Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Worksheet

Key Learning
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
Differences between elements, compounds and mixtures can be described by using a particle model
modelling the arrangement of particles in elements and compounds
recognising that elements and simple compounds can be represented by symbols and formulas
explaining why elements and compounds can be represented by chemical formulas while mixtures
Be able to define an atom and an element and understand that they make up matter.
1.All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms
2.The particles of matter are always moving
3.The particles have spaces between them
4.Adding heat to matter makes the particles move faster
Recognize that elements and simple compounds can be represented by symbols and formulas
Atoms bond together to make molecules and elements
Recognize that elements form a molecule or compound.
Be able to describe the difference between a molecule and a compound
Molecules contain only one type of element
Compounds contain more than one type of element
The Periodic Table
Be able to explain the information the Periodic Table gives us
Describe how the trends and patterns in the periodic table relate to reactivity and properties of the
elements listed
Be able to identify and locate elements on the periodic table
Be able to list the symbols for the first twenty elements
Describe what a group and a period is in the table