INVESTIGATION OF WISCONSIN SQUIRRELS: USE OF GUD TO ASSESS BEHAVIORAL CHANGES CHLOË GULBRONSON, CORINN FRITZ, RHIANNON CORZOLLA, AND COLLIN NUTTING University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point INTRODUCTION The risk-taking behavior of a species is related to our ability to predict the survival of said species. The optimal foraging theory states that when an individual searches for food in its environment, it will choose the foraging method that has the highest energy benefit, for the lowest energy cost (Kie, 1999). The most effective foraging mechanism is passed on through natural selection, driven by social learning from offspring to parent. This affects an individual's overall fitness, environmental adaptations of a species, and, in turn, the individual’s ability to reproduce. The risk-taking behavior of a species in an environment can be either beneficial or detrimental to said species depending on the environment. With the consideration of the optimal foraging theory and the survival of a given species, we can begin to understand the exchange between populations and behavioral adaptations based upon ecological effects. The optimal foraging theory is necessary for survival and, thus, the reproduction of the species. This is based upon the attainment of food in each environment. Obtaining food provides an individual with energy but searching and obtaining the food requires energy. This exchange is influenced by risk versus gain ratios due to predatory size, the quantity of food available, and energy costs (Bowers, Jefferson, & Kuebler, 1993). In order to quantify the foraging behavior of a species, the giving up density is measured. The giving up density is the amount of food leftover in a designated area. Differing environments and regions within an environment on an individual influence the giving up density in a species. In this study, we focus on the effects that forest and college environments have on the foraging behavior of different species in the family Sciuridae based upon the measurements of giving-up densities in these environments. Individuals that were more willing to approach a tray near a perceived threat (i.e. humans), displayed risk-taking behavior. Squirrels in the environments in which the trays had lower giving up densities were riskier. Additionally, we focused on the effects that the amount of cover had on the overall risk-taking behaviors of these individuals. Squirrels that were more willing to approach a tray that wasn’t undercover and left them exposed to predation were considered to display risk-taking behavior. We focused on measuring the risk-taking behaviors on the different environments and the presence of cover. We tested the null hypothesis that environment (habitat) and location (region) have no effect on the giving up density of squirrels. Deviations from this null will be used to make inferences concerning human and predator impacts on squirrel behavior and their populations. METHODS To collect data, research was conducted at three campus locations at UW-Stevens Points and three off-campus locations at Schmeeckle, a nature reserve in Stevens Point WI. The on-campus locations where in heavy used foot traffic areas, near sidewalks and academic/campus buildings. Off-campus locations were in wooded areas off the trail and away from most human contact. In data collection site were labeled as Campus 1-3 and Schmeeckle 1-3. In order to collect sample data, trays were set out for eight days total at each site. For each set of data collected, two trays were set out, with one tray at the base of a tree, and the other tray 10 feet away from a tree. The tree offers an easy escape route for a squirrel, which is not available in the tray further from a tree. Each tray contained about 10 grams of shelled sunflower seeds and 3 liters of sifted sand. Trays stayed out for about 8 hours, typically being put out around 9:00 am and picked up around 5:00 pm. After collecting trays, the sand is sifted, and any remaining shelled sunflower seeds measured. Using the mass of sunflower seeds before and after, a giving up density, or GUD, can be calculated to show the mass of sunflower seeds eaten during the day. These values will help us to determine if squirrels prefer foraging near easy escape areas or are willing to travel further from a tree to find food. RESULTS Our data base included a total of 6 sites over which GUDs were measured for 240 8 hour trials. Most of the trials provided information that grey squirrels were present in the environment tested with some level of certainty. Within the 240 trials, 50% (120) of these were in a campus environment and 50% (120) of these were in a forest environment. In some cases were all 10 g removed from the tray in the 8 hour period. There are a number of differences between the GUD among the different environments. The most noticeable difference was between the mean GUD in the near and far tray on the campus environment (Fig. 1). The near tray have a mean GUD of 6.86 grams while the far tray had a mean GUD of 7.99 grams. ANOVA showed that trays on the campus near cover oftentimes had squirrels remove more sunflower seeds than the trays far away from cover (P=0.029029). As the tray moved closer to cover, the GUD decreased in the campus trays. In contrast, the trays in Schmeeckle showed no significant difference based upon their relative cover (P=0.276513). The data for the near and far trays at the Schmeeckle sites were very similar, with their means being 6.12 for far and 6.47 for near. The difference in region of the trays also provided significant differences. When comparing the GUD between Schmeeckle and campus, GUD in Schmeeckle is much lower (Fig. 2). This difference is significant, based on our t-test analysis (P=0.00474289). This data shows a significant difference between the two habitats (deciduous forest and college campus). An additional variable we analyzed was the variation of season over the duration of the tests. There is a notable difference in the spring and early fall compared to mid fall (Fig. 3). Plotting this data on a box-and-whisker plot provided a visual representation that displays the mean and range among the three seasons. The difference between spring and early fall in comparison to mid fall showed to be significant by ANOVA analysis (p=0.0000821). As the seasons changed into colder seasons, the GUD decreased in all trays. DISCUSSION Our data reveals several factors affecting squirrel foraging behavior. Based on our environmental study, we see a trend that squirrels are more likely to forage in a deciduous forest environment when compared to a college campus environment. This is in contrast with Bowers and Breland (1996), who stated squirrels in high-density urban areas were more likely to produce lower GUD than compared to their forest controls. Our results reject our hypothesis. There are several explanations that may bring these results. In the study done by Brown and Breland, their forest environment was in Sky Meadows State Park, which does not frequent many visitors daily. Squirrels in this environment are rarely exposed to human presence and the implementation of this study may have brought about the addition of more human presence. This additional human presence may have brought the association of an increased risk, leading to a smaller GUD. With a perceived increased risk in predation, the squirrels could have avoided the trays intentionally. Contrastingly, squirrels in an urban environment may be more accustomed to human presence and would be more likely to forage the tray, resulting in a lower GUD. An additional explanation is the season that the experiment was conducted. Their trials took place in the summer, beginning in July and ending in August. During these times, the vegetation in the forest is in season, which provides many additional food sources for the squirrels in their forest control areas. In urban environments, this additional vegetation may not have been available, leading the GUD to be lower in comparison to that of the forest environment. The data involving the tray distance and environment reveals a pattern as well. The difference in the GUD between the near and far trays in the Schmeeckle environment showed no significant difference; however, the difference in GUD between the near and far trays in the campus environment showed a significant difference. This could be due to the amount of cover provided in each environment. In a deciduous forest environment, there are trees providing cover for most of the forest floor. Although the far tray was under direct cover of the tree of which the trays were placed, the tray may have had additional cover from other trees. Because of this, there is no difference in the perceived safety or possible escape routes of the near and far trays based on cover. In the campus environment, the amount of trees are limited. The cover provided by the tree provided safety, as it was a quick escape route from predators. This led to the lower GUD in the near tray in the campus. Our results contrast the results of Nowak, Riahi, and Ward (2018). Their mean GUD between distances of trays proved to be insignificant in both a forest and urban environment. This could be due to the presence of climbing structures in their urban environment. The presence of more climbing structures for the squirrels in the urban environment would lead to the perceived safety despite the distance of the placed trays. This would cause all trays to have relatively the same GUD, making the differences insignificant. The data involving seasons reveals a pattern based upon temperature. The difference in GUD was not significant in the spring or early fall; however, the difference in GUD in mid fall proved to be significant. During mid fall, the temperature begins to decrease. The winter that follows bring a scarcity of food, causing squirrels to forage for more food. As this time was approaching, the squirrels sought out additional food in preparation. This sudden drop in temperature altered the squirrel’s foraging behavior to begin foraging more food. Young (2013) shows an example of this changed behavior. Young showed that when given a choice between walnuts, peanuts, acorns, and sunflower seeds in the winter months, squirrels are more likely to forage walnuts, due to their high caloric input. When these results were compared to those of the autumn months, the percentage of walnuts foraged was significantly higher in the winter compared to the autumn. This shows the importance of the consideration of scarcity of food and how that factor takes a role in the selection of food versus risk associated. A possible result of inaccuracies that may occur is the unfamiliar sunflower seeds, sand, and trays. Measured in this experiment is the behavioral responses to novel situations rather than to a common situation. As the GUD in the forest environment was significantly lower, it shows that the sunflower seeds seemed to be quite attractive to the squirrels in this environment. The fact the GUD did not decrease to as low of a level in the campus environment does not necessarily show that the sunflower seeds were less preferred but rather that more profitable food items were most likely available in other nearby areas. This is due to human interaction with this environment, either with disposed or dropped food products. Figure 1. Comparison of the mean GUD of sunflower seeds in differing environments and regions. Significant differences were indicated by different letters. GUD at near and far distances for the environment in Schmeeckle are not significantly different from one another. Figure 2. Box-and-whisker plot analysis of GUD in regions of Schmeeckle and campus. Note the significantly lower GUD in Schmeeckle. Nowak, T., Riahi, S., & Ward, M. (2018). Shyness and boldness in squirrels: risk-taking while foraging depends on habitat type. Eukaryon, 14, 185-186. Young, Aimee. (2013). Foraging Behavior of Eastern Gray Squirrels on the University of Maine Campus. Honors College. 136. Figure 3. Box-and-whisker analysis of GUD dependent on seasons. Significant differences were indicated by different letters. GUD during the spring and early fall were not significantly different from one another. Table 1. The analysis of variance for the study done comparing spring, early fall, and midfall. REFERENCES Bowers, M.A., & Breland, B. (1996). Foraging of Gray Squirrels on an Urban-Rural Gradient: Use of the GUD to Assess Anthropogenic Impact. Ecological Applications, 6(4), 1135-1142. Bowers, M. A., Jefferson, J., & Kuebler, M. (1993). Variation in Giving-Up Densities of Foraging Chipmunks (Tamias striatus) and Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). Oikos, 66(2), 229-236. doi:10.2307/3544809 Kie, John G. (1999). Optimal Foraging and Risk of Predation: Effects on Behavior and Social Structure in Ungulates. Journal of Mammalogy, 80(4), 1114-1129.