ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Hand-out No. 1: Introduction to Environmental Engineering Hand-out No. 1 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Time Frame: 2 hours Learning Objectives Discuss some fundamental definition of the basic concepts in environmental engineering such as biotic and abiotic environment Explain the adverse effects of pollution on human and the environment Review the environmental acts and regulations implemented in the Philippines Content Outline 1. Basic Concepts 2. Adverse Effects of Environmental Pollution 3. Environmental Acts and Regulations 4. Sustainability Basic Concepts What is Environmental Engineering? It is the application of science and engineering principles to protect and utilize natural resources, control environmental pollution, improve environmental quality to enable healthy ecosystems and comfortable habitation of humans. What is Environmental Pollution? Environmental pollution is defined as “the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected.” Pollutants can be naturally occurring substances or energies, but they are considered contaminants when in excess of natural levels. Any use of natural resources at a rate higher than nature’s capacity to restore itself can result in pollution of air, water, and land. Generally, environmental pollution takes place when the environment cannot process and neutralize harmful by-products of human activities in due course without any structural or functional damage to its system. There are three major types of environmental pollution: air, water, and land pollution. BIOTIC AND ABIOTIC ENVIRONMENT In general, the surroundings of an organism living in its natural habitat is termed as environment. Physical or abiotic environment - it consists of physical factors like Land (minerals, toxic elements, nutrients), sky (sink of various things, noise) and air (useful and other gases). Living or biotic environment - it consists of plants, animals (including human beings) and micro-organisms. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 1. Environmental degradation Pollution cause very dangerous & hazardous effects on the environment which depletes the natural balance of the environment. The environment is degraded due to the addition of pollutants in the natural resources of the environment such as air, water or soil. The different examples of environmental degradation are as: The emission of greenhouse gases by various means into the atmosphere will lead to the global warming & the depletion of natural ecosystems of earth. Carbon dioxide emissions in the oceans leading to the acidification of water resources by the large concentrations of carbon dioxide in water. Biomagnifications: It is defined as the addition of several toxins like those of heavy metals in the food chains or trophic levels of different species of environment causing depletion of species. Sulfur dioxide & different nitrous oxides will lead to acid rain which decreases the pH value of soil making it difficult for crop production purposes. The formation of smoke & haze will reduce the sunlight received by the plants leading to the decrease in photosynthesis & the production of tropospheric ozone which damages the plants. Page 1 of 4 Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Architecture jessaeraldin.origines@bisu.edu.ph ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Hand-out No. 1: Introduction to Environmental Engineering 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The addition of heavy metals & oil splits in oceans will lead towards the pollution of land masses & water resources making them unsuitable for use. Effects on human health The decrease in quality of air will lead to several respiratory problems like asthma or lung cancer, different cardiovascular diseases, chest pain, congestion, throat inflammation etc. in humans due to the ingestion of polluted air. The consumption of polluted water due to different contaminant addition will cause skin problems like skin cancer or rashes on the skin, water-related diseases such as diarrhoea, malaria, several fevers etc. Noise pollution in the environment will also lead to the production of different psychological effects on the humans & also on the environment. Ozone Layer Depletion It is the emission of greenhouse gases in the environment leading towards the increase in their concentration in the atmosphere causing the global increase in earth’s temperature which has many hazardous effects on precipitation quantities & on other harmful effects. Global warming occurs due to the emission of several greenhouse gases like those of methane, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon oxide etc. from the industrial infrastructure or from agricultural units by different means. The melting of ice caps or glaciers of the earth is also an effect of pollution as the rise in earth’s temperature will result in melting of ice. Infertility of land The increased use of herbicides, fertilisers, pesticides or synthetic manures for the performance of increased crop production will lead to the depletion of soil fertility due to the addition of harmful chemicals or heavy metals into the soil. Also, the addition of untreated sewage or industrial wastes directly or indirectly into the soil will also make it infertile for crop production or for the growth of vegetation. Effects on animals The increased levels of pollution will also adversely affect the different animal species of the earth due to the depletion of the natural resources such as air, water or land units on which the wildlife depends fully for habitat & food. Also, the addition of toxicants into the food chain of animals will destroy them. Effect on plants The increased level of pollution will have hazardous effects on the all kinds of vegetation present on the earth. The pollution of land will destroy the growth & development of plants as they will do not flourish on the land containing harmful heavy metals and chemicals. The roots of plants do not absorb the polluted water due to different contaminants added into water bodies supplying water to plants. Also, the leaves of plants do not prepare food in the polluted air of atmosphere due to less reception of sunlight. Effects on buildings or infrastructure formed by humans The most important example of the effect of pollution on the human buildings is on one of the world heritage monument, the Taj Mahal in India which has a depletion of the wall sandstones due to polluted air around it. It also changes the colour of the monuments or buildings and damages them. Eutrophication of water & land bodies The rain water will increase the addition of a nitrogenous pollutants concentration in the land & water resources which will lead to the algal growth on large scales causing depletion of naturally present nutrients in those resources which will cause harmful conditions for the growth of other species & organisms. Destruction of different ecosystems The pollution of atmosphere will also lead to the destruction of different ecosystems present in the environment like those of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, seas etc. due to water pollution & of crop lands, wastelands, forest lands etc. due to land or soil pollution. Depletion of earth’s atmosphere The atmosphere of earth is depleted due to the presence of high quantities of polluted gases into the atmosphere by their large scale emissions from the industries & household sectors. These large emissions will produce harmful effects on the atmosphere by the changes in gaseous concentrations of earth. ENVIRONMENTAL ACTS AND REGULATIONS 1. REPUBLIC ACT 9003 ECOLOGICAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 2000 The law aims to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program that shall ensure the protection of public health and environment. The law ensures proper segregation, collection, Page 2 of 4 Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Architecture jessaeraldin.origines@bisu.edu.ph ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Hand-out No. 1: Introduction to Environmental Engineering 2. 3. 4. 5. storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adaptation of best eco-waste products. REPUBLIC ACT 9275 PHILIPPINE CLEAN WATER ACT OF 2004 The law aims to protect the country's water bodies from pollution from land-based sources (industries and commercial establishments, agriculture and community/household activities). It provides for comprehensive and integrated strategy to prevent and minimize pollution through a multi-sectoral and participatory approach involving all the stakeholders. REPUBLIC ACT 8749 PHILIPPINE CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999 The law aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets the National Air Quality guideline values for criteria pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while minimizing the possible associated impacts to the economy. REPUBLIC ACT 6969 TOXIC SUBSTANCES, HAZARDOUS AND NUCLEAR WASTE CONTROL ACT OF 1990 The law aims to regulate restrict or prohibit the importation, manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures the present unreasonable risk to human health. It likewise prohibits the entry, even in transit, of hazardous and nuclear wastes and their disposal into the Philippine territorial limits for whatever purpose; and to provide advancement and facilitate research and studies on toxic chemicals. PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 1586 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) STATEMENT OF 1978 The Environment Impact Assessment System was formally established in 1978 with the enactment of Presidential Decree no. 1586 to facilitate the attainment and maintenance of rational and orderly balance between socio-economic development and environmental protection. EIA is a planning and management tool that will help government, decision makers, the proponents and the affected community address the negative consequences or risks on the environment. The process assures implementation of environmentfriendly projects. SUSTAINABILITY What is Sustainability? Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For human society, “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. What is Ecological Footprint? The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth’s ecosystems. Ecological footprint analysis compares human demand on the nature with the biosphere’s ability to regenerate resources and provide services. It does this by assessing the biologically productive land and marine area required to produce the resources a population consumes and absorb the corresponding waste, using prevailing technology. ACTIVITY: Write your answer on a short bondpaper. Only HANDWRITTEN answers will be accepted. 1. As a future mechanical engineer, what do you think is your role and responsibilities in protecting the environment? 2. Why is there a need to protect the environment? 3. What are the adverse effects of environmental pollution that you personally experienced? 4. Explain the interdependence of biotic and abiotic environment. Page 3 of 4 Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Architecture jessaeraldin.origines@bisu.edu.ph ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Hand-out No. 1: Introduction to Environmental Engineering Reference: Gaur, R. C. (2008). Basic Environmental Engineering. 1st Edition Effects of Environmental Pollution (2018, July 27). ABC of Agri. https://abcofagri.com/effectsenvironmental-pollution/ Accessed on April 03, 2021 Major Environmental Laws. Environmental Compliance Assistance Center. http://ecac.emb.gov.ph/?page_id=43 Accessed on April 03, 2021 Rubric No. 2 Assessing and Grading of Written Reports or Essay Level Criteria* Introduction (10%) Content (50%) Organization/ Conclusion (5%) Grammar & Spelling (5%) . Timeliness (30%) 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 Does not meet expectations There is no clear introduction of the main topic, position or structure of the paper. Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement The introduction is inviting, states the main topic and position and previews the structure for the paper. The introduction clearly states the main topic and position and previews the structure for the paper but is not particularly inviting to the reader. Answer is clear, but the supporting information is general. The introduction clearly states the main topic or position but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader. Answer is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information. Writing has a compelling opening, an informative middle and satisfying conclusions. Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content. Writing has a beginning, middle and an end. It is organized but could be more compelling. Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from this content. Writing is organized but sometimes gets off topic. Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content. The output is submitted on time. The output is submitted a day after the set deadline. The output is submitted two days to a week after the set deadline. The output is submitted eight days after the set deadline. There is a clear, wellfocused answer to the problem. The answer stands out and is supported by detailed information. The answer is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information which does not relate at all to the answer. Writing is aimless and disorganized. NOTE: Please do not distribute or reproduce any parts of the module without any permission from the subject instructor. If you have questions and clarification, please contact me thru FB Messenger, Google Classroom or thru text. Page 4 of 4 Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Architecture jessaeraldin.origines@bisu.edu.ph