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Communicable Diseases Guided Reading Worksheet

Name: _______________________
Date: _____________ Class: _____
Chapter 23 Guided Reading: Communicable Diseases
Lesson 1
___________________________ a disease that is spread from one living organism to another through the
environment. Such illnesses are also known as __________________ and _________________ diseases.
Communicable diseases occur when __________________ enter your body. If your body does not fight off the
invaders quickly and successfully, you develop an ________________, a condition that occurs when pathogens in
the body multiply and damage body cells.
Two of the most common communicable diseases ______________ and ______________are caused by viruses. A
virus is a ___________________________________________________________________________________.
___________________ do not work against viruses.
Bacteria are _______________________________________ that live almost everywhere on earth. Diseasecausing bacteria can produce ___________, substances that kills cells or interfere with their functions.
Other types of organisms that can cause communicable diseases include the following: _____________,
______________, and _______________.
Knowing how diseases are ________________ is your first line of defense against them.
Many pathogens are transmitted through direct contact with an infected person. This includes:
Pathogens are often spread by a __________, an organism that carries and transmits pathogens to humans or
other animals. Common vectors include: ____________________________________.
_______________________________________ is the single most effective way to protect yourself from catching
or spreading disease.
Lesson 2
Many communicable diseases occur in the _________________________ , the passageway that makes breathing
possible. This passage way includes the ___________________________________________________.
Colds, influenza, pneumonia, strep throat, and tuberculosis are the most common _________________________.
The common cold is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the ___________ ________________.
Influenza, or the flu, is a viral infection of the _______________ _________.
In severe cases, the flu can lead to __________________, an infection of the lungs in which the air sacs fill with pus
and other liquids.
Pneumonia can be cause by a ______________________________________________.
Strep throat is a _____________ _____________ spread by direct contact with an infected person or through
airborne transmission.
Tuberculosis or (____) is a bacterial disease that usually attack the _________. It spreads through the air.
___________________ is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the liver. There are five different types of
hepatitis but the most common types are A, B, and C. Symptoms include ______________, a yellowing of the skin
and eyes. Some people also develop _____________, or scarring of the liver.
Name: _______________________
Date: _____________ Class: _____
Chapter 23 Guided Reading: Communicable Diseases
Lesson 3
There are two kinds of barriers that help protect you: ________________ and _________________. Physical
barriers such as ______, block pathogens from invading your body. Chemical barriers, such as the enzymes in
_______, destroy those invaders.
Your _____________ ______________ fights pathogens using two major strategies: inflammatory response and
specific defenses.
An Inflammatory response is a ___________________________________________________________________.
In addition to the inflammatory response the immune system triggers specific defenses in reaction to certain
pathogens. This process is called the _____________ _____________.
_____________, substances that can trigger an immune response.
_____________, the state of being protected against a particular disease.
The ________________, a specialized white blood cell that coordinates and preforms many functions of specific
immunity, plays an important role in the _______________ ______________. There are two types of lymphocytes:
__ cells and __ cells.
B Cells have just one job: producing antibodies. An ____________ is a protein that acts against a specific antigen.
The different purposes of antibodies include:
______________ to antigens to mark them for destruction
______________ invading pathogens
______________ viruses from entering body cells
There are two types of immunity: _____________ and ______________.
Vaccine, a preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that are introduced into the body to ________________
an immune response.
Agencies such as the ________________________________ and the ____________________________________
keep a constant watch on the spread of diseases around the world.
______________________ reduces the number of people who are at risk for a communicable disease.
Lesson 4
Other ____________ _______________ with serious health concerns include HIV/AIDS, Lyme disease, West Nile
Virus, SARS, Mad Cow Disease.
An ____________ is a disease outbreak that affects many people at the same place and at the same time.
Sometimes a disease becomes a _____________ --- a global outbreak of an infectious disease.
Pathogens become drug-resistant in a three-step process:
Pathogens _______ the body and cause illness.
______________ attack the pathogens.
The pathogens that survive the antibiotics _____________, creating a new generation of drug-resistant