte~ form, and de-t.<lllli? defined vl~ual MANTl'tJr.ATe tih~ '?tt"uctur~ t1f thet:j~ Im3g~~ ~J reproportIOt1ln~ or r~~H'rangll1g the p3rt~. ~ ~ •...... ]~"XPI.A()li]~: •• Drawing t3llow~ LJ~ ntJt only -/;0 /"~fre'?~nt pr~cot1c;ert;lon~ I1LJt- ~l~" ~t7 ~xplor~ neW p'o~~I~lIltle~, Ai? we .dra~ eac./1 l,ne h.a~ '* ~he. f'0t~t1t:,I.a1 cl.artfYI ng7 t3/te.rl n~7 or addlt1g de-pth btJ the me3nlng of -t;~e. Im.age-. .,. n ' • • •) -) In the~e exerc.I'?e~7 eXf'lore. th~ Inter.actIVe nJ3tur~ t7f drawln~, ~~ open to the. p'o~~I1?IlIi;le~ It pre'?~nt? :3~ you ~t3 rc.h for pattern, man I pulate. '?tirlJcture, .antd c.re~t;.e tl1e- i1lu'?lon of depth .and move.m~nt, In ~xplor;at;ory dra WI ng;> W~ J3r~ tlklle- to fJ~e or ~nVJ~IOn from a V.3r'It-ty of Vle-WpOInt?, The?~ J3ltt'rl1;;1t;IV~ PO"'1'~? tlf VIe.W '31 V~ u~ flexll?r1,ty It1 I"bpr~?el1tl f1 g ovr VI?LJ;;I! thov~ht? ;md pe-roe-ptIOni?, Eaoh tyf,.~ dlff~r~. now~ver, In d~? c-3paclty to ~acrllt.ate. the. deve-Iopmt-ntof ldea~, Tht- follt7wln~ t?t-ctJt7n d'~Gu??e.~ them.3Jdr tYP~f? c7f VI&Wfc7l nti? .3nd the. dr.3wln,g c;.onVttnt/ltmt? to WhlC.h the-y le-ad, '* Or~ht'~r3pl1lv vlew~ pt'rbl".ay ~he tWi?-dlmen~lon:a1 a~pevt~ .;a tl1ru,dI m~n~lonal whole-. ~ee.3LJ~e. the.y t'ffe-r fl"'agm~nt.ary Vl~W(1 .?f r~.a"t.)j they mlJ~t f?~ ~e~n .;:16 :a 6e-rle-~ t7f r~I;;3-f;eJ • • • •• • •• • •••• • • vlew~. No ~ln~le o"'~ho.gl".aphlv v/~w c,;an ;ad~q,uat"e{y commLJnIC;;3~e a -/;hru-dlH1e..n<?/on:a1 o~Ject - form or the ~p;;3ce dMme..d by 5 • • •• •• an ;ar,..;.mqe.l11e.n1; t7f ~LJvl1 fi?rm~, 'l:- o om I~ th I? A nat or a doughnut ~ .>» D :h~~& thr~& form'? have latntJG;;31 pi an VIe-WfJ. ()rlfI-I()(~n.j\l)I-IIC 'TIJ~'TS OrthCJgraphle- VI"W~ are:- afJ~tract 111 {;h~ ~e/1~e th.at they ,do not. rn;a~vh OpblC;;31 r~a Id:iy. Ye-t, -/;h~j ~o htwe. ott e. adva n-tage. over mor~ ple-tor/al Vle.W~. When r~/?re­ q,en~'n~ ~ plane- p.3r'a/lel W -t;he plc"/;LJr~ ~1;;H1e, ort;hl7gr.3~hlc Vle.w~ are able to q,now the pl;;lne..'~ true ~hare and pf't7por'i;;JI7/1~1 and C;;3/1 i:?e Jr.awn to ~c;i:lle. rhll? rt1;i:lk~ ori;.nogr.aphlc. drawlnq~ LJ~bftJl //1 COmmUl1lc.atln,g aoourate Informa·t:1o/1 for the product'ron t7f de-8lgnul obJ~c.t? anJ 1% c;orl~~ructlone;. ~Inv& orbhograrhlc Vlew~ do not Inhe..renJ;[y cO/1vey d~p~h 1/1 i;he. thwtl dlme,n~lon1 whatever d~rch -they have mlJ~t I?e ImplluA bhrough the u~e of qr.aphlc depth clue~, ~LJc-h ~~ v.arYlt1g line. weI1ht;;.~ 2iI1J tc:?nal v.aIIJ~, In addition, plal1~~ whrch ;are curved or ofJ1J1U& to -/;h~ flviure pl;ane ar-~ q,r,c:?wn foreq,horten~d or tiJ~"rted. rhll? dl~­ 1;ortlon ,~ difficult to convey In ;3 lIne drawll1~} whIch can lead wamblgulty //1 the readll1g t7f.an o~Ject~ true fi?rm. ._ %mto ~~~+:+--+H--.....j ············:tlIBIIIt········_· ]II!!I!!I!!!lf : ):................ . . v . Shrln~: pf K.amIJl~y3ma : : ..l~l!~e/L.._ ! .. ~ /.' / . , . / • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DODO OODO DODO DODO A ~wo~~lmt:n~I()I1;a1 grid I~.a l)~t:ful de-vrc~ fll'r the layout; .~md C?/",ganlt;1t;IOI1 CIf C?rtho~ graphIC v/e.we;. It; rroYld~:a n~[)tr..al b~5e upon which rel;a~llI't1~hlp~ pf ~l1are.2mtJ ~Ize, can t?e- expl"re-d. A grid m;ay COt1~I~t of dO'b!i', Ilne~, or ~hap'e.~. L?()t~ art: gui?tle. rl-mlt1der5 of ro~d:il"n. ~In~ reY,'/"'elf7ent' the verb/cal .and the. hOl"rzont;l/7 ana re.gulat~ th~ gracIng t7f ele.mente;, ~h3pe5 define .are-..ag and emfh3?1U/ If7pace r.ather than PI7~/tIPn. 14'7 I ~ ~ xr-~ , I I I I , I 0·.. ?DJ··> PI4il11 Vl~W? rew:,al the. horl zOI1 //aI of form and I I x: 6 Plan VI~W~ fre~t<nt;; a COl1c~F't.l)al h~ Id of action for r,orlzont.al force~ :and o~pec.t~ ~ra·h.;al rel:3tlon~hlp~, m \ 8 A pl~n view I~ ~ view 10t'kll1g dow!1 Yet"t-I~.;3l/y from above, Wh~n VI~Wll1g ~ ~m~11 ol1Jevt 111 thl~ m~nner,' the ImageIq, vl7mml7t1ly kl1owl1 aq, :a 'bor View, Ihc. '7trenqth tJf r13t1 view,? I~ thelt" ab?rllty t(1 i1lug.tr;llle the horl~nt.al rel21tlol1~hrr~ of wha~ we eee or enVI61(1n. lhe~e may ~e rel:a-tlon~hlr~ of fLJt1CtIOt1, form 7 II1-berJOr or exterior ~pace, or "f p~rt'~ with In .;3 greater whole:-. In thl'? way? p'!.;;ln vIew'? match our c(1Mep'ttJ:a1 view of thing'? :and dr~rl:aj the fIeld pf actIon for t'tJr though-t~ ~t1~ Ide:a~. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 v~mel1t, I COl1vt-ytt1g deptrt wl~h alffere-nt line- we-Ight~ ! W/~h ~LJJld /t1~~ tll1d other v(Jn~truttJot1~ , ~- ------ PLAN' , --....----_._. __ .._-_ ... whIch Involve ,nf,eI"'IOr 6p:ac;t- wIthin :an enclo~lIng form, th~ plan 16 ;a downw;ard vIew (Jf the InterIor ;aHe.r ;3 horltl7r1-/;;a1 p/:3l1e h2J6 b~en cut- through -the con6truc..b'0/1 tJl1t1 the top p.;wb rt-moved. In thl6 type t7f plan dr.awlng, It 16 Impt7rban'i; -tQ empha~lz:e In :a gr.aphlC w.ay wh;;at h;;a~ been cut, :and what c;;an !?~ 6een through 6pac;e l?eyol1d the r1ane ~ the plan c:;;u'/;. VieW, we- eee ver-!;,c;al plane~ g/mply 216 Itrte@, fhIJ67 there 16 no? Inherent; depth In -the third d/l11en~ltm, However, we c.,n LJ~"lze different line welght;~, ;a rangetot'!;;al v:alve~, ;;md ln any plan ~h;;a(J"w6 '* to v(Jnvey the de~f/"ed gel16e o?f depth, Set;trol1 VleW'7 r~~ulrt tne 2117l1r'by ~urf.ave- of -!ih tn~~. to t7ee, A f,e,d/tJn Vlt-W I~ '?Imll~r to 3 r/:a11 VI~W' th<3t It 21)'70 Involve~ a cut throlJg h what W~ 3re dr~wln~. 111 ~hl~ ceee, the. c::ut I~ a verb I c:::al ~llve ~nd the- view I~ not"lzont-;a L In 1?o 17e,I1~.3th -li~e­ SectIon vlew~ ~re LJ~eflJl In l?orbr~Ylng the ve-r'blvpl pnd on~ of the 110rlzont;[ dlmt-t1~ltm~ of a form'/?) InterIor m~'be­ 1"'131, c.omp0/?)l1:;IOn, or aI3l5emi:'!y. ~u,t'lOl1~ vU-/; throu'Jh t11,1( /tllngfJ :and otl1e/'" (;0/1- '8trLJe-tlon/?) With m17erlor '?ppc,e~ v3n ~1~17 ill U~1:;r:ate the v/t:al re-13tlon~hlp~ ~et;weet1 ft7rl11~ :and tl1e ~I?pce~ they define. B~(;h'm vlew~ pf InterIor '?pac~ Include wlte,..,ot'" elev:atlon~ 'Sun beyond the ve.r~lc;a1 I?I:ane pf the cut In prde-r w convey :a '?e/1~e crf de.rl;-h, It I~ Import3nt to e-mph.a~lze thematerlall3l th~t;. 3re cut 111 'Sec.tlt1/1 :and to dli?tlnqlJl'?h th~e '8e(/tIO/1~ frt1m wh~t I~ i?eel1 beyond In eley;1;lon. \ (;r(J'!;f;, '!;evtl(Jl1~ rt:f« t(J <?CC.tIOI1<? vU'!;; through ~he <?horf;; d,men'!;lon of -bhll1gtfJ, while lonqJ-budln~1 gec.'blot1tfJ :are CU1:; throuqh the lon~ dlmen~It?t1. In either c21tfJe, 11:; I~ nec;e<??:ary to relate ~ectlt?n \ \ A ~el"le~ of tfJec,1;It?r7 View'!;, -baken 111 ~~.q.lJence) cal1 oHen reve;al ch;ange€l 1/1 form~ Itetl;er th~m :a tfJJngle- ~e-cblon~1 View. complex :ima Il"regtJ/;;lr dr;awlt1~? 1;(7 the p/;an view tty InJ,c;a'blng In the pl~n wht-re -the gev·bt?11 cubtf; ;are made :and 111 what .d't"ectft?11 we :are lot?kln~. 1~1 L~ [ -- D I 0 I I A ~lm~le- l,ne. dl"";lw,ntJ df An e-Ievatlpn can i?" 3111!7,.gUOUt? wrtl1out- the u~e. ~ graphtC- de.rtn clue,~. en [] IT IT An elevation view It? J3 hc7rl ZC)t1-!;.:a/ vieW looking .at t?omethlng frc7m the olJtf11de. elev;;Itlon~ the.refdre empl1a~lze the. ex-t;erldr' vertical 0IJrf.%e.f1 t?f o~Je.c~­ fot'm~ tmd -t;helr ~JI ht?lJettefJ In ~p~ce. Frontal VIe.W~ c;f vertical f1urf.acefJ are clo5e.r f;/? poercert'lJal re.allty --I;h;m either po/an or ~ectlc7n VleW6>. Ye-t they c3nnot repre~et1-/;; the dIm /t1I~h't1g ~'Z(~ of rJanetb a~ -they recede frpm the viewer. When we draw J3n o~Jevt'~ f1l)rfaoe~ In eleva-!;/c7I1, we mu~t ~aln rely on gr;i3~h,,:. cuee; to wnvey depoth, curvature, or c717IIq,ue:-ne6>6, ,,,z a t1 L::::.. 0 While an ele-V;;l-/;;,on dr'J3wlng zan t?how the context of c7bJect- fc7rm€t J3nd the relablont7h,ps \:7etween a number c7f form<5 In t7/?ace, they dc7 nt?t reveal ;;Iny rnfc7rm.atlon abOiJt -theIr Int'e.rICW&. ~lev;ltlc7t1~ J3nd ~eetlon~J howe.ver, can be cc7ml?lned wl1en draWing 6>Jmmt-t- rlvJ31 ftwm~ and con<5trLJctltm~. fl"'ot1t !:!t-V3tltm~ U1:al?le lJ~ 1:;0 i1lu~tr;lt;e. eI1VIt"t'nmental ~t-ttlt1g~, .and to .,-cudy tl1e prof'"rtlon ;and compol7l1;lon of I:iLJlldln~ fac.~A~~. »: »>••- - - - - - - - - . ••• ~ ./ I'tl I I I Ai? we- move .art7L1n.d wh.at we .are- vJewJMg, we- eee a ~e.rle~ tlf relat-eJ elevatltlnal vlew~ whlc.h th:ange .a~ tlLlr' rO!;I~IPn ch:;:lnge~. 1he~e. vlew~ c.an be IOgIC.ally re-l;il~e.d In h(7rlzot'l~.a1 0erle~ (7f dr;ilwlng~, Or' In IJ 0/ngle, comp't7~lte. draWing :a~ If they were unfolded .and J~ld t7Ut' on 6Jngle. pl.ane-. a a '. ..... ----4.-.-.. ~- For c;/arlty ;;md e?rren'!;atlon, an eleva1;um draWing can ~e Jal?eled according be? It;;~ reJatilon011lp to ;an p:;:;umed frt7nt faoe, the comr;a~~ direction It facee., e?r the. context fre?m wl1lc.h the elevatiltlt'l I~ ~ee.n. -rhrt&~dlmet1~Ir?I1~1 VI~W~ mlt1lmIZ~ tl1e.,~~tra~tlr?n of orthtlgr;ilphl~ VltW~ ;;3nd de;;1 ~lmLJI{;;;;t1&tlLJ~lY W/1I11 h~l~h!;, width, and depth 111 a .,tngle. Image-. They "r~ "ffhere.fore;. clof!J~ t'r? QUI" r~rc,~ptLJ~1 vIew t?f reality, The 'bWr? prtn~lpal -byre~ (1f three~dlmet1~lonal vlew~ ;we p;mallne and pe~pu:tlVt' Vlew~. ~t?f;h t7f the~e can 11~ effectively 1~ld Qut ;3t1d c,Ql11po~eJ wIth a three~ dlmel1f!Jltll1al grJ~. , ...... . ........ " -e- .' '. ," .r" .' .> " ./ .. ........ .' . ' " •.1:.' • -, " ", " • O~TH06AAPHrc VlcW'5 .... .... " .. .. .......... ......... ..' <, <,; ,. .' I~ i;'ne ~3?1e- fClrm upon whIch we c.~m ~uild a three-dll11el1~lr?nal t3r1d. lill? lJ~eful ~Jnce It;~ ed~t' ;3nd plat1e~ .,re p;:lrall~) tr? the x, y, ;and z coordinate, sy~tem. liI can therefr?re l1e u~e.d se a l;nlt t7f l11e.a~uremel1t; i/Q ~v;ale heIght, Width, ;mtJ de.pt;h vOl1vu,..rent.[y In ~my three.- dlrtle.I1~loHal VI6W, The c,l.Jve• fA!i:J.LINS V!E:W • PEtE:5PEC'TIVE, vrEW A cul1e oan ~e ~1Jf?tr;.lc,t;cJ from or adde.d on i/o. /11 can be q,LJ bd IVlded Or' I11UI1;If1IIe.d. In -t;he~~ W.i3y~, v~rlt:'JJ<? derlv;3i:lon~ ~t1d c?om~1I1~tIQn~ t?f ~h~ CLJI?e. can l1e t::l~t1erate-d ~nd u~8d tCl tJefJne the-1eQmetry tll1d q,truc;ture of m.?re vom pl&x fcwrn~ tll1d gp.i3ve~, The u~e of Z,dlr11ul~lon~1 vle~ Ie.;ad~ W the, d~v~lol'mel1'!;. tf ~ytr1 L1oli? ;md ,hagr;iI11i?, When dr.awJn~ what W~ &nVf~lIm, however, We i/end w;tJdd depth to even the flatte~t' rerrefJent.atlon~, We C2lr1 do 1ihl~ e-afJdy WIth t?-ar.aIIt1tdr.awlng~. f'ARAt.fNE VfEW? f;l.lr.;;lln~ Vl~W~ ;;lr~ plctor!;;ll vlew~ WHlOh C~/1 commlJnlc;;lte -three~dlmeni?lor1;;a1 ft1rmi? ;and ~f'atlal r~latIOni?hlr~. rht-y c~n be dlt?tlngLJJ~h~d from fe-rfJt?eol;lVe:.~ b'.t the foJl17wmg conventl~n~. P.al"'all~l jJne~ remain f'.3r.3l1el ;and do ne7'/;; convef"~e ae th~y do In perfJpuh(e. In adtilt-loM, Irn~~ r.arall~! -bP the. x-, y~, ;md z- .;;xe~ ;I.lre.. normally nt7t fot"e~hortened ;;lnd cpn ~e drawn 1;P ~l.iplc-. f?ecaLJ~c- t7f conve:.r~~I1c;e, their ~caj;ai?IiJt;y .and lack ~ p;;lrallne- VleWi? ;;are m17re e;a~lly ~r.awn -bh.an per6rectlVe~ and pr17Vltle- ;I.l q.ulck me-bhod filt" vli?LJ;:lII~ln~ thmg6 In three- dlmen61t'n~. They are pariilcul;;arly 3ppro~m;at~ for dr.awln~ 6111::a1l~5c;alo obJecl;6 6Jnce -bhelr form~, even In r,eri?peC1;lVe, do not exh,b,-b" a 6h::arp degree of convergence t7f f'pr;;llel IJne~. ~---- : '.:>I / / I fLAN OBLfQ1J£ ELEVAiroN OBLlaUE. l' I I I I I , I I I 1t7 ~ ptlr~lln~ .dr3wlng whlth nOl"ltonf;;;J1 or vertical ~lJrf3ve '* An ot?IIe:j.lJt- vIew LJE7eE7 :a wh~i:; we :;we drJwlng tl6 a ~a~e pl;;Jn~. 10 1I1L1~tr;3te thl~, Imaqlne ;;l cu~e-. We c.;;m take Ib~ ~obt;ol11 face ;1t14 dr3w 11; se a ~ql):ar~. We can rt'ti;at;:e ~I~ vqpare 3t ~ome 311gle ~o the horlzcmtaJ, Nut, we can project v~rt;lcal IlnU' :a tJl~t.ance equal to the ~ide of the CLJ!1e from eavh of the ~a~e:- gq,u'iH"e 7g four urrl~r~ rh~rl we can draw the top f3ce of the cul:?e :at the ~ame ~Ize and dr'tent;a'blon ;;J~ the. i1a€Je, ~uare. We c"n :a/~o draw the fron-b f.ace c:f the cuve a€J a gquare7 and them project the boy?, bottom, :3nd g,de5 !?ack at 60me ant1le to form an e!eya'b,on ob/ltf-ue. If we U5~ draftIng trrangle~) the ;;lngle fen" recedlt11 plane-eo In an o~llt'fpe view m3j ~e. 50~ 46~ or ~O~ In gket(/hln~, we need not be;3f; p'reCiI~e, bLlt; once. we e~;a~II~h ~n angle, wen we ~hould lJ~& l'~ C0I1~15­ 1;en-/;ly, We ~holJld ;a160 remempe?tr th;at/ the :angle we L):;8' ~ffevt'f) how mIJch w& .q;ee- of the recedlYl~ r/;ane~, ~ ~ ..x:: ~ ~ ~ It ~ ~ ~ 11~ e-x~ende-.d or eX1;rLJdetl IMbe? the thlr~ dlmen~/ol1 by t?1t11ply Jrawln~ ;3 ?ertef; of f'ar.aII~1 I,ne-e;, Pdgr~ma~t~.3ltna?)r Churth ~t Vlerz:ehnnerllgen (1744'1~) Nlwm;ann ~ ~ ~ :I: 6311 ~ 11 ..x:: Objl~pe Vle-W~ ~re, r.;ar1;I~LJI~rty LJ~efLJI whe-n drawJnt3 ~n obje~t wh I~h h.;a~ a ~ompllcated Clr c,lJrvlltnt.;ar rre?rde.-. rhl~ rre?ftle C,,11 fw-?t ~e- drawn In an Clrf;ho" ~r.;af.hlc plan Clr elev~tltm VI~W. Then It; '0 When drawing pel"r.end/~L)lar .s:::. ~ <;,:; :c o~II~.LJ~ Vlew~, dlmel16lpn~ bo tHe i?a6e whIch arerelatively long Clr deer c;;m afpe.ar tCl ~e­ exaggerate-d. In &lJCh C43685.. It I~ fO~~1J:11e- 1;0 f"re~he?r1;en line£? Wl that awe-ct/on, at? IClng ;36 :;al/ Ilne~ 1t1 that d /rutlon are- fore~hClrtent/d to the~ame tIe~JI"ee-. 1"7 ~ -:-. '-, ~ i ~~oi9~ : .. #- ...... -' -:' : . . . ," •f;., ~~ 4 '..... {~o- __ • ~,j. ,...;~ /-;;OJ An 1~17111~1;rIO vIew I~ 'i:l far;;JIJn8 dt".awln~ where the. prlm'i:ll"j s-, Y-, .and z-;;lxe~ are ett,!J:a/ly IZO O d~rIH~~ :apart 17r1 the. pIcture pI3t1t<. All hO/"lumt3/ 3nd vertl~:al pl:;m~e> :are projuted \?3t:k II1~O the depth (,f the dr3wfng. It; F.re~~t1t~ a ~llghtly lower ;;angltl of Vle-W lIn.m art oblltq,LJe. view and tend'? not to el11pha~lze- one planeoYer :anot.h~ l'li ~IV~ a 'bf"IJer Im3,ge of relatIve propor-blon~ an.a I~ nob ~LJ~J~vt to th~ d/~t"r1;;lor1 Inheret1~ In oJ::1/lqlJeVI~W~. To draw ;;311 l~ome.irIO view of :J c.LJb~, fwq/; draw :a ve.rt Ic.al lIne eqp.al i'ti' tn~ hel~l1t I7f the CLJb~ Inen dr:Jw Ilne~ from the wf' :al1d bottom of th" Vel'l"t1V31. fI1e~e ~e at:J ?Jo fJ ;;3t1~le from the. norltont3/ :and b~ the '5:ame- length a~ -bl1er Ver~lv.;;31. complete 1;ne cu~e '1 tlr~W1t1~ /Jrl~~ whloh are r3ral/el to {ihe "l1e~ c?nou/.a :already drawn, A predrawn I<?ometrlc grid I~ u?e.hl ~k~tc.hll1'8 ,·JII'I1e.MIOl1al Idea~. .Ll. t []. ! W i~ /i'('" /' I-o...:\.~ I ! I .,\~ r_~Wd~' I 11 -~ I, I ! ~ &rld 1./ """,,'" i/ .. \\''\ .\\.." - .... -- ~ '-';;~/ o~·:~~~// ,t~ ... ,\. \ ,.~~ , ~" ~ \'-" ~ .- <, ,/' ~ r I ! I '~ /' ~ i // -: V p.arer C.3n al~o ~e u~eJ for If tll1t grid r'0lnt? tire ~et:11 :3~ re.fe.rel1ce POII1j;;~ ft'r :;a11~leJ Ilne~. Both I~ome-trl C~ ~ nd obl,t:j,ue<? can effectIVely Illu'7tr.1te. the. a'7~e.m!?lj .and o/,?e..r:a1:;IOI1 of de~lgneJ obJu..t~. rer~f~c.tlV~ VI~W? are. more- illlJ€'I1;ra'b!'re of how we- rercelv~ retlldij th~n ~Ither orthoqraf'hl(; ot' p:;:ll"allne. Vfe.W~. ,hey ~re. hIghly p/(;torlal ~md Ide3/ for r~pr~ent .. Ing ~w(;h i~~ctlJr31 ~ 6CiJIe- form~ ;and '?paces. f;vt l?eca(J€'I~ they can e.a~dy 11e dt~torted7 visual JlJdgmen-b !?a!5e~ 011 experlent:e I~ req,uwed to rroper(y portray s(;ale -antJ depth. 1~O In drawln.g rer~pe-dlve Vlew~ we- can agaIn 11egln w,~f11;he basl(; ClJl1e. OnU< we. are able. to draw ClJb~ from v.arIOlJ~ Yle-wpolttliB In per~pe(;tlve;., we can ~ener3te othe-r geOtt1e1i-rl(; solIds - the (;yl/nde-t; (;Ol1e, ~nd ryr3tt1 Id. fhe-seregular form~ can l1e compo~etd and orgJ3nlze.d 111 a l1uml1er of way~ it? form the '8trlJvttJral framework for moreGom f'lex form~. The ,ac,t ~ dr.awlng I~ the on lY way to develt'f i7killln ~ketc.hlt1g wl1e~ :m.d tl1e related ftlr'mi7 bh~j qent-rate. fra~tlce, therefdr~, I~ ei7%.nblal. e-e~ln by traCing the C-LJbe~ In the a~tlv~. AI50 refer l?21c.k thl: dl'7W~~IOI1 of 11I1t..ar fe-r~fec­ rf! U'7tratloM to trve., rp1~~ ~~ - 1~~. 10_--------, " 7 tP ------..I.-----+---+--------f-It+-H ! Hl7rl'um ~111e. r~r?rettlVe qrldt?, ?ueh ~'7 bhl? onto, ~--­ ?erve a? qu Id~? ft;1I'" the- V'?lJ~llt3tl"l1 of ~oth e-xb~r,,,r ~n.d Inte-I"'Ii71'" r~r?r.ealve­ VI~W? M3t1y tYr-:>~~, VJrylng /11 ~cale. 3nd rOll1t of vr~w, 3re. comme.rc,,~II~ ~vJd~\:1Ie-. t;""" 1'- ..-:: /1. , \..v ~ , I I\ I n I :' (~ I oa...' ~ l~ :att~m~-bll1g to draw :3 freeform or Irr~gL)l~ar ~h;ape. 111 pe.rifJf'ec-1;;Jve., we. C:3n flr5t draw ;3 r~LJlar ~rJd ov~r -the- ~h;ape In 2n ele.v~bfon or flan VIew, Afber When tlrawlng -/;he ifJame gl"ld we can tr;m~fer to -/;;hl~ 111 per~f.'ealve) r.'er~/1&Ciwe ~he ']:>har,e qnd the POint']:> where. croeeee bhe. ~"'ld 1/l1e.g In the- elevahenl or pltH1 VIew, lJ~lng -/;;he~e ~01n1;~ ~5 g IJlde-} We c,a11 per~pectlve, dr..a w the I7h3pe In a '"I If we ~,..~ ~111~ to br~~k down what; we t8Uor enVI~lon Irrt;o re~ul:;ar ge.omebl"lc t8olr~~) we t.3t1 more eat8r1y dl".aw tht-m :and &buJj their rel3tl(m'7hl~, We; can reor~:anl:ze the form~ In an ~dtld;we m.3l1ner, or tr.3I1~­ form the-m In .3 t8U\:?t;I";;C-tIVe- t11:3nn~r: lhe. r~~Ll/f;II1~ geometric. *ruvtur~ C-3n t:.hen ~(;t've se :;a frJmework for the t/e-velor.m~ni; :and refinement; I7f the; formt8 ~md ~paue; we ~I"e- Jet8lgl1ll1g, 17rawJng norm;;lI)' hlt/del1 Imet? l1elrq, ue rbt~lt1 ~ 6en~e- of '?'tructu re. :;al1d vol ume-, ..._----....p..........~ fROM" THE f'ART6 TO THE WHOL.E. A t::1Jt?~ c.-n ~e e><J;e;nde.d horlzontallY1 Vel"blc.3{{Y, ae well :at8 Il1to the dept-h of a f.':ar~ltne or per~fectlve VIeW, The- cu!:?e ~hLJt8 vetlome? .3 three·dlmen~lIOrr~1 unit of meat8LJI"emen~ whIch can be u~ed bCl %ruc{;;ure- ;ilnd regul.ate a v.arlef;y CJf derlV.ab,ve:- cOmpO~I1;:,IOn~, 1~2 fROM THE WHOLE TO THE PAt<::TE? Working from :i3 ~Imple., requl;:w form; we can '8electl've.(y r~move pol"~IO'n~ wlt:hout; IO~II1t1 the Identity :and '5&t1'5e t7f the whole. In ~rO'ce'8e;) we u~e -i;Ihr~ '8LJl:?tr;l~{;lVe the- '801Id~ VOid relatl0rl~ 6hlp between fOfAm ;ma '8f'.a~e :i3'8 the g&l1er13-!;lng pr,nelfle for what we create. We- t11LJ~t ~l- willing to try different fOlnt~ of view to flee. which GOm17ln;atlon of ortnogr.-apnlc, ftwallM, and r~:.r<;if?evtlVe drEwlngY,i l?8~j;; illLJtjtrJte~ our Vltj{on. In ar:y<;ilnl1le view we drEw, wemu<?t becontinually 2ware. of 0ha re and rroportlon, --t-+-- --+- - '., ., ", • STRUCTUR.E OF THE D~AW1N'G • f'HY;;!CAt '5TR.UCTUR.E: When dr~wlng :a c/omr1ex orq13l1lt131;ltm of ft7rm6, we c/~n wr?rk In ~t7th an 13dd 1~IVt­ ~1I1d. a ~ul?tlrac/tlve m.,nner. The re~lJH;, ng formal ~md c:7pablal C;t7mr't7~I1;It7n J~ LJ~uallj an t7u'lil/t7me- IJf ~trLJc/ture, whe'lihe-r f.hy~­ le/aI, v,",u13l1y perc-elVt-tl, or conoeptual. In thlt5 proce?? t7f geeln~ ~tt"uc,,/;ul"'e, wemUt5't flr~-f; create the t7rqanl£ln~ fr.ame' work before fillIng out; .and ln1age-. ref'n1n~ the. ,?tJRFAC£ \. - ,, ., • fERSPECTIYE STRUCTURE. L ..s;. • '?FATJAL <STFWCTURE. ~-h~~~~~~\~ "V::....::;.~~~~~ , ~' \~ \ \i \ 1~7 Once- we- fl1rtrl-? In h3V~ th~ l1a~lC:; .arral1~emet1t ~f 6P.av~7 or the ~1;rlJc:;tur~ of .a 5p.ac;e .a~ deflne~ l1y tl1e- form~7 we- c-.an 17egln b17 r~f/l1e- t-he Im.age-, Wl1rkln~ fr17f11 the ge./1&ral to the 5rec-lf,c-) we &t3n l1egl/1 t~ de~c.rll1e ~lJ.:llltle-? of fl7rm, 6p.ac;e., 'bexi;ure, and Irqht wlJihout 1~61ng ~ 6&116e. of the- whol~, t I. tJ F _._-- ..... _ . _ - - - - - - - - -_. - --_ .. ---- l-b I~ ImportJ3nt to LJnder~tand th.:lt: we. nee-d not 11e. conc~rned wlbh therenderln~ eJf;; rhubograrhlC:; reald~y. In6te.ad, we 6hould .atte-mr.t to CiommlJ- nlCi;l3t~ ~pec-Iflc q,ual,tle6 i7f fi7rf11 -;:Ind 6rac-e-, and thl6 17fun mean6 boltratlng a tJegrtt t7f IncomF'l~te.n~6~, The- very InCiomrl&t,ene~~ of a dr.3wl1 Imaqe- acknl1wltdge6 the- V/ewer6 tlf -I?h;ilt I mage- anti In yl'!:le~ f;he-m 1;&7 rt3rf;IClf~be In I~ c-omr.1e-t,ot1, ~ven our p~rc-erblon of op1;Ical reality I~ LJ61J;illty Incomple.te, /1eln~ edIted by the knowle,dg~ we- 17rlng to the ;;C:;t IJf 6ee-lng and our ml1mentary need6 .md conCi~rn~. ., i J. I t-----"-.-.-.-- i Ii'ViI I J i ! 1L- ---l I ._~,_ ..-e: I'I \: I ... --.--.--0~----.~ .... ~~ '* In drJwlng VJew~ an exterior or interior ~P3Ce, we- ~hould :atte-mrt tp gIve the Vlwe-r a ?et1~e of being In .a pl.av~ With dl~tlnvtlVe vhJrJc-terl~rf;IC~. Hpwever; before re-fl rll t1~ the p~rt~ - ma-berf.~1 ~lJrf3c;.e"~ (/Olpr~, and 1;;extl)re~ ;ant! the t1.LJ~l/ty ?Jf lIght - we mu?"b flr~t define -bhe- ft?rl11 7 '5c;a/e, ;an4 enclp~ur& of the 6p2lCe-. 170 We. ~hoLJld ~elevt IJ VIewpoint which frame~ the view In ~LJc;.h ~ w~y gLJg~e~t~ -f;he VIewer 1'5 wl-/;h,n tl1;at a '5race, not m~rf/ly OM the oLJ1;;tJlde lotlkfl11 In. le? do-bh/~, we ~hOLJld Include fl7reqround elemeMt'5 - overhead, tp the ?Ide., or ImmedlJtety In fr'Pt1t t?f LJ6' - through which or ~eY,1nd whIch we exrerle-noe -the ~pave. 1i1 A~?umlng ~jhorlzontal line. of '71\ hi;. 3f1J ~ cont ~f vl<?lon, -tihe ~t"OUt1J rl3ne. - . . , . : - -• .; ..>_ _ I~ J3 • __ • ""'~"f7 OLl 8 feet '"JW3Y, lIMe ~f~bL.----') ··~.or ··.!"IS -. JO ~ ... ~.. ~round f'1~11G- '70.: <c: \ \ -:» ----- .. - ~ --- ......... --' , ---- ... . . __-----f-. ~-. --- ... ----...:....------,- --'" .~ :, - ..... --- " ....' . . --J,..,_.. We c;an tfjee, ;;a '7p;;ac,e, In 10 e:-nt-Ire-ty on Iy If we '?t~l1d out?ltlC. It~ bt7un.d;;a",,~, I------~- ,--------- AVOId ?ymm.e.tr'lt.a1 VI~W~ Into a c.orne:-I". .. :}"' It 1& LJ~u;aJly .,dv;ant.ageoLJ~ If w~'c;an thra &ldUJ of ;a i7r;;ac.e-i l.e.thpgeform& whIch define- the ~p.ace O/11;nre,e, tEJ(;(; &,de,~. cm I)' f?~~ tWt7 I?ldei~ ;;a corne-r; bhe- vieW could !ppk Ilke-;a ~t;;age '!?e.t ;md l;acl< thefeehl1~ If envlp~LJr& whIch glve~ If w~ meetl ng ~f; form tC7 the ~p;ac;e. 171 w Con~ra~tlng ton~1 v.alue~ Jefrne ;and form? S]~J~IN(i· ~h;afe? I\ : l II \ 11 ' c~t '?ha-d·;;w~-r&v&aTT;rme;. ;and UJn vey a '7&n'7e t7f In '7r;ac~ depth. 'The orlent.atlon of q,h~dow? -/it-Il'? lJq, wh~re the- lIght ,?OUI"(;e l~. J..IInIIl'f Llgnt make? form vl?Ib?Ie- ~y illumInatIng '7lJrfactl? ~n.d texture? f?ut wIthout the i/ontraq,1;of ~hade.d BurfeJceq, ~n.d C&lq,t e;,h;adow6>, It would be tMflc.ult -bo eee the ~freot!7 t?f lIght I1n ft7rml? In q,p.ace. In dr;wlng, therefore, the prlni/lra/ rea~on? ft7r u?ln.g light and d~rk v.al!Je~ ,are bt7 enh;ance oUr' ptWceptlon df form, dlff(;ren-blatc. one- form frt7m :al1other; Jrbu;;ulate ~p.atl;;J1 reIZlbIOn~hlp&, ;;md to ~ol1vey a gen~eI7f de~h. 172 ~. Wne.n df"aw1nt3 what actlJ~1 condlel"l1~ we eee, W~ have bht- of II~ht, gh;ade., antl dra W'I1~ and renderIng if -bonal v;aILJt:-e;. ana 1Iextvr~~. ~h:adow 1;0 qtJlde our' When drawll1~ what we eI1VIq,lon, we have no '?I)i/h .gUide ~lr1ce ~he Image~ t7f -the- mlnd}~ eye are not alway~ u'Y,?{;31 clear. -rh~re-ft7r~7 we. rnU/71; on ve-rb;am frll1v/pIUt whlc.h r~jy can d,rei/f; our u~& of ?hade- and '7hadow~. • If our purfoq,e Iq, -/io define '?h:ppe .and forn11 the fr'tc/~e. c::ionq,trlJctIOI1 I7'f ca'7t ~h ~dow'7 Iq, nV't nuetfJ'7 pry. • A d,l7cernlble. vontra'?t 111 tol1al value1'7 (;'7~en-bI.a1 for -/ihe rerceptlon t7f ed~e'7 ~3I1d corner? • 5haded q,urfa.c.eq, and c~'?t q,h.adow'7 ~re LJ~lJ.ally not 0ra1ye.. nor con'?I'7tent 1t11;on~1 v.aIIJ~. Porm~ m~y ~e- hidden fr'Hrl VIe.W bu~ '711~dow~ they C;I'7t c.;ln re.ve,P1 th~lr ~11:are tine -> ~'~i;I,;;.,:"-"-" ;;;;;,;;.--_.,',. ""~'--"'-----;;;::;;~"-~-'-~---. 17~ . 1 f ; ; 7.... ··--~------- : Z ... (1lve 1---\--- --: G+-....:.---.... ne'?~ ;;mA volume., ~ Clothe. the. figure t:lj1pro- I ~rlately, ! Avoid u-inec - ;+..-....--.- . • \ I i i I t.he. ~ltk rt?und- fI.~ure fl. _. - - :~) ) I I . o i 8-U- ---. ----- J------- --1 I I I .. 0 1 C()NSI)}]~llIN(i- IJS]~ Jt I~ u~e-flJl, p,t3rtIGult3rly when drawing ;arl/hlteGtur~1 .;and urban t?veneq;, to ACii;IVI~Y In tl ~rawln~ I~ Indlc3te~ by i;h~ grouflng~ ro~t.ure., and dre~c;> I7f hum'an flgure~. LJ~e the relatiVe fror.orl/I,?n~ t7f body p3rt~ a'? 2 gVldewhen .:;ketc-l1ln.g tllfferent poc;>ture~ and ge~ture?, [7re~~ figure'? appropriately and remember th;;l1; the. amount c?f dei311 ~nown dlmlt1l~h~~ wIth dl~;mce and ~c.al~. Inc.lude ~eople to ~;;lblii?h ~c.ale ;antlLJ~e) ;and to de~(/rlbe our re/;a-/ill7n6hip bo the. en VIrt? Mment, fhe flgLJre~ we j)~e -/;0 fOfU/ t3te a drawl ng i?hould l?e In ~c;ale­ WI:th the- envlrt?nment ;and be- arr.:anged to Ir1JII;ate. -/;he n~t!Jre t?f bhe aGtiVlty ~pr'rorrla~ -to the r.13c;e, 1he flgure~ I7tcome Import;mt eleme-n~~ In t3 comfo~/tlOn ;imd t;hould not conceal or dl~r.act from a dr3wlng)~ e~?entlal fe-aiure~, 174- 1 i l We: 0hQuIJ InclLJde human fIgure? In ~II drawing Vle-W~. In I~ometl"'(c? ~nd plan Ql?JI~,u~~, bhe- VlloW I~ dQwnwa,.....d ~md flgu/"e~ i?h()lJld have i?Ol11e de~re:e- c?f rQund ne'?'? to Indl~.abe theIr vc?lum~. u.······ -;:. Onvti -t:he- height of Jl fl~ure- I~ ~~t~k1II~h(;d, d~ c-3n be~hlHtid rlgh~ or left) lJf or dtlwn, or Into th~ de-f7th ()f 2l re-r"rec.1;/Vt:-. t71? ] ;=:::::::::==::; le - ---::::.- -:.--::::::.:.::-....:.;.--,._.. ._'._.- ---------- n ;add Ihm to feorle, there tire- o~he-r J elemen-/;6> which we oan u~e tt7 6ugt:'ti&1; -the context for what we draw: Ihe.q,~ 1iYf1cally IrMJlJde typt1~rapl1y, lat1tl6Care, ;;nd plant mat8rl::i31~. fhe pl11!?lence i7f .a r1aoe- may ~I~o I?e tllJe to a .q,tJ~llo/ i7f I,qhi, muerJ~1 volor6 ~nd -textlJre~, -/;he6c~le ~nd propor-blon of 6pa(je~, or the cum ul ::i3t/Y8 effeo-b of de1t13d~, 17~ The draWIng i7f the~e element~ mu~t; ft.ak8 Into acooul1t their ~hppe. ~c-ple, pattern, vaILJe~, and texblJre, Keep 111 t;he~e :are ?lmrJy part~ of a grept;er whole, and the. amout1t of Intere6t .ilt1tl attentIon we give them mind 6holJld ~e proportIonal to the-Ir Importal1l/e:- to the:- overall comrt/6Itlor1, (1lVlI1g dlr'tc,'f:;IOt1 d trtt? p.ay tlH~n~lon to <?h~f1e. 1 ?t:t"Vll1g tl~.;il ~c,l"tet1 % rlJC-~1J re 7 <?v.;illt-, :;Ind ~urro~e-. I 177 The mind c~n ~oo oFt~n ra~~ JLJd~memt w/,f;nout lookln~ at th~ ~Ignlflcanb d~t;;lIl~ of a ~ltu.atlOn. In trYln~ to '3ra~p ~l1e vl~utll whole} we ~hoj)k:l )e aw~re. of lIhe" n~~d hw dual! development Jmd theIntt-rel7!; ~l1d v:muy 1'1; ~t"lng~ to a draWII1'3. r?e{;ad~ t111J~ h'e- vl~lJallj relat~d 1;" or pbaced withIn a ~'!ii"uutlJred pabbe-rn to m~k~ ~e-n~e. 111,,, Gonb~)(t ~erve~ a~ a vl~u~1 reminder the %ale- wIth WhlOI1 we are dealing. Ide~lIy) thl~ c.bt1'bexi7 ~hc?ul~ \?e dr3wI1 In II~h~ly to provl,::k. .a frameworl<. for.a rarblc.ular area to 11e. worked 01'1 In ~Matew de-tar! and more- '* el~\?orately, 17fJ The" mo~t ~I~n,h:;ant;. de-tall'? u~ually oc.wr at tr..an~ltlOt1~ In '1h~P8 and fortrl. The~e: d~t.;a1I'1 :;Ire dlrec.tly rel;at;ed to -tihe- way materltll~ turn Cl7rl1er~ or meet each otne.r In a c.on~truotIOI1. - -- - -----_.~-,-----_ .. _- All materl;;3l~ h~ve ~ome, degr-ee t-h,vkne~~. If the ~G.ale. of a dr.awll1g f'erml1/~7. thl4? th,ckt1e~~ ~hould ~"II1~IG~t;;tiJ :i31ong ~dge? :3nd '* ~t1d where m3t~rl;l!? ov"rl~p ;;at DOrl1et"~. c;ontour'?, we <:3re.- bo ~omunlng, the more we- can never Include every deb.arJ In a dr.awlng. elnce "The clo~er det~1i we can eee. Htlweve~ ?ome edlj;/l1~ I~ nevt~~:aI"Y, we mU0t deCide wn;a~ 10 Jrnpoi"t.;mti ;md ,,~~enbl:al b7 comp/ue ~e Im;age. Remember th.at :3 few du~ll~ c~m ~ugge~ ~ Idt. Includ' Irlg Wo m;al1j def;tl/I~, In fac.t, C3n deprIve.a ~r~wlnq ?f 1;.h(/ u()ntr~~t It; neeJ6 l?ei'ween c.omrlexrty ;lnd tlre.:l!7 of littleor no d~.:l116. /;y thl~ Ciontr.;a~t7 detailed .are.a~ will n"i'lJl"';311y gam ml7re empha~I!7. 1~O ~})I~(ilJIJ1~I'I()~ ])I'j\."'IN(i J\Nl) (JI~]~j-\.1'I'Tlrl'Y WJ~h rmagln~~lon, we- van vl~uallU whai onc.e- wa~ 05 we-II a~ 5r:'BculatB Ot1 wh:;:lt mlgnt ~e-, //1 U51t1g drawing to &nhtll1ce- -bh1'P ~owe-r ~f vl'Puallzat'I:m1 w~ re-Iy n~t onty t'n tJur ablll4vj bCl tJr-.aw fluent!y and convlnc.ll1gly, ~lJt .a1~Cl on cer~am at;tlt;ud~s t~warJ -!the- Jr;;lWlt1'!j rroce~~ rbse.lf. We mu~t eee- the-Image.-makln.q prt7ce.~~ ag a creative endeawr whIch ha6 at I£;~ hearb -f;he- <speculatIve- na1;.ure t7f reflev1;It7t1 ;and though-b, Dr.awlng I~ aml1lguou~­ we tJraw ~ub oUr' -bhought~ wlthoub fulty knOWing whe/"~ the. rroc~gg wri/ l~aA, Dr;awlng enc.c)'Jrage6 refl~ctl,m - while drawn Im;age~ rtl'rre~ent wHat we enVISion, they a/6tJ pre5e-nf:. opportunltle-'P for dI6COVe.rJ' 17r.aW/t11 ~blmulate'P creatIVIty - It; ()J7~rat;es 111 the:- ~pac~ ~ebween 1;h~ real .and the- ImagInary, explorabltm and ~ )1 The proce~5 of drawing Ima.ge~ 011 pape-r neoe~~;arJ!y Involve5 ~pec-UI3i;Iot1. We can never de.~ermlne, !7tfore.~tlnd precl~~1y wh:at the flt1tll olJtGOrt1~ will ~~. Thedeveloping lm~e 011 paper gr3duallj tal<e5 on a hfe of 11;;6 own. We mlJ~t f?e open to the p()~51I1dd~l~ It;. ~re5ent~ 216 W~ reflut: on ;:mtJ explore- the thought~ tlntJ Idea5 It;; t11~ke~ vl~Il?I~. 1Ir'3WI n~ I~ a C-retltlVe, Inter:ac-tlv~ froce88 wherein we c-ot1tlt1UOlJ~ly ~vallJate. -line Image ae we ~earc::;h for a cOl1g ruenc-e \1etwec.n -the Image- we hold In ~n~ mInd)'? eye ;md the one- we- :are. drtlwlng. If W~ dr.aw I1lJndlYJ JP; If follOWing a reCIpe" we limIt our~elve~ on(y wa pree-oncelVed Image antJ rt11~5 op~(}rtlJt1Itle~ for d,~cove,..y along 1&2 -the way, A dr.:3wlng can repre'5e.n.J;; curlo'5lty In -f;;he- fure-~t ee-ne.e. Th,ng'5 come- te? mind ;3::; we: VIew a drawI/1g In progr~'5, whl~h can chant1e- e?ur re.rce-ptloH t7f -the prob- le-m a-/:; h:and :and '5ugge.::;t rO'5s,bild~le~ not yet conceIved. It, ~/loW'5 LJ~ -boexflore aVe;nue~ WHICh could not be fore'5ee-n before. the dr.awlng wae ~/;art;.eJ, but whlc.h generate- Idea~ along the way. De'5plte; the ope.n-el1dedne'5'5 ~f thedraWing proce'5~, we. mU'5t be In cl7ntre?J eo that "/;he. e;me-rgln~ Image- doe5 not t;;;lke e?ver vompletety the way wedraw. We mlJ'5t :a Iway '5 be mIndful t?f tjo.al and purpo'5e-7 and l:?e. selutlve. In -thedJreotlot1 we take-In develt'plng a draWIng. We /11LJ~t" rely Ol"l InttJl-f,/on :3~ a gUide. In the rO€>~II1",tlee> and t-o outline- €>t-;art:-h for chOIce-e>. In~lJ,tlol"l, ht'we-v~r; le> k:ra~ed 011 Informed e.x F?81" I e-n ce. We t:-;annt7b draw on draw OIJt;. wh~t I~ nc?t ;already wlthl/1 e.ach one. vf LJB. stll!, drawing van leat! the. way In thl€> 1111;.UltlVe €>e:art:-H for Ide2l€> ant! pr'ovld~ a tran~d~lon from pre.~el1t to futlJre pO~~lbdl'f;"e.e>• Il1tlJl'l~lon and • OE:?c~rprrve WORD:; To rMAGE:? • A COLL.AGE OF'TMAGE':5 .. ~.-r-=-1~ ~ "f> ...- '/./_ _--.. .. -L : I Ol't.,.. \ ~~i ~ c ~ ,.. vllfA: T t:. A dr.awlng doee. no17 arrive- flJll~b!owl1 and Orawll1ot1~ CIf fIr?'/;; tholJght€> are. nec~~~ari/y t-enbtlVe., €>pec.ul3t:/ve. 7 ;;lnd exploratory, We may '?tart meh ?pevlhv a~pec-j;e> of a partIcular form or€>ettll1g, or betJln WIth a more qe.nerallz.e-d Ima~e­ of a convert: or con~truot, In 3ny ceee, complete., where we €>t~lI'"t I~ not; 3:; 1t11 por{;.;;lnt a6> where- we- end up, The mo€>t Imj:'ort-al1t, thIng, ftherefo/"'e, I:; to ge-t the. fw€>t, IntlJltlve. 1&4- !ma.ge~ down on paper: f [ \I \ r I 1! \ I I I L_ . _._-~ ____ • '?T~UCTU~Al. f'AiTBRN~ Th~ fJr'~t ~k&i;(/h~? wedr.aw ""re ~lmll~I"" we LJ~e to org;aI1Iz.e. them""te-rl.a! fc?I'" an ~f;.ay. They help U~ dl~till ~LJI1Je(/t matte-I"" down e~f;entI31'? and dWlde. what I~ II11j1ortant.. As W~ W th~ OU1;) I ne.~ w .dr~Hv, the 61JI1cOnGC10LJ~ work~ Its woOy .md the. m,11cd 7q, eye frlt~rq, out;. wh3t of con'So~q,ue.nce-. The more Imp0r'bal1t ;,l6]1eu6 ar fe.aturc6 wtll tend to rieetc? the ~L.J/"'f.ace. while. leq,~er one-£7 are. discarded 1/1 the. rroceq,q,. It'! I~ The q,mall&r the Initial ~ketch7 -the. I1roadel'" the- oonOett1; It 0311 fc?rm. 0m",,1I '?ketohe6 are. u~efLJI '?lnce they ;allow .a q,amu-t: ~ ro~d1J1d:;lcq, to l1e eX~lol""e~. St7metlmeq, a oleardwectlc?t1 will emer':leq.l.llvkly. At c?ther -blme.~, m""ny dr.&3wlnq~ ;;Ire req,LJlrcd to t"~veal the rt"of&r' cour~& of ac.tlc?l1. In &Ithe-rczee, draWing Idea'? ouJ:;; tJltlm ul3teq, the. devel17pment 17f alte./"'n;atwe 6t1'".&3teglc6 In"" fluent :and flexlt1Je manner'. In the- c.Y'e:a'blV& proc,~-;,s I~ f;tl b'e able f;Q gene-rate, ;a Wide ral1.ge of P0f,SIf1J/l'/;;/e:S and l.de.3~. Tt' b~ flue-l1-b ,n -the. dr;lWIJ1~ prt'c~ss IS f;o be IntultlV& whe.n plavlng penvl! to pape.r, r(;~p,mdlng WIth ea-;,e and qr;ace to one7~ tht7l.1~ht6. We mf)~t be. able. -bo keep up WIth our thoughts, wh,c.h c.an l1e fleeting. To b'e fILJUl-b ~~~\~...lJ\1--JllJ...ll~. .Ji.l~\l-4i~r--\~~ll-\lI"1l"'-\I~jl-\\'-\t'--t"-\IL..W""\HHr-\M\-'t . I ---- --- We are ab/~ to pvt thtJlI9hf;;€, down- ----~----------,---------- on- pfll.p~'" ea~/!y In Wyrtltvg. 10 devdop bh/~ IfJa,me flIJenq pradlce.- Ott ~ r~tJlar b~~I~. Wt learn 1;0 dYa,w Ol1fy by dmw/n~, One- way 1;:0 dyawtn~. we II'V mIJ&f; fMIIJf:;t.l.J,e coY/f;,/YIVA,,{ rrad;./Cb 1& f;,(; k.ter a 1ft rf; ~keUif,J?cJ()/<" M1Ml (,Vel" al1d F'O~Ib>(~, a.l1d 1::0 draw wh{/Ye/vu' --- I I J I I I fJefore dr.awrnq c..:3n l?tc.ome an JntuJblVe f-'3rb of OJJr vl?LJal -thInkIng, we mLJ~t flr~t be :al?le to draw ~Iowly, ,delIberately, :and acc,ur;ate(y. While speed m.ay Ct7meWIth r,'UShll1g tJne~e-lf W draw faflcer, ?pec.~ Without the dl%lpllne t:7f JLJtJ':1me-l1t' le> c,ounberprordlJct/ve-. 6p~e-tl oamoe n.:3tu/"'aJly only wl-bh ft"'ac;.-t-Ic;e. and ref:'etl'!~lot1 over -.:In extende.d rer1t:7d ?f tIme... fh3C1;ICe.. until the ac;t of ruttmg down a line. I~ ;3n aLJt0l113tlC, re.fle)(, :6 n:atul"'4:l1 r~~pot1~e. 'lio what we. ~re. seeing, lmaglt1ln':1, Ill" dl"'awIl1g. / I / I, ~..i---rD A Vj.ulc.k Wlt7,de. t7f tlr'~Wtn~ 1!7 neve.~e>ary to c;~pblJre. a ~rlef mc7me-nt In the. flow of Idea6" whlOrt cannot ;a/wayt8 ~e, dl~ re.cted t7i'" ct7f1trt7l1e.d, Flue-Hey In drawIng there-fore. re.q.ulr"&~ ~ free:-hanc1 tul1~ nlq,tJe., with a mlnU'I1LJm t'f tool~, U~fl1q T, g,qu;are~ '3l1d trumglee> W dr.i3ft on87~ thought'? dlVert~ too much ~ttet1-t;Ic7n aW2Y fi"'om the vl~LJ~1 bhJnkln~ prov~6.. Related to fluency I~ the Idea ~ efflvlenvy. ~fflvleHt/y In dr;lwlng, and tne. re~uItlng Invrea~e In drawing ~peed7 come~ with kniiwmg wf'!:i3t:: to dr.aw and what to omlt:i What I~ nece~~ary ;;lnd wh~t le> InclJel1t~1. rhl~ kMwledge tOt7 can onlY come- With &xf&rlence and ;;l ~u-Ing eye-. 1f17 To t1e fleXlh'le I~ to l?e ofe-n W exrlorln~ ~ variety of ap~roac.he'O ae new Idea~ :and f0:7!7lbdltre~ 211"1&(/, Flexl~dd;,y I~ Impor- t;;]nt bec-alJ!7e how we, draw affec-te:. the. uncon~c.IOU!7 dlr8ctlcm ~ OUr' thlnklrlg ;;:;lI1d how our vl~u.a1 thoughts ;;;are. fi7rme-d and oar!;/clJ!;atecL I ,___ L L-' _ 1?ECOME f'AMtt..!AR WITH VA~roU~ tlRAWlN6 MBPlA,. TBCHt-.rrQUE:~, AND fOfN'1'-;; OF VTE:.W; Jf we. feel Gomfot"table. with knOWing now 1/Cl drt3w only one. Wt3Y, rdylng on hoablt ;;and convention, we unnec.e!7!7;arl[y limIt our thInkIng. 10 be- ah'le to look ;at; :a problem In ,a,fferen-b way? re.V1ulre~ beIng a~18 to drJvv the~e V3rIOU~ vizwe. We- mLJ~t ~ec;ome famill4iW and fluent wIth the V3r101)~ cdrt3wlng mecd la, -be.c.h- nlqpe-s, and c.onvet1t(on~, :and view them !7lmply t3!7 tool!7, to be !7electeJ acc.ordlng to their tilfp'ropr,atef1e~:; to the .j;;21~k, Be.glnl1ll1.g----+~ - - - _. _. - - .. - - -. A flexd?le ~egJnrHn~ a~r'oavh bo Jrawln.g j~ -fl.he. Of a i?&arc.h whlc.h Cfte.n Involve~ b/"Ial ;3I1a error, rh~ wdllngt1et5~ 'boa'!1k "wh.-at If, .. ~" Cj3n lead? howeve-t; to ~/tiernatJVe& worthy t'f d~velop­ thLl~ ~lIow~ u<? 1;0 take advant.age. of opportund';le~ a~ -they a,...,~e. /n the. draWing pr(jce'7~, me-ni;, A fleXible. ;/b-bltude. While fluency ;;lnd flexll:7J1,ty ar~ Important In the-l?eglnnlng fha~e~ of .any c.reatlve el1ae;avr7r; they mUt51; "'eo vour1etl With Judgment :<ma ~elutlvl-by. We m Ut5t ~e a~le f;t' ge.t1erate ana de-velar Idea& WIthout IO~lnq ~Jght rtJrpo~e, t7F the overall ,gO;;!I or Th~ creA~IVe. prOC~f;f7 OuvLJre> over LJnch ar~ed bel"rl'!;ory. To pur~ue.. what we do not .al ready know, 1-1/ re neue~%wy to h:ave a ~en~e. of wonde.r, the patl~nce.. to ~u~pend Judqmenf;;, ;and a t-ol~r.anve, wr i3mj.;?lgutty. ._ .. ~ ~" ~ I~ I 11 l' -I-+-~t- -===--=-=a3if ~ E:XFLORATORY PRAwtNG5 ARE OPEN-ENDED, A6Lt:'. TO 13E ADAPTED TO "THE DEVE[.OPlN6 N'EED~ Or A <?ITUATroN. In accep-blnq am17lqLJl'by, we unforbul1:ately jo~e. the cQmfort. tJf fam r1rard::.jI. Ve;a!,ng only WIth the. clearly defIned and t!1e. famrllar, hliwever, rreclude? ~he f'la~tlcd;y ;ima adapt.abJlrty Cif thought l1ece~sary 1/1 3ny creatIve endeavor: loleratlng aml1lgulty tlllowfI 00 ~o accept l.mver~;aln1;;Y7 t/I~ortk.r; and the f'tlradoxlcal 1/1 the froce~~ of orderIng our thQuqht~. l~O The- my~tery ;and vhallenge of ;amh~ulty at7plle~ ae well to dr3Wlng. H"w can we draw If we do nc7t know what -I;;he final Imtl~e. will look Irke? i11e i311~Wer I,ee> 1/1 undere>t3ndll1g the exploratory nature of Jr.awll1g whlc.h re> Il1tel1de.d -1;0 ~tlmlJl;ate and extend our thlnkll1~. T11e~e freeh:and and It1tultwe dr.awll1~ .dIffer from the more. formal and expliCit dr.awlnq~ lJ~ed to c.Ol11mUnlc.~te. -there~[)lt~ tJf onel~ thll1klng. ~E0AIJ5E OF'THEfR. fNCOMfLETENEt;5g. IN- PROCE<SS DRAWfNGS CM!.BE: ReAD ANt:' P£VELOPED fN A NUMBSR or: WAY?, The- flr6t Ill1e~ of ;3 tdl"aWln~ are- l1eve~~ ~;3rJly te-nt.,-b,ve, repre~e.nbll1q PI1 Iy the. l1eglnnlng 17f.;a cre~tlVe. ~e.;al"c-~. 1l1e-reI~ ~n Il1he-re.nt ~t11l?I~LJlty W the ~t.;ate. of t/he drawIng be-fore It /6 fully formed. Only ae the drawing 16 tran6f?'l"med ;3l1a refll1c-d doe~ It; ~ecome cle~r el1?'ugh to Jud"e whether the-re- l~ a <?atl~factoI"Y corre~/?ol1tdel1ce l?etwee.n tJ1e ,magll1~ II112lge- 'Pl1d t~e Ol1e W& are dl".,WII1~. While ;3 prIor notIon I7f an Ima1& I~ nece66ary, 11; can be- a h'ndranoe If we. do nt7t eee 11;. ae 50meth Jng we oan In~erav1; With a6 we. draw. If we can ~ccert thl~ e,xl11oratory nature of dr.,wrt1"~. we C.311 l1eneflt from what -f;hey re-ye-a!. When we. C,311 accerti theIr aml1lgulb,y, we o/?en up -bhe oreai/verrooe~6 tv- chance and dl~ooverj. 1~1 A cre;atllve. Imaglt1;3t110n re'1;3rt/<e> t71t1 q.ue<e>'li/oM, from a new :;lngle.. 'ft7 eee 111 new waY<e> thut? r~q,uJr~t? :;l keen power t7f vl~uallz.;3tlt7n :;lnd an under~3ndlng t7f the fle-xll?dlty dr2lwlnq offer? In pot?lng 11e-1V q,ue-t?-b'lont? antJ prG-~entlng ne-w f'0?~lbil ,./;le'8>, [8 AA 4f4F ~ORT, J<:.EARl'::ANGE. VARY THE: fOINT Of VIE:W. FRAGMENT, RelYing t7t1 l1abll/ :and oonVel1t1It7t1 when we dl"'aw van Impede the- flow t7f neW Ideae>. Cre2ltl/vlby feedt5 on a fre~h eye, If we can eeo thlng~ oute>lde of their primary Gont;e-xi:;, we are l1etter ableto vIeW the c.ommonpl~"e WIth a nsw ~er~pec;tlVe-. We C311 tran~form theIarmhar to the ~range and the '5br.anqe bo tf1e- fat11lll~lr·. We can eeo hIdden o~por'liunl-ble~ In the unut?u;al and the f'tlr'adOXf cal. Pr.awlng gJVt~ ue> the mean~ to ~ee thing? wh,,,h are not f0e>~II?Ie- 111 re-alfby. Ae> we t/r.awJ we C3n vary -the arrangement t7f I nforl11at,on, We can free theInformatIon from ri;e. normal context '80 that /t van vome- togeth~r In a neoW way. We c.an fr2lgment.1 '8orb, ;;Jnd grcllJf' accordIng to '5/m darltlee> ;and d'fferen"e~, We G3n alt-er eXI'8tlng rbI3~Ii7n­ ~h'p~ and 6tudy the- effeDt~ ,?f new ~ rt7uplngt? .-- TtJR.N" AN lE/EA OVER-IN THE MIND~ Whle-h a!l?embly doe~ not fI-f;; the f.attern -- .•.. .... ;,.... ? 'SEE THE: WHOL.E IN THE: PAR.T•.. • . ,' •• .,\N1/ THE. PART rH THE: WHOLE. t3n ~tJmLJI~te OLJr iihlnk/t1g 17y working varlOLJe> I~ve.l~ vf t?c~le 2lnd ;;;Ib~trac.tltm. To eee wIth a fr~e>h eye, we C21n look.at a mirror Image V'f what We ;;;Ire dr~wln.g. We C3n turn the dr~wlng [.Jp~lde down. We c.at1 ~t.;ilnd 17avl< from the drawlnq to ~tlJdy the V/~u;;;l1 ~~~enCie of thelm«lt3e-- It~ ba~lv elements, r~l;atlon~hlp~7 ;;md !7~t­ tern~. We can e.vel1 eee. It; throlJqh We ~'b SOl11eone- el~e1e> ~yefJ. LJ~e-f!J1 Y.;;lrIOLJ~ pOlnt~ l'b can /1e to eee a ~JtlJatlon from of vIew. fhlt1k al:7ou'b th~ thlt11 dr:awn, hold It In -the. mind''? eye, ;;;Ind turn It over. tju, It fr(7m different; enc.ourage 'bhl~ ~hlf~ In VIew, It m:ay 11e. u~eflJl b(7 g,mply lJ~e a dIfferent me.dlLJt11, ;J drfferen1i r;;aper, ;;;I dlffer~ni; techl1/e:tLJe) or a dlffere.nt dr.aw1I1g COI1Vent,Ot1, 2l~pecte;. ~ 117 m;:3ke conl1e.c;.tlol1~ JI? to I?et; l?,mil;3n-/;:le~, Inc;.t?n~rUI1;Ie.g, ~nd un~xre.c;j;;e.d rela1;;lol1~h1P0 ;;lmong :;:l q,«Ie:~ of elemen~ Or' qroLlplngq,. BeIng .able. to m~ke c.onn~c.­ tlOnq, J~ vruc;.laJ ti7 the. formatIon "f nt-w concer~l (m 6. t::vel1:a~ we c!r~w, we c.~n ac.t,vely q,ee.k cOnl1~c.t'lon0 and recognl:t:e. r3tcern6. t?r~wln.g can -/;:hU6 q,erv~ 36 3 cab.aly6t for m:akJng the~e Cionnec.blot1~ and ~eeln1 In .a new way. 10 recognize. p.atter'n~ 16 t17 p&rcelve. the- conf,tgur.atlon 17f 61gn Iflc-ant; ~lmJlarltle~ or dlfferenc-e.fJ :amonq elem~ntfJ. ?fnCi& !?ercerb,on 16 ba6ed on the. 6earc.h for' me.anlngful pa"ttern6, actIve- r;atte.rn5eeklng 16 a natur.al part of vl6u;a1 thinkIng. ~ven when oonfronted wIth sn Incompl~te Or' amorphou6 patte-rn, we tent:l 1;17 fill '11 or proJec.t Image6 to c.re.at~ order 0Lit; of c.ha06, In draWIng, we Invent :and elaborateme.anln~hd p~tte.rn6 With the b.a61Celement6 of dot', line, 6hare, and tone. We tl"j to e6tabl16h GOne-rent; relatlon6h I p8 .and :a VI6U:a I un Ity In the c.ompoq,lt,on of PO~jtlVe. and neq:atiVe. 6hare6 WIthout eacr Ih::;lI1g J lVer61ty not'" ~hl)ttlng out. the arn blguou~ :and -the. p~ l"adt7x I c.al. • • k re t- ..J ! .n. ." • • • • ~. I~ j LJl. There t7fben e-Xlq;t ~&Ve-r~1 laye-rq; c?f p'ail~ern~ In a d'ra WJ n~ and there-tt/re'8eve-ral layer~ elf meanln~. In adtlltlc?n t'11 the fundamental compc?~I-bJc?n t7f lrne, t?hape, and -bone-, there may ;;ll~o ~emean mgflJl vom POq;ltron~ of detail, t;exture, and cc?/or. We ~hl1uld be Ofen to rev.?~l1lzlng the!i?e and no-l::;deal '81t11ply WIth -!;ht:- mO'8t .?/::1VIOLJ~ pattern. We '7hould fJr'~t Ide-nt;,fy bhe~e organIZII1.g ratj;ern~ t7f a dr2wlnq /::1e-fc?re. de-Ivlng Into -bhe ~;3/1;alyt,c~l concern for detail':?, If we can eee -!;he,~e. pattern'8 It'! dJfferent w~Y'6 - fty qrouplt1g, CI.?'6LJre-, 01" p/"Ojec-tlc711 we creat-eo J11?re- P.?'6~I~i1ltle? ;;ll1d -bhe p.?ten-!;/al for givIng an Ima~e a ~re21t;e-r depth of mean Inog, An;a!yg,I? ~nd g,yntheg,11? ;art- oomrle-me,n~ 1:i~ry p~rt~ of a "?/ngle-, creatIVe rroce~~, AnalY~lg f1re~kt? gOI11t-l:;hlng down Into m:3n~ge-3f1le ~artt?; 0ynihe'!:i10 I~ the. comb'lnlng or rearral1gll1q pf elemel1t~ Into:a new whole, 1/rawln~ qJVe~ ue th~ ;;:l 1111 d~y to wt7rk ct7l11fort3f1ly b'aok and forth f1etween ~n3ty~11? ;;:lnd 0Yl1the~ll?, Ana/yt/v:al dr.awlng ll7ok~ at and ab6'tr.ac.t;~ conq,iil'i:il)e.nt p.artq, 3nd their rel.at/on~hlf'q, withIn :a larqet'" con-bex'!/, 0yntnetlv drawlnog orChei?tr;ilte~ the IndIVidual qraphlc. or de~lgn e.lemel1t~ 1111:;0 a unified whol~, 11 ~\:~. If .~i If i We de-vell7p .and refine a dt"3wl ng \?j burldlng It lJ~ In 13ye-r~. rhll} 13yerll113 c.a11 occ,ur on ~ "7lngle i?rre-et Qf paper If we develop.a drawln,q 1/1 *~e-~, ,e~lnnlng W'1:;h the 13yOl.Jt of foundablon or ~trlJv~ ivral Irne~, We draw ilhege- InItial lIne-I? llght[x In an exploratory m3nner. WI~hln ihl"? fr;ll11ework, we c.an !?e~1t1 W 3n~lyte­ emerging pat~erng, of elemel1t~ .md relatl"ng,l1lp~, Then a~ we- m.ake VIgLJ31 J()dgm8nt~ 011 &tuaIJty of line, ",hare-, -bone, 3nd c.omrot?Itlon, wt:- dr.aw oVt-r -t-he- develof'r1g Image, In a rtlJm!?er t7f r~I~1;;~.d hut dl~c.rete ~te-r~, W~ 31'b~rn~t;~ ~etwee-n ~nalyt:ln~ tht- rart~ '* the- dr.awlng ~ynthe.I?It:InVJ them In!;" ., ~lt1gle-, Unified COI11PO~I{:;lon. ;md I / I-{j···· /1 7' / 5TUO\"ING f'O'?'.?lB!.E COMf'O$JlfONe;> ~- 3;~~~~' ::'~' TRYING OUT 01FFERENT fORMAT6 Th~ tr;m~fOrm;3tl,m of ;3 dr.awlng can the r.rry0IC.a! l:ay~rlr1g t5h~e-t5 if tr.:lGtng rar~r, ;;1100 OCCUr' through ~ trat1~r~rent In ihlt5 f'ro(/et5~1 we C,,11 dr.3wover ano-t-her drtlwlt1g whtl~ al1.a{yzlng It€? Gon~tltuen'b eJement6. Thrl7ugh br2lclng r3re~ we C"r1 make cOt1nectlon~, eee f'3itern~, and ~~LJdy re-l;;Ihon~hlp~ fi'"ol11 one /:ayer w the next. COMBINING f"AR.T~ HJ A NSW WAY ~)(erCI~Jl1g JLJaqmel1t, we v;an ru:aln cer!;3ln element~ and refme O'th~r6. We can, 111 :a phy0lC:a1 m;al1ner, m<al1lf'ul;ate and re.3rr:ange ~he latered Image~ :a0 In 21 £:.oll:age. We zan form new 36fJOcl;atIOI1~ :and draw new f';3-/itern~. We C.3t1 dl%over ;and 0yt1-!:;h~lze new Im"l3e~. 1"7 JJl~ S]~I..l]~(~rl'I'7]~ F/uenc.y In drawIng promote€> th~ fluent .gener;;rtilon of Ide;a~, A~ dr;a WIng t'pen~ up our eye~ 1;0 il ran~e t7f pO~~lbdd;le67 we mu~t ~ecome q,e1ectrve ilnd temper the dlVer~enf:, l1.:lture tlf fluency With ct'nvergent thInking, We mU0t I?e able 1;0 d I~cern .and foc;ut? dn wh;at; 16 6'~nlfr­ c-:an'f;, A c.re;atwe. q,elJrch can 2lad uf'to nothln~ If we 106e th/5 fdC;U?, " OM d2Y AI,,;e c:ame to;a ork In the rt':ad :and 0:aW ;a che~Jre cat'WhIch ro~d at' I t:ake1" ~he A~ke-d, HI~ re6rOMe. W..;l~ ;; llf.ue~tilon: 'Wl1ere do you W..;lI1'l;. bp go ~" 'I don'i/ Know,7 AI,ce .2ln.r;wered, 'Then,' ~:aIJ ~he, c:at-" 'It:; doe.r;'l1t matter, " " In a bree, ~~~ "WE MAY TAKE FOR A CO Mf'MHON, BUT MUST fOLLOW l\l~.L.\..S()N . A? oVR GVIP£ ," 1Ir.awll1g w/f;nout thinking 16 a de-ad end. VLte mU6t re;;a~on ag. we- ~erc,elVe-, 8nVI<810f'1 , ~lt1d draw. l/rawlI1g C4iln help c,/;;arlfy ihou,ght only I?y ooml?1n Ing ~he ,nf;ud~ll"e arproac,h of V16LJ p llzat lon with 1;he rea60nlng I7f the 'niellec.t. All the: flu811C,Y we. ;;;lc,~t.Jlre In dr:awtng Will n~ 01Jb'~tl~utti for an Inqp,rll1g mll1d and a crdilcal e-ye-. 111 etprl:??lrlg -t-he. t7LJ{:;el'" re.~lltj we&xperle.Mce. 2nd tf1" I nn~r reallt;,y t?f 1il1e mft1d'~ t-je, WIJ draw;a Al2logue~etween VI~IPn ;;and thought;, we- cre.ate ~ ~ef.. r;ate world of In1~e?, 111 tne ~face ~etwt'en ill1e re.al ~l1d 20() the lm;:lqln.ary, Arnl1e.In1, Rudo/f. VI~1)31 ThInking. ~~rke/~y, CA: UrtlVer~lt.y.?f C,allf,wI1'3 F'r~~) l'~~. crowe-1 Norman A. anti P'J3vl N<Jt:.e~. New comp..any, L:a~eaLJ. V,~u31 Y"fAk: Van NO'7trana Relnl70ld 1~~4. lie I'pno, ~.d w"rJ. k.oat;e.ral rh, nklrtg: Cre.oatlvlty ~tt:f.Yj gter. New Yorl(: H.:Irrer ani4 ~OW, f'LJ~II~her~, J~70, 1/pd~()t1, f;erb. Key'~ tp Pl"~wln~. C,nClrln.:J-bI, OH: North /"I~ht Pre"~7 1~"17, &Jw;3r.d~, f7etty. 12rawlnq PM the t<1~l1t g,de of ~he r;r~ln, L.o~ An~~le~: Hpughun M,ff/ln CP., J.r, 13t'c.he~ 1~7~, Art-hut' L.. fr~h.al1ti l?rJ3Wltl~ 5elf,t.avqht. N~w Ytwk: W3t~0I1- &urttll Pul?llc:at lon~, 1~80, MoK/m, Rol1ert H, 1:X'p-er/enc~ In VI~u31 111lnkln~. 2nd etld:;lo?l1, ~o~tm: f'ub"~hU'~) 1')80. f'W~ t-Jelm~? Hel1t1lng. "Thinking wf{h 3 PMlcd. ~erkeleY7 CA: -ren t?fce.d Pre"ej? 1~81, Pye., l7,avltL /he l-Jature .3nJ A0f;h"tlv"; .?f l7e~/~tIl New'(prk: Van NO!1t;r~l1tJ Relnhp/d Ct?m P~l'1y, 1~7b, Rotb~er) Errwf; anti t7/ete-r Klante-. Cre;lt.IV~ I?rpW1t11~ FpIMt. and k,ne:., I--Je-w Yprk: V~m N.?~t;r.and ReIn hp/J company, r~8', Ihlt~l, rhdllp. Fre.eh~t1J V'r~wlt1g.LA !'-Jew York: rrent-Ic.e 11211 f'r~.1 P'rlm~, lq~~, GUpt"/, Hanke, KLlrt 3nd L.3t'r,y ~ellll?-/;on. t7r.aw! A VI~lJ;!1 App-ro.acn i;p -n1Irtkll1q, ke3t"n't1~, 3t1d Communlc,€t/n~. /...017 AltpfI, CA: W,/I';ltrl K3ufm.:ann, Inc.., 1')77. l-3~e~w, P.avl. ~p-hlc ih,nkln~Jtt .and pe~/gner~, New Yo,.,k~ V.an ~,,%r.:ar1d Relnhofd company) I~eo. Archltect~ L-.a~e.au, Paul, 1,,*,I,ne 6ketch Inf1. Nt-tv York: V.at1 I--Jo~trand Relt1ho/d Comr~my') 1"~7. Lpo k.oa rA, W,/I,~rn KIt"by. C7efll~n C7r;3wln~, Rev/~uJ E3J,-t/Pt1. iuc~ol1, AZ: Pul1ll~"lIn~, I~&£., f'errer zo1 • i:tIward Hill The /'~f1gu~'1e ff Dr.awlt1~ fl1~l~w.?pd CI,ff&, NJ : F'rentlce ~ Hall, I~U?~ 202. INI)J~X A:eJ/-to, AI v.ar, -'1, t:315, I~~ .a17i7tr.ae-t i7h3pe~, ~f? Ad~m~, An~~/, I?£' atlthbwe- ft7f'<m'f), 1~2 -1~ ~ aer';l I fer~pe.c;.~IVe-, eo ;l/11bl~U/~Y, 1~o·1~1 Am I~n~ C.athedral, ~" ;an3IY-;I~, 1~~ -1"7 b.ac.KlJrt'und , eo- rPl I'e.ardt;ley, Aubrt% '7;1 ~err.a, Yt7~ r, 77 f7ert/e-II/, f',etrt7, 1~~ f7tmng, ~.~., 1~ cal/I~r.aphlc. Ilne~, 61 Carroll} l.~WI~, l~b Cai7i7~tt:, Mary" Bb Cel.are-k, AIt:-ki7anA~r, 1171 c.rrc.I~~ In rer~peCf;lve" 12fJ-12~ clo~ure., 7tr-7~ commlJl1ltatll1g,2(;7 liOmmLJnlc~tlol1, Arr3WI111 2>~, 32-3~ comr1e.)( f()rm~, 1~~ -I ~7 compO~,.t;ldn, 134, 70-71, B~-8'J cone of VI~Ii7n, 101 conne~tl(m~, rn~l<ln~, 1~4-1~15 Cont;t-.able, John, 88 conf:;ext, 115, 21, 176-177 c.onf"I1U If,y, c,onf;olJr ar.awlng, 4-2-4-~ cr~~f;,lVd/y, lf71- 161- cro~ - h.a-tc.h f n g, 4'!J c.u!1e ;3'7 dr.awln~ eleme.nb, 100, 101', 111, 11~-117, 11:34-, 1~0-I~Z (7;H'WIn, Ch3r1e~, '31 17.au mler, Honore, ee O.avle-7, Robert~on, 71 !7.aVII1CI, L~ol1.ardl7, 17, ~1, ~~ 77, 1~" f7e1.a~, f3.Jq.a r 88 aeri;h CtllJe~, ~3-~7 aep-bh/ dr.awln~, P)2-1~~ me.a~urll1gJ 120-121 det;..atlt;) 11, 44-, ~O, 11~-17~ dI3~on;il1 I/ne~, 122-1'2~ J'3~r.am~, 32,15" d I~t.ant. van,?hln~ pOInt?} 114-1ZI7 ar.3Wlng a~ commUt1lcatlt7t1, ~2-?? a~ repr~en-/;)t'on, 2fJ-2IJ 2'7 vl~u:aII'Z3tI0r1, ~O-?l /1eyonJ the rre~em/;;, 1~ from Im.agr/1ailPI1, 14~ Ilne~, ~~-11 medIa, 22-213, 27} 4' p'ro"e~~? 10, lfJZ-lt'3 1I&chn1tiyll, 27 -bt7o?{,?} 2.Z- 2G, ?;~,43, lfJ7 f7ul?LJffe-t, Je.an, 72f7ufy, R.$oLJ I, 171 7' c;.ontolJr~, 3", 4~" '3~-a>o, «z, 84, 'J~ conf;ra'1t, 31Jt, '3~, 172 -17~ CO/1ve-r~~l1ce-, 104-101;; Corl1lJ~,~r, ~~, Z~, ?"1:3 cre.atlV& rroc.e~, dr.awlng a~.1 ?;O 208 elevabof1 vlew~, 11;2 ~ 1?~ h3tch,n~, 4f; Hoku~.3I, 151 et1VI6IorJlng, 1?J7~ 17~ t-~ UI VQc,,1 fIg ure~, 1e; horizon lIne-, eXf?re~~Jn~ ~hrtllJ~ h d r;awln~, 10, 20 bxpr~~IV~ Ilne~, 30 Jf~-4~ ?r III L1~IOt'l~, 10, 7~ &Xflor3to!'"j drAWln~, 30-?!1 figure - ground relatlon~hlr~, (;0,70-71 flgure~ In re-r~rec.tlVt-, 17A - 17~ &~3bll~hln~ ~t;.lre, ~~ flexl 1111 ,./;y, 1PJb-l~" ~I;, lo? Im3~1t1.3tI0t1, 31, 13fJ- 14'?J Ilnt-~, 12~·127 Inc.l,t1t:d I n-tvl~ IPM, 1b4-1 fJl7 l~e remrl~, ~4, 147 l~omeit"'le- vlew~) 1I7~-II7~, fluenc.y, 1b,,-1b1 fore~hortenlf1g, lo~-107 form) Jr3wln'1, 1?7, 7fJ, 1~t7 e:rY31/tlt~ t?F, 20, 4'~.~7, 173,81 Ja~tro~ JtJeterh, to John~ot1) '53rt1ue-I, 1~~ Jord3t-n'!7, J3ub, 4~ ~u1?o/tr30tlV~, 1~4~ 1~G Fro~t, RtJbu-t, 77 Kumyoethl) qeome-bry, 44, 12~ l~ya~1 Jr3wln'!? In, 1~~-1~1 ft?rm~, adJ/tlVe, '''2 -16~ vomr1ex, IWIP - 1~ '1 ~t~ture tfr;wlrtg, 00 "r3t?hlv trt3t/11t-nt, 21 ~rI4~, 14'0 ll?tr, llPT groond rI3ne,,~I7, grourln~1 12.-7?; 102- Kahn) ~OVI~ L) 1717 /70 ~e; light, 21, 41, 4~, eo, 130-1~1, lu;~, 112·11~ line .?f ~I~ht, 101 lIne. 3~ ~r3WIf11 e1t-m~nf;, '2.0, 3r7-~1 11I1e3r re.r'?t?t-c.tlV~, oe- 1317 line'?, c:;alll.qr;aph,c-, t?1 COt11;OVtj '%) ttz -417, ?~, (,2, ~4­ tJr3WIt1t1) 'b~41 e')(pre~~lVe, 07) -t~-.q.1 Illv~I0t13\y, 7"7 moJelln~, 4-~~4~ If, 20- 21 regul.31;It1~) ?J7) t?2-17l;; Ylrtv~l, 7~ IOC-31 V31IJe~) 1v.al/tle~ eo 204 M3t!jrl1:1te-, Rent-, 'Zoo mater/;3It7) Il1d IO.ptl n~, 44M~tl~<)e, He-nr/, 37, ~4M;3J bet-k.; J;erl1;3r.d, 1~17 memory drawlnt1, 1e mlnd'~ eye, R.aeh;ael, Rembr.aI1Jt. v.an Run, 1,1)~ rerre~e.nt-;atl"n, .ar.3wln~ ;J~7 28,Z~ R17JIn, Avgv~te, 11)" Rvbel1~) r~l;~r P.aU/, 107 1~-17, 7tP-77, 14"0 m"tl~rll1~ Ilne~ 4f>'~~ l11ovement, Indlc3tll1g, 21 n2tur21,1flt./v gh.are?, ~4 Nevm.a/1I1, BJlth;3~~r, 1131 6c;aI~) ~Jf' ~'7, 174-1713, 11)~ ~~ctl~n VIe.W~, "bl/q'y~ vlew~) 117V,1171, 1717 one'pOll1f, r.er~pevf;IVe-, lOb, 110' 111 orbh17graphlc- VJe-w~, 1tf~, 1G~ OVe-rl3PPI ng ;3~.3 de~h c,lve, ~4 P~1I1bheon, 115'2 parallnt-- vlew~, 115'5' 1?~ r;attern, '2(" 40, 11)4-,11)17 pe-no";;, 22-'2'3, '2f5 pel1~, '22, 2Jf,2/? people, ar2wln'1, 114-, f7~ l7e-rcep'bIc?I1, 1Z' 1;; per.;re.ctwe, eleme-ntg ~, 101' 10~ ~t17metry. 1:2~ -1 '317 1111 e;a,..., ~ f> - 1.;17 mea'?ureme.nt~, vlew~, 1"'5, 11t;,11" 17T? 1~O' 1~1, f';a/1/", 30, ~4, 77, 1eo picture rJ;al1e, ~r;, 1172, 104 -10G f'IC.a~~O, rl.~11 vlew~, 148- 14-~ f're~el1tat/"n ~ rawln~~) ~~ proJe.cf;/on, 7~' 77 prt'portlon, 17, t7Z, ~4--~r?, (;fJ, (,~ rroxlml'by, 72 ~1 refl~c,-/;.Ic?n~; 134-1?17 r~gul.atln1Ifne~, '37, 172';fi Re I me c.",-Bhed r; I, 1170 1170'1'71 6ee-1111, 10, 120'17, 1~2-1~' 6ele-ctlvl1;y) l~f> -1~~ 6hatde, 20) 7~'80, ~h.ad~W~) ":7h;are , ~h;ape se, 1"., 130-1'?~) 17Z 11, '20, 4-2 '4'~, r;~ - J5~, '?7-8'!J, 172- oon;;t;mc.y, 8& 6h;aFe~, ~b~tr2c.t, fJG ;at; ?JI11 b"I~? PJ~, 81 (7i"'q;3nlz.In~, 70-71 pO~ltlVe 2nd negative, oo-o» t?lghtlng 'liec.hn(qye<?, r;~-,,~ ~1t3n~) '07 ~Im"arlty, 71Slm uttJ3I1!10U'? c.ontra'!?t, 1? t?IZ~ c,ol1"'JtanvY, o» t?IUo <3'7 depth clue, "'3 ~~.,ce) '20, ~4, (;'5, oz, 16~, 110,111 plctlm.a/, ~Z '?p.atl:31 rel.,~IOI1~hlr~, ?4 sr,ec..v/.,t,on, ar.awtng ze, 182-18'5 ~~ruc.tur.31 p;atiern~, 11, 2~, 2~, 44, so- t?4, ~~, 817' f>I) ~iJ I1Ject m.af;t.er, '2(, '5ubtr.3ctlVe form~, 1~4-1~¥7 surbce, 1Y2>lltl~~, 1~'7~ tJ1 t7ym/?dJ~; 172-, ~yn-/;;he~/~, 1~~-1~7 tuhn It~1 dll)~br..atIOf1'?, 3~ -t~xture7 21, 44, 4~, 4~, 7~, 8Z, ~7, 1~~ -I;hre"~rPlnt re-r~r~vtIV&-7 10~, 11~~111' tOI1.3/ v.alue-~, 4~~4~) 7tJ-t;" ~~, 1~~) 112 ~,..ee~, dr.aw1f117 171 two~ pc;,rrt pe-ri?p~c1;JVe.7 1ot>, 112 -11 G v.anl~hlf11 rOlnb~7 1P4·1pt:;, 124-1217 3? .d!lpth c-Iu&-, t?)~ VI~WrOJnt~, Ar.aWIn~, 14, 2'" 14'7~ 1~/, /10 vertl&.al lo&tltlon VI?IOt1, 1~ V'~lJ~1 .acuI-by, 44 YI~u~1 concept~, v,~u~1 dt/p,th ee-e« c-Iue~) 13-~7 vl~lJal JU~gmt}I11;?) 637 ee, l~O VI~U~( memt7r,~~, I~, Z~, 13') vl~v31 rerce:.ptlOI1, 12-11:5, 11, 2~) 14Z v,",u.al i?Igt1~tur~~, 22 -Zt7 vl~u;il1 thlt1klrl~, ~0-~1, ?Jb, /40-144' VI~U31IZIt1~ 1. 10, I~ ~1~, ~O~ ~l, 40-42.,71, 142 Yud/;arJ, E-Juo.ar'd, t30 Wh,~i;ler, J.~rrJe'5 Awot.t;, -:;1 Wrlght-, Fr.ank [,IoyJ, 1~ -----------------.