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Permesso di soggiorno UE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo. (Carta di soggiorno per cittadini stranieri) Polizia di Stato en

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EU residence permit for long-term residents. (Residence card for foreign citizens) | State Police
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EU residence permit for long-term residents.
(Residence card for foreign citizens)
foreigners + tadini% 29 & url = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.poliziadistato.it% 2F Article% 2F214)
The EU residence permit for long-term residents replaced the residence card for foreign citizens in January
The foreigner can ask the questore of the place where he resides to issue, for himself and his family members, the
EU residence permit for long-term residents as long as the requisites required are documented.
With this type of residence permit, the specific status is conferred on the person concerned.
This residence permit can only be requested by those who have a valid residence permit for at least 5 years. The
previous five-year stay in Italy is, in fact, a prerequisite for the issue of the EU residence permit for long-term
The availability of a minimum income of not less than the annual amount of the social allowance must also be
demonstrated and that the foreign citizen is not dangerous to public order or state security.
The periods of residence spent by the applicant with the legal status of diplomat or equivalent or with a short-term
residence permit are not counted for the purpose of calculating possession, for at least 5 years, of a valid residence
The absences of the foreigner from the national territory do not interrupt the duration of the 5-year period of
possession, on his part, of a residence permit and are included in the calculation of the same, provided that they are
less than 6 consecutive months and do not exceed a total of 10 months in the five-year period, unless this interruption
depended on the need to fulfill military obligations, on serious and documented health reasons or on other serious
and proven reasons.
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EU residence permit for long-term residents. (Residence card for foreign citizens) | State Police
The application must be presented at the post offices or, without using the kit, you can go to the Municipalities that offer this service
or to the Patronati.
Since 9 December 2010, the computer system for managing applications for participation in the test of knowledge of the Italian language
that foreigners who intend to apply for an EU residence permit for long-term residents will have to take has been in operation.
Information in this regard is available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior at the following link: http://
www.interno.gov.it/it/temi/immigrazione-e-asilo/modalita-dadova/test-conoscenza-lingua-italiana. (http://www.interno.gov.it/it/temi/
The EU residence permit for long-term residents is a personal identification document for no more than 5 years from the date of
issue or renewal. The renewal is carried out on request by the interested party and accompanied by updated photographs.
To the application it is necessary to attach:
copy of a valid passport or equivalent document; copy of the tax return (the income
must be greater than the annual amount of the social allowance); for domestic collaborators (domestic
workers / carers): exhibition of INPS bulletins or analytical contribution extract issued by INPS; criminal record certificate and
certificate of registrations relating to criminal proceedings; suitable documented accommodation if the application is also presented
for family members; copies of pay slips for the current year; documentation relating to residence and family status; postal payment
slip for the electronic residence permit (€ 30.46) electronic cash on delivery of € 16.00
The cost of the registered letter is € 30.
The EU residence permit cannot be issued to anyone who is dangerous to public order and state security.
The request can also be submitted for a spouse who is not legally separated and is not under the age of eighteen; minor children,
including those of a spouse or born out of wedlock, dependent adult children who cannot permanently provide for their own
indispensable life needs due to their state of health which entails total disability; dependent parents.
To obtain the EU permit also for family members, in addition to the documents listed above, it is necessary:
have an income sufficient for the composition of the family unit. In the case of two or more children, under the age of 14, the minimum
income must be equal to double the annual amount of the social allowance; have the registry certificate attesting to the family
relationship. The documentation coming from abroad must be translated, legalized and validated by the consular authority in the country
of origin or permanent residence of the foreigner; passing an Italian language test; on December 9, 2010, the Decree of the Minister of
the Interior entered into force in agreement with the Minister of Education, University and Research, of June 4, 2010, containing the
"Procedures for carrying out the knowledge of the Italian language ".
The same decree has attributed to the Prefectures - Territorial Offices of the Government the competences relating to the receipt
of requests to carry out the test, the summoning of the foreigner to the identified offices and the acquisition of the result for the purpose of
communicating to the Police Headquarters. The Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration has set up an IT system, to support the
Prefectures, which allows them to receive requests from foreigners, to organize the conduct of the test and to acquire the results. These
activities are described in detail by circular no. 7589, issued by the same Department, on November 16, 2010.
Children under the age of 14, even born out of wedlock, own children and those of their spouse are excluded from the obligation to take the
It is not necessary to take the Italian language test if the foreigner is in possession of:
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certificates or qualifications certifying knowledge of the Italian language at a level not lower than level A2 of
Common European framework of reference for the knowledge of languages approved by the Council of Europe,
issued by the certifying bodies recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Ministry of Education,
University and Research: Roma Tre University, University for Foreigners of Perugia, University for Foreigners of Siena
and Dante Alighieri Society;
educational qualifications or professional qualifications (first or second grade Italian secondary school diploma, or
certificates of attendance relating to university courses, masters or doctorates);
recognition of the level of knowledge of the Italian language not lower than level A2;
certification that entry into Italy took place pursuant to art. 27, co. 1 letter a), c), d), q) of Legislative Decree
286/98 and subsequent amendments;
certification, issued by a public health facility, in which it is declared that the foreigner suffers from serious limitations to
the ability to learn language deriving from age, pathologies or handicaps ".
With Legislative Decree 13 February 2014, n. 12, the issue of the EU long-term residence permit was extended, in
compliance with the aforementioned requirements, also to beneficiaries of international protection (refugees and holders of
subsidiary protection) and their families. In this regard, the documentation relating to the suitability of the accommodation
is not required, without prejudice to the need to indicate a place of residence. In the cases of minors, the disabled, the
elderly, pregnant women, single parents with minor children, people for whom it has been ascertained that they have
suffered torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence, the availability of a accommodation
granted free of charge, for welfare or charitable purposes, by recognized public or private bodies, figuratively contributes to
the determination of income to the extent of 15% of the relative amount, for the determination of which it is necessary to
refer to the annual amount of the social allowance, according to the general criteria established by art. 29, paragraph 2,
letter b of the Consolidated Immigration Act. A further facility operates with respect to the exclusion of the Italian language
test, a facility that does not apply to family members, for whom the general rule applies.
The calculation of the previous five-year residence period is effective from the date of submission of the application for
international protection, on the basis of which the refugee or subsidiary protection status was recognized.
With the EU residence permit it is possible:
enter Italy without a visa;
move freely within the Schengen area for 90 days, for tourism; carry out a subordinate or
self-employed activity, except for those that the law expressly reserves to the Italian citizen or prohibits the foreigner;
stay, including for work reasons, in another Schengen State, even for a period of more than 90 days, in compliance
with the law in force in the other Member State; use, provided that the actual residence of the foreigner in the national
territory is demonstrated, social assistance, social security benefits, those relating to health, educational and social
payments, those relating to access to goods and services available to the public, including access to the procedure
for obtaining public residential housing, unless otherwise provided; participate in local public life, with the forms and
within the limits established by current legislation, use the services and services provided by the public administration;
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EU residence permit for long-term residents. (Residence card for foreign citizens) | State Police
The alien holding an EU residence permit, issued by another Member State, can stay in Italy for more than 3
months, for:
exercise an economic activity as a regular worker; attend
study or professional training courses; stay, demonstrating
that you have sufficient means of subsistence (income greater than double the minimum amount provided for the
exemption from health care expenses) and by taking out health insurance for the entire period of stay. In this case,
the alien holder obtains a renewable residence permit upon expiry, while family members will be issued with a
residence permit for family reasons.
Prohibitions and Revocation
It is not possible to apply for an EU residence permit in the following cases:
for reasons of study or professional training and scientific research; for
stays for temporary protection or in special cases of residence permit introduced by the Decree Law 4 October
2018 n. 113 converted into Law 132/2018; for possession of a short-term residence permit; to diplomats,
consuls, persons who enjoy equivalent functions and members of accredited representations in international
organizations of a universal nature
The EU residence permit is revoked:
if acquired fraudulently; in case
of expulsion; when the conditions
for the release are lacking; in case of absence from the
territory of the Union for a period of 12 consecutive months; in the event of obtaining a
long-term residence permit from another Member State of the European Union; in case of absence from the
territory of the State for a period exceeding 6 years.
(modified on 23/01/2019)
EU residence permit for long-term residents
EU residence permit for long-term residents. (Residence card for foreign citizens)
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Circular issued by the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of 16 November 2010 (/statics/21/allegato_2.pdf)
1 MB (Megabyte)
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