Modern Inventions: Moral Implications & Future Scenarios

2.1 Discuss the moral implications should these modern inventions will expand in the 21st
There are moral implications or consequences that can occur when these modern inventions
expand. Artificial intelligence and robots will become part of our world. These new inventions
can replace humans in their job and can result more people to become unemployed. The spread
of fake news/information will be more frequent since some people are used to believe whatever
they saw or read in social media. We cannot also guarantee that these robots or new invention
will work 100% correctly and accurate all the times. This can result to accidents if ever there is a
malfunction in a machine or a robot.
2.2 Describe a possible scenario in the future that may take place if these inventions will fully
One of the possible scenarios that can take place in the future is that our world would be a lot
better, organized, and advanced. In opposition to Bill Joy’s negative thinking and pessimism, I
believe that these future technologies will greatly help us in our lives. I believe also that human
minds are capable of thinking of different ways in order to avoid bad things to happen. Human
lives will improve with the help of these technologies, we just need to think critically, control,
and limit ourselves before inventing and creating this kind of inventions.
2.3 Which are more dangerous 20th-century inventions or inventions that are being planned for
21st-century? Why?
21st century inventions will be a lot dangerous compared to 20th century inventions. We all know
that our inventions and ideas with regard to technology are rapidly increasing and it makes new
technology more advanced but more complicated and technical at the same time. Since it is more
complicated and technical, it is harder to control/manipulate. Poor countries and people with
older age will be harder to cope up with these inventions. We can’t also ignore the fact that
technologies can also be used in wars and the more advanced equipment that can be made, it is
also mode dangerous and destructive to human lives.
2.4 Discuss the effects of these modern inventions to humanity.
There are good and bad effects brought by these modern inventions to humanity. The good
effects include the improvement of human lives. It helped us to live more comfortably, more
convenient, and easier. People also get benefits from these inventions in terms of agriculture,
education, medicine, entertainment, transportation, communication and many more. On the
other hand, the bad effect of the modern inventions are people became reliable on these new
technologies that they forgot how to properly socialize in person. There are also times when they
get too addicted using it and forgot to take care of themselves. In addition, there are some people
who are taking advantage on other people by doing crimes using these new inventions like
collecting someone’s information and hacking of the accounts.
2.5. Are we going to risk our survival in exchange for happiness and immortality that we can get
from genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics? State your position and arguments.
In my personal opinion, I want our world and society to be constantly improving, however, if it
would cost and risk our survival then I would have to disagree with it. I would rather talk to a
person that is imperfect but with emotion rather than to a robot that every word it will say is
programmed and does not have emotion. I can’t imagine our world without humans. I think that
there are more things that can get us happy without risking our survival. Lastly, I think it would
be just better if we take things slowly and think better ideas that it would not risk our lives in
innovating and inventing new technologies.