The Monomyth – The Hero’s Journey Status Quo (The Ordinary World) Call to Adventure Resolution (Return with the Elixir) Assistance (Mentor Help) New Life (Resurrection) ORDINARY WORLD Return (The Road Back) Departure (Crossing the Threshold) SPECIAL WORLD Trials (Tests, Allies, Enemies) Result Approach Treasure (The Reward) Crisis (The Ordeal) Character Archetypes: 1. Hero- Average Joe (so the audience can relate): starts small and gains wisdom and confidence 2. Herald- Changes the course of the story; starts the hero on their adventure (doesn’t have to be a person) 3. Mentor- A wise presence that guides the hero and gives advice 4. Guardian- Here to stop the hero from progressing until he proves his worth 5. Trickster- Creates mischief and comic relief; sometimes the sidekick 6. Shape Shifter- Character changing their role in the story (sometimes more than once) 7. Shadow- The main enemy; the ultimate evil character 8. Ally- A friend who helps the hero along the way