Uploaded by Mark Steel

Biodiversity: An Introduction

1.1 Biodiversity –
An Introduction
 About
1.3 million species have been discovered by
 Are there any more species to discover?
 YES!
New species are discovered daily.
It is estimated that there are approximately 8.7 million species on
 Biodiversity
is the variety of life in the world
 It is the result of millions of years of evolution as organisms adapt
to changes in their environment.
 Since biodiversity allows systems to change over time to adapt
to their changing environment, it is used as a gauge of the
health of biological systems.
In other words, high biodiversity = healthy system
Low biodiversity = unhealthy system
What is a Species?
 General
definition: A group who’s members are able to freely
breed under natural conditions and produce fertile offspring.
 Interesting cases:
Morphology in asexual species
Levels of Biodiversity
 There
are three levels of biodiversity:
Genetic Diversity
Species Diversity
Ecosystem Diversity
Genetic Diversity
 Genetic
diversity is the sum of all the different forms of genes
in a species (gene pool)
 Due to unique DNA from parents
 Genetic diversity helps to ensure the survival of a species.
Genetic Diversity
 What
would be an example of a population with low
genetic diversity?
 What
is the downside to this?
Species Diversity
 Refers
to the variety and abundance (# of individuals) of
species in a given area
 Having a variety of species allows ecosystems to survive
environmental changes such as drought and disease
Ecosystem/Structural Diversity
 Refers
to the diverse physical sizes and shapes of a habitat,
the various organisms that live in the habitats, and the
relationships that connect them.
Ecosystem Diversity
 Without
the action of each species, the ecosystem and
other organisms may not be successful.
Ie. Interaction between heterotrophs (animals) and autotrophs
Ecosystem Diversity
 Each
species has a role to play in the function of the ecosystem.
Without one of the species, the whole ecosystem could collapse
Ecosystem Diversity
 Biodiversity
does not only refer to large ecosystems.
 1 cubic meter of soil contains trillions of bacteria and millions
of other organisms such as earthworms, mites, fungi, and
algae. All of these organisms interact with each other and
wouldn’t be able to survive without each other
Ecosystem Diversity
 Humans
(and other living organisms) are walking ecosystems!
 We have about 100 trillion micro-organisms living on us and
inside us right now (ie. bacteria in our intestine)…and we need
them just as much as they need us!
Walking Ecosystem
 We
have developed a symbiotic relationship with the
microorganisms that live inside us (unless it’s a pathogen)!
 The bacteria live in our intestine, and in return they help to
break down the food that we consume and keep yeast levels
in check.
Walking Ecosystem
 What
happens if we disrupt our “walking ecosystem”?
Valuing Biodiversity
 Ecosystems
that have high biodiversity are healthier and more
resilient to changes in the environment.
 Biodiversity helps to maintain life-sustaining processes such as:
Insects, bats birds, and other animals pollinate flowering plants and
Micro-organisms make nutrients available and break down toxic
substances in water and soil
Ecosystems cycle carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen
Ecosystems clean air, purify water, control erosion, prevent floods,
and modify climate
Keystone Species
keystone species is a species that has a disproportionately
large effect on the ecosystem in which they live
 The presence or absence of a keystone species can have a
dramatic impact on the ecosystem
Case of the Honeybees
 North
America once had more than 4000 different types of
native animals that pollinated plants
 When settlers form Europe brought honeybees, the
honeybees outcompeted most of the native pollinators
 Many of the native pollinators became extinct, leaving
thousands of plants reliant on honeybees to be pollinated
 In one year, a single honeybee can gather 40 lbs of pollen
and 265 lbs of nectar
Case of the Honeybees
 Recently,
honeybees have been dying at a drastic rate.
 This is occurring for 3 reasons:
 Reason #1: Increased use of pesticides is killing all insects,
including honeybees
Case of the Honeybees
 Reason
#2: The Varroa mite
 The varroa mite is a parasite that infests beehives and sucks
on the bees’ blood until it dies.
 The mite also carries several bee viruses including the Israeli
Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) which immobilizes bees and kills
 Over time, these mites have become resistant to pesticides,
and more powerful pesticides have been needed to
control them
Case of the Honeybees
 Reason
#3: Bee Farms
 The increasing industrialization of bee farms has created
populations of honeybees that have very similar genes (low
genetic diversity).
 Honeybee populations with similar genes have limited
resistance to parasites, poisons, and pollutants
Case of the Honeybees
 Why
is the decline of honeybees
Case of the Honeybees
 Why
is the decline of honeybees important?
 If honeybees die, the thousands of plants that rely
on them for pollination will also die
 If the flowering plants die, all organisms that feed
on these plants would also die.
 In turn, all carnivores that feed on these herbivores
would die
Case of the Honeybees
 Why
is the decline of honeybees important?
 We would have no more:
 Honey
 Fruit (except pineapple and bananas)
 Very little pork and beef products
 Coffee and cooking oils
 Medicinal plants
 Pg.
13 #2,4,6,7,10