Student-centered teaching and learning benchmarks Student-Centered Teaching and Learning focuses on the needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles of the students and has many implications for the assessment of curriculum, course content, and interactivity of courses. Accordingly, a prominent pedagogy will be teacher-as-coach, to provoke students to learn how to learn and thus to teach themselves, rather than the more traditional teachercentered learning with teacher-as-deliverer-of-instructional-services, which places the teacher at its center in an active role and students in a passive, receptive role. This pedagogy acknowledges student voice as central to the learning experience for every learner and requires students to be active, responsible participants in their own learning. To capitalize on this, teaching and learning should be personalized to the maximum feasible extent. Decisions about the details of the course of study, the use of learners’ and teachers’ time, and the choice of teaching materials and specific pedagogies must be unreservedly placed in the hands of the staff and learners. Benchmark Descriptors Practice is reflected in learner outcomes Assessment matrix Benchmark Pupils take leadership in classroom, present their work, and facilitate groups Pupils take ownership of their reading, writing, and learning to develop, test, and refine their thinking Pupils engage in talk that is accountable to the text or task, the learning community, and standards of reasoning. Learning is negotiated and directed by learners The content and delivery of instruction is culturally responsive and respects and builds on the diverse resources and experiences of learners in the classroom The school community uses best practices in language acquisition to support academic development and support in both English and native languages Pupils work in flexible, cooperative groupings to solve problems and analyze texts to demonstrate understanding of a task or concept through multiple perspectives The school supports the inclusion of all learners Learners consistently develop their own reasoning around concepts and ideas and can articulate the processes and thinking they engaged in while grappling with a task or idea Tick Comment 1 Learner centered Benchmarks Peter Merckx May 2015 Learners listen to one another as well as to their teachers, and they exchange different ideas to build upon and apply new learning and approaches to their own understanding of a concept or idea that increase in complexity Pupils apply the habits of mind for reading, writing, and thinking in various genres and disciplines Learners make connections, pose questions, and explore solutions as a means to engage in real-world scenarios and application transfer. They apply knowledge to different contexts and scenarios. Talk and focus in all groupings use multiple strategies. Learners use physical environment and discussions about group roles to explore various concepts and apply them to different scenarios or problems Teachers plan the types of questions and prompts at multiple entry points throughout a lesson, which build students’ understanding of, and engagement toward, concepts and ideas and their application to real-world scenarios. Each teacher has clear and measurable objectives for what students will know and be able to do as a result of a lesson The arts and vocational interests are included in academic curriculum, increasing learners’ engagement, motivating learners with a variety of learning styles to succeed in high school and pursue higher education, and developing learners’ academic and intellectual growth Schools value the health of all learners, teaching them positive ways to bring balance to life’s challenges and a proactive, positive approach to wellness Learner work is collected in a portfolio representing a selection of performance. A portfolio may include a learner’s best pieces and the pupil’s evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the pieces. It may also contain one or more works-in-progress that illustrate the creation of a product such as an essay evolving through various stages of conception, drafting, and revision Learners are assessed for process, group work, and product Learner voices are connected with adult allies (teachers, families, communities) toward the goal of improving pupils’ life, school culture, learner communities, and learners’ overall development Examples of learner-centered teaching and learning practices include advisory, service learning, internships, and project-based learning 2 Learner centered Benchmarks Peter Merckx May 2015 Practice is reflected in teacher planning and instruction Assessment matrix Benchmarks Thinking and discourse are thoughtful and extend ideas or develop new understanding All learners are challenged and supported in learning at their own level Thinking and work is learning-based, not task-based Teachers have clear and consistent expectations and supports for learner learning, and learners are clear as to what proficient work entails Work is mostly rigorous. Learners can articulate the how and why of their learning Early: Learning about and planning for the practice has become important to the teaching staff Staff development has occurred or been planned around student-centered teaching and learning strategies Teachers have begun to increase their expectations for student learning and engagement Teachers have begun to recognize that they must connect learning outcomes to learners’ needs There is recognition that learners need more support that they are receiving in the current practice and structure of the school Work is still all task- or product-driven Assessment is limited to work habits and does not address learning Planning revolves around content, not student engagement and understanding Tick Comment 3 Learner centered Benchmarks Peter Merckx May 2015