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NFT Speech Outline: Definition, Purpose, and Future

Introduction of Speech
I. Attention Device Opener – Raise your hand if you have heard of an NFT.
II. Thesis – Understanding NFTs will benefit you in many ways in the future.
III. Specific Purpose - Inform what an NFT is, the purpose of them, and the future of NFTs.
Body of Speech
I. First Main Point – What is an NFT?
A. Non-fungible token
B. Art
C. Utility
(Transition Statement: Now that you know what an NFT is you are probably wondering
what kinds of utility it offers.)
II. Second Main Point – What is the purpose of an NFT?
A. Different kinds of utility
B. Monetizing the NFT
C. Flexing the NFT
(Transition Statement: If you are flexing your NFT and using it on the internet, you’ll want
to be able to answer this question.)
III. Third Main Point – What is the future of NFTs?
A. Fly Fish Club (Wolf, 2022)
B. Mavericks (Morris, 2021)
C. Metaverse (Weston, 2021)
(Transition Statement: Understanding the future of NFTs has been vital to me when
spending time in the NFT space online.)
Conclusion of Speech
I. Review of Main Points - Now that you you know what an NFT is, what its purpose is, and
the future of NFTs you can finally say you understand NFTs
II. Final Thought - Earlier I asked a question and most of you said you had not heard of NFTs.
Now you can finally say you understand the basics. Who knows, maybe NFTs will really be
huge in the future and now you can say you understood them before most people.
Wolf, M. (2022, January 17). Here are the details about Flyfish club, Gary Vaynerchuk's NFT restaurant
opening in 2023. The Spoon. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from
Morris, K. (2021, June 16). Dallas Mavericks to provide nfts with tickets starting next season. The
Tokenist. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from
Weston, G. (2021, December 31). NFTs and their role in the "Metaverse". 101 Blockchains. Retrieved
February 25, 2022, from https://101blockchains.com/nfts-and-metaverse/
Introduction of Speech
I. Attention Device Opener – Raise your hand if you have heard of an
II. Thesis – Understanding NFTs will benefit you in many ways for the
III. Specific Purpose - Inform what an NFT is, the purpose of them, and
the future of NFTs
Body of Speech
I. First Main Point – What is an NFT?
A. Non-fungible token - non-fungible means that it is unique
and cannot be replaced - Do you think this tennis ball is fungible or non
fungible? Fungible cause I can replace it with this one and i would have the
same thing
B. Art - Unique art that can be verified on the blockchain Blockchain is a system of recording information digitally and publicly Public so you cannot lie about owning one C. Utility - most NFTs are not just plain art, typically you get
special perks for owning them
(Transition Statement: Now that you know what an NFT is and that
it has utility, you are probably wondering what kinds of utility it offers)
II. Second Main Point – What is the purpose of an NFT?
A. Different kinds of utility - Community NFTs get you into
exclusive social groups IRL and online - Gaming NFTs get you access to
games only NFT holders can access, these usually reward you with $$$ for
the better you do in-game - Social NFTs are typically used as pfps across
all social media platforms
B. Monetizing the NFT - Owner of NFT has full rights to it some individuals have made animated TV shows and podcasts based on
their NFTs
C. Flex the NFT - Make your social media pfp your NFT - BAYC like wearing a rolex but the whole internet can see
(Transition Statement: If you are flexing your NFT on the internet or
just talking about them, you’ll want to be able to answer this question.)
III. Third Main Point – What is the future of NFTs?
A. Fly Fish Club - 2 tiers of membership (Flyfish, $12k ///
Omakase, $35k) - lease out your token for $$$
B. Mavericks - Every ticket will be an NFT - if a
noteworthy/historic moment happens the tickets could become
C. Metaverse - General understanding of what the metaverse is
- A virtual reality online world - In this online world NFTs can be used as
skins or even art in a person's online home
(Transition Statement: Understanding the future of NFTs has been
vital to me when spending time in the NFT space online.)
Conclusion of Speech
I. Review of Main Points - Now that you you know what an NFT is, what
its purpose is, and the future of NFTs you can finally say you
understand NFTs
II. Final Thought - Earlier I asked a question and most of you said you
had not heard of NFTs. Now you can finally say you understand the
basics. Who knows, maybe NFTs will really be huge in the future and
now you can say you understood them before most people.