Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP) Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/ semester Prerequisites (if needed): Core Subject Title: Media and Information Literacy Core Subject Description: The course introduces the learners to basic understanding of media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of individuals and societies. It also aims to develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media and information. Culminating Performance Standard: The learner produces an electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information. What to Teach? Content Content Standards Most Essential Topics Performance Standards Complete Why Teach? How to Assess? Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess KUD Classification Most Essential KUD Classification RBT Level U Evaluating Flexible Assessment Activities (FAA) Performance Checks How to Teach? Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in developing the Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Enabling General Strategy Flexible Learning Strategies (FLS) FIRST QUARTER Introduction to Media and Information Literacy The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts. Introduction to Media and Information Literacy The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community that focuses on being a media and information literate individual. describes how media and information affect communication identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy editorializes the value of being a media and information literate individual identifies characteristics /describes a responsible uses and competent producers of media and U U U Analyzing Impromptu quizzes or anonymous voting Short comparative assessments to see how pupils are performing against their peers One-minute papers on a specific subject matter U U Evaluating Lesson exit tickets to summarize what pupils have learnt Silent classroom polls information. shares to class media habits, lifestyles and preferences describes how media and information affect communication identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy Reasoning and Proof Communication Module for online learning modality (LMS) Formative assessment strategies: concept maps, responses posted to a discussion board and an ungraded quiz or poll. E-book Reading Video Presentation Student Reporting Online Discussion Open Forum – Q &A U Performance Task: Create an article based on your life realization of your daily life experiences during the 2-month lockdown using the different types of digital media. The task should be uploaded and discussed in the virtual class. Submit the article either using audio podcast or video documentation that would run in 3 minutes. Choose your own application in creating the article. Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP) Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/ semester Prerequisites (if needed): Core Subject Title: Media and Information Literacy Core Subject Description: The course introduces the learners to basic understanding of media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of individuals and societies. It also aims to develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media and information. Culminating Performance Standard: The learner produces an electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information. What to Teach? Content Content Standards Most Essential Topics Performance Standards Complete Why Teach? How to Assess? Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess KUD Classification Most Essential Flexible Assessment Activities (FAA) Performance Checks How to Teach? Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in developing the Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Enabling General Strategy KUD Classification RBT Level U Evaluating Reasoning and Proof U Analyzing Communication Flexible Learning Strategies (FLS) FIRST QUARTER Introduction to Media and Information Literacy The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts. Introduction to Media and Information Literacy The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community that focuses on being a media and information literate individual. describes how media and information affect communication identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy editorializes the value of being a media and information literate individual identifies characteristics /describes a responsible uses and competent producers of media and U U describes how media and information affect communication identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy Module for online learning modality (LMS) Reflection Writing U U Evaluating Online Discussion Video Presentation information. shares to class media habits, lifestyles and preferences U Performance Task: Create an article based on your life realization of your daily life experiences during the 2-month lockdown using the different types of digital media. The task should be uploaded and discussed in the virtual class. Submit the article either using audio podcast or video documentation that would run in 3 minutes. Choose your own application in creating the article.