Uploaded by Deja McGee

Essay on Writing: Revision, Style, and Personal Expression

Deja McGee
Dr. Bailey
Eng 101
Writing can be viewed in many ways. You can make a sentence and that sentence can
have different meanings behind it. How you present your writing could be an eye opener for
different readers. For example, you could write about a topic of your choice but, if it is not
delivered in a certain manner, it could possibly not reach your audience. Everyone has their own
writing style.
No person will ever use the same words for a paragraph. An Example of this is when
typing about numbers you may type it out as “Twenty-Three” instead of using the actual number
“23.” In social media, it is common to text words as “ur,” or “ive” because it is faster and more
efficient than typing “you are” and “I have.” Writing for me is a way of expression. It is a way of
letting go, without anyone having to know your thoughts. We are always writing, even when we
don’t think we are. Whether you are an outstanding writer or not that great, good writing has a
meaning to you. To me, good writing is when it all flows together nicely and makes your reader
stay interested. How I know I have written something well is when I’m proud of how my paper
looks and how it has come together.
What I've always wanted is to be a good writer and in order to do this I know; I need to
learn how to grasp revision. Editing, proofreading, revising, fixing grammatical errors, and re-
reading, are important in revising. Editing isn't re-writing your paper; it’s about getting better
and learning as a writer. To improve the text I write, I edit words, sentences, styles, and go
through multiple drafts. When revising, I take into consideration my readers, what I want to
express, and my own style of writing that makes my writing unique and stand out. My voice
needs to be heard because my writing is my own individual craft.
When I write, the ideas come out clearly. The latest trends in technology keep me
motivated to write. The most important thing that I dread about writing is that my views may not
be very well received with everyone. For many reasons, but for the obvious reasons, people may
not like my content because I have unfavorable opinions about a topic. For me, it is frustrating
and disappointing because of the substantial number of hours I have devoted to the content and
not able to express with what I most resonate with.