stepliDieistilledwithappropriatecemountof scooter stepz Toppundrcomesdownbcampress hepowder Bottompunchejects steps oreleasethetablet Diehasa specificdiameter Tablet isejected p Restricts the amount d powderauerredindependant onthepositionofthelowerpunch upon compressionairisremoved fromtheparticles s punchrises Toppunch compression Allows Bottompunch controls amountof powderletin upondeformatioritstumed UHasolid tablet Yes force lost to the sides face that comes from the bottom Force at the top should be equivalentto theface at the bottom weloseforcelothe sides becausethe sidesof thetop Punchtouchesthesidesof the die wall friction K D This eq gives the ratio of before 1 the op t bottom frictioncoefficient depthofthe die diameterof the die Ifpaandpb arethesamevalue thenaurratiowoubel e g L As we compress theporosityis reduced moresoluble slowrelease Foundin theBP Don'tneed memorise For tablets of 2 APIS Both APIs are known tointeract so you want to keepthemseparated fromeach other Compressoriginal tabletin a die then compress that tablet in another die so the second API coats the first