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Flower Anatomy & Reproduction: Biology Study Set

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11) Meiosis occurs within all of the following flower parts except the
A) ovule.
B) style.
C) megasporangium.
D) anther.
E) ovary.
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Terms in this set (52)
1)The products of meiosis in
A) spores
plants are always which of the
A) spores
B) eggs
C) sperm
D) seeds
E) both B and C
2) Which of the following is the
A) sporophyte-meiosis-gametophyte-gametes-
correct sequence during
fertilization-diploid zygote
alternation of generations in a
flowering plant?
A) sporophyte-meiosisgametophyte-gametesfertilization-diploid zygote
B) sporophyte-mitosisgametophyte -meiosissporophyte
C) haploid gametophyte gametes-meiosis-fertilizationdiploid sporophyte
D) sporophyte-spores-meiosisgametophyte-gametes
E) haploid sporophyte -sporesfertilization-diploid
3) Which of the following is true
B) Meiosis occurs in sporophytes to produce spores.
in plants?
A) Meiosis occurs in
gametophytes to produce
B) Meiosis occurs in
sporophytes to produce
C) The gametophyte is the
dominant generation in
flowering plants.
D) Plants exist continually as
either sporophytes or
E) Male game tophytes and
female gametophytes have the
same structure.
4) All of the following are
D) a small (reduced) sporophyte.
features of angiosperms except
A) a triploid endosperm.
B) an ovary that becomes a
C) animal pollination.
D) a small (reduced)
E) double fertilization.
5)Based on studies of plant
E) receptacle
evolution, which flower part is
not a modified leaf?
A) stamen
B) carpel
C) petal
D) sepal
E) receptacle
6)All of the following floral
C) sepal.
parts are directly involved in
pollination or fertilization
except the
A) stigma.
B) anther.
C) sepal.
D) carpel.
E) style.
7)A mutation in which of the
E) either C or D
following floral parts would
have the greatest impact on
C) stamen
D) carpel
A) sepal
B) petal
C) stamen
D) carpel
E) either C or D
8)A mutation in which of the
E) either C or D
following floral parts would
have the greatest potential
C) stamen
impact on fertilization?
D) carpel
A) sepal
B) petal
C) stamen
D) carpel
E) either C or D
9) Which of the following is the
D) sepals-petals-stamens-carpels
correct order of floral organs
from the outside to the inside
of a complete flower?
A) petals-sepals-stamenscarpels
B) sepals-stamens-petalscarpels
C) spores-gametes-zygote embryo
D) sepals-petals-stamenscarpels
E) male gametophyte -female
10) All of the following are
B) photosynthesis.
primary functions of flowers
A) pollen production.
B) photosynthesis.
C) meiosis.
D) egg production.
E) sexual reproduction.
11) Meiosis occurs within all of
B) style.
the following flower parts
except the
A) ovule.
B) style.
C) megasporangium.
D) anther.
E) ovary.
12) A perfect flower is fertile,
E) It has both stamens and carpels.
but may be either complete or
incomplete. Which of the
following correctly describes a
perfect flower?
A) It has no sepals.
B) It has fused carpels.
C) It is on a dioecious plant.
D) It has no endosperm.
E) It has both stamens and
13) Carpellate flowers
E) develop into fruits.
A) are perfect.
B) are complete.
C) produce pollen.
D) are found only on dioecious
E) develop into fruits.
14) Which of the following
A) dioecious
types of plants is not able to
A) dioecious
B) monoecious
C) complete
D) wind-pollinated
E) insect-pollinated
15) In flowering plants, pollen is
A) anther.
released from the
A) anther.
B) stigma.
C) carpel.
D) filament.
E) pollen tube.
16) In the life cycle of an
D) microsporocyte
angiosperm, which of the
following stages is diploid?
A) megaspore
B) generative nucleus of a
pollen grain
C) polar nuclei of the embryo
D) microsporocyte
E) both megaspore and polar
17) Where does meiosis occur
E) megasporocyte and microsporocyte
in flowering plants?
A) megasporocyte
B) microsporocyte
C) endosperm
D) pollen tube
E) megasporocyte and
18) Which of the following is a
C) meiosis-pollination-nuclear fusion-formation of
correct sequence of processes
embryo and endosperm
that takes place when a
flowering plant reproduces?
A) meiosis-fertilizationovulation-germination
B) fertilization-meiosis-nuclear
fusion-formation of embryo
and endosperm
C) meiosis-pollination-nuclear
fusion-formation of embryo
and endosperm
D) growth of pollen tube pollination-germinationfertilization
E) meiosis-mitosis-nuclear
19) Which of these is incorrectly
A) anthergametophyte
paired with its life-cycle
A) anthergametophyte
B) pollengametophyte
C) embryo sac gametophyte
D) stamensporophyte
E) embryosporophyte
20) Which of the following is
E) microsporocyte-meiosis-microspores -mitosis-
the correct sequence of events
two haploid cells per pollen grain
in a pollen sac?
A) sporangiameiosistwo
haploid cellsmeiosistwo pollen
grains per cell
B) pollen grainmeiosistwo
generative cells two tube cells
per pollen grain
C) two haploid
cellsmeiosisgenerative celltube
cell-fertilizationpollen grain
D) pollen
generative cell plus tube cell
E) microsporocyte-meiosismicrospores -mitosis-two
haploid cells per pollen grain
21) Which of the following
B) A megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis.
occurs in an angiosperm
A) An antheridium forms from
the megasporophyte.
B) A megaspore mother cell
undergoes meiosis.
C) The egg nucleus is usually
D) A pollen tube emerges to
accept pollen after pollination.
E) The endosperm surrounds
the megaspore mother cell.
22) Where and by which
C) mitosis in male gametophytes
process are sperm produced in
A) meiosis in pollen grains
B) meiosis in anthers
C) mitosis in male
D) mitosis in the micropyle
E) mitosis in the embryo sac
23) In which of the following
B) embryo sac female gametophyte
pairs are the two terms
A) ovule egg
B) embryo sac female
C) endospermmale
D) seedzygote
E) microsporepollen grain
24) Which of the following is
C) pollen grain
the male gametophyte of a
flowering plant?
A) ovule
B) microsporocyte
C) pollen grain
D) embryo sac
E) stamen
25) In flowering plants, a
C) two sperm nuclei and one tube cell nucleus.
mature male gametophyte
A) two haploid gametes and a
diploid pollen grain.
B) a generative cell and a tube
C) two sperm nuclei and one
tube cell nucleus.
D) two haploid microspores.
E) a haploid nucleus and a
diploid pollen wall.
26) Within the female
A) three antipodal cells, two polar nuclei, one egg,
gametophyte, three mitotic
and two synergids.
divisions of the megaspore
A) three antipodal cells, two
polar nuclei, one egg, and two
B) the triple fusion nucleus.
C) three pollen grains.
D) two antipodal cells, two
polar nuclei, two eggs, and two
E) a tube nucleus, a generative
cell, and a sperm cell.
27) The largest cell(s) of the
D) central cell.
typical angiosperm embryo sac
is (are) the
A) egg cell.
B) antipodals.
C) synergids.
D) central cell.
E) microsporocyte.
28) In modern agriculture, what
C) introduction of genes into a plant that prevent its
does "terminator technology"
seeds from maturing
refer to?
A) introduction of bacterial
genes that release insect toxins
into plants
B) introduction of male sterility
genes into plants to prevent
C) introduction of genes into a
plant that prevent its seeds
from maturing
D) Bt genes produced in maize
E) selection of resistant clones
following mutator treatment of
29) Flowers are made of
C) leaves.
A) roots.
B) stems.
C) leaves.
D) ovules.
E) shoots.
30) Which of these is unique to
D) double fertilization
flowering plants?
A) a dominant sporophyte
B) an embryo surrounded by
nutritive tissue
C) haploid gametophytes
D) double fertilization
E) pollen production
31) What is the relationship
D) Pollination brings gametophytes together so that
between pollination and
fertilization can occur.
fertilization in flowering plants?
A) Fertilization precedes
B) Pollination easily occurs
between plants of different
C) Pollen is formed within
megasporangia so that male
and female gametes are near
each other.
D) Pollination brings
gametophytes together so that
fertilization can occur.
E) If fertilization occurs,
pollination is unnecessary.
32) Recent research has shown
B) the rejection of self cells.
that pollination requires that
carpels recognize pollen grains
as "self or nonself." For selfincompatibility, the system
A) rejection of nonself cells.
B) the rejection of self cells.
C) carpel incompatibility with
the egg cells.
D) that the flowers be
E) the union of genetically
identical sperm and egg cells.
33) In plants, which of the
A) genetic variation
following could be an
advantage of sexual
reproduction as opposed to
asexual reproduction?
A) genetic variation
B) mitosis
C) stable populations
D) rapid population increase
E) greater longevity
34) Which of the following is
E) It produces clones.
true about vegetative
A) It involves both meiosis and
mitosis to produce haploid and
diploid cells.
B) It produces vegetables.
C) It involves meiosis only.
D) It can lead to genetically
altered forms of the species.
E) It produces clones.
35) Which of the following is a
C) Making cuttings of ornamental plants is a form of
true statement about clonal
reproduction in plants?
A) Clones of plants do not
occur naturally.
B) Cloning, although achieved
in animals, has not been
demonstrated in plants.
C) Making cuttings of
ornamental plants is a form of
D) Reproduction of plants by
cloning may be either sexual or
E) Viable seeds can result from
sexual reproduction only.
36) The integuments of an
C) form a seed coat
ovule function to do what?
A) protect against animal
B) ensure double fertilization
C) form a seed coat
D) both A and B
E) both A and C
37) A fruit includes
E) both A and B
A) one or more seeds.
B) the ovary wall.
C) fleshy cells rich in sugars.
D) brightly colored pigments to
attract animal dispersers.
E) both A and B
38) A fruit is a (an)
A) mature ovary.
A) mature ovary.
B) mature ovule.
C) seed plus its integuments.
D) fused carpel.
E) enlarged embryo sac.
39) Which of the following
B) imbibition
conditions is needed by almost
all seeds to break dormancy?
A) exposure to light
B) imbibition
C) abrasion of the seed coat
D) exposure to cold
E) covering of fertile soil
40) What is typically the result
C) Both a diploid embryo and triploid endosperm
of double fertilization in
are formed.
A) The endospe rm develops
into a diploid nutrient tissue.
B) A triploid zygote is formed.
C) Both a diploid embryo and
triploid endosperm are formed.
D) Two embryos develop in
every seed.
E) The fertilized antipodal cells
develop into the seed coat.
41) Which of the following
D) It develops from the fertilized egg.
statements regarding the
endosperm is false?
A) Its nutrients may be
absorbed by the cotyledons in
the seeds of eudicots.
B) It develops from a triploid
C) Its nutrients are digested by
enzymes in monocot seeds
following hydration.
D) It develops from the
fertilized egg.
E) It is rich in nutrients, which it
provides to the embryo.
42) In angiosperms, products
E) proembryo and the cotyledons.
of the terminal cell become the
A) suspensor.
B) proembryo.
C) cotyledons.
D) suspensor and the
E) proembryo and the
43) Which of the following
B) It forms the suspensor that anchors the embryo.
statements is correct about the
basal cell in a zygote?
A) It develops into the root of
the embryo.
B) It forms the suspensor that
anchors the embryo.
C) It results directly from the
fertilization of the polar nuclei
by a sperm nucleus.
D) It divides and initiates the
two cotyledons.
E) It forms the proembryo.
44) What is the embryonic root
D) radicle
A) plumule
B) hypocotyl
C) epicotyl
D) radicle
E) shoot
45) A plant that has small,
D) wind-pollinate
green petals is most likely to be
A) bee -pollinated.
B) bird-pollinated.
C) bat-pollinated.
D) wind-pollinate
46) Pollen grain is to ________ as
A) male gametophyte; embryo sac
________ is to female
A) male gametophyte; embryo
B) embryo sac; ovule
C) ovule; sporophyte
D) anther; seed
E) petal; sepal
47) A seed develops from
C) an ovule.
A) an ovum.
B) a pollen grain.
C) an ovule.
D) an ovary.
E) an embryo.
48) Fruits develop from
D) ovaries.
A) microsporangia.
B) receptacles.
C) fertilized eggs.
D) ovaries.
E) ovules.
49)The first step in the
C) imbibition of water.
germination of a seed is usually
A) pollination.
B) fertilization.
C) imbibition of water.
D) hydrolysis of starch and
other food reserves.
E) emergence of the radicle.
50) When seeds germinate, the
A) obtain a dependable water supply.
radicle emerges before the
shoot. This allows the seedling
to quickly
A) obtain a dependable water
B) mobilize stored
C) protect the emerging
D) avoid etiolation.
E) initiate photosynt hesis.
51) Regardless of where in the
E) graft varietal Burgundy grape scions onto native
world a vineyard is located, in
(Californian) root stocks.
order for the winery to produce
a Burgundy, it must use varietal
grapes that originated in
Burgundy, France. The most
effective way for a new
California grower to plant a
vineyard to produce Burgundy
is to
A) plant seeds obtained from
French varietal Burgundy
B) transplant varietal Burgundy
plants from France.
C) root cuttings of varietal
Burgundy grapes from France.
D) cross French Burgundy
grapes with native American
E) graft varietal Burgundy
grape scions onto native
(Californian) root stocks.
52) The most immediate
D) increasing crop yield.
potential benefits of
introducing genetically
modified crops include
A) increasing the amount of
land suitable for agriculture.
B) overcoming genetic
C) increasing the frequency of
D) increasing crop yield.
E) both B and C
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