Business Project Plan Presenter Name | Company Name Project Description Brief description of the project Our Financial Goal Sell start-up for USD$75m in 2026 The Problem – for Australian Business Paying a large % of total takings to international global dominant hosting sites. Comes from a central hub. The Empire Website is always in communication with a property management system called Little Hotelier – Owners pay $148 subscription month – all 3rd party booking systems funnel through this interface. There are hundreds of business like this – you sub to their service and all information comes in via that Trevago Expedia Communicate through the one hub Little Hotelier and that on communicate with the Empyre Hotel. Each month they get an invoice for this commission which is payable that month. Questions to answer Paying a large % of total takings to international global dominant hosting sites. Comes from a central hub. The Empire Website is always in communication with a property management system called Little Hotelier – Owners pay $148 subscription month – all 3rd party booking systems funnel through this interface. There are hundreds of business like this – you sub to their service and all information comes in via that ub Trevago Expedia Communicate through the one hub Little Hotelier and that on communicate with the Empyre Hotel. Questions to answer Is Little Hotelier the MYOB of small operators ??? What role do they plan what is their income stream source who are their competitors. Market Share etc etc What is the relationship if anything from Trip Advisor? How does that work…its ubiquitous yet how do they make their money. Understand profit models for digital site /podcasts/ website based on traffic…profit streams ???? What is googles role in this? Will the support a disruptor of their biggest travel customers … What of travel agent – Robyn WOW Travel What about travel agents? What of their commissions? Project Scope How to record a conversation ? For interview recording Describe the work to be accomplished To scope what it would take to become a successful Australian based channel. Won’t pay 12-15% to us for the booking & 10% gst which they must pay not the booking agent Interest rate? “ we lose 25% on every booking” What’s the purpose or business need for this project? Is there a relationship to other projects? Who are the stakeholders? What work is out of scope for this project? Objectives Identify overall project objectives: Technical objectives Schedule objectives Cost objectives Special objectives Non-goals Deliverables What products or services will your project deliver? Include client requirements Success Factors Identify elements that are key to the success of the project, such as: Satisfied clients or stakeholders Met project objectives Completed within budget Delivered on time Project Team Roles and Responsibilities [Full Name] Project Manager [Full Name] Administrative Assistant [Full Name] Member Role [Full Name] Member Role [Full Name] Member Role [Full Name] Member Role Implementation Tasks/activities Procedures Tools/technology Project change control process DYA: define your acronyms! Resources People Equipment Locations Outside Services Manufacturing Sales Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Cost Analysis Annual Cost $1 400 000 $1 200 000 $1 000 000 $800 000 $600 000 $400 000 $200 000 $Parts and materials Salaries Office lease Insurance Vehicles Project Schedule and Milestones Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 • Date • Date • Date • Date Risk Management Plan Risk Budget cuts may reduce staff, affecting project scope and schedule Probability Impact Owner Mitigation Plan Medium High Project Manager See appendix for a phased implementation plan Quality Management and Performance Measures Define quality management plans How will you monitor and control costs? How will you monitor and control schedule? Appendix Reference supplementary materials and resources