Course: Leadership GROUP ASSIGNMENT 2: ETHICAL PRINCIPLE DEBATES Format of report to submit: Power Point Handout Value: 20% Submitting via email (soft-copy) and submit to lecturer (hard- copy) Presentation: 20 minutes WHAT ARE THEY? The Ethical Principle Debate is an in class exercise which comprises 5% of your grade. We will take a scenario and each team will be assigned at random one of the ethical principles we have studied. Half the teams will be tasked with develop a rationalized argument using the concepts of the principle, present it and defend it. The other half will be assigned the task of trying to debunk the argument showing the weaknesses in the principle. WHEN ARE THEY? The debates will take place during class. If you are not in class you will get a ZERO (0) for this portion of the grade. There is no way to make it up. Sorry. HERE IS HOW IT WILL WORK Step 1: o We will randomly pick Ethical Principles and sides of the argument for each group. You will have an opportunity to put yourself in a group and if you do not do so you will be assigned a group. o The Ethical Principles are Egoism, Utilitarianism, Theory of morality Kantian, Theory of JusticeJohn Rawls o The scenario on which you need to base your decision will also be passed out Step 2: o Those assigned with making their argument must meet with their group and develop the argument and write a summary of the position (short) down without any explanation or reasoning for why they came to this conclusion except it must include the other choices you considered (not why you chose the one you did). o Those assigned with debunking the argument can meet and discuss based on the scenario what they would think they would say to debunk it and what strategy they will use. o Everyone must read the other debates scenario as well! Step 3: o Those assigned with making the argument must give those assigned with debunking their argument their summary. o IF YOU DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR SUMMARY, IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT FOR THE OTHER SIDE TO PREPARE AND THEY WILL BE AT AN EXTREME DISADVANTAGE SO YOU WILL LOOSE HALF OF ANY POINTS YOU ACHIEVE DURING THE DEBATE TOWARDS YOUR GRADE. Step 4: o Everyone should finish their preparations Step 5: @Ms. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung (FTU) Page 1 Course: Leadership o THE DEBATES. WE WILL HAVE TWO SETS OF DEBATES WHAT WILL THE DEBATE ITSELF LOOK LIKE? All of the groups assigned the same scenario will debate at the same time. So we will have two rounds of debates. We will work through each principle one at a time. When your principle is called you will come forward and o First those that developed the solution to the scenario will give their solution AND the reasoning behind it demonstrating the elements of the principle used to reason and reach the solution. REMEMBER you have to follow the principle not just your own convictions. You cannot deviate the principle in the way you reason, which might mean you come to a different conclusion than you personally would on your own or even in this group we formed. o Then those charged with debunkin from g the theory using your solution and rational to do so will have time to ask questions and you will answer them with factual not argumentative answers o Then those charged with debunking the theory will have a short period to plan o Then those charged with debunking the theory will present their argument why your solution cannot stand (NOTE: this is not why you disagree with the solution or what an alternative or better solution would be). You MUST start from the premise that the solution is faulty even if you personally or as a group would agree with it. The purpose of what you are doing is to show using the solution put forth, the principles flaws. This is more difficult then setting up the solution using the theory so you will get 10 points towards your grade simply because you are on this side of the argument. o Then the solution side will have a short time to prepare if they reserved time for rebuttal argument o Then the solution side will get to rebut what you said if they so choose. o DURING the debate the REST OF THE CLASS will think about what they like about the theory and what they do not like about the theory o At the end of each theory we will take time for short discussion o At the end of all 4 theories we will tie all the debates together as best we can and move to the other set of debates After the debates are over o Your team will turn in the reasoning behind their solution or the different elements used to debunk the solution. Essentially this will give you a chance to show me your thought process and work even if there is not enough time to thoroughly do this during the debate. This will be due after you debate and does not have to be in any special format. I just want to see your notes. o ADDITIONALLY, you will be asked to take the notes you took in the audience and develop your own solution to the scenario you listened to (NOT THE ONE YOU DEBATED ON) based on an Ethical Principle you develop using the elements you liked of the other theories or the elements that you believe best need to be used in this scenario. You will provide a description of your theory and a list of the elements and how they interact. o You will also answer the following question: DO YOU THINK ALL SCENERIOS SHOULD BE RESLOVED USING THE SAME EHTICAL PRINCIPLE ONCE YOU SETTLE ON THE BEST PRINCPLE FOR YOURSELF OR DO DIFFERENT SCENERIOS WARRANT THE USE OF DIFFERENT ELEMENTS FROM DIFFERENT PRINCIPLES? @Ms. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung (FTU) Page 2 Course: Leadership o You will turn in your ideal solution and description of your principle as well as the answer to the question on THE DAY BEFORE DEBATING. Late papers will only get NO credit. o Your answers will be part of your debate grade. THE DEBATE TIMING Each side will have 7 minutes to present their arguments. The solution side of the argument may reserve time for rebuttal if they want but they do not have to it is up to them. Each side will have 3 minutes during their planning time So a debate will look like this o Solution presentation 5 minutes teams choice to be determined before you start o Clarifying factual questions 2 minutes o Planning for debunking team 2 minutes o Debunking argument 5 minutes o Planning for rebuttal (if solution team has opted for a rebuttal) 1 minutes o Rebuttal 0-6 minutes depending on how much time the solution team decided to reserve o Questions and answers and comments from the audience This process will be repeated for all 4 principles with the same scenario Then we will do the same for the other scenario YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE ALL OF YOUR TIME TO GET A GOOD GRADE JUST USE THE TIME YOU NEED Due to time constraints not everyone will get to debate on Tuesday. We will try and finish on Wednesday but if we cannot we will finish on Thursday EXPECTATIONS All team members will participate and contribute All team members will talk at some point in the debate how you split up the talking is completely up to your team Outside class work will be done to thoroughly understand your theory and prepare well reasoned solutions and arguments Outside class work and significant thought will be given to coming up with your own principle and solution as well as to answer the question posed Teams will work together using team work GRADE This exercise is worth 15% of your grade If you are absent you will get a ZERO If you turn your written material late it will not be given credit towards your grade Your grade in all instances will be based on how well you understand the principle, how you apply the principle to the scenario to arrive at the solution or debunking process. NOT on what your solution or arguments are. Grade will be split as follows o Teamwork 40% Team grade o Reasoning 30% Team grade o Participation at the debate 20% Individual grade @Ms. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung (FTU) Page 3 Course: Leadership o Written notes 10% team grade (before group debate) o (You will also answer the following question: DO YOU THINK ALL SCENERIOS SHOULD BE RESLOVED USING THE SAME EHTICAL PRINCIPLE ONCE YOU SETTLE ON THE BEST PRINCPLE FOR YOURSELF OR DO DIFFERENT SCENERIOS WARRANT THE USE OF DIFFERENT ELEMENTS FROM DIFFERENT PRINCIPLES?) QUESTIONS Contact me at Structure of debate (12-15’/round) Solution team (10’) 1. Solution: (5’) 3. Planning+ answer questions (2’) 6. Planning to prepare rebuttal (1’) 7. Rebuttal (1-2’) Debate team (10’) 2. Ask questions (optional to ask 1-2 questions) 4. Planning to debunk (1’) 5. Debunk (5’) 8. Rebuttal (1-2’) Guideline for Group assignment 2: Solution team Case 1: Ethical Your team plays role of Sarah & her firm dilemmas in fashion Your team is required to: advertising - identify the ethical issues - suggest the solution how to solve the problem based on the selected ethical theory Debate team Your team plays role of firms’ Clients & Community Your team is required to: - review the solution suggested by Solution team - make argument about suggested solution based on the selected ethical theory Case 2: Battling over bottled water Your team plays role of Michigan residents & Michigan residents & local Indian tribes, local government. Your team is required to: - review the solution suggested by Solution team - make argument about suggested solution based on the selected ethical theory Your team plays role of Nestles company Your team is required to: - identify the ethical issues - suggest the solution how to solve the problem based on the selected ethical theory @Ms. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung (FTU) Page 4 Course: Leadership PEER REVIEW SHEET PLEASE FILL IN THIS FORM AND ATTACH TO YOUR GROUP REPORT STUDENT CANDIDATE NO: % * STUDENT CANDIDATE NO: %* All group members contributed equally (please tick) Date: / / Signatures: * Where a group member’s contribution has been assigned as less than 100%, the Group-work Management Diary will be consulted. If it is clear that the individual has not contributed to clear and well defined standards of group performance / attendance then their mark will be adjusted in-line with the percentage from the Peer Review Sheet. Alternatively, if each group member has contributed equally, then the relevant box can be ticked and all group members will receive the full mark for the assignment. All group members must sign the form. The assignment will be counted as late until this form is submitted. @Ms. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung (FTU) Page 5 Course: Leadership @Ms. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung (FTU) Page 6