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Age of Exploration Test Review

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Age of Exploration Test Review
1. Why did Europeans begin to explore? What was the motivation? Provide at least two
2. Identify two effects of European exploration.
3. Why did China recall Zheng He and the treasure fleet? How did the course of Chinese
history change?
4. How did the Japanese respond to their fears of Western influence, such as the spread of
Christianity and the use of guns?
5. Identify and explain the significance of the following terms:
a. Water-tight compartments:
b. Caravel:
c. Columbian Exchange:
d. Prince Henry the Navigator:
e. Joint-Stock Company:
Name: _____________________________
Due on: ______________________
6. Complete the diagram below of triangular trade.
7. How did the Columbian Exchange affect the following regions?
Old World
New World
8. The Commercial Revolution consisted of the creation of a European economy based on
trade with an emphasis on mercantilism. What is mercantilism? How does it work?
9. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? How did it work?
Name: _____________________________
Due on: ______________________
10. Complete the social pyramid below of the castas, or social classes, of Latin America.
11. How was the development of the Atlantic Slave trade different from slavery of the past?
12. Syncretism is the amalgamation, or combining, of different religions, cultures, or schools
of thought. The Atlantic Slave trade created many new syncretic cultures in the New
World. What is one example of a syncretic development in the New World?
13. Explain the effects of the Atlantic Slave trade on the following regions:
a. Americas:
b. Africa:
14. How did the Ming Chinese desire for silver affect the global market?
15. Why did some countries have joint-stock companies and others did not?