#gamestorming @iamctodd ARE YOUR MEETINGS LIKE THIS? Smart people in a room WTF? BORING HYPER DRIVE CHAOS OF CREATIVITY! It STARTS with ENERGY FOREST fire Camp fire FUEL SPARK STRUCTURE DIFFERENT STRUCTURE DIFFERENT RESULT BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND GAMES GAMES GAMES GAMES GAMES GAMES Meetings Meetings Meetings Meetings Meetings Meetings Have a goal Have a goal DESIGN THE MEETING Have a goal DESIGN THE MEETING POWER of GROUPS SERVICE DESIGN? h"p://www.uxma"ers.com/mt/archives/2011/09/the-­‐value-­‐of-­‐customer-­‐journey-­‐maps-­‐a-­‐ux-­‐designers-­‐personal-­‐journey.php h"p://servicedesigntools.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/images/res_images/CJM.png Texto h"p://delightability.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/thejourneysGckynotes.jpg CX ≠ UX B E F O R E D U R I N G A F T E R Components Stages Journey Qualitative Info Quantitative info Insights h"p://www.adapGvepath.com/ideas/the-­‐anatomy-­‐of-­‐an-­‐experience-­‐map h"p://www.uxma"ers.com/mt/archives/2011/09/the-­‐value-­‐of-­‐customer-­‐journey-­‐maps-­‐a-­‐ux-­‐designers-­‐personal-­‐journey.php h"p://www.bnj.com/buyercentric-­‐markeGng-­‐roadmap-­‐2012/ h"p://experiencema"ers.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/legos-­‐building-­‐block-­‐for-­‐good-­‐experiences/ TOUCH CHANNEL ≠ POINT READY? TRaveling to NEPHP TRaveling to NEPHP TRACK TIME & INVOICE TRaveling to NEPHP TRACK TIME & INVOICE PAINT A BEDROOM TRaveling to NEPHP TRACK TIME & INVOICE PAINT A BEDROOM EMAIL TO A NEW LIST EMPATHY MAP Fishbowl Fishbowl PLUS // DELTA How DID I do? THANKS! @iamctodd And thanks to @DaveGray for the use of some Gamestorming slides hi@ctodd.com