Tardy Sweepers PREPARED BY: PRODUCTION COMPANY: PREPARED FOR: DATE: TOTAL RUN TIME: 0:00 VERSION: NOTES: VIDEO 1. 00:00 2. 00:00 3. Medium shot (of Bryson and Emilio walking from the left side to the right also moving closer to the camera AUDIO IMAGE BRYSON ______ So you're the new guy? EMILIO ______ Yeah, still haven't got my outfit Long sho(of Emilio and Bryson stoping and looking at the camera close up (of Bryson taking his sunglasses off BRYSON _______ look at that 00:00 1. Tardy Sweepers 4. close up shot(of Emilio EMILIO ______ What are they doing 00:00 5. long shot (of students skipping class 00:00 6. close up shot (of Emilio 00:00 7. EMILIO ______ aren't they supposed to be in class extreme close up (of Brysons eyes 00:00 2. Tardy Sweepers 8. 00:00 9. 00:00 10. 00:00 11. 00:00 close up shot(of Bryson putting his sunglasses back on(then walks out of shot to the left BRYSON ______ we got some tardies close up shot (of Emilio(Bryson walks behind him(Emilio turns to look at Bryson walk past then follows him close up shot of Bryson and Emilios feet then pans past the moves up to show both of them medium shot of (Bryson and Emilio walking up on the students 3. Tardy Sweepers 12. STUDENT1 ________ we're just heading to class 00:00 behind the shoulder shot(of Bryson talking to one of the students 13. close up shot(of student2 STUDENT2 ________ yeah we're just heading to class 00:00 14. 00:00 behind the shoulder shot(of Bryson pushing student1 while he smiles 15. long shot of everyone 00:00 BRYSON ______ the bell already rang you're tardy 4. Tardy Sweepers 16. 00:00 17. close up shot(of student1 on the left and Bryson on the right staring at each other Bryson walks out of shot STUDENT1 ________ My slip is in my bag close up shot(of Emilio laughing EMILIO ______ yeah right we know that's a lie long shot of everyone (Bryson searched the bag STUDENT1 ________ I already told you its in the bag close up shot(of Bryson BRYSON ______ hey, where is it 00:00 18. 00:00 19. 00:00 5. Tardy Sweepers 20. close up shot of Bryson searching the bag STUDENT1 ________ its in the first one medium shot of Emilio EMILIO ______ Dhall sucks man y'all are going to sit there doing nothing (starts to laugh at the end) 00:00 21. 00:00 22. medium shot (of Bryson taking out the slip 00:00 23. 00:00 close up shot (of the slip then Bryson pulls out his phone BRYSON ______ this is from yesterday 6. Tardy Sweepers 24. close up shot(of Emilio EMILIO _______ ha bozo 00:00 25. long shot of everyone 00:00 26. close up shot (of Bryson BRYSON ______ alright what's yawls names 00:00 27. 00:00 long shot (of everyone the students run away student1 pushes Emilio to the floor 7. Tardy Sweepers 28. close up shot of Bryson running ________ BRYSON ] stop 00:00 29. extreme long shot of student2 running 00:00 30. long shot of Emilio standing up EMILIO ______ get back here 00:00 31. medium shot of Bryson chasing student 1 00:00 8. Tardy Sweepers 32. medium shot of Bryson running 00:00 33. medium shot of Bryson chasing student 1 00:00 34. 00:00 35. extreme long shot of student2 running then Emilio follows behind EMILIO ______ Dhall isn't so bad medium shot of Bryson running BRYSON ______ come here 00:00 9. Tardy Sweepers 36. behind the shoulder shot of Bryson chasing student1 00:00 37. medium shot of Bryson running BRYSON ______ come on man medium shot of Emilio running out of breath EMILIO ______ slow down lets take a break medium shot of Emilio running student 2 runs in the background EMILIO _______ please man 00:00 38. 00:00 39. 00:00 10. Tardy Sweepers 40. long shot of Emilio stoping 00:00 41. long shot of student2 running to the camera 00:00 42. long shot of Emilio EMILIO ______ stop stop please 00:00 43. medium shot of student 2 running to the camera 00:00 11. Tardy Sweepers 44. close up shot of Emilio EMILIO ______ stop close shot of Bryson chasing student 1 BRYSON ______ slow down 00:00 45. 00:00 46. medium shot of Bryson jumping 00:00 47. extreme long shot of Bryson talking student1 00:00 12. Tardy Sweepers 48. close shot of student one running at the camera 00:00 49. close up shot of Emilio EMILIO _______ stop.......stop 00:00 50. medium shot of student 2 ramming passed emilio 00:00 51. 00:00 medium shot of Emilio on the floor student 2 runs away behind 13. Tardy Sweepers 52. close up shot of Bryson handcuffing student1 00:00 BRYSON ______ should of just done what you were told STUDENT1 ________ come on man BRYSON ______ should of been on time 53. close up shot of Emilio standing up 00:00 54. close up shot of Bryson BRYSON ______ I got one long shot of Emilio running to Bryson(then they hug Bryson spins both of them EMILIO ______ we got one 00:00 55. 00:00 BRYSON _______ we got one 14. Tardy Sweepers 56. 00:00 57. long shot of Bryson and Emilio still spinning student1 is on the floor medium shot of Bryson and Emilio yelling at student1 00:00 58. 00:00 59. 00:00 BRYSON,EMILIO _____________ we got you (then they start laughing long shot of Bryson and Emilio walking back Into school(like badasses fades into a shot of them with a explosino in the back while they put their sunglasses back on 15.