Samuel Castillo Emp 1-18,2022 to 1-26,2020 Nadina Monberg “Average is Over” In the modern time, the crisis of the already high unemployment rate in the United States is still on the trend of rising standards for higher skilled laborers. This is accomplished by new abilities by employers to precisely monitor an employee’s performance to the company’s economic value. Not only this, but the rise of modern technological advances of both agricultural and industrial call for more reliable or conscientious workers. The article “Average is Over” in tales this fact of the ever-growing employment standards of the modern world that is ruining the life of average employee. Like it is emphasized in the title “Average is over” speaks over employers' demand for an only above average skilled employee. This of course is fine and understandable for employers want, but this leads many lower skilled workers to lose their jobs and live in poverty or low-wage jobs because of it. In the perspective of the modern population, since employers have a wider variety in their selection of workers, they could be more selective who they hire. But to make the process easier for them and skipping in losing time and money, they raise that job application standard removing chances to get “average” employees, as it is said the “Average is Over.” The entire article made a good light to the forever continuing advancing historical standards of work, from traditional agriculture to modern industry. The made it interesting to read with all its examples of why the cycle of technological advancement contributed to the changing standards of the workplace. The article gave me the reasons and benefits that are made for both the employees and their employers. Even with reading all these remarkable things, there is one that concerns me, I am concerned for the people (who are a small minority) who are negatively affected by today's employers’ standards. One of aspects of “Average is Over” that would make the article more understandable for the readers would explain what makes an employee average in comparison to his peers. Say we first make a spectrum for employees' effort having to two sides and middle from lowest on the highest on the right. On the right side, there are the workers who try their hardest, work the hours, and help in improving wherever possible. On the left side, there are the workers who do not work the hardest or barely work at all, do not work the hours, and are careless of making improvement. In the middle of the spectrum there is the average employee, one who works hours but does not put all his effort or makes improvements, a worker who does only what he is told. At the last the pages of the article “Average is Over,” it describes the benefits and desire of employers for more conscientious employees. The trait of conscientiousness is like being reliable in doing one’s work or duty and especially ng what is right in moral or for the work. This makes the trait of having conscientiousness well-envied and demanded by employers to be conscientious alone can mean the success of any business. Conscientious is like a base trait that any employee would want to achieve when applying for a job. Work Cited: Assignment 1_Average is over.docx