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final report

Digital Kisan Application and
Website for Selling Crops Online
Submitted By
Muhammad Bilal Akbar
Mohsin Ali
Shahan Naveed
Project Supervisor
Dr. Muhammad Rizwan
March 2022
DigitalKisans is an anticipated service platform for benefit of poor farmers. It is mainly aimed to
deliver “buy and sell” services for crop growers and consumers. There is great need for such online
market place that specifically deals with farmers and buyers. It is observed that whole sellers usually
work as middle men for agricultural transactions and take bigger share of profit, on the other hand
farmers are deprived of good returns for their labor. This results into exploitation of growers as well
as consumers rights. The middle man actually invests his money, purchases crops from farmers at
much low price and stocks. Then he hikes the price for the buyers lately. They become richer and
richer overnight by looting people. In covid-19, everything is shifted online, we usually like to
purchase household from online platform. We also want to digitalize our farmers through this mobile
application. In order to facilitate business activity between buyers and sellers without introducing
middle man, we are presenting www.DigitalKisans.com. We have almost completed our app and
website for this purpose.
Use the following undertaking as it is.
I certify that research work titled “Digital Kisan Application and Website” is my own work. The
work has not, in whole or in part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been
used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged/ referred.
Signature of Student
Muhammad Bilal Akbar (18-CP-02)
Mohsin Ali (18-CP-14)
Shahan Naveed (18-CP-52)
Signature Supervisor:
We are grateful to ALLAH, our creator, our steadfast pillar, our source of inspiration, knowledge,
and comprehension. We would like to thank our teachers, parents and seniors who helped and guided
us whenever we needed. Especially we would like to thanks our industry advisor Asad-ur-Rehman,
our teacher and our supervisor Dr. Muhammad Rizwan, without their help and knowledge sharing
we would not be able to complete this project in time. His quality of teaching and deep analysis of
everything is something which I will remember all my life. I'd want to show my appreciation to
everybody who helped me in any way during my project.
Table of Contents
Abstract................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Undertaking ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Background & Scope ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Aims & Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 7
Aim ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Deliverables.............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.6 Tools used ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.7 Organization of Thesis ............................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2: Literature Review............................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Existing System ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Advantages ................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 3: Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Research ................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Mobile Application ................................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 4: Software Simulations ........................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Register or sign in .................................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Users ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Admin ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Future plan ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
References ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 1.1: Class Model
Figure 4.1a: Register Form
Figure 4.3b: Login Form
Figure 4.2: User Interface
Figure 4.3: Admin Interface
2.1 Introduction
Governments, private organizations and the general public are often interested in the
decisions of Pakistani farmers. Because they have a huge influence on the farm. 7 or more
according to the survey, millions of Pakistanis are agricultural laborers. Farmers also play a
major role in the growth of Pakistan's GDP. Agriculture is clearly one of the most important
departments. Which promote the development of the Pakistani nation.
DigitalKisaan is a promising service platform for the benefit of poor farmers. Its main
purpose is to provide "buying and selling" services to producers and consumers. There is
great demand for online marketplaces that only serve farmers and shoppers. We found that,
in general, the entire seller acted as an intermediary for agricultural transactions and
accounted for most of the profits, while farmers were deprived of good profits from their
labor. Therefore, the interests of farmers and consumers are being utilized. Real middlemen
invest their money and buy and store crops from farmers at very low prices. Next is the
recent price increase for buyers. By robbing people, they became more and more prosperous
overnight. With CoVID-19, everything works online. We usually prefer to shop at home
from online platforms. We also want to digitize farmers through this mobile app. We offer
http://www.DigitalKisans.com to facilitate business activities without introducing intermediaries
between buyers and sellers.
Create an online portal that you can access from our website and companion app. Our
platform provides online advertising postings and other services for Pakistani farmers,
including user interactions, tutorials, discussion forums, news and tutorials.
2.2 Problem Statement
As we move to modern technology, we find that many engineering-related applications are of
great help in improving society. This is a world of technology where people use their
smartphones to complete their daily tasks. Shopping, bill payment, work management, etc.
The idea of this project is to incorporate that feature into people's lives so that the food they
buy can be purchased directly from the farm. So that the profits reach the farmers directly. In
Pakistan, farmers are still poor and indirect to them because they follow the agricultural
supply chain. Brokers are profitable and ultimately enrich them. Therefore, to break this
indirect supply chain
For sale, we can use this application to enable farmers to connect directly with their
customers and sell. Therefore, since the farmer deals directly with the customer, the price of
the product that the farmer provides to the customer is also affordable to the customer. It
helps both the farmer and the customer, allowing the customer to save some money and the
farmer to get the additional benefits entitled. The world is embracing modern technology. At
this age, everything will go digital. Therefore, farmers must also become digital farmers.
They have to sell their crops through an online platform. Its purpose is to provide "buying
and selling" services to producers and consumers. It is an online market specially designed
for farmers and buyers. Farmers face many problems during harvesting. They are looking for
someone who will reward them well for their efforts. Fortunately, if someone buys it at
harvest time, he feels free and has no tension to send his crops to market. When I met not
only the farmers but also the students of the Faculty of Agriculture, one of the problems was
that many farmers could not get the true value of the harvest as intermediaries are looting
2.3 Background & Scope
In this modern world, everything needs modernization, we searched near us, is there
anything that still works with the old way and is not associated with the modern world. We
found that, in this modern era, our farmer is still working on old customs. A man takes his
crops at cheap prices and gets a great benefit after storing and selling in winter when prices
rise. We searched that many applications are working which are helping formers to get the
best update about weather and news about crops, but there is no application in Pakistan which
give them best platform to sale their crops, fruits, machinery, and poultry. We arrange
meetings with farmers to get their opinion, and we give them the idea that if we provide them
such a platform will they use it or not, or do they want to add something to this idea. They
agreed to use this, and they really liked our motive for them.
The boundary of this project will cover all items for sale and purchase by farmers. The farmer
can buy seeds, fruits, crops and poultry. Similarly, this application will also provide
entertainment for those who live in major cities and want to buy wheat, fresh fruit, eggs etc.
2.4 Aims & Objectives
2.4.1 Aim
We aim to deliver online platform “DigitalKisan” application and website which are going to
connect people in online agriculture market place.
2.4.2 Objectives
DigitalKisans website
DigitalKsans android App
User Friendly GUI
User Accounts
Customizable Ads
Discussion forum
2.5 Deliverables
We are providing the best mobile website that anyone can access by
logging into our website or mobile application. Very easy to use and designed based on
farmer's suggestions and concerns, farmers can easily find everything. First, whether you
are a farmer or buyer, all you have to do is enter your email address, name and password to
create an account.
If you are already a member, you can easily access them simply by entering the email
address and password that you set. If you forget your password and want to set or retrieve a
new one, just enter your email address and you will have access to your password. This
website also helps to provide notifications and suggestions from our team.
Figure 1.1:Class Model
2.6 Tools used
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Java with SDK
Android Studio
2.7 Organization of Thesis
Organization of this thesis comprises Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review,
Methodology, Implementation and Conclusion.
There are a variety of Mobile app developments in the marketplace, designed to make
farming easy. Some mobile applications have been designed to specifically provide
information services to farmers. In this work, we are looking for some existing plateform that
are available on the internet.
3.1 Existing System
There is no computerized system for the Farmers to sell their products. Currently, the farmer
goes to the nearest market and places his product as a special agent. The agent told the farmer
to visit the market after a certain time to collect the cash received from the produce. The
agent sells the product to another agent or dealer at this market price.
Each agent seeks to reduce its commission. There is no way for farmers to know about this
issue and at what price their produce is sold. There is no transparency. In different markets,
there is no facility for farmers to know the prices of the products.
Where they can sell their products and make more profit.
Farmers will know the current market prices and their product demand. Farmers can make
more profit by selling their products in my mobile application. Be transparent about current
market prices and demand for their products. Eliminate intermediaries and their commissions.
4.1 Research
We researched before going on this trip because we are about to entertain and sell to old
people, so we met with them. We gave them the idea of selling and buying seeds, crops, and
fruits online. Many questions were raised by us, some questions were also added by
agriculture students, and they helped us to solve all the questions. We were wondering if we
were going to take a step back as it is an important part of our project ownership, and we just
want to know if our farmers like it or not, we wonder if we will. Will be considered or
accepted. But thank God, everyone praised us and told us they would be interested.
4.2 Mobile Application
To make the application available, we select Android Studio, a programming language that
we have selected Java. In addition, we get all content from the Internet, such as logos,
images, color shapes, and many other vectors used in this application. We've built our entire
application into XML files, to connect them, we've used Java and especially OOP concept
builders, method overloading, inheritance. We organize our code in Java classes and use
The application is very simple and easy to use for users. First, when you open a mobile
application, there will be a splash screen followed by a login form. If you are a new user, you
will need to provide your name, email and password to access this platform. After all
these actions, you will see a homepage where you will be served some ads that have been
approved by the administrator. There are two options, first you can call the farmer directly or
if you are busy and want to show these ads then you will like the ad so that you have access
to it.
How the mathematical/algorithmic model given in methodology chapter is implemented in
Software/hardware or simulated. It can also have flow charts, ASMs to elaborate the details. It can
have graphs/ Screen Shoots of the results, Packet Traces, Images etc. It is also important to discuss the
scenario in which the experiment was conducted including the assumptions made during this process
and data set taken.
5.1 Register or sign in
First, when you open our application you get a splash screen with a login and it will take you
to the login page. If you are already a member, log in and provide your email and password.
If you have forgotten your password, you will need to provide us with your email ID where
we will provide a link to update your password. If this is your first time visiting our platform,
you will need an account to proceed. You can easily create your account by providing
information about yourself.
Figure4.1a: Registration Form
Figure4.1b: Login Form
5.2 Users
In the user interface, you find a different menu of Home, Category, Favorite and setting.
When you log in to the application you will get a home page screen interface where you
found different ads on vegetables, grain, fruits, and many more things. If you like anything
which is a favorite to you, you can save it by just liking it and can access it easily when you
visit again. If you want to sell something then in the setting interface you have to provide
information of the product which you are trying to sell, you will add units price, quantity, and
all the appropriate information regarding that ad.
Figure 4.2: User Interface
5.3 Admin
Figure 4.3: Administrator Interface
The movement in agriculture will continue to raise the quality of agriculture and help the
peasantry to improve the rural economy. These applications offer innovative, dynamic and
interconnected services. However, in today's modern world, there are still many ground level
challenges that remain. There are many challenges for mobile applications in agriculture,
some of which have been discussed. It is important that applications as an option transmit
information in regional / national languages.
In addition, it is clear that some basic work must be provided in the regional / national
language for the adoption and dissemination of relevant information. Today, smartphones are
available in many platforms such as Windows Mobile, Android and iOS. Mobile and tablet
versions. Mobile applications must run across multiple platforms to allow maximum
technology transfer.
While our application and website still require substantial changes, we have a lot of work to
do on the database. We will also expand the interface and create a chat box for
communication between farmers and buyers so that they can satisfy each other on our
platform. At the Web site, we still need to make the improvements that we will be doing this
semester this semester.