Uploaded by Hassnain Ali

Selenium Testing in Python Presentation

Testing in Python
Features of Selenium
Automation supportive
Handling Multitude of test cases
Speed control
Multi Browser support
Multi Language support
Handling of Dynamic Web Elements
Selenium is a prominent open source apparatus that
designers and specialized analyzers use for web program test
computerization and cross-program testing.
Tests can be composed with normal programming
dialects, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python,
Ruby and Scala.
• Selenium is a test device that enables you to compose
mechanized web application UI tests in any programming
dialect against any HTTP site utilizing any standard
JavaScript-empowered program.
Selenium comes in two sections
• A server which can consequently dispatch and slaughter
bolstered programs, and goes about as a HTTP intermediary
for web demands from those programs. Variant 1.0 of the
server was called Selenium Remote-Control (RC), adaptation
2.0 was called WebDriver.
• Client applications that send orders to the Selenium server in
an exceptional dialect (called Selenese) that reveal to it
what operations to perform on the propelled web program.
Selenium likewise offers adaptability as far as composing
test scripts. It is a bit much that if the application is produced
in one programming dialect, the scripts ought to be composed
in a similar dialect.
It is free of the dialect in which the site is made. For
instance, if the application under test is produced in Python, it
is not required that the scripts be composed just in Python, the
test scripts can be composed in either JAVA or .Net.
Unit Test (Libraries)
from lib2to3.pgen2 import driver
import unittest
import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
import time
Purpose of test
• To check page content
– Search Results
• Titles
• Type
– Headings
– Event and response