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Statistics Introduction for Engineers

Lecturer #1: Introduction
What Do Engineers Do?
➢ An engineer is someone who solves problems of interest to society by the
efficient application of scientific principles. Engineers accomplish this by
• Refining an existing product or process
• Designing a new product or process that meets customers’ needs
➢ The engineering or scientific method is the approach to formulating and
solving these problems
Engineering method
Develop a clear
Identify the
Propose or
refine a model
the model
Conclusions and
Statistics Supports The Creative Process
➢ The field of statistics deals with the collection, presentation,
analysis, and use of data to:
• Make decisions
• Solve problems
• Design products and processes
➢ It is the science of learning information from data.
➢ The measurements obtained in experiment/research
study are called the data (sample).
➢ The goal of statistics is to help to organize and
interpret the data.
Types of Data
Marital Status
Are you registered to vote?
Eye Color
(Defined categories or groups)
Number of Children
Defects per hour
(Counted items)
(Measured characteristics)
➢ The entire group of individuals is called the population.
➢ For example
• The population of third-grade children.
• Grade point averages of all the students in your university.
• Incomes of all families living in Ho Chi Minh city.
➢ Usually populations are so large that a researcher
cannot examine the entire group. Therefore, a sample
is selected to represent the population in a research
study. The goal is to use the results obtained from the
sample to help answer questions about the population.
Random Sampling
➢ Simple random sampling is a procedure in which
• Each member of the population is chosen strictly by chance,
• Each member of the population is equally likely to be chosen,
• Every possible sample of n objects is equally likely to be
➢ The resulting sample is called a random sample
Relationship between POPULATION and SAMPLE
The role of
Learning Outcomes
➢ After completing this course, students will be able to:
• Use basic ideas and methods of descriptive statistics.
• Handle the concept of probability theory and its
mathematical implementation in the context of discrete and
continuous stochastic models.
• Apply some important estimation and test methods and
interpret the results (inferential statistics).
➢ Text Book:
• Montgomery, Runger: Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers,
➢ References
• Online Statistics: http://onlinestatbook.com/
• Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics:
• http://onlinestatbook.com/2/calculators/t_dist.html
• https://web.ma.utexas.edu/users/davis/375/popecol/tables/f005.html
• Anderson, Sweeney, Williams: Statistics for Business and Economics
• Mario F. Triola, Elementary Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Central Tendency, Variability and z-score.
Discrete Random Variables
Continuous Random Variables
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing II
Analysis of Variance
Simple Regression
➢ Statistical techniques are useful for describing and understanding
• By variability, we mean successive observations of a system or
phenomenon do not produce exactly the same result.
• We all encounter variability in our everyday lives, and statistical
thinking can give us a useful way to incorporate this variability into our
decision-making processes.
• Statistics gives us a framework for describing this variability and for
learning about potential sources of variability (represented by factors).
Variability (Example)
➢ An engineer is designing a nylon connector to be used in an automotive
engine application. The engineer is considering establishing the design
specification on wall thickness at 3/32 inch, but is somewhat uncertain
about the effect of this decision on the connector pull-off force. If the
pull-off force is too low, the connector may fail when it is installed in an
engine. Eight prototype units are produced and their pull-off forces
measured (in pounds):
12.6, 12.9, 13.4, 12.3, 13.6, 13.5, 12.6, 13.1.
Variability (Example)
• The dot diagram is a very useful plot for displaying a small body of data say up to about 20 observations.
• This plot allows us to see easily two features of the data; the location, or
the middle, and the scatter or variability.
Variability (Example)
• The engineer considers an alternate design and eight prototypes are built
and pull-off force measured.
• The dot diagram can be used to compare two sets of data
Is it possible that the thicker prototypes affect on the pull-off force?
Variability (Example)
➢ There is variability in the pull-off force measurements
➢ We consider the pull-off force to be a random variable
where  is a constant and  is a random disturbance
Statistical inference
Figure 1-4 Statistical inference is one type of reasoning.
Collecting Engineering Data
➢ In the engineering environment, the data are almost always a
sample that has been selected from the population. Three
basic methods of collecting data are:
• A retrospective study using historical data
Data collected in the past for other purposes.
• An observational study
Data, presently collected, by a passive observer.
• A designed experiment
Data collected in response to process input changes.
Designed experiment
➢ Hypothesis Test:
• A statement about some aspects of the system in which we are interested.
• E.g: the mean strength exceeds 12.75 pounds
➢ One-sample hypothesis test:
• Example: Ford avg mpg = 30 vs. avg mpg < 30
➢ Two-sample hypothesis test:
• Example: Ford avg mpg – Chevy avg mpg = 0 vs. ≠ 0.
Factor experiment
➢ Use a small number of levels.
➢ A very reasonable experiment design strategy uses
every possible combination of the factor levels to
form a basic experiment.
Factor experiment
➢ Consider a petroleum distillation column:
• Output is acetone concentration
• Inputs (factors) are:
1. Reboil temperature
2. Condensate temperature
3. Reflux rate
Output changes as the inputs are changed by experimenter.
Each factor is set at 2 reasonable levels (-1->low and +1->high)
8 (23) runs are made, at every combination of factors, to observe acetone output.
Resultant data is used to create a mathematical model of the process representing
cause and effect.
Factor experiment
Table 1-1 The Designed Experiment (Factorial Design) for the Distillation Column
Factor experiment
Three-factorial design
An important advantage of factorial experiments is that they
allow one to detect an interaction between factors.
Factor experiment
Factor Experiment Considerations
• Factor experiments can get too large. For example, 8
factors will require 28 = 256 experimental runs of the
distillation column.
• Certain combinations of factor levels can be deleted
from the experiments without degrading the resultant
• The result is called a fractional factorial experiment.
Factor Experiment Considerations
A fractional factorial experiment is a variation of the basic factorial
arrangement in which only a subset of the factor combinations is actually
Observing Processes Over Time
➢ Often data are collected over time. In this case, it is usually
very helpful to plot the data versus time in a time series plot.
➢ Phenomena that might affect the system or process often
become more visible in a time-oriented plot and the concept of
stability can be better judged.
Observing Processes Over Time
Use of Control Charts
Understanding Mechanistic & Empirical Models
➢ A mechanistic model is built from our underlying knowledge
of the basic physical mechanism that relates several variables.
Example: Ohm’s Law
Current = voltage/resistance
I = E/R
I = E/R + 
• The form of the function is known.
Understanding Mechanistic & Empirical Models
➢ An empirical model is built from our engineering and
scientific knowledge of the phenomenon, but is not
directly developed from our theoretical or first-principles
understanding of the underlying mechanism.
➢ The form of the function is not known a priori.
Example of empirical model
• In a semiconductor manufacturing plant, the finished
semiconductor is wire-bonded to a frame. In an observational
study, the variables recorded were:
• Pull strength to break the bond (y)
• Wire length (x1)
• Die height (x2)
• The data recorded are shown on the next slide.
Example of empirical model
Example of empirical model
In general, this type of empirical model is called a regression model.
The estimated regression relationship is given by:
Example of empirical model
Visualizing data
Example of empirical model
Visualizing the Resultant Model Using Regression Analysis
Models Can Also Reflect Uncertainty
• The process of reasoning from a sample of objects to conclusions for a
population of objects was referred to as statistical inference.
➢ How can we quantify the risks of decisions based on samples?
Furthermore, how should samples be selected to provide good
decisions—ones with acceptable risks?
➢ Probability models help quantify the risks involved in statistical
inference, that is, risks involved in decisions made every day.
➢ Probability provides the framework for the study and application of